If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 207: 【Reverse Blue Pill】?

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A Liang's eyes moved, and he couldn't contain his joy.

If according to Jiang Tianhua's meaning.

Wouldn't he be able to become the Minister of Sports after this year's general meeting is over?

It's... just like a dream!

While the other members worked so hard to prepare their campaign speeches and practiced their unscripted speeches over and over again...

He has sat on the position that everyone desires most!

This feeling is simply wonderful!

"Knew it……"

"Senior is right!"

"Opportunities are always given to those who are prepared!"

Ali was very excited.

This afternoon, the wink that Jiang Tianhua gave him was not the opportunity he had been looking forward to for a long time!

If his mind didn't turn a corner at that time, he would have missed this big move!

[Recommendation, Mimi reading and chasing books is really easy to use, download it here and you can try it. 】

"Of course..." Jiang Tianhua looked at Ah Liang and said with a smile, "From today onwards, we are good brothers."

"Good brother, good brother."

"How could I lie to you, dear brother..."



"Uh, listen to my explanation, Xia Ling."

"This thing is really not what you think..."

Chen Yilang scratched his cheeks while holding his mobile phone.

Even if Brother Lang is steely and straight, it can be seen that Xia Ling should be angry.

Since the last time I went to the amusement park with Xia Ling and watched the fireworks - the fireworks he made.

Xia Ling began to like to send him messages on Penguin and chat with him.

Although the content of the chat is generally not nutritious.

It's nothing more than that I don't know how to learn advanced numbers. Today, the dishes in the school cafeteria have become better. When walking at night, I was fed dog food by a young couple walking hand in hand...


It's just that there are endless topics to talk about.

And all day today, Xia Ling didn't talk to him.

Obviously, 80% is angry because of what happened today...

Other girls open their arms to you so enthusiastically, don't even care if they don't appreciate it, and hug their roommate...

Is this super embarrassing for others?


Chen Yilang, who realized that he was wrong, immediately made a phone call to apologize to Xia Ling.


"I forgive you this time."

"However, I'm going to eat hot pot and watch a movie..."

Xia Ling's soft voice came from the other end.

Chen Yilang could hear it.

Her original intention should be to be a little arrogant, but unfortunately her character is too soft, so she looks a little cowardly...

"Good talk, good talk."

Chen Yilang quickly replied with a smile.

【Ding! 】

[[npc Xia Ling]'s favorability has been improved! 】

[Current favorability: 56%]



"Fortunately, fortunately."

Chen Yilang breathed a sigh of relief.

He was still thinking about the [warm hug] that he was thinking about in his heart!

Such a powerful buff skill, he must experience it!

And in the future, I have to find an opportunity to pull Xia Ling into my [power]...


After chatting with Xia Ling, Chen Yilang was also a little sleepy.

I was really tired today, and I went out to celebrate with my dog ​​sons at night, and my body was already hollowed out.

Chen Yilang felt that he could fall asleep as soon as he touched the pillow.

Facts have proved that Brother Lang made a mistake in judgment.

The moment I lay down after the bedroom lights were turned off.

The sound of the system in his mind instantly drove away most of his sleepiness.

【Ding! 】

【Congratulations! 】

[Because the number of steps taken today has reached the highest level in history, [Lucky Mall] has been opened! 】

[Start the countdown: 23h59m59s]


Chen Yilang: "?"

good guy.

What kind of weird turn-on condition is this?

This egg hurts the mall, it's really a bit unreasonable.

His step count today was indeed ridiculously high.

As a dead house, after many years, he actually reached the first place in the Moments step ranking list today.

"What about him."

"Let's see what's good first."

Chen Yilang suddenly regained his senses.

He rubbed his hands expectantly like a blowfly, and opened the mall panel.


【Mystery Mall】

Reverse Blue Pill: Inventory 1, sells for 55555 gp

Crash Camera: Inventory 1, priced at 44444 gp

Transparent Brick: Inventory 1, sells for 33333 gp

Automatic Booger Digger: Inventory 1:22222 Gold Coins

Current balance: 56413 gold coins


After Chen Yilang took a quick glance, he soon discovered a piece of good news, that this time his savings could buy any item.

