If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 249: Dragon Slayer Becomes Dragon

After some careful and rigorous thinking.

Chen Yilang quickly discovered the current problems of the Flower Club.

- They also lack a resident band.

And this is something that Chen Yilang discovered not long ago.


The arrival of the Magic Hand team has indeed made the popularity of the Flower Club soar a lot in an instant.

However, most of the traffic attracted by this part of the team is directed at the star halo of the magic hand team.

That is to say.

After they met the magic hand at the Flower Club.

The probability of continuing to come to the club to spend will drop a lot.

After all, they have already seen the person they want to see, and the most fundamental purpose has been achieved.

Even if it's an idol that I miss in my heart, it's not to the extent that I have to see it once a day...


Most of the people will never come to the Flowers Club again to spend when they see the Magic Hands team.

And now it's more embarrassing.

As a comprehensive party hall.

The lobby of the Flower Club is actually the bar area.

So here comes the question.

Since it is a bar, how can there not be the most important thing like a resident band?

Even without a band.

So how do you say, there must be at least one guitarist, right?

Otherwise it's time.

When a large group of broken-hearted pure and innocent lovers get together and sit together, they are staggered.

If no one on stage is singing love songs, with lyrics like "My last love for you is to let go..."

Then the atmosphere at the scene, just thinking about it, it is estimated that I will feel quite embarrassed.

"We also wanted to find a singer who could sing, but we couldn't find it at all."

The store manager shrugged helplessly, "At most, we can only find some bands that are more leisurely in the society and can be settled daily, and those who are stable on the stage are basically impossible to find."

"Yes." Chen Yilang nodded.

He didn't ask any more why.

After all, the answer is conceivable.

Nowadays, colleges and universities are basically in a state of closure. It is difficult for people outside the school to come and go freely, let alone come to work here?

"If you can invite a singer with high professional quality to sing, I think it should be very hopeful to stabilize the passenger flow in the recent period."

The store manager said, "After all, I have received feedback more than once during this period that our lobby atmosphere is too deserted."

"Many students originally wanted to come here for a drink, but they found out that there was not even a resident singer, so they all refused decisively."

"Is that so..." Chen Yilang nodded thoughtfully.

But if you think about it carefully.

What the shopkeeper said was very reasonable.


Chen Yilang just needs to think about it a little bit.

Realize that this is indeed the case.

If it was him.

He doesn't want to stay here and have a drink with his friends now...it's too embarrassing.

Fortunately, the current revenue of other projects operated by the Flower Club is still good.

Especially in the e-sports project, there are still many students who open a few e-sports rooms here to open a black box for the name of the devil, and the benefits are not bad.


At present, the thing that needs to be solved immediately is only the resident singer.


"The most urgent task is to find a suitable resident singer."

Chen Yilang thought to himself.

After walking out of the Flower Club.

After thinking about it for a while, Chen Yilang decided to hand over this matter to Zhang Junlun, a singer of Yin Cao.

This guy is in the singing circle. I heard that every top ten singers in the past will participate, although the singing level of this guy is really hard to describe...

But no matter what, he is also a mixed circle, and he knows more singing lovers than himself.

Yawen Bar


At this time, it is time to play the role of the network.

the next day.

After getting up.

After Chen Yilang washed and brushed his teeth, he came to the back of the auditorium stage early and on time.

Not long after he came in, Chen Yilang saw a lot of people he knew and who he didn't know.

Although before that.

Chen Yilang did get to know a lot of bigwigs in the school by virtue of his ability.

But he just joined the student council.

Everything here, for him, is a brand new beginning.

"Hello, which department is it from? Come here to sign in."

the staff said.

After signing in, the staff also gave Chen Yilang a work card.

After he put the brand on his neck, he instantly felt as if he had penetrated into the enemy's interior...

I even took out my phone, cut out the front camera, and took a selfie with myself inside.

Looking at the work card that was carried on his chest, Chen Yilang couldn't help but be filled with emotion.

once Upon a time.

He is also a rebel who fights against the evil forces of the school's student union.

Who would have thought.

It's obviously not too long.

He actually lived to be the person he hated the most...

can only say.

Dragon slayer, finally become a dragon!

Not long after entering the backcourt.

Chen Yilang found his own organization logistics department.

Not surprisingly.

The job that Chen Yilang accepted was their old job - moving props.

The school celebration party is a fairly large-scale performance~www.readwn.com~ naturally requires a lot of stage props.

The current publishing work of the Ministry of Literature and Art is to arrange the venue, lighting and other props that can create stage effects.

That is to say.

The Department of Literature and Art is equivalent to the brain, while the Logistics Department is the hand.

After understanding this.

Chen Yilang just understood completely.

Why do they say that their logistics department is a pure wage earner.

Listen to this now.

There really is nothing wrong with that...

But Chen Yilang soon found out.

There's nothing wrong with being a wage earner.

After all, they are not like the Ministry of Literature and Art, they need to worry about this and that...

They just need to move things and do chores anyway, no matter what happens, they can't be blamed.

Even more so.

They also have a fishing ability that is completely unmatched by other departments...

So come on.

Chen Yilang suddenly found out.

Coming to the logistics department does not seem to be a bad thing...

Here, he seems to have found his original self.

It's like returning home, everyone is working conscientiously, fishing seriously, and everyone speaks well... It's just love love.

But having said that.

When there is really work to do, everyone will not be neglected.

For example, there is still a lot of work this morning.

Everyone in the logistics department worked very hard.

On the first day of work, Chen Yilang experienced sweating and dry mouth.

During the break, not long after Chen Yilang sat down, Cao Ze came over and said:

"Brother Chen Yilang."

"have time?"

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