If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 220: 【Xianren board board】

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Chen Yilang was stunned by Lu Hai's remarks.

What the hell?

I didn't even want to bring you in, why did you still make up my mind?

Chen Yilang said without thinking: "No, I have a team."

But Lu Hai didn't seem to have any intention of letting Chen Yilang go. He chased after Chen Yilang and asked, "Do you have a team? Whose?"

Chen Yilang said, "My own."

Lu Hai's expression became a little weird: "You created your own team? Impossible, right?"

Chen Yilang: "...What's impossible?"

Lu Hai was full of suspicion, and tentatively said: "I see you like this, although playing games is quite a set, but it doesn't seem like you often play in the game circle... Don't you know a lot of "King" Alliance" boss?"

Chen Yilang said bluntly, "I really don't know him."


Xiong Yuwei can barely be considered a little guy. As for Zhang Jian and Xia Ling...cough, it's too unstable to play.

Hearing Chen Yilang's words, Lu Hai's expression visibly relaxed.

Lu Haidao: "If that's the case, why don't you come to my team."

Lu Hai: "I've been playing games for a long time, and I often join the gaming and e-sports circle. In order to face this year's campus cup, my current team has fifty stars per capita, but there is still one person missing... They are all Boss, you are very versatile, if you come here, it is easy to discuss what position you want to play."

Chen Yilang smiled and said, "Thanks, I really don't need it."

Seeing that he insisted on it all the time, but Chen Yilang didn't buy it, a trace of displeasure appeared on Lu Hai's face: "No, don't we have to be opponents? It's better than being beaten by us on the field with us. Falling flowers and flowing water, okay?"

Chen Yilang was very helpless and smiled wryly.

"Then I'll tell you that." Chen Yilang thought for a while and said, "My team just happens to be missing someone, do you want to come to us?"

"Then it's definitely not coming!" Lu Haichui glared, "I'm the captain of our side. If I come, what will happen to my teammates?"

"That's not it." Chen Yilang was too lazy to pay attention to him, and walked away.

"..." Lu Hai was left standing alone, scratching his head in confusion.

"That's all."

"Since you have such a mind of your own."

Then don't blame us for being rude on the field. "

Lu Hai said silently.



After saying goodbye to the land and sea.

Chen Yilang took a leisurely stroll to the East Gate Food Street, ordered a few late-night snacks instead of dinner, and continued to queue up with Zhang Jian after returning to the dormitory.

The results are still horrible...

However, it seems that there are not many days before the game.

Even if it is a temporary special training, I am afraid that it will be difficult to train anything at once.

Chen Yilang pondered with a frown on his face, while rubbing his already full stomach, he walked slowly to the dormitory.

Although the physical hunger has been resolved, the anxiety of the soul has become more and more serious...

As usual.

before returning to the dorm.

Chen Yilang had to pass the milk house not far from the gate first.

Chen Yilang, who originally planned to walk towards the bedroom, paused slightly, changed the direction of his feet, and walked towards the small room.

Chen Yilang didn't even want to buy milk.

He was very full tonight, and he fed another bottle of milk in. It is estimated that he would have to squat in front of the pit tomorrow morning.

What caught his attention was another target.

- A slender, dark-faced boy.

His dress was particularly sloppy, a large wrinkled shirt like sauerkraut fished out of a jar just now, and a pair of beach flip-flops under his big daddy-style pants.

Chen Yilang is far away.

At least ten meters away from him.

It was an indescribable smell.

It's a bit like the smell of sweat mixed with the smell of fried chicken... um... it's hard to describe.

And this time.

The system actually crashed at the same moment with a prompt sound.

【Ding! 】

[You have sensed [immortal energy]! 】

[Affected by [Xianqi], your spiritual attributes have been slightly improved! 】


"?" Chen Yilang was a little confused.

This is so special, you call this smell [Xianqi]?

Ah this...

However, the system prompt sound that followed quickly answered this.

[Xianqi: An aura that is rich in [immortals] and a small number of [immortal cultivators]. 】

[[Fairy Qi] will cause an AOE effect to the target within the range, and units affected by this effect will receive a certain boosting effect. 】


After Chen Yilang gradually stepped forward and got closer.