Of course.

At the same time, he also had bad news, that is, this batch of props has some NT...

"So what the **** is this reverse blue pill? After using it, you can directly enter the [Sage Mode]?"

"And this transparent brick, what is the meaning of its existence?"

"However, this automatic booger-picking artifact seems to be a little more practical, but ask yourself, is this thing really worth so much..."

Chen Yilang muttered silently.


He chose the most normal-looking [Crash Camera].

At least in these pieces of equipment.

The name of this [Crash Camera] sounds like the most interesting one, and the gameplay should be a little more...

【Ding! 】

[You spent 44,444 gold coins and successfully purchased the prop [Crash Camera]! 】

Chen Yilang immediately opened his backpack and checked the details.

[Crash camera: A camera that looks ordinary, but is full of extraordinary abilities... If you operate it properly, you can use it to shoot a lot of exciting things, hehe. 】

"God babbling..."

Chen Yilang simply took out the camera and played with it for a while.

Although I don't usually come into contact with this kind of equipment.

But Chen Yilang discovered it for the first time.

The camera in his hand was different from what he had seen before.

For example.

on its operation panel.

There is a row of scale buttons that can be adjusted by yourself.

And the above shows.

is a row of time scales.


From the unit of the year, it has been accurate to the second!


"Should this thing be..."

this moment.

Chen Yilang suddenly had some wonderful ideas in his mind.

He took out the camera.


Set the time scale on it to eleven o'clock tonight.

That is, an hour ago.

Then he picked up the camera, pointed it at a certain angle in the dormitory, and clicked the shutter.

The flash is also on at the same time.

"I'll go, Brother Lang, what are you doing?"

Li Zixian lying on the bed was suddenly photographed by the flash, the tiger body was shocked, and he quickly wrapped the small cup, "You don't sleep at night, why are you taking pictures of me secretly?"

"Who secretly photographed you, go to sleep well."

Chen Yilang said.

According to what he knew about Li Zixian, most of this guy hid under the covers at night and secretly reviewed his craftsmanship, so he was so nervous...well, he was young.

Li Zixian shrank his head angrily, turned his back, and went back to sleep.

After taking pictures.

Chen Yilang glanced at the shot and smiled.


His guess has been confirmed...

taken on the camera.

It is a picture of three people sitting in front of the computer, each doing their own thing.

——This is the scene in the dormitory an hour ago!

And that time.

The only one who was not in the dormitory, Chen Yilang, was calling Xia Ling outside the corridor.

"That's right..."

"This so-called 'collapsing camera' is not a literal 'colliding'..."

"This thing is a space-time camera!"

Chen Yilang got his answer.

Just adjust the scale on this camera.

He can use it to take pictures of any place at any point in time!

"No wonder it's called a 'crash camera'..."

"If you take it to some shady house and take a few shots at it, there is a real possibility of bumping into a strange..."

Chen Yilang thought to himself.

After putting away the [Crash Camera], Chen Yilang yawned and fell into a drowsy sleep.

the next day.

on Monday.

He dragged his half-sleep body to the classroom and sat down.

Chen Yilang habitually took out his mobile phone and logged into the Insomniac Forum.

Studying and living was originally a very boring thing.


Log in to the forum on time every day, look at the hot gossip, and flirt with sand sculpture netizens, which has become a source of happiness in life.

as expected.

These days.

The topics that alumni are most concerned about have become the results and rankings of various projects in the school sports meeting.

It is widely circulated that the workload of the sports department is a little larger this year, so the results are not so fast.

But it can be seen.

Everyone has been waiting anxiously.


business school students.

They were the first to hear about the news of the bet between freshman Chen Yilang and the school sports minister, and they were also the most concerned about it.

after all.

if we assume.

If Chen Yilang wins this battle.

This movement against morning running is a real victory!

Not just their business school students.

The entire NTU will get rid of this nightmare!


the night of the second day.

The news that all the freshmen of NTU have been waiting for has finally come to an end.

The representative of the sports department, in the 2022 undergraduate group of the business school, released the list of winners of this school sports meeting.

