If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 248: Koukawa Xiaofu

"Xia Ling?"

"Why is she here too?"

Chen Yilang was slightly surprised. When he was about to step forward to ask about the situation, he saw Xia Ling came over to say hello first.

"Hello!" Xia Ling sent a few cute emojis, "Meet again!"

"Why are you here?" Chen Yilang asked curiously, "I remember you weren't from this department before, right?"

After Chen Yilang thought about it carefully, he just woke up like a dream: "You were also from the logistics department before!"

Yes, that's right.

Chen Yilang suddenly remembered everything.

That was a long time ago. When he first entered military training, he encountered the incident of the logistics department's car breaking down.

Wasn't Xia Ling a member of the logistics department at that time?

At that time, there was also a high-quality human male [The Oil Bucket Monster] who was bullying her. If Chen Yilang had not appeared in time that day, maybe he would still be arrogant now.

"I was transferred to the Literature and Art Department later, hehe!"

"And at that time, the school's student union hadn't officially recruited new students, and I hadn't officially joined the logistics department."

Xia Ling sent a few more tongue sticking expressions, "At the military training party, just after I finished dancing, the senior sister from the Literature and Art Department came to contact me."

"No wonder..." Chen Yilang said, "What about that Peng Qiwen? Did he trouble you later?"

"No, no, no."

Xia Ling said, "After he was taught a lesson by you that night, he couldn't stay in the student council any longer, and finally he asked to withdraw from the club, and now I don't know where to go... But I guess, any one in the school Society, he has no place to live now, right?"

"Shouldn't it be me who should feel strange? If I hadn't heard that you joined the logistics department, I would be stunned now!"

"Haha, also huh..." Chen Yilang said helplessly.

After chatting for a while.

Chen Yilang finally understood all the ins and outs, and figured out why Xia Ling appeared in the Literature and Art Department.

"See you then, I have to go to the rehearsal first." Xia Ling said.

"Okay okay."

Chen Yilang also sent a few emoticons and ended the conversation with Xia Ling.

at this time.

The logistics department meeting is almost over.

Minister Ma Yichuan finally dismissed the meeting after explaining some work precautions.

Chen Yilang walked out of the Mingde Building and looked at the time, just in time to have a brunch.

After eating, you can go back to the dormitory to play games, and play until you are sleepy. When you are sleepy, you sleep until you wake up naturally in the afternoon. It is a perfect one-day weekend arrangement.

Just when he just walked out of Mingde Building not too far.

A greeting came from beside him.

"Brother Chen Yilang."

"Which area do you live in?"

Chen Yilang turned his head to the side, and it was the deputy minister [lv13 conspirator] "Kuchuan Xiaofu" who was talking just now.

"I'm at Xindongyuan, how about you, senior?" Chen Yilang replied.

"Oh, I'm also in the East District, we're pretty close." "Xiaofu Guchuan" laughed, "I didn't have time to introduce myself just now. My name is Cao Ze, a sophomore in the School of Electrical Engineering."

"Senior Cao Ze, give me some advice." Chen Yilang said immediately.

"You're welcome, to say something like that." Cao Ze smiled, "How is it? It's a first time here, so you should be able to get used to it, right?"

"It's good, it's all thanks to the care of their seniors and sisters." Chen Yilang said.

"That's good, in fact, we can all feel that your abilities in all aspects are very strong, especially among your students in this class, your prestige is quite high." Cao Ze smiled, "Wait too much. In a year or two, after we old people abdicate, it will be your turn... At that time, you will definitely have the hope of running for the president of the student body."

"Thank you, Senior Cao Ze, for your praise." Chen Yilang said.

"Xiu Yuan has a meal appointment? It's almost eleven o'clock, have you had breakfast yet?"

"No eh."

"Me too, just right, let's go together."


Under Cao Ze's three words and two sentences.

The two quickly became acquainted with each other.

He even had a dinner appointment at Xiuyuan Restaurant.

Cao Ze's conversation is indeed humorous, and it is easy for people to feel comfortable with each other.

But despite this, Chen Yilang has always kept an eye on it.

- Everything is because the system in his mind has been reminding him.

【Ding! 】

【caution! 】

[[lv13 Conspirators] Launched the skill: Magical Calculations! 】

[Intelligence: The other party activated the skill [Magic Calculation], and conducted a detailed analysis of your panel ability! 】

[The other party successfully obtained your combat power information and harvested a lot of your trust value! 】

Chen Yilang had to admit it.

If it weren't for the system's prompt tone, Cao Ze's attempt was frantically exposed.

Then he really couldn't see Cao Ze's thoughts at all.

After all, Cao Ze, the [lv13 conspirator], is really too professional... No wonder his level is so high.

If it was replaced by other normal new brothers and sisters, it is estimated that he would have been pinched by his gentle and understanding temperament.

"But it doesn't make sense."

"This [lv13 conspirator], why do you want to analyze my combat power?"

Chen Yilang was a little bit out of control.

Isn't he just an ordinary, harmless big and small friend.

So this person is staring at him, is it possible that he has some wrong thoughts?

But for a while, Chen Yilang really couldn't see it...

And one thing to say.

If you leave these things aside.

He and Cao Ze chatted quite happily...

In fact, it is indeed possible that he thought too much.

after all.

This may also be a habit of his as a [conspirator].

Maybe, everyone he knows, he is analyzing the combat power...

That is to say.

Cao Ze may not be targeting himself at all.

