If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 250: 【Aura of Mercy】

Are you free?

Chen Yilang's heart skipped a beat.

well known.

in this world.

There are three lines that make people feel flustered as soon as they hear them:

"Are you there?"


"have time?"

I often receive such kind and sweet lines.

Chen Yilang will subconsciously squeeze the chrysanthemum, and really wants to backhand and directly reply, "I have no money to love Baoda to save my mother..."

- Hemp egg!


If you have something to say, can't you just say it!

It's really hard for me to decide whether I'm free or not when you ask me like this...

Besides, it's okay if someone else asks that.

But you still have the big characters [Conspiracy] on your head!

"What's the matter, Senior Cao Ze?"

Chen Yilang replied quietly.

"Everyone has been busy all morning, and they haven't had time to take a sip of water,"

"So I asked Minister Ma Yichuan for instructions to buy water for everyone, so I thought about calling you to go."

"I don't know if you have time to be with us?"

[Conspirator] Cao Ze speaks.

Chen Yilang just raised his head and met his eyes.

Those gentle, innocent, sincere eyes...

have to say.

There is absolutely no reason to refuse.

"Yes, I have."

Chen Yilang could only nod his head.

Although his subconscious has been telling him that this matter is probably not that simple...

But there is no way, there is really no way to refuse.

not to mention.

Now he is just a newcomer who has just joined the student union.

If Cao Ze was rejected in front of so many people.

Then it is very likely to give yourself a label of "lazy big family" and "big paddling family".

So ever.

After weighing the pros and cons a lot.

Chen Yilang finally nodded and agreed.

"Then let's go." Cao Ze said with a smile, "Come with me."

Chen Yilang quickly followed Cao Ze out of the auditorium.


Not long after he got up and followed Cao Ze.

He heard the system beep.

【Ding! 】

[You are attacked by [sympathetic glances] from other targets in the environment! 】

[[Sympathy eyes] caused a lot of damage to you! 】

[[Sympathy Gaze] Causes an additional skill effect to you: Aura of Compassion! 】

[Compassion Aura: Targets affected by [Compassion Aura] will reduce the aggression and vigilance of surrounding targets. 】

[In the state of the aura of mercy, when you seek help from other targets, the chance of getting help will be greatly increased! 】

The same moment the system sounds.

Chen Yilang also found that there was an extra aperture effect on the top of his head.

At first glance, it looks like the circle on the top of the angel's head...

Don't ask him how he saw the top of his head, just ask him from the reflection in the window glass.

Although I don't really want to admit it, that look does seem a little too happy.

If it weren't for the fact that only [player] could see this special effect, Chen Yilang would have wanted to beat himself up.

As for why he was suddenly sympathized by so many people... Chen Yilang can probably only understand that he was unfortunately caught to work.

However, Chen Yilang felt that it didn't matter.

After all, compared to other chores, buying water is obviously easier and more enjoyable.

"Junior, how did you get here today?" Cao Ze asked not long after walking out of the auditorium, "Is there a little electric donkey?"

"Yes." Chen Yilang said, "I did come here on a battery car."

"Oh, that's right." Cao Ze's eyes lit up, "ride on your electric donkey, let's go buy water together."

"Okay." Chen Yilang nodded.

Although he said yes, but Chen Yilang always felt that something was weird.

A sophomore vice-minister actually had to borrow a freshman's battery car to buy water... It sounds like there is no sign at all.

Because in most cases.

In the student union, no matter which department it is, there will be at least two or three battery cars.

In the campus, this is almost just needed.

It can greatly improve the efficiency of work, especially for departments like the logistics department, everyone understands it.

But Cao Ze exists as a deputy minister.

Even if you don't have a battery car, can't you apply to the minister for one?

However, it is strange that Chen Yilang naturally didn't think much about it.

Anyway, he happens to have a car too, so it's a small effort.

In this way, Chen Yilang took Cao Ze, who was sitting in the back seat, steadily to the small supermarket on campus.

At this time, the effect of the battery car is also reflected.

This small supermarket is also more than one kilometer away from the auditorium.

If you use walking, then you have to walk for more than ten minutes.

It doesn't sound like a long time, but you need to know that this also misses a premise, which is to buy water.

It's really nothing to walk a kilometer away, but what if you were asked to walk another kilometer with a tank of water on your back?

Then I'm afraid the dog will shake his head when he hears it...

"Chen Yilang, go in and buy water. I'll sit here and watch the car for you," said Cao Ze.

