If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

: Two hundred and eighty [Black Whistle Ranger]

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very perfect.

Chen Yilang's timing was just right.

The picture presented on the [Crash Camera].

It happened to be the moment when he and Jiang Tianhua crossed the line!

After determining the time.

Chen Yilang adjusted the camera to video mode.


A slow-motion video file of about ten seconds in length is obtained.

It does so at a very low frame rate.

The moment when he and Jiang Tianhua touched the line was clearly recorded.

"It's done."

Chen Yilang smiled lightly.

For robustness.

He continued to shoot several times and saved five or six more videos.

Running on the playground, just passing the students here.

Seeing that Chen Yilang kept holding the camera, he couldn't help but feel curious.

"What is he filming?"

"Is he from the school's media department? Collecting materials for the night running on the playground tonight?"

"I'm going, I'm not wearing makeup, you block me..."

"Who is a serious person who still wears makeup while running? Even if it's changed, it will take a while..."

"Oh no, why do I think this guy doesn't look very professional? Why does he shoot in that position? Don't change the angle..."

The night runners who came and went were talking quietly.

Chen Yilang was naturally too lazy to pay attention to them.

He didn't see Han Lin tonight.

He was not familiar with the other members of [Hot Running Club], so he simply didn't bother to say hello.

After taking the desired photo, Chen Yilang happily hummed and left the playground.

After I got this [Bumpy Camera] in my hand.

Chen Yilang was like a little kid who bought a new toy, he couldn't put it down and played it frantically.




along the way.

Chen Yilang faced the scenery in all directions.

Swipe left, swipe right.

due to different timelines.

Chen Yilang can take a lot of pictures that are usually invisible in the same place.

for example.

A team of students who secretly skipped class and rode to Dongmen Food Street during class time.

In the middle of the night, dragging a tired body, I walked back from the study room to the postgraduate entrance examination party in the dormitory.

And the boys who practice three-pointers on the court at 4:30 in the morning...


There are still many moments when people die...

For example.

When the timeline fell into the middle of the night, he photographed the boy secretly urinating on the flower bed in the corner of the garden.

An internet-addicted teenager who climbed over the wall and climbed back to the dormitory at night.

And at midnight, in the woods, the young couples who "get up and down" with firewood and fire...

At first, Chen Yilang had an inexplicable feeling of peeping into the world, cool and exciting.

As a result, the more I see it later, the more I get used to it...

What really makes Chen Yilang feel interesting is that.

It was in this world.

A place that many people can't see.

There are secrets that no one knows...

Everyone in this world is snowing, and each has its own brightness and obscurity.

After returning to the dormitory.

The other three were already asleep.

Chen Yilang also lay down after taking a shower.

I couldn't fall asleep for a while, so I started to open the various photos I took tonight.


look at.

One of the pictures caught his attention.

The picture shows a young couple.

Like every pair of [Siamese] in the other photos, there isn't much difference.

They hugged each other tightly under a big tree in the grove and were intimate...

It really makes people blush with embarrassment!

However, this is not the focus of Chen Yilang's attention.

The only thing that caught his attention was the heroine in the photo.

A well-dressed and mature girl.

Compared with most of the girls at NTU, she is a little less bookish, more like a fashionable urban woman.

[Recommendation, Mimi reading and chasing books is really easy to use, download it here and you can try it. 】

- very familiar.

Chen Yilang's eyes just swept across the photo.

Suddenly there is a very familiar feeling.

"This girl, I seem to have seen it somewhere..."

Chen Yilang pondered silently.

But many times.

Memory is an elusive thing.

You clearly remember that it was placed there, but when you reached out and grabbed it, it was empty...

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to deal with so much."

Chen Yilang is not a gossip person.

Besides, his own business has not been resolved yet.

The school sports meeting is still fermenting in the forum, and the number of replies and reprints is still growing rapidly.

The current level of discussion has even surpassed the centennial celebration of NTU this year...

in ongoing discussions.

Someone couldn't help but broke out the bet between Chen Yilang and Jiang Tianhua.


Chen Yilang was pushed to the cusp of various topics...

【Ding! 】

【Congratulations! 】

【Your reputation has been improved! 】

【Reputation value +1】

【Reputation value +! 】


[Current reputation value: 2800! 】

After the sound of the system has stopped.

