If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 252: [Big Brother Rank 1]

"Rollo sauce?"

Chen Yilang was stunned for a moment, stunned by the sudden voice.

He looked at the screen of his mobile phone, only to realize that he clicked somewhere on the screen when he didn't know, but he clicked into a live broadcast room.

Chen Yilang glanced at it, only to realize that it turned out to be the live broadcast room function in the "Nearby People" friendship module in the Penguin software.

I really can't blame Chen Yilang for not being able to recognize this thing right away.

Because of this function of "Nearby People", he has indeed not used it for a long time...

Brother Lang can vaguely remember that the last time he opened "Nearby People" was several years ago.

At that time, staying at home was a bit of a pain in the ass. Because it was too boring, I turned on the "Nearby People" function on a whim.

He set the gender to female, then changed the avatar to Heisi's royal sister, and finally added the finishing touch and changed his signature to "Old cockroach is at home".

That night, the young and ignorant Chen Yilang suddenly opened the door to a new world...

So suddenly entering this live broadcast room is indeed quite unexpected.

However, this really aroused Brother Lang's curiosity.

After all, at that time, live broadcasting was not very popular.

People who play nearby are basically limited to text chat and shaking mobile phones, and they are not as colorful as they are now.

"Welcome 'Sorrowful Little Langlang' to join the live broadcast room, good evening boss!"

Luo Luojiang said in a silver bell-like voice.

Her voice is relatively high, a typical Lolita voice, which belongs to the kind of tone that can instantly break the defense of the copper smelting master.

Chen Yilang was indifferent to this, after all, he was not voice-controlled, but he knew that there must be many people who liked this.

For example, the first brother on the list... If you carefully count his fan value, it will probably cost several thousand yuan all together.

Although it is indeed not a large number, it is quite good for Luoluo sauce.

Because her total number of fans is only a few thousand fans.

And usually, the number of fans does not actually reflect the real situation of fans, because a large part of them are zombie fans, so the real active fans are probably less than half.

And just looking at the number of active people in the live broadcast room can roughly count seven, seven, eight, eight... All in all, Luo Luojiang is just a small anchor.

So according to the principle of online big data push, Chen Yilang should be sent to Luo Luojiang's live broadcast room for no reason.

So the only reason can only be - distance.

Because what is displayed on Chen Yilang's mobile phone is that the distance between Luo Luojiang and Chen Yilang is less than 100 meters.

And although this number is displayed, it is entirely possible that the actual distance is closer, because the system cannot display it at all if the distance is less than 100 meters.

"One hundred meters?"

"In other words, this girl is in NTU?"

"And it seems to be quite close to me..."

Chen Yilang involuntarily searched for nearby places in his mind, and then a new guess soon appeared.

——Could it be in the East Seventh District opposite?

On the east campus of Nanxuan University, the layout of the dormitory buildings in the Xindongyuan area has always been very interesting.

Because here, East Sixth District is a dormitory for boys, while East Seventh District is a girls' dormitory.

The most puzzling thing is that the two dormitory areas of East Sixth District and East Seventh District are only separated by a small road that is not very wide.

In other words, many times, when Chen Yilang stood on the balcony outside the dormitory corridor at night, he wanted to stay here quietly for a while, look up at the stars, and listen to a few slightly emo songs...

He would be embarrassed to find out that he was looking across the bank from some girls in the opposite building.

Then I can only sneak back to the bedroom in a daze...

He didn't want to find out when he got up early the next morning that he had been photographed and put on the wall, and then the title was "There is a dead pervert in the Dongliu dormitory area peeping at the girls' dormitory at night"...


The way you arrange the dormitory area is very embarrassing!

"Forget it."

"Watching female anchors at night usually hurts the body, so I'd better choose to sleep."

Chen Yilang thought so in his heart, when he was about to leave the live broadcast room.

But I just heard Luo Luojiang's voice again: "Okay, then next, Luo Luojiang will bring you a song by Jay Chou!"


Chen Yilang was stunned for a moment, and then he suddenly found out, good guy, it turns out that this Luo Luojiang is a singing blogger...

