If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 247: [lv thirteen conspirators]!

"Finally come to life."

Chen Yilang thought to himself.

Since he entered the logistics department.

He felt as if he had joined the student council, but he didn't fully join...

in short.

Chen Yilang was a bit idle.


Later, he went to ask Ma Yichuan and learned that when the logistics department did not encounter any major events, it was basically nothing...

- It's a big deal, or it's nothing.

All right.

Just so capricious.

However, after Chen Yilang asked more carefully, he finally understood why the logistics department was so special.

In fact, it is also because of the logistics department, there is nothing more important, and there is no special responsibility for them... Because the biggest meaning of the logistics department is a brick in the student union.

I am a small adobe, where to move where there is difficulty...

all in all.

Once a major event occurs in any other department, or a major task is received, it must be accompanied by someone from the logistics department.

For example, when the Sports Department wants to hold various sports events, when the Practice Department organizes volunteers or teaching support activities, and when the Learning Department needs to distribute textbooks and books for the new semester...

That's when the back office comes in.

You have to say that they are very important, and there is nothing major that requires them to plan and organize.

But if you think they are not important, but they are indispensable in all important occasions, it is very interesting...

And recently this time.

Indeed, nothing major happened in the school.

If it's a small matter, naturally, the logistics department doesn't need to go out!

Wouldn't it be very frustrating if we had to take part in bigger things?

Brick movers also need face!

So that's it.

Since entering the logistics department.

Chen Yilang was so obscure, and lay there quietly for a few weeks.

He and his brothers and sisters in the department haven't even had a chance to meet, because there is no chance to work together at all...

So it's been so many days.

Suddenly received a job notification, Chen Yilang was really not used to it.


The people below quickly followed the long "received" formation, and Chen Yilang obediently replied in seconds.

In the evening, after Chen Yilang sent Xia Ling good night, he rested early.

The next afternoon after school.

Chen Yilang came to Mingde Building, the conference room of the student union, early in accordance with the requirements of the notice.

The person in charge of signing in was a girl with a round face. As soon as she saw Chen Yilang, she smiled very friendly: "Hello, are you classmate Chen Yilang? A new friend this semester?"

"Yes, yes, hello, senior." Chen Yilang immediately nodded politely. Unexpectedly, the other party laughed directly: "I am also a freshman!"


【Ding! 】

[You were taken advantage of by the [logistics soldier] and suffered a lot of mental damage! 】


"It's okay, it's just a painless attack..."

Chen Yilang secretly rejoiced.

This made him suddenly feel a little uncomfortable. It was only after a while that he remembered that he seemed to have forgotten to do his homework, which caused him to know nothing about the members of the logistics department.

Isn't it an oolong now, everyone looks like senior and senior, what if you call the wrong person...

Not right either.

It's not that he forgot to do his homework, but he didn't realize it at all.

But the round-faced lady is also very enthusiastic.

After signing in.

He brought Chen Yilang into the conference room and helped introduce Chen Yilang in front of everyone, so that he could integrate into the group more quickly.

After a while, people also arrived.

After everyone sat down, Chen Yilang did a rough count and found that there were about ten people in the entire department.

In the entire student union, it is probably considered to be at the lower-middle level.

But this is not difficult to understand, after all, the logistics department does not need so many people.


"Then today, let's go to the first item on our meeting agenda."

Minister Ma Yichuan sat down at the main seat, then opened the meeting notebook and said:


"Let's welcome Chen Yilang to join our logistics family with warm applause!"

clap la la-

There was applause in the conference room.

"From today onwards, our big family in the logistics department will have a new member." Ma Yichuan laughed, "Chen Yilang, would you like to introduce yourself to everyone first, so that everyone can get to know you first? ?"


Chen Yilang nodded, and then gave everyone a brief introduction to his basic situation.

After a few words, it was almost a breeze.

No way.

Since this semester, he has lost count of how many times he has introduced himself in public.

He is now.

The skin of the mouth has almost reached the level of forming muscle memory.

"Chen Yilang? Is that Chen Yilang named Chen Yilang?"

After listening to the self-introduction, several members suddenly became excited.

Although at first glance, these words have a somewhat "you put this on this" feeling, but basically everyone can understand.

Mainly Chen Yilang's name has been getting bigger and bigger, so there are more and more people who have heard of this name.

Chen Yilang had to make an embarrassed snort, and temporarily put off the past.

After all, he is now in someone else's home court, and when he has to, he is still a man with his tail between his legs.


After a friendly and simple exchange, Chen Yilang also simply said a few words to everyone in the logistics department.

The only exception was another boy sitting near the minister.

The reason why Chen Yilang noticed him.

One is because he was indeed the only one who didn't talk to him.

The second is because... His unusually iconic appearance is particularly eye-catching and can be recognized at a glance in the crowd.

- A thin monkey-like face, and a slightly protruding, pointed mouth.

This reminded Chen Yilang inexplicably of the characters in the Fatty Lan cartoons that he often liked to watch when he was a child... Well, it seems that his name is Guchuan Xiaofu, and the faces of the two of them look surprisingly similar.

And this boy is indeed a little thinner, and he looks more like a real-life husband.

"My husband."

"That's all right."

Chen Yilang thought silently for a moment.

after all.

In the whole cartoon of the blue fat man.

Gu Chuan Xiaofu this role.

In fact, it can be said that the one with the lowest combat power exists.

Xiaofu does not have the strength of a fat tiger, nor the IQ of a wooden shirt, nor the intelligence of Shizuka... The only thing that is more powerful is that there are more mines at home.

