If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 221: What are you expecting?

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"Hello, classmate, have you seen classmate Li Yixian?"

Several students who rushed into the school doctor's room anxiously rushed up to ask when they saw Chen Yilang.


"Just a boy who looks a little thin..."

"With eyes, he looks a little malnourished... If you look closely, you can see that the ends of his hair are a little yellow."

A group of people gestured at Li Yixian in front of Chen Yilang.

Chen Yilang quickly understood.

The Li Yixian they were talking about was the [lv12 Immortal] who was carried all the way to the school hospital by him.

After a brief conversation.

Chen Yilang found out.

This group of people are all Li Yixian's first-year students majoring in automation at the School of Electronic Information Engineering.

The two girls are the class monitor and the life committee member, and the other three boys are Li Yixian's roommates.

before the incident.

Li Yixian was playing games in the dormitory.

Then Li Yixian greeted his roommates, saying that he wanted to go downstairs to buy something to drink, and went downstairs.

Then wait until they get the news again.

I heard that Li Yixian suddenly passed out.

Not long after.

The freshman counselor from the School of Telecommunications Engineering also arrived, and immediately communicated with the doctor about the situation.

The rest of the group of students sat together in a hurry and didn't know what to do, so they could only wait for news.

After a while of silence.

Chen Yilang asked:

"Is he always like this?"

"Inexplicably fainted?"

The rest of the crowd looked at each other, some shook their heads, and some nodded.

This whole thing made Chen Yilang a little bit clueless. At this time, one of the boys had to speak as a representative:

"To be precise, Li Yixian fainted on the spot, and it has only been this time today."

"But before that, he has been close to today's scene countless times."

The boy smiled wryly, "He's probably been...for three days straight? He doesn't seem to have slept."

That is really cruel...

Compared to this brother.

Chen Yilang can probably understand why Zhang Jian's [Xiu Xian] has been cultivating for so long, and it's because of [Keyboard Man]...

"Boiled for three days in a row? What is he doing, he..."

The two girls who were listening on the side also showed extraordinarily surprised eyes, obviously very interested in the life of the students of the opposite **** in the dormitory.


Another boy shrugged, showing a rather helpless smile, "Chong the national uniform!"

"National uniform? What do you mean?" Another girl who had no clue about this, asked quite puzzled.

"It's the game ranking of "League of Kings". As long as a hero can reach the top ten in the country, he can get the national standard and become a national server player!"

The boys excitedly explained to the two game idiot girls, "Being able to get the national standard is quite an amazing level for civilian players!"

"That's right, if you get me a national standard, I can blow it for at least four years!"


While chatting, a few boys said hi without knowing it, and they simply forgot about the other two confused girls.

At this moment.

Chen Yilang answered:

"You said just now that Li Yixian has been in the national uniform recently?"

"Yeah." A boy replied naturally, "He told us that he wanted to play a national server for a long time, but it was a pity that he was too busy in high school to have the opportunity, and he has been waiting for college. "

"Then his strength should be very powerful, right?" Chen Yilang asked again.

"That's right." The boy nodded and said, "As far as we know, he already has several heroes with small national standards... According to his progress, if he takes another day or two, the last big national standard will definitely be a problem. yes."

No wonder this guy is so rude...

Chen Yilang looked at the calendar and found that the end of the month was still a day or two away.

At the end of each month, the ranking on the Glory Power Ranking will be updated once.

Therefore, there will indeed be a lot of high-level players rushing to score points before the end of the month, just to stabilize their rankings before the list is set.

"Which hero is he scoring?"

Chen Yilang asked again.

"I don't know the truth. After all, I don't play this game..."

The boy scratched his head, thought for a moment, and then said: "But I can often hear some middle two lines from his mobile phone from time to time... What's the sword of the big river coming up from the sky', what's drunk today and drunk today 'some type of……"

"Oh, I see." Chen Yilang nodded.

He probably got it.

This Li Yixian is indeed unusual.

...this is a wild king!

And it's a national uniform...

Chen Yilang thought about it silently, and guessed that a big guy at the national service level would not be able to bring four dishes**?

No, no, no...

"Classmate, can you push Li Yixian's Penguin number to me?" Chen Yilang asked, "I suddenly want to ask him for help with something—of course, after his physical training is complete."

Several boys glanced at each other, and one of them nodded, and sent the Penguin number to Chen Yilang.

However, it seems a little uneasy to add another sentence:

"You don't know Li Yixian well, so I think it's better to let you know in advance..."

"His personality is a little weird, so you might need a little more patience if you want to communicate with him."

"...Okay." Chen Yilang nodded thoughtfully.


After getting Li Yixian's contact information, Chen Yilang said goodbye to everyone first.

After returning to the dormitory.

Chen Yilang, who was lying on the bed, began to recall what the boys had said to him.

Is your personality abnormal...

But well.

It's not normal, but it's actually normal.

Is it a **** after all...

Many great gods are geniuses, geniuses, everyone knows that, isn't it just like Einstein, and their behaviors are somewhat different from ordinary people...

As for how weird it is...

Then just find a time to find out for yourself.

all in all.

This is what he will do no matter what.

——"Nanda Demolition Team", what is urgently needed at present is a thick and powerful **** thigh...

Chen Yilang just waited, and waited until the next night.

As usual, Chen Yilang, who was in the running-in team with the "Nanxuan Demolition Team".

Received the penguin news from Li Yixian.

"Ding dong."

[The other party has passed your friend verification, and you are already friends. ]

Li Yixian: "?"

Facing the sudden question mark in front of him, Chen Yilang felt a little stunned for a while.

Haha, no wonder the character of this great **** is a bit weird...

This way of saying hello... is indeed quite personal.