Hearing this name, he thought that Luo Luojiang was the kind of bad street anchor who wore a black silk dancer.

This made Chen Yilang suddenly interested.

First of all, Luo Luojiang is a singing anchor.

Secondly, she sang Jay Chou.

For Chen Yilang, Jay Chou is his youth...or the youth of their generation.


"Then I'll listen to one song, and then go to sleep."

Chen Yilang thought so, and enlarged the live broadcast screen.

And just after zooming in, he discovered that this Luoluo sauce has always been faceless.

In the middle of the live broadcast screen, just in the position of her face, there is a head of a beautiful sheep, which is just right, quite perfect.

"Lolo sauce Luo Luo sauce, when will you show your face?"

A message from a fan just happened to be swiped at the bottom.

"No, no, Luoluo Jiang is a good-looking anchor, so she can't show her face!"

Luo Luo Jiang replied immediately with her sweet Lolita voice.

When he heard this, Chen Yilang didn't know why, and his heart sank for a while.

Suddenly it got a little dirty, and I don't know why...

On the live broadcast screen, Chen Yilang found another familiar logo above her head.

[The first killer of the lv12 list]

[The first killer: an elusive monster, a very eccentric existence. In this world, the only one who can handle the existence of this kind of monster, there is only another kind of monster called [List of Monsters]. Of course, it may also be pinched...]

Chen Yilang subconsciously glanced at the eldest brother on the top of the list... Well, fortunately, it seems that he is still alive.

"Alright, alright, Luo Luojiang is going to start singing!"

"If you don't sing well, please forgive me, bosses!"

After speaking, Luo Luojiang took out a guitar, and after adjusting the microphone, she began to sing.

And the moment she plucked the strings, Chen Yilang felt that her own DNA was also plucked by her.

The prelude that suddenly sounded in the live broadcast room was a fairly clean and pleasant guitar plucking sound.

When the first series of notes sounded, he heard the song.


This can be called the ceiling song in Zhou's love song masterpiece, the most classic is its extremely recognizable guitar prelude.

I have to say that Zhou Tianwang's arrangement skills are like a proper textbook.

After the guitar sound of the prelude ended, it entered the part of the verse.

At first, Chen Yilang thought that a voice like Luo Luojiang should not be suitable for a song like Sunny Day.

What I didn't expect was that when Luo Luojiang spoke, Chen Yilang knelt down.

Whether it's pitch, rhythm or emotion, Luo Luo sauce is quite just right.

And her timbre that Chen Yilang thought would be a little out of harmony~www.readwn.com~ actually sounds like she has her own style.

"I didn't expect to lose the courage I still have, I really want to ask again..."

"Will you wait or leave..."

After the verse ends, it naturally progresses to the chorus part.

And it is also the most expressive part of the song "Sunny Day".

"Once upon a time, there was someone who loved you for a long time..."

"But, the rain gradually became so big that I couldn't see you..."

"How long before I can be by your side..."

"Maybe I'll be better when it's sunny..."

When the chorus came, Chen Yilang actually sweated silently for Luo Luojiang.

After all, the chorus part is not easy, the treble is quite dense, and the requirements for breath are extremely high.

What Chen Yilang did not expect at all was that Luo Luo Jiang not only did not go out of tune and broke the sound, but also perfectly interpreted it perfectly.

And, not just in the first half.

Throughout the entire song, Luo Luojiang sang it from beginning to end.

After the song ended, the blockbuster barrage drowned the entire live broadcast room, and piles and piles of gifts were constantly refreshed.

Chen Yilang didn't speak, but gave Luo Luojiang a follow, and then swiped two five-dollar gifts, which were considered as a small ticket for this small show.

Not for anything else, just because it really sings well.

Chen Yilang sang so much that he even remembered the girl who wore a ponytail and a white dress in the summer... It doesn't matter who it is, what matters is the feeling.

"This person, I'm going to make a decision."

For some reason, this idea popped into Chen Yilang's mind for no reason.

——As the resident singer of the Flower Club, it was decided that it was her!

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