He immediately verified his conjecture.

——This boy is the body that produces the [immortal energy]!

【lv12 Immortal】

[Immortal: A monster that evolved from [Immortal Cultivator] after experiencing [Tribulation], with a natural ability [Forgetting Dust], and a commonly used weapon [Immortal Board]. 】

[When [Xianren] activates [Forgetting Dust], the spiritual attribute will be raised to the limit of the current level! 】

[Xianren Banban: A weapon that [Xianren] can't put it down, when [Xianren] holds [Xianren Banban], the success rate of [Forgetting Chen] skill increases to 90%! 】


"..." The corners of Chen Yilang's mouth twitched, thinking to himself, darling, this is really yours, what a godly fairy! I still have banana sticks...

But what.

What really attracted Chen Yilang's attention was actually not his expression of "immortal".

It's the low lifespan value of this product...

——His life value is red!

in this [game].

Life value is not the same as life value.

The life value corresponds to the life value of the [monster]. If you die, you will die. There is no serious problem for people.

But the thing about Shouyuan Value is a little different.

——What it represents is a person, a real life.

The lifespan value of normal people is basically green.

When health drops to a point where it's a little unhealthy, it turns yellow.

The yellow health is actually not bad. Generally speaking, it is the state that the target enters after being ill or slightly injured.

If there is no accident, as long as the person with the yellow blood strip takes a good rest for a period of time, he will basically be able to return to the normal green color very quickly.

But the life value of red...

It's already in a dying state.

A true near-death state...

[Information: A [immortal] who came to the milk house and wanted to buy something delicious. 】

[Intelligence: Its [Shouyuan Value] is a bit low, and there is a great probability to trigger the skill [Drive a Crane West] to go to Heaven...]

Chen Yilang: "..."


In short, isn't this product about to hang up?

Chen Yilang didn't think any more, and walked up in three steps.

"Auntie." [lv12 Immortal] came to the dairy and asked, "Is there any coffee?"

"Yes." Auntie said.

"Have a can of coffee, please have some ice." [lv12 Immortal].

"Okay." Auntie glanced at him while taking coffee from the freezer, and couldn't help reminding: "Young man, you don't look very good...Young man, you have to be restrained."

"Thank you, Auntie." [lv12 Immortal] replied somewhat mechanically, took the iced coffee and opened the can ring, and took a big mouthful.

"Don't touch that thing!"

At this time, Chen Yilang just stepped forward.

As a regular customer of NTU Milk Dairy.

Chen Yilang is naturally very aware of the prices and effects of various commodities in the milk house.

But the most classic and commonly used props, there are only two.

The first is naturally [Hot Milk], which can slowly restore a certain amount of health and stamina after taking it, and has the positive effect of warming and nourishing life.

After experiencing the effect of [Hot Milk] for the first time, Chen Yilang completely fell in love with this thing.

After all, the effect is quite good, not only high quality and low price, warming and nourishing longevity, even a cup of hot milk in the middle of the night, but also a sleep aid effect...

The other is the [Iced Coffee] that the boy just bought.

The effect is-

[Iced coffee: After using this item, the target's spiritual attributes will be greatly improved in a short period of time! After the lasting effect of [Iced Coffee] ends, there will be a 60% chance of side effects, and mental attributes will be greatly reduced. 】


When Chen Yilang, Chen Jiahui and Gan Di stayed up late for a surprise review before, they were also fortunate enough to try a cup of [Iced Coffee].

I have to say is.

Indeed, quite refreshing and refreshing...

At that time, Chen Yilang had a glass of food.

Originally, he was so sleepy that his six relatives did not recognize him, and he even walked around on the ground.

At that moment, it felt like his sky, the stars were all lit up...

So that night.

Chen Yilang took advantage of the energy of this [Iced Coffee] to review several units of class hours in one go... After studying for several months in almost one night, he passed the exam smoothly, and he even won low ranking.

If you ask if the [Iced Coffee] feels good, then it is naturally too good...

