If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 251: 【Instigate discord】

Chen Yilang knew that he might have asked a question he shouldn't have asked.

Because in most cases, newcomers are not too embarrassed to ask such questions.

And even if you want to ask, it is most likely to find a just right time and a fairly timely excuse before you can pretend to mention it casually.

If you go up and ask directly... that is indeed a little embarrassing.

The most important thing is that most of the freshmen are actually afraid, which will leave a bad impression on the seniors and sisters.

But in fact, this worry is completely superfluous.

Because the seniors who are really more serious will not let their juniors and juniors pay for it for no reason at all.

And Chen Yilang knew this.

Because he also knows well... this [conspirator] senior Cao Ze is probably not a serious senior.

But it was beyond Chen Yilang's expectations. When he suddenly asked such a question, this senior Cao Ze didn't show any trace of panic on his face.

It was as if he had long expected that Chen Yilang would perform such a show for him.

【Ding! 】

[[lv13 Conspirator] used the skill [Strategy], successfully predicted your attack, and successfully evaded! 】

【Your attack failed! 】

"Ah, did I forget to tell you before? I'm sorry, junior."

Cao Ze showed an apologetic smile and said rather embarrassedly.

I think you did it on purpose!

Chen Yilang's mouth twitched slightly, and he couldn't help thinking.

"As for this money, under normal circumstances, it is reimbursed by the department."

"So in this case, you should go to our minister to apply."

"You should know our minister, right? It's Senior Ma Yichuan. He is very talkative. You can ask him."

"Do you have his contact information? Let me push his Penguin to you."

Cao Ze said very enthusiastically.

This extraordinarily enthusiastic operation made Chen Yilang suddenly not very good at it.

This inexplicably made him feel as if he had wrongly blamed Cao Ze.

But Brother Lang is not stunned.

From the moment he saw Cao Ze sneaking water to the side of the Ministry of Literature and Art, Chen Yilang understood that he couldn't believe even a single punctuation mark what this guy said.

However, he still followed Cao Ze's words and went to the minister Ma Yichuan first.

"Hello, Minister, it's me, Chen Yilang..."

Chen Yilang took out his mobile phone and called Ma Yichuan on the spot, explaining the matter to you.

"Oh, so, I understand, I'll arrange the reimbursement right away."

"Don't worry, our department's funding is still very sufficient. If you don't say it, I don't even know there is such a thing."

Ma Yichuan laughed.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for a sum of money to be called from Chen Yilang's account.

A total of thirty-seven dollars.

Chen Yilang was stunned for a moment, and seemed to have discovered something that was not quite right.

- This is the price of a box of water.

There was another tank of water, which was ignored by Ma Yichuan.

Wait a minute, no.

It's not that Ma Yichuan ignored this, but the other box of water didn't appear on the department's side at all.

After Cao Ze took the other box of water back, he took it directly to the literature and art department to show his hospitality to the beautiful girls.

Therefore, this box of water was not prepared for the logistics department at all.

To put it simply and rudely, Cao Ze is using public funds to flirt with girls...

At this point, Chen Yilang fully understood what medicine was being sold in Cao Ze's gourd.

This old vixen... as expected of a [lv13 conspirator].

"What's the matter, junior, is there any problem over there?"

Cao Ze asked with a smile, "Is the minister unable to pass the test? Why don't I tell him when the time comes."

"Our minister is like this. Usually, there are more things, and you are new here, so it is estimated that you may not be able to take care of you."

"Even if he can take care... Sometimes he doesn't necessarily want to take care of him. After all, you haven't been here for a long time, and everyone has not yet seen your abilities. This is human nature, and you have to learn to get used to it."

【Ding! 】

[[lv13 Conspirators] used [Instigate Discord] and attacked you! 】

【Ding! 】

[You successfully saw through the opponent's [provocation], and you are immune to this skill attack! 】

[Instigating Discord: The two units affected by the skill [Instigating Discord] will establish a [Suspicion Chain]. The two units in the [Suspicion Chain] state will greatly increase their mutual hatred and aggression. 】

【Please be vigilant! 】


Has this started?

Chen Yilang couldn't help but sneer.

As expected of a [lv13 conspirator], it really isn't on the same level as other relatively low-level monsters.

This guy... plays with people's hearts!

If Chen Yilang hadn't kept his mind a little bit, I'm afraid he would have been caught in Cao Ze's strategy at this time and turned his attention to Ma Yichuan.

According to Chen Yilang's understanding of Ma Yichuan, the latter is definitely not such a person.

Although it seems that on the surface, Cao Ze is more like it. It can only be said that in this world, he really knows people and faces but not hearts.

"It's okay, it's resolved." Chen Yilang also said with a smile, "Thank you, Senior Cao Ze."

"That's okay, that's okay."

"If there is anything that the Minister can't handle in the future, or if there is something inconvenient to tell him, just come to me."

Cao Ze gently patted Chen Yilang's shoulder and said, "I can help you solve it."

"That's really a big thank you. Senior Cao Ze is really reliable." Chen Yilang took the opportunity to slap Ma Yibo.

"I've won the prize, take care of the newcomer, it's just a little effort, who didn't just come from the newcomer?"

Cao Ze said with a smile, "When I first came, Minister Ma Yichuan was always taking care of me."

"I also looked for Minister Ma Yichuan. After getting his approval, he soon became our deputy minister."