Chen Yilang found that he had gained 100 reputation points.

"I'm going, so much?"

Chen Yilang was a little dumbfounded.

It was just a hot post on a forum, and he gained 100 reputation points?

And he didn't do anything at all...

"Tsk tsk tsk."

"If I say that, I have to thank this guy Jiang Tianhua..."

Chen Yilang thought to himself.


Thank you thank you.

Secretly changing grades is something I can't agree to...


"It made you fuss for so long."

"It's my turn, too."

Chen Yilang licked his dry lips, then took out his phone.

First import the video captured by the camera tonight into the mobile phone.

Then I logged into the Insomniac Forum and created a new post.

Enter the title: "Breaking news! This year's ranking of the 1,500-meter event was maliciously faked!"

After thinking about it.

It doesn't feel like it's strong enough.

Chen Yilang added three words at the back: "It has been hammered!"

Then he exhausted his life-long language skills and used a variety of rhetorical techniques of metaphor and anthropomorphism.

Jiang Tianhua forged the 1,500-meter score, and described it eloquently...

Finally checked the content of the post.

After confirming that it is correct, select Anonymous and click "Send".

[New discussion thread is being posted...]

[Post has been posted successfully! ]

Chen Yilang glanced at the screen time.

It was exactly twelve o'clock in the evening...

this point.

It is also one of the most active time periods for the majority of [night owls] in the school.

Chen Yilang closed the forum, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

At this moment.

It has been almost one night since the announcement of the results of the school sports meeting.

This thing has been fermenting for a long time.

And this time.

He suddenly turned against the army, which is bound to cause another uproar!

But now.

All he needs to do is get a good night's sleep and wait for the next day...



as expected.

The next day was just early in the morning.

Chen Yilang was woken up by the system's beep.

【boom! 】

[You used [Bombshell], causing a lot of mental damage to targets in a large range! 】

[You bombed [Night Owl x125], causing a lot of mental shock damage to it! 】

[You bombed [Master Xiuxian x27], causing a lot of mental shock damage to it! 】

[You bombed [Screen Peeping Monster x37], causing a lot of mental shock damage to it! 】

[You bombed [professional diver x443], causing a lot of mental shock damage to it! 】


Chen Yilang jumped up from the bed in shock.

good guy.

The news of the system accumulated this night directly swiped his vision...

This made Chen Yilang slide for a long time before he touched the bottom.

He only knew that the post he sent out would definitely have an effect, but he had no idea that the effect would be so good...

【Statistical harvest... 】

【Ding! 】

[You got: Gold +22113, Experience +9876! 】

【Ding! 】

【Congratulations! 】

【Your level has been improved! 】

[Current level: lv13! 】


"It's even upgraded!"

Chen Yilang was overjoyed.

Based on his experience and knowledge of the urinary properties of this system.

Generally speaking.

every five levels.

As a [player], he can start a new way of playing.

"It's still two levels away..."

Chen Yilang muttered.

I don't know what kind of new play it will be next time.

After all, he has been a [player] for so long, and now he is not a beginner, and can no longer be called a novice and a rookie.

You have to get in touch with the world of high gamers...

After reading the system message.

Chen Yilang logged into the forum.

one look.

as expected.

In his message bar, there is already a 99+ red dot.

Click in to have a look.

The post just posted today at 0:00 has actually suppressed the discussion of the school sports results, and was directly ranked as the most popular number one!

"Fuck, there's something here! Fire tong Liu Ming!"

"Lord, what are you talking about, is it true or false?"

"This is not a rumor! The student union is the largest student organization in our school. How could it be possible that the grades were faked?"

"That's right, and Minister Jiang Tianhua is a sports professional, do you still need to use this method?"

"Don't make a fuss! Didn't the landlord say that it has been hammered? Where is the hammer? We didn't see it!"

"Hurry up, Bright Hammer!"


Forum netizens have already fried the pot.

The heat of discussion this time around is unprecedented.

Chen Yilang even saw some netizens with "Cai Da" in their IDs participating in the discussion...

Caida is another university, just next door to NTU, it can barely be regarded as a brother school.

Even the brothers next door came to join in the fun, which shows how hot this incident is...

Well, that's not surprising.

After all, this matter involved the head of the student council.

In the university, there are associations between classes, and naturally between schools.

Just most of the time.

Students who participate in inter-school friendships as school representatives are generally core members of the student union.