In just ten minutes.

The number of downloads exceeded 300 people in an instant!

Immediately after.

The faces of the freshmen became a little unsightly.

The champion of the 1500m is...

Jiang Tianhua.

With a gap of 0.1 seconds, Chen Yilang was defeated.

"Brother Lang lost..."

The freshmen stared at the table in front of them, unwilling to believe what they saw.

So sad.

totally unexpected.

After so many days of anticipation, the result turned out to be such a result...

After a brief silence.

Someone in the group said:

"Brother, no matter what the result is, you are the best!"

"Chen Yilang, thank you for everything you have done for us!"

"Brother Lang, don't blame yourself! Brothers will accompany you for a morning run in the future!"

"Yes, what's the matter, let's carry it together!"


The news of the 2022 freshmen quickly swiped in the group chat.

This situation.

If it is normal, there is a high probability that the group chat has been banned by the teachers of the study group at this time.

But not this time.

It seems that the teachers have acquiesced to this kind of activity among the students, and they simply turn a blind eye and pretend they have not seen it...

Seeing these conversations, Chen Yilang felt a little bit in his heart.

Several dog sons in the dormitory are also comforting him, and there are many people's news on the mobile phone...

Among them, of course, also includes the dialogue sent by Jiang Tianhua.

Chen Yilang was too lazy to open Penguin's dialog box, because he could guess with his toes what kind of content Jiang Tianhua sent him...

But at this moment.

Chen Yilang just felt that something was not right.


It's not that simple...

He immediately took out his mobile phone and called Han Lin.

"Hey, senpai, it's me."

"Did you see the formula file of the school sports meeting?"

Chen Yilang asked.

"Well, I just saw it, I was about to tell you..." Han Lin said, "I know what you want to ask, and I also find it very strange."

"So you should be able to confirm that the surveillance screen you saw was the line I crossed first, right?" Chen Yilang asked.

"Yes, absolutely."

Han Lin said, "I can see it quite clearly, because I was also curious at the time, you and Jiang Tianhua, who exactly won..."

"I even remember what the referee looked like. It should be a junior in the sports department."

"Okay." Chen Yilang nodded and said, "I will be relieved if you say so."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Yilang got up and was about to go out, but was grabbed by Li Zixian and others.

"Brother Lang, where are you going!"

"You're wrong, Brother Lang! Don't think about it!"

"That's right, Jiang Tianhua is a very professional sports student. It's normal that you can't beat him!"

The three shouted.

"...You think too much." Chen Yilang's mouth twitched, "I'm going to work."

The three finally did not stop Chen Yilang.

The latter left, and the three of them looked at each other and sighed.


Brother Lang, who has won every battle, still lost once...

Along the way, Chen Yilang looked at his phone while walking.


After the results of the school sports meeting were released, the forum exploded again.

The freshmen let out a cry of despair ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ or simply silent...

This is also expected.

However, Chen Yilang did not panic at all.

In his heart now, he is 80% sure to turn over the plate.

The ranking has been released today, so there is a high probability that the award ceremony of the school sports meeting will be held on Friday...

So his priority now.

Just before the award is awarded, this matter will be resolved.

Facing the night.

Chen Yilang quickly walked to the East Gymnasium, all the way to the playground.

as usual.

during this time period.

The runway was already full of night runners.

But well...

He wasn't here to exercise tonight.

With not too long memory.

Chen Yilang came a few days ago.

The approximate location of the finish line during the 1,500-meter run final...


It took him a few minutes to find the exact location.

Because Chen Yilang clearly remembered that Xia Ling was standing somewhere behind the finish line...

Then use her as a reference for a little judgment.

Chen Yilang determined the coordinates of the referee's bench at that time and the location of the camera.

"That's it..."

Chen Yilang thought to himself, and then squatted down silently.

He raised the [Crash Camera] hanging around his neck.

Adjust the time to the day when the school sports meet starts.

Then I looked at the time when Han Lin sent the message, and slightly calculated the time when the line was crossed...


Press the shutter.

"There is."

Looking at the picture that appeared on the screen, Chen Yilang smiled slightly.


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