"Hello, Li Yixian, my name is Chen Yilang, a freshman in the business school."

Chen Yilang took the initiative to say hello.

After a brief silence on the other side, Li Yixian replied, "My roommate told me that you carried me to the school hospital yesterday?"

"Ah yes... yes." Chen Yilang said, "You fainted at the dairy last night, it looked pretty serious."

Li Yixian: "Thank you."

Every message Li Yixian sent had neither punctuation marks nor other emoticons or pictures.

This made it difficult for Chen Yilang to judge his mood and tone at this moment.

Chen Yilang scratched his head, feeling a little confused.

Suddenly there is a feeling of saying "it's okay" when my girlfriend is angry...

But fortunately, Li Yixian didn't say "it's okay", and fortunately, he doesn't have a girlfriend either...Bah.


Li Yixian added, "I also heard them say, do you have something to do with me?"

"Yes." Chen Yilang replied quickly.

Fortunately, Li Yixian himself mentioned this matter.

Otherwise, Chen Yilang guessed that he would have to think about an opening remark for a while.

"What's the matter?" Li Yixian still asked in a flat tone.

"The campus cup competition is going to be held in the school recently. You know that you won, right?" Chen Yilang asked.

"Campus Cup?" Li Yixian said, "I don't know, what came from?"

"?" Chen Yilang was taken aback.

Li Yixian's answer made Chen Yilang a little bit confused...

Good guy, such a big "League of Kings" competition in the school.

As a person who is about to rush to the national service, you don't know this stuff?

This is so outrageous enough...

Chen Yilang was a little helpless, and he didn't know if Li Yixian was playing stupid with him, so he had to tell Li Yixian about the school's "League of Kings" competition.


This should give Li Yixian a little bit of fighting spirit.

The result was unexpected.

After listening to Chen Yilang's statement.

Li Yixian simply replied: "Oh..."

But this time, he added punctuation, followed by a string of ellipses after the word "oh"...

"..." Chen Yilang fell into silence for a while.


Is this really a national uniform?

I'm afraid it's not a fake player!

Logically speaking.

Players who can hit the national service level, let's not comment on the technology for the time being, first of all, they basically have a love for this game.

If not really love.

Who would like to ride a bicycle at night to drive the sea, and fall in love with each other in the sheets, and lose 17 straight games in a single row alone...

Without experiencing a tragic losing streak, how can it be possible to practice top game skills and play in the national service?

But I don't know why.

Chen Yilang only thought.

On Li Yixian's body.

He doesn't seem to feel this [lv12 Immortal]'s love for games and e-sports at all...


"What are you looking for me for?"

Li Yixian said again, "I am very grateful that you saved me once. If there is anything I can help, I can help you."

Chen Yilang took a slight breath and said, "I want to invite you to join my team and participate in the Campus Cup with us."

【Ding! 】

【You caused the mood swings of [lv12 Immortal]! 】

[[lv12 Immortal] is in a state of [fear]! 】


Chen Yilang was taken aback.

Ah this?

What's the matter?

This [lv12 Immortal]...why are you still scared?

Logically speaking.

School Cup schedule.

For him, shouldn't it be his home?

With his [national uniform] strength, it shouldn't be a problem to lead the "Nanxuan Demolition Team".

Apart from the school team of [Magic Hand Club], looking at the entire NTU, absolutely no one is Li Yixian's teammate!

He should be excited and excited, why be afraid?

"I'm sorry."

After hesitating for a long time, Li Yixian said, "I'm afraid I won't be able to help you... I'm not as strong as you think."

"If the national service level is not strong... Then what are we?"

Chen Yilang said with a distressed smile, "Don't belittle yourself, Li Yixian... If you are like this, we have reason to suspect that you are in Versailles."

"I'm sorry if it makes you think so."

Li Yixian said, "But it really doesn't work, I'm sorry."

"I'm going to play Glory points. It's not far from the end of the month, and I haven't rushed up yet."

"talk to you later."


Chen Yilang saw that Li Yixian's Penguin status had changed to "Do Not Disturb".

Li Yixian did not reply to the few messages Chen Yilang sent later.

"...what a weird guy."

Chen Yilang scratched his head and said helplessly.

Confused Chen Yilang.

At this time, he seemed to remember something.

He opened the system panel, took out the [Magic Conch] again, and asked the conch:

"Monster [lv12 Immortal], what are you afraid of?"

【drop! 】

[A player's problem has been detected. 】

[Will you spend 1500 gold coins to get the answer to [Magic Conch]? 】


"It's actually 500 more gold coins than before, you profiteer..."

Although 1500 gold coins is nothing to him now, Chen Yilang couldn't help but silently complained.

Then "Yes" was selected.

【Ding! 】

[You spent 1500 gold coins and got the answer from [Magic Conch]: "Many times, humans are afraid of this world, not because they are really afraid of something, but...what they are looking forward to."]


Chen Yilang was stunned for a while, but didn't think much about it.

After all, this is the style of [Fantastic Conch], and the answers given will always be so mysterious... Chen Yilang is used to it.

"Not really afraid of something..."

"But what to expect?"

Chen Yilang touched his chin and fell into deep thought.

He also knew that ~www.readwn.com~ had gone through several previous experiences.

Chen Yilang probably understood.

Although the answer given by [Magic Conch] is very brainy, it is definitely not meaningless nonsense.

But in a while.

Chen Yilang couldn't find any clue at once.

In order to find more useful information, Chen Yilang opened the League of Kings game and boarded.

Then I found Li Yixian who was playing the game and opened his profile.

After a brief glance at...

The corner of Chen Yilang's mouth rose slightly.

He probably knew what Li Yixian was most afraid of.


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