"Okay, trouble Cao Ze senior." Chen Yilang said.

"No trouble, no trouble, it's true that you have worked hard." Cao Ze said with a smile, "I figured it out, there are thirty-six people in the literature and art department and our logistics department, so buy a total of thirty-four bottles of water. already."

"Okay, I see."

Chen Yilang walked into the small supermarket and explained his intention to the boss.

As soon as the boss heard that there was business coming, he was naturally overjoyed, and hurriedly brought out two large boxes of water, no more or no less, just thirty-six bottles.

"A total of seventy-two dollars." The boss said with a smile.

"Take a fraction, boss, seventy." Chen Yilang said casually with a smile.

"Okay, then seventy!"

After all, it was also a "big business", and the boss was in a relatively happy mood, so he agreed without much thought.


Chen Yilang took out his mobile phone to scan and pay, then picked up the mineral water and walked out.

"It's been hard work."

Seeing Chen Yilang walking out with a box of mineral water, Cao Ze hurriedly smiled and helped put the water on the car, and then returned to the auditorium.

"Brothers, come and drink water."

Not long after returning to the organization, Cao Ze immediately walked over with a box of water and announced to the others in the department with a smile.

"Wow, Deputy Cao is awesome!"

"Brother Cao is mighty! I almost died of thirst, and I'm about to order a cup of milk tea for takeout! But milk tea doesn't quench my thirst, and Brother Cao's mineral water is more fragrant!"

"Brother Cao, here we come!"

The swarms of members all shouted happily, and they all prepared to rush towards Cao Ze.

"Don't worry, don't worry, there will be some, come one by one." Cao Ze said, and then said to Chen Yilang, "Well, Junior Brother Chen Yilang, come and help distribute some mineral water to everyone."

After hearing Cao Ze's voice, Chen Yilang completely felt that there was something wrong with this [lv13 conspirator].

- I don't know if it's an illusion, Chen Yilang always feels that this guy seems to like to find work for him to do?

If you say it nicely, it is called appreciation, and if you say it badly, it is called scolding.

And everyone is a student, who cares about your appreciation?

However, Chen Yilang didn't say much, and did as he did.

But at the same time, he also began to silently observe Cao Ze's every move.

Then Chen Yilang discovered something.

When he followed Cao Ze's instructions and was busy distributing mineral water to the friends in the logistics department.

He saw Cao Ze sneaking to the side without knowing it, picked up another box of mineral water, and walked to another activity room where the students of the Literature and Art Department gathered.

The curious Chen Yilang made an excuse to go to the bathroom, and while pretending to pass by, he found that after Cao Ze entered the activity room, he had a clear goal and went straight to the place where a girl was.

That girl, Chen Yilang is naturally all too familiar - Xia Ling.

After he put down the box of mineral water, he started a conversation with Xia Ling.

After chatting for a while, he waved goodbye to Xia Ling.

And Chen Yilang vaguely heard some conversations between the two.

"Xia Ling, are you tired from work? I brought you a box of water, and you will ask your team members to come and get it later."

"Ah? Thank you, where did the water come from?"

"I bought it! They are all alumni, and they are also colleagues of the student union. We will be friends in the future."

"Then why are you embarrassed to make you spend money... I'll talk to our minister later?"

"No, no, please drink some water, don't be so polite..."

【Ding! 】

[[lv13 Conspirator] used [Darkness Chencang], causing a lot of mental damage to you! 】



Hearing this, Chen Yilang completely understood what was going on.

You [lv13 conspirator], you really know how to play!

It's a good trick to borrow flowers to offer Buddha, it is simply wonderful frog seeds rolled into Mickey Mouse Clubhouse with wonderful crispy, wonderful home!

If Chen Yilang hadn't realized something was wrong and sneaked over to take a look, he might have been kept in the dark until now!

"Cao Ze, right?"

"[lv13 conspirator] right?"

"I'll remember first."

Chen Yilang thought silently, then went to the toilet quietly, and returned to the base camp of the logistics department as if nothing had happened.

At this time, [lv13 conspirator] Cao Ze also returned to his original place, and continued to chat and laugh with everyone as if nothing had happened.

And Chen Yilang, who was on the side, has silently kept this matter in his heart.

After the day's work was almost over, Chen Yilang found a more suitable time and walked to Cao Ze's side.

"That, senpai."

"Today's mineral water, a total of seventy yuan."

Chen Yilang hinted very politely, "How does this end?"

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