This is also called.

One of the [Resources] that the [Student Union] forces can access, but that ordinary people cannot access.

So it's not hard to understand why this thing started to come out of the circle.

With Jiang Tianhua's current status in the school, it is not difficult at all to get in touch with the contacts of other schools.

And why.

The reason why Chen Yilang didn't plan to release the "hammer" so quickly.

——He wants to let this post ferment for a while!

As long as he doesn't drop the hammer.

Then the post will continue to attract new attention.

at the same time.

He can also take this opportunity to make Jiang Tianhua uncomfortable for a while...

【Ding! 】

[You used [Bombshell] to bomb [lv12 Flash], causing a lot of mental damage to it! 】

[You got: Gold +1367, Experience +878! 】


Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao will arrive...

Looking at this, Jiang Tianhua probably saw this post.

is thinking.

A new beep popped up in my mind.

【Ding! 】

[You used [Bombshell], which indirectly bombed [lv10 Black Sentinel Ranger], causing a lot of mental damage to it! 】


Chen Yilang was taken aback.

This [lv10 Black Whistle Ranger]...

Who is this man?



At this moment.


"I ask you."

"Did you do something good for me!?"

Mingde Building.

Inside the Student Union Office.

The client [Black Whistle Ranger] Cheng Liang was shrinking his head and stood in front of [The Flash] Jiang Tianhua with a dazed expression.

Suddenly being scolded in the face, Cheng Liang felt that his little heart was hurt.



"I don't know what happened."

Cheng Liang grimaced and said weakly, "I really didn't tell anyone else, and I didn't hand over that information to anyone else."

"Then how could anyone know about this?"

Jiang Tianhua leaned into Cheng Liang's ear and said with a gloomy face, "Something that only the two of us know..."

"If it wasn't for you to say it...could it be me?"

"I, I, I don't mean that!" Cheng Liang was so frightened that he quickly said, "Minister, don't get excited!"

"I read that post."

"The person who posted the post is anonymous, and I don't understand his origin and background."

"But the content in the post is completely just his personal imagination and speculation!"

"He just said the real hammer, what about the hammer? Besides, what hammer did he use? It's been so long since the match, he couldn't find any evidence at all!"

"Unless that kid can go back in time and go back to the day of the game and stole my camera!"

After listening to what Cheng Liang said.

Jiang Tianhua frowned slightly and fell into thinking...

"That doesn't make sense."

"Who would be so bored to do this kind of prank?"

"Although I have a bad reputation in this class of freshmen, the students of other grades also respect me..."

"Freshmen dare to play this trick? Shouldn't."

"Then the only reasonable guess is that this post may have been sent by that boy Chen Yilang."

"Mostly because I saw that I lost, I felt unwilling, and I didn't want to admit this fact, so I used this extreme way to vent my resentment..."

Thinking about it, Jiang Tianhua suddenly became enlightened.


He is a dignified school student union cadre~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and is afraid that a Chen Yilang will fail! ?


What can this guy have in his hand that can hammer him?

No, not at all!

All the information and materials are firmly in his hands, no leaks!

This Chen Yilang is nothing more than a bluff to divert his attention!

"Ha ha."

"Although I am a little bit mean."

"But you're playing such kid's tricks behind your back, Chen Yilang, you're just like that..."

A honeyed smile appeared on Jiang Tianhua's face.

He immediately took out his mobile phone and replied to the post below with his real-name ID:

"Sorry, I am the party involved Jiang Tianhua."

"I didn't want to talk at first, but in this situation, I have to come out and say a few words."


"It's okay for this classmate to spit out blood. He doesn't dare to reveal his name after posting a post. He only dares to hide behind his back. What kind of man are you? I don't care if you are a man or a woman. In short, I just want to say that you have no seeds."


"Everything is based on evidence."

"To say I'm fake for no reason? Well, where's the evidence?"

"If your behavior is serious, it's called slander!"

"I've already given you face for not calling the police. If I insist on pursuing it, I will at least give you a major demerit!"

"I, Jiang Tianhua, have worked in the student union for three years. I am upright and upright. Who has ever heard that I have done a cowardly thing?"

"I'll leave it here today."

"If you have the ability, you can smash my head to pieces now."

"Otherwise, when I take you out with my own hands, don't blame me for being rude!"


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