If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 222: Little brother, cpdd?

late at night.

King's Canyon.

Li Yixian manipulated Li Bai, walking back and forth like a phantom on the opposite high ground.

With a loud "penta-kill", Li Yixian won the five kills, and by the way, he slashed the crystal on the opposite side.

In the "666" and the victory tone sent by the teammates on the full screen.

Li Yixian's eyes were always full of shadows.

Finally, at this moment, a ray of light lit up.

The corners of his mouth moved imperceptibly, revealing a smile uncontrollably.

——This is one of the few moments in his long day that can truly make him feel truly happy.

It's like being in a world of your own, overlooking the world...


Accompanied by a new pop-up prompt, Li Yixian received a new game reservation message.

Li Yixian opened it and glanced at it, and the smile on the corner of his mouth gradually solidified.

——It was Chen Yilang.

"Why is it him again?"

Li Yixian thought to himself.

He was not disgusted with Chen Yilang, but from another perspective, Chen Yilang was still his savior, and it was too late to thank him.

He just, subconsciously wants to stay away from everyone who wants to get close to him...

And Chen Yilang.

Another person who made his intention to approach him so clear.


Almost like a conditioned reflex.

Li Yixian reached out and clicked "Reject".

And then started a peak match again.

Not surprisingly.

Another slaughter.


With his current strength and rank, the opponents who can be ranked are by no means ordinary.


Although his Li Bai has already gone crazy, but now this is a real headwind...

"It's another big tailwind for one person..."

Li Yixian, who had long been accustomed to this, watched calmly as his crystal exploded after the group was destroyed.

Before that, the teammates were still greeting each other's family members in the comment area, like a group of brothers and sisters who love each other.

After exiting the game.

Li Yixian received a new message indicating that he had a new friend notification.

Looking at the little red dot that popped up suddenly, Li Yixian's eyes showed a rare excited look on his face.


When he clicked on the detailed information, he was dumbfounded on the spot.

——This friend request was specially sent by Chen Yilang!

【Ding! 】

[You used [What are you expecting? ], gave [lv12 Immortal] a suprise! 】

[You caused a lot of mental damage to [lv12 Immortal]! 】

[You got: Gold +1455, EXP +998]


"Sure enough..."

After hearing the system's voice, Chen Yilang further confirmed his conjecture.

And this time.

Li Yixian also reluctantly agreed to Chen Yilang's game friend request.

"I will get offline."

"It's too late, I'm going to bed, let's play another day."

Li Yixian said casually.

see this.

Chen Yilang on the other end of the screen couldn't help laughing.

Ha ha.

Are you going to use this extremely crude excuse to send me away, and then continue solo queue with stealth mode on...

The little abacus in Li Yixian's heart had already been pinched to death by Chen Yilang...

However, Chen Yilang is also clear in his heart.

He guessed.

At this moment, it may not be that simple to let Li Yixian let go of his inner concerns.

That's why.

After Chen Yilang thought for a while, he left a message to Li Yixian:

"I'm here... I have what you want most."

【Ding! 】

[You launched the Dafa of [Suspension of Appetite] and successfully attracted the attention of [lv12 Immortal]! 】

[[lv12 Immortal] has been alerted to you, please be careful to avoid it! 】

Hearing the voice, Chen Yilang couldn't help raising the corner of his mouth again.

As expected, he succeeded...

on the other side of the screen.

After seeing Chen Yilang's somewhat confusing words.

Li Yixian's expression has undergone a series of subtle changes...

Until Chen Yilang added another sentence.

Just now, he completely felt that the defense was broken...

——Chen Yilang said: "...and the person you most want to see."



After completing a series of things.

Chen Yilang lay down contentedly.

"Brother Lang."

"Our 'Nanxuan Demolition Team' is really no problem, eh?"

Zhang Jian, who was still practicing heroics late at night, asked worriedly, "The preliminaries will start soon, our fifth teammate hasn't gone down yet..."