But the problem is.

Chen Yilang after the cool down.

Immediately, I felt the effects of [Side Effects].

——After the extreme sobriety brought by iced coffee is over, what follows is a fatigue that is magnified exponentially, enough to directly overwhelm people...

The result of forcibly overdrawing his energy is that Chen Yilang slept for a full twelve hours for the second time... He almost didn't wake up, but fortunately, he was sleeping on the side of his opponent, Li Zixian, who had a bad stomach. The stinky fart, this made Chen Yilang wake up.


Chen Yilang knows the power and damage of 【Iced Coffee】.

In addition, compared to hot milk, this product is simply too expensive.


If it wasn't a last resort, Chen Yilang would have basically never touched the [Iced Coffee] thing again.

But right now.

This [lv12 Immortal] seems to have some ideas.

So almost instantly, Chen Yilang noticed the danger.

——The current physical condition of this 【Immortal】 is quite unsuitable for using the item 【Iced Coffee】.

Chen Yilang rushed forward and snatched the [Iced Coffee] from his hand.

It's a pity that it's still a step too late, [Iced Coffee] has already been taken by him...

"What are you doing?" [lv12 Immortal] was obviously shocked and stared at Chen Yilang in a stunned manner, "You pay me back."

"You can't drink this kind of thing anymore." Chen Yilang said.

[Information: You plundered the opponent's item [Iced Coffee], and the opponent seemed a little annoyed. 】

[Information: After [forgetting dust] for three days and three nights in a row, he was feeling a little irritable at this time. 】

[Information: Sleeping? Hehe, only trash needs this kind of thing! 】

Chen Yilang looked at his empty and godless eyes and said righteously: "You need a good rest now... Your body is the capital of the revolution, and your parents definitely don't want to see you like this, right?"

[lv12 Immortal] With two dizzy panda eyes, he looked at Chen Yilang and said, "Don't use such a rude tone to instigate others... I'm already a college student, so I can take care of myself. , give me the coffee back..."

at this time.

With the effect of 【Iced Coffee】, it will take effect gradually.

Chen Yilang could see it.

On the panel of [lv12 Immortal], the spiritual attributes are constantly rising...

[The spiritual attributes of the target [lv12 Immortal] are improving! 】

[Situation: Although higher mental attributes can bring higher thinking efficiency and learning ability, it will also increase the mental burden, kill and injure more brain cells, and consume more life essence...]

【Ding! 】

[The lifespan of the target [lv12 immortal] is extremely low! 】

[The target has entered the state: Back to the light and back to the light! 】


What the hell!

Chen Yilang was shocked.

Glancing at each other again.

I found that the lifespan value of this [lv12 immortal] has dropped to 1%!

At this moment.

The boy in front of him suddenly turned black.

The body seemed to have suddenly rotted into a lump of mud, and fell down weakly.

Fortunately, Chen Yilang had anticipated it, and helped him up with lightning speed.

Then he immediately carried him on his back and rushed towards the school hospital all the way.

It is only at a critical juncture like this that one can truly realize how big the campus of Nanxuan University is...

From the male dormitory of Xindongyuan to the school hospital, there is a distance of nearly two kilometers...

Fortunately, Chen Yilang practiced his stamina and speed during the morning run and the school sports meeting some time ago, otherwise it would be a bit too much... Although this thin boy is not difficult to memorize.

Along the way, Chen Yilang also attracted the attention of some passers-by and classmates, who also came forward to help and helped.

A few classmates riding battery bikes volunteered to ride to the school hospital first, informing the doctor of the news in advance.


In the nick of time.

With everyone's hard work~www.readwn.com~ Chen Yilang successfully sent [lv12 Immortal] to the hospital.

【Ding! You have entered the [Medical Center]...]


【Ding! [lv12 Immortal] Healing is in progress...]


[[lv12 Immortal]'s lifespan is slowly recovering. 】



Hearing this, Chen Yilang breathed a sigh of relief.

After a while.

Chen Yilang saw a group of unknown men and women rushed into the hospital in a hurry...


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