What, you said that Nobita is the five scumbags in the war?

Is it good that others have the blue fat man!

And as the protagonist, the dazzling halo on Nobita's head really thought it was a decoration?

At this time.

Chen Yilang also noticed the logo on the top of "Xiaofu".

[lv13 conspirator]

[Conspirator: A monster full of conspiracies and tricks, and a belly full of bad water, the skills that he is good at are [Darkness Chencang] and [Hidden Sword in a Smile], please be vigilant! 】

[Intelligence: Compared with other monsters, [Conspiracy] has a higher intelligence value, which is the main reason why he is good at pinpointing various targets! 】


"Isn't this more like a husband?"

Chen Yilang was happy.

The little husband in the blue fat man cartoon is exactly the same as this description. He is full of bad water and always comes up with all kinds of bad ideas to encourage Fat Tiger to bully Nobita together.

When watching cartoons as a child, Chen Yilang's least favorite character was Xiaofu Guchuan.

In the end, what I didn't expect was that the little husband became extraordinarily loyal when he grew up, and even together with the fat tiger, they became Nobita's lifelong good brother...


The fate of this world is always so wonderful.


"Then, let's officially start the schedule for the second item."

Ma Yichuan went on to say:

"Then I don't need to tell me what major incident happened in the school recently, right?"

"No need, let's get to the point directly, Minister." Someone said without love, "When are you going to move bricks?"

Everyone laughed. At this time, the "Kuchuan Xiaofu" who had not spoken all the time suddenly spoke up.

"Minister, don't worry."

He smiled, his voice surprisingly soft.

It is a sound that can make people feel very at ease after listening to it.

"Of course we know what's going on, but Chen Yilang may not know yet."

"Would you please repeat it again, Minister? Take care of our newcomers, and by the way, let us hear whether the current situation has changed."

"I agree with what the deputy said." said the round-faced lady.

Several other members also agreed.

"It turns out that he is the deputy minister." Chen Yilang thought to himself.

No wonder he can sit in this position.

Compared with other students, his angle of thinking and observational power have basically reached the level of crushing everyone.


It is also impossible for him to be so keenly aware of this detail on this occasion.

Even Minister Ma Yichuan himself seems to be completely unaware of this.

The main thing.

His gentle voice and indifferent smile.

It's really hard for people to associate him with the [conspirator], after all, no matter how he looks at him, he only looks like a gentle and understanding senior.

"Nong Kailin's suggestion is very pertinent, thank you for reminding me."

Ma Yichuan cleared his throat, flipped the meeting notes again and said:

"This year, for us at NTU, is a very meaningful year."

"This year is the 100th anniversary of our school."

"Oh, I know this." Chen Yilang said.

as a class leader.

Of course he knew about such an important day as the centennial anniversary.

For the teachers and students of the whole school, this is a grand event for the whole school, a youthful carnival feast.

But for the student council.

It's quite a challenge...

Chen Yilang didn't remember where he heard about it before.

Since today's school celebration planning plan and working documents were released.

The management above the secretariat, every day the hair is falling out in a lot of madness...

As for whether it is true or false, Chen Yilang has no way of knowing.

But anyway, one thing is certain.

The school celebration is very important to the student union.

This is a landmark event, equivalent to a turning point in history!

because this semester.

There will be many students who will emerge in the school celebration and become a new generation of back waves!

That's why the student council leadership keeps sacrificing hair.

For some more motivated students.

The anniversary is an excellent opportunity to show personal ability, get to know well-known alumni, and pave a bright road for your career after graduation!


Sacrificing these few small hairs is a fart?

As a human being, you have to have a pattern!

"Okay, since classmate Chen Yilang said so, then I won't repeat it too much."

"As long as you both know the importance of this matter."

Ma Yichuan said, and turned the meeting notes to the next page:

"At present, the specific work matters of the school celebration have been issued above."

"At this stage, we are mainly cooperating with the Department of Literature and Art to arrange the stage."

Ma Yichuan's voice just fell.

The other members began to play tricks in various ways:

"Understood, I understand, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is working for the Literature and Art Department this time!"

"Hey, then I'm willing too. There are so many beautiful sisters in the literature and art department. It's always more comfortable than a hunk who has been to the sports department!"

"Working brothers! Migrant workers are the best!"


as expected.

Exactly as expected.

The logistics department's major event, as expected, is to work for other departments...

Chen Yilang could see that everyone was completely taken aback by this, and frantically played tricks, stunned Ma Yichuan was helpless, and there was nothing he could do.

Even Ma Yichuan himself actually thinks so... It's just that as a minister, he can't talk too much.

"Cough, don't be noisy, just be quiet first."

After clearing his throat, Ma Yichuan said, "It won't be too late for you to shout after I have arranged the specific work content."

"This year's school celebration, if nothing else, we basically have to assist the work of the Ministry of Literature and Art throughout the process."

"Later, I will send the school celebration work group to the group of our department. After I go back, I will add it all. At that time, someone from the Literature and Art Department will come over to do the work handover."

"The other thing is that at nine o'clock tomorrow morning, everyone will gather at the backstage of the auditorium stage on time."

"Tomorrow will officially start work, please cheer up everyone."

"In addition, let's talk about one thing that freshman friends are more concerned about, that is, this year's work is the same as in previous years. It is recorded as volunteer service hours, and it can be used to exchange innovation time points..."

Following Ma Yichuan's instructions, Chen Yilang soon joined the work group chat of the Literature and Art Department and the Logistics Department.

And in the group chat, he recognized someone he knew.

Xia Ling.

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