"Don't worry." Chen Yilang closed his eyes and smiled lightly, "He will come by himself."

"...Isn't it? Who told you?"

"I told you." Chen Yilang said directly.

"...Stable and unstable, Brother Lang." Zhang Jian was still a little frowning, "You don't know, even that Lu Hai came to dig me."

"He came looking for you too?" Chen Yilang asked suspiciously.

"Yeah, just this morning." Zhang Jian said, "He said that our 'Nanda Demolition Team' is an underachieving team, too amateur, and will only lose money in the game, so let me go hang with him... …”

"What position did he ask you to play?"


"...Why doesn't he eat shit?" Chen Yilang said angrily.

"Yes! That's what I told him!"

Chen Yilang: "...?"

Good guy, then you are quite brave.

"Who can swallow this breath!? Brother Lang, if you were told that by him, you definitely couldn't help it." Zhang Jian said angrily.

"I understand."

Chen Yilang ignored Zhang Jian, but closed his eyes and prepared to rest.

Then, as if he remembered something, he explained again:


"You don't need to practice hard for the jungle anymore."

"You can practice another position."

Zhang Jian was taken aback: "Why?"

"Stop talking nonsense, just do it." Chen Yilang smiled mysteriously, turned over and fell asleep.


The next day, Saturday.

Early in the morning.

Chen Yilang, who just woke up from the quilt.

Not surprisingly.

That is, I received new penguin news.

——From Li Yixian.

after an hour.

After completing a series of procedures such as washing and dressing, getting up.

Chen Yilang went downstairs slowly.

And at the appointed time, I came to Bihuyuan Restaurant.

In fact, Chen Yilang didn't come here very often.

Li Yixian set the agreed meeting place.

At this point in time.

There are basically not many people in Bihuyuan.

First, because today is the weekend, most students don't get up that early.

The second is because.

Bihuyuan Restaurant, a student of NTU, is recognized as the most unpalatable restaurant, no one...

If it is not a last resort, almost no students regard it as one of the first choice dining halls to solve the three meals... They would even prefer to walk about an extra kilometer to the second floor of Xiuyuan to eat a buffet.

But for Li Yixian.

He would choose this place as the meeting place, which is actually quite normal.

After all...there are really very few people here.

Chen Yilang naturally came to Bihuyuan in advance, ordered two breakfasts, found a seat by the window and sat down.

Not long after.

Li Yixian also appeared very quickly.

Chen Yilang stood up and waved to him.

After the latter discovered Chen Yilang's figure, he walked over slowly.

Along the way, he looked around subconsciously, as if he was worried about the sudden danger that would appear around him.

As someone who didn't know Li Yixian, they would only think that this person is really weird.

However, Chen Yilang, who is a [player], understands this quite well.

Because when Li Yixian approached.

Chen Yilang saw a new prompt.

[Intelligence: A boy who looks sick. 】

[Intelligence: There are a lot of thoughts in his heart, like a heavy bag of ice cubes. 】

[Intelligence: If it wasn't for his severe social phobia, he might look a lot more sunny than he does now. 】


"Social phobia..."

Chen Yilang said silently.

No wonder everyone thinks Li Yixian's character looks a bit weird.

In this day and age, everyone likes to laugh at themselves as social phobia, but it is not a real social phobia.

On the contrary, many guys who claim to be social phobia are actually social bullshit...

On the other hand, Li Yixian in front of him is the real social terror crowd.

"Morning, classmate Li Yixian." Chen Yilang.

"Well, morning."

Li Yixian sat in front of Chen Yilang and said sullenly.

The two just sat in the empty Bihu Garden and had a long awkward chat...

And when Li Yixian was talking, his eyes were always on the table, and there was almost no eye contact with Chen Yilang.

Except sometimes, when the two mentioned games that Li Yixian was more interested in and how to score points, Li Yixian would raise his head subconsciously.

But then, he immediately lowered his head.

Chen Yilang was not in a hurry, so he chatted with Li Yixian slowly.

Li Yixian was originally a somewhat slow person.