It's just that in his eyes, everyone here is just a spicy chicken.

After eating this meal, both of them were still very happy.

After returning to the dormitory.

Chen Yilang did play the game happily as expected, and then slept in the dormitory for an afternoon.

After night.

After Chen Yilang finished his dinner, he slowly came to the Flower Club again.

Yes, that's right.

-Manager Chen, I'm coming to inspect the work.

It's pretty funny too.

In fact, in the final analysis, he is nothing more than a laborer, and he looks very serious.

The most important thing is that the employees in the store are surprisingly cooperative.

Every time I saw Chen Yilang, I would call Manager Chen quite wisely.

At the beginning, Chen Yilang still felt embarrassed and his toes twitched.

until later.

After listening to it more, Chen Yilang's ears began to cocoon, and he became used to it, and gradually he felt nothing.


The heart will be inexplicably a little dark!

And one day.

Chen Yilang also unexpectedly discovered that when he was called "Manager Chen" by others, he actually had the miraculous effect of restoring his health...

【Ding! 】

[You were frantically performed by the [subordinates] [crazy licking], and your health was restored! 】

[[A mad lick] has an effect on you: She Niu! 】

When he heard this, Chen Yilang quickly restrained the buoyant happy mood in his heart.

"Cough, no, no, no."

"This is going to happen."

Brother Lang was deeply aware.

If he gets licked like this again, maybe he will evolve from the state of [social cow] to the state of [expansion].

This is not a good thing. Once the [expansion] rises, the [intelligence value] will fall to the bottom, and won't it become a clown like Lan Jiabin?

As a human being, you still have to be humble, and don't be arrogant, otherwise it will be easy to overturn in a corner.

When Guan Gong carelessly lost Jingzhou, isn't that the reason?

But well.

Having said that.

But as a general manager, he still has to do it when he needs to do something.

Especially when Sister Bing values ​​him so much, he deserves a snack.

When I saw Chen Yilang coming.

The front desk clerk immediately called out "Hello Manager Chen" sweetly.

【Ding! 】

[You are licked wildly by the other party, and the [pleasure value] has been improved! 】

【Ding! 】

[Your sanity and calmness have made you successfully immune to the [Expansion] effect! 】

Ha ha.

Knew it.

You guys are just trying to lick me to the point of insanity, right?

Just kidding, am I the kind of person who can't hold back at all?

"Hello Manager Chen."

Another female voice came from the side.

Chen Yilang looked up and found that it was Tang Yinrou who just happened to pass by.

She obviously hasn't gotten used to the name yet, so her voice sounded a little unnatural.

The tone and demeanor also seemed to be slightly shy, but if you listened carefully, you would find that there was a hint of shyness in the tone.

Oh wow!

That's kind of cool!

Chen Yilang couldn't help but want to raise his tail.

To know.

put before.

Tang Yinrou has always been ignoring him.


After the lottery event that night.

Tang Yinrou completely recognized Chen Yilang's ability.

But of course, this does not rule out the reason why she was taught a lesson by Jiang You...

But anyway.

Cool is right.

But Chen Yilang didn't have time to chat more with Tang Yinrou.

He came to the Blossoms Club tonight and has important things to do.

So not long after entering the store, he went straight to the backstage staff lounge and found the store manager.

The store manager is sitting with the finance manager, chatting about the flow of water in the store recently.

Seeing Chen Yilang appear, he immediately signaled the finance to go out first, and then greeted Chen Yilang and sat down.

"General Manager Chen, I haven't seen you for a while."

"What kind of wind is blowing you this time?"

The store manager smiled.

Since being appointed as manager by Bingjie.

Chen Yilang is also used to all kinds of greasy rainbow farts like this.

"It's nothing."

"It's been a while since the friends of the Magic Hand team entered the Flower Club."

"So I came here specially to ask how the business is going recently."

Chen Yilang said.

The store manager is also an old fritters, and as soon as he heard it, he knew what Chen Yilang wanted to ask.


General Manager Chen is inquiring with him about the fan-absorbing effect of this group of magic hands, or it will not bring tangible benefits.

But it's fine.

Recently, the store manager and the finance department are also closely monitoring the income situation, so naturally they are well aware of it. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

"In the days after the Magic Hands entered our Flowers Club, the traffic and daily income soared by nearly 20%."

"But after that, it dropped rapidly at a steady rate..."

"We made an estimate."

"According to this trend, it is estimated that it will become stable in another week."

"That is to say, the powder absorption effect of the magic hand team is basically the end of it."

"However, the overall situation after stabilization is indeed better than before."

The store manager said: "So, in a word, it is indeed a good strategy for the Magic Hands team to enter Blossoms, and it is indeed worth maintaining long-term cooperation."

"But in the current situation."

"It is estimated that it is still not possible to rely on this to ensure long-term rising income."

said the store manager.

"Understood." Chen Yilang nodded, "That is to say, the store still needs to expand some new items, or introduce some more traffic, right?"

"That's what it means." The store manager nodded.

"Okay, I understand, leave it to me." Chen Yilang said.

The two continued to chat about other things for a while.

This made Chen Yilang seem to smell a sense of crisis.

- Opening a store seems to be really not that simple.

In particular, they are still a new store and have not accumulated enough old customer resources.

If you don't consistently deliver new projects and activities that your clients love, you're bound to lose new clients over time.

And this is indeed a very fatal dimensionality reduction blow for new stores.

He had to come up with something new.

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