"If there is no major accident, I will be promoted to the next minister in the general election at the end of this year's term."

"So, if you want to eat well in the student council, it's really important to stand in front of the team."

"Well, thank you Senior Cao Ze for your advice."

When Cao Ze spoke, Chen Yilang always kept a polite and humble smile, listened to Cao Ze's words very carefully, and nodded slightly from time to time to show respect.

And what I thought in my heart was hehe, and began to hint again, right...

Or it shouldn't be called a hint, because the meaning of Cao Ze's words is too obvious.

Isn't this just a blatant hint that he is hanging out with him...

The so-called standing against the team, Chen Yilang can think of it with his pectoralis major muscle, which means standing on Cao Ze's team!

And he emphasized the importance of the battle to the team so much, and conversely, it can also be understood as how terrible the consequences of being on the wrong team are...

But of course, [lv13 conspirator] Cao Ze said that this is not what I said, you figured it out yourself, it's none of my business, don't talk nonsense.

And the reason why [Conspirator] wants to do this is actually very obvious.

Chen Yilang could see at a glance that the reason why Cao Ze frantically wanted to have a good relationship with him during this time must be to go to the position of minister.

Because in the general election, every member of the department who does not participate in the election has the right to vote.

Therefore, as long as Cao Ze gets Chen Yilang, it is equivalent to one more vote.

Moreover, while taking care of Chen Yilang, he can also unknowingly pick up the wool of a foolish newcomer, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

And all these plans are indeed under the control of Cao Ze.

He was held tightly by this [conspirator]...

"But it's fine."

"It's not a big problem."

Chen Yilang thought to himself.

Although this first round of confrontation did give Cao Ze the upper hand, he didn't lose much in the end.

It's just over thirty dollars... For the student party, it's just a day's meal.

But this bad breath, Chen Yilang couldn't swallow even if he was beaten to death.

- He has to give Cao Ze some color to see.

"Look, you are being polite again. The word advice is not good enough. We are all students, friends, not teachers, students and superiors."

Cao Ze smiled, "Let's have breakfast together tomorrow morning? Dongyuan's boiled noodles are pretty good. There are usually not many people queuing up on weekend mornings. Are you going?"

"Okay." Chen Yilang agreed without hesitation.

Only this time, if you want to smash wool, don't even think about it...

So, the day's work is over.

Chen Yilang came to Dongmen Food Street to buy dinner tonight, and by the way, brought a few copies for the dogs, and then returned to the dormitory.

As soon as he sat down in the seat, Chen Yilang called Zhang Junlun and asked him how the search for the resident singer was going.

"I can't find it, Brother Lang." Zhang Junlun said helplessly, "One thing to say, the quality of the top ten singers last year was indeed a bit low. The only better champion was a senior, but others have already graduated."

"The top ten last year was a bit difficult to find. Most of the people are busy with postgraduate entrance examinations and graduation thesis at this time. It is estimated that they really don't have time to come to our club to work."

"If we really have to find it, then I think we really can only start from people from other schools."

Zhang Junlun said helplessly.

"Okay, thanks for your hard work."

Chen Yilang didn't say much, and of course he didn't feel discouraged.

Because this result was indeed what he expected.

There are very few singers with excellent professional skills on campus, and the only ones who can start are the students of the vocal music department of the Academy of Arts and the best of the top ten singers.

But even so, compared to many musicians or orchestras in society who rely on this skill to make a living, this is still a lot inferior.

But the biggest problem with off-campus singers is that they can't freely enter and leave the campus now... This is very painful.

Chen Yilang lay on the bed full of food and drink, and after thinking for a while, he was stunned that he couldn't come up with any solution for a while.

I simply let my brain empty for a while, then took out my mobile phone and turned on the dopamine-making machine of modern people - vibrato.

Chen Yilang was lying on the bed, his thumb was frantically pulling the screen, and he kept sliding one short video after another.

"Hey hey hey..."

Then, between the dances of the two-meter long-legged young ladies, there was a not-so-smart idiot laugh. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

This is the happiness of the fat house!

It's a life that those who are charging now can't imagine life...

【Ding! 】

[You swiped a [short video] and got [dopamine x1]! 】

[You swiped another [short video] and got [dopamine x1]! 】

[You swiped a [short video] and got [dopamine x1]! 】

The steady stream of happiness made Chen Yilang gradually start to rise. He felt that his fingers could not stop because the [dopamine] that kept accumulating in his mind was telling him that this was happiness!

Happiness is a medicine that cannot be stopped!

Until Chen Yilang's arm holding the phone gradually started to feel sore, and then suddenly lost his strength.


The mobile phone that suddenly slipped hit Chen Yilang's face heavily.

【Ding! 】

[You were hit hard by the foreign target and suffered a lot of [physical damage]! 】

【HP-452! 】

"I'm sorry!"

Chen Yilang, who was smashed in the head, was shocked and woke up directly from the bed.

And it's a bit of a slap in the face.

When Chen Yilang was depressed, he suddenly discovered that a familiar logo suddenly appeared on the mobile phone in his hand.

【Highlight Marker】.


Seeing this, Chen Yilang felt sleepy in an instant.

The appearance of this mark means that in the plot of the game, there are extra critical props once again.

He immediately got up and quickly turned on the phone screen.

Then I heard some strange sounds:


"Thank you for the rocket sent by the younger brother~"

"Lolo Sauce loves you, touch it!"

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