Plus social phobia.

The rhythm of their chat was as slow as two two-hundred-year-olds playing chess...

But fortunately.

Slow heat returns slow heat.

The relationship between the two is slowly getting acquainted.

After about half an hour.

Li Yixian, just now asked what she wanted to know the most:

"You said last night that you have what I want most in your hand."


"what is that?"

Chen Yilang smiled slightly and did not directly answer Li Yixian's question, but instead asked: "Did you get into the national uniform last night?"

"Rush up." Li Yixian said expressionlessly, but there was a faint relief in his tone.

"Why do you go so desperately to the national uniform?" Chen Yilang asked again.

"Of course it's to get the national standard."

"and then?"

"It can prove that I am strong enough."

"What I'm asking is your most fundamental purpose." Chen Yilang said again, "None of these."

"..." Li Yixian was silent for a while, "What exactly are you trying to say?"

"Moshang is like a jade." Chen Yilang said a name coldly.

this moment.

Li Yixian suddenly raised his head.

In his eyes, there seemed to be stormy waves surging, and he couldn't calm down for a long time!

【Ding! 】

[You used [Mind Smash] to hit Li Yixian's weakness! 】

[The target [lv12 Immortal] has received a huge mental attack and has entered a state of [shock]! 】


"How did you know her?"

Li Yixian clenched his fists, raised his voice abruptly, and leaned forward involuntarily, staring at Chen Yilang, like a hungry wolf that was about to swallow Chen Yilang.

"Just flip through your game id information and find out."

Chen Yilang shrugged and said, "Almost all of your historical records are single-player matches..."

"But at the beginning of the season, you had a long period of time in the double row."

"The teammate in the double row is a girl with an id of 'Moshang Renruyu'..."

"And your name is 'Young Master Shi Wushuang'..."

"In this case, what is the relationship between the two of you, I don't need to say more?"

Chen Yilang said slowly, "So this girl must be someone who is very important to you... Am I right?"

Li Yixian was silent for a while: "Yes."

"Although you are in double row every day, you only have one month to play games with this girl."

"And a month later."

"Your historical record has returned to the previous single-row mode, until now."

"And I heard it from your roommates."

"The time when you started going to the national uniform also started from that time."

Chen Yilang continued to say calmly, "That is to say... the reason why you rushed to the national uniform must have something to do with this girl, right?"

Li Yixian's expression became a little complicated.

And his eyes that were as dark as ink gradually became deeper.

for a long time.

He nodded.

Then, he told Chen Yilang the story of him and "Ren Ruyu" in a less fluent way of expression.

Chen Yilang also just found out that Li Yixian has always kept a secret in his heart.

From small to large.

For some family reasons.

Li Yixian has always been a very introverted and autistic child. He does not like to communicate with others, and has never opened his heart to anyone.

The indescribable feeling of loneliness accompanied him until he was admitted to university and left the familiar high school and hometown, and it became even worse.

For him, strange cities and campuses are like monsters.

The growing sense of loneliness enveloped him like a silkworm cocoon, pressing him down to the point where he began to lose his breath...

A later accidental miracle.

The autistic Li Yixian came into contact with the game "League of Kings".

in that world.

Li Yixian seemed to be able to find so much solace in his soul from the sand sculpture's teammates and the thrill of killing opponents.


Li Yixian became addicted to games.

He even felt for a moment.

The small world on the phone screen seems to be his real home...

Since then.

Li Yixian's game technology.

Becomes stronger day by day.

Until one day late at night.

as usual.

When all the roommates fell asleep.

Li Yixian nestled in the quilt and opened the game "League of Kings".

After winning a few qualifying rounds, Li Yixian, who was satisfied, was about to quit the game and go to sleep.

And at this time ~www.readwn.com~ in his friend request notification, a little red dot just popped up...

"Little brother, brother, are you sleeping?"

"cpdd yo~"


This is it.

Li Yixian, the first day he met "Ren Ruyu on Moshang".


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