If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 206: 【warm hug】

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The moment when Chen Yilang and Jiang Tianhua crossed the finish line at the same time.

Cheers and applause all around.

It resounded through the sky like thunder again.

But of course.

No one knows who they are shouting and cheering for...

Because of the moment of crossing the line.

Just looking at it with the naked eye.

It was impossible to tell which player was the first to cross the line.

They just simply feel.

The level of excitement in this game has indeed reached a level that shocked all of them.

By this time.

Who wins and who loses is actually not very important to most spectators.

- For example, Xia Ling.

To her, it really doesn't matter which boy wins.

The important thing is…

At this moment.

The boy who was running towards her was classmate Chen Yilang!

From Chen Yilang's eyes, Xia Ling was able to see the obvious, full of surprises...

"So, classmate Chen Yilang..."

"Are you happy because of my appearance?"

Xia Ling's face suddenly turned red.

She faced Chen Yilang who was running towards her.

The body stretched out its arms involuntarily.

【Ding! 】

[[npc Xia Ling] launched the skill to you: warm hug! 】

[Warm Hug: From the exclusive skill of the beautiful girl, the unit hit by this skill will enter the state of [Warm Healing]. 】

[In the state of [Warm Healing], the recovery speed of the target's health and stamina will increase by 50%, and other negative states will be slowly [purified]! 】


"So arrogant?"

Chen Yilang was stunned.


His current state is indeed very bad...

Just finished running 1,500 meters, and his physical strength is already in a state of serious overdraft.

Not to mention that he also used [Sprint] to spread his legs and dash all the way.

You don't have to think about it to know that his side effect [stiffness] this time must be quite serious.

Yes, that's right.

He needs [warm hugs]!

"I'm here, Xia Ling..."

Chen Yilang, who ran towards Xia Ling, also opened his arms at the same time.

Looking at her pair of firm water-cut eyes!


Chen Yilang rushed into the arms of the macho.


Chen Yilang was dumbfounded.

He looked up.

It was found that the three dog sons in the dormitory were surrounded by him.

He just crossed the line not long ago.

The three people rushed over from the crowd and gave him a big bear hug.

"Brother Lang, don't panic, brothers are here to help you!"

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, Dad is here!"

"Don't cry, Langbao, you are already very powerful, you must be the champion!"


The three fierce men used their extremely powerful and secure arms to hold Chen Yilang in their arms.

It's so warm it's hard to breathe...


Chen Yilang, who was directly submerged in the pectoral muscles of the macho men, looked confused.

What the fuck?

what the hell?

Where did you come from?

wait, no...

Chen Yilang just remembered.

This is something he planned by himself!

On the night before the race, he specially explained that these dogs were waiting for him before the finish line.

I hope these few goods can help him trigger the effect of [Pursuit] when he finally sprints.

And when he enters the [stiff] state, I can help him so much that he doesn't fall directly into such an embarrassment...

put at that time.

His decision was absolutely correct and wise.

But what Chen Yilang did not count was that Xia Ling would suddenly appear at the end...

【Ding! 】

[[lv10 Salted Fish Elite], [lv10 Keyboard Man], [lv10 Wolf Warrior] launched their skills to you: [Strong Man Locks Man]! 】

[You have entered the [lock man] state. 】

[Lock Man: In this state, the target's movement speed is reduced by 90%, and it suffers a lot of mental damage, with a 10% chance to cause the effect of [Mind Shadow]! 】

【Ding! 】

[Affected by the effect of [Locked Man], your [Stiffness] status level has increased! 】

【Your mobility has dropped drastically, your language skills have dropped dramatically…】

"...My Lady Gan Lin!"

The corners of Chen Yilang's mouth twitched violently, and in the chest muscles of the three dog sons, he tried his best to make a desperate cry.


I want my sister's arms!

Seeing that Chen Yilang suddenly had a very painful expression in his arms, the three of them suddenly felt that something was wrong, and quickly said:

"Brother Lang, what's wrong with you? Are you alright!"

"Water, hand over the water!"

"Hurry up and take a rest under the shade of the tree, if it really doesn't work, we'll go to the school doctor's office right away!"

Chen Yilang: "I have a family heirloom..."


that's it.

Under the attack of the three big men left and right.

Chen Yilang was carefully carried out of the crowd and left the hustle and bustle of the runway...

"..." Xia Ling's posture froze in place.

Suddenly a little messy in the wind...

It turns out that the person Chen Yilang is running to is not her?

So, is she being too self-indulgent?

Above Xia Ling's head, a heavy layer of low air pressure suddenly enveloped her...



the other side.

Jiang Tianhua, who has finished crossing the line at the finish line.

Immediately rushed to the referee.

Han Lin immediately rushed to the same place.

Jiang Tianhua just walked into the referee's seat.

When the members of the school sports department saw this, they all stood up and applauded, and loudly asked Jiang Tianhua a question mark.

"The Minister is awesome!"

"It's so handsome, Minister, when you crossed the line just now, our brothers' voices were about to explode!"

"That's right, Minister, you are too good at running. That Chen Yilang really took a lot of effort to catch up at the last minute!"

Members of the sports department stepped forward to congratulate, and at the same time, they radiated rainbow farts at Jiang Tianhua.


At this moment, Jiang Tianhua's heart is no longer on this at all.

He smiled at the members perfunctorily, and then walked quickly to the audience.

To the student of the sports department who served as the referee for this competition, he said:



Han Lin also followed behind at this time.

Also as the top three in this competition.

Both have clear goals.

I just wanted to know who was the first to cross the line.

"Uh, Minister, don't worry."

"Wait for us to make sure."

Because it cannot be distinguished by the naked eye.

The junior referee could only call up the video from the slow-speed camera, and use slow motion with a very low frame rate to carefully watch the moment when the two crossed the line.

this will.

All the members of the sports department around came over curiously...

"What are you doing?"

Jiang Tianhua said with a stern face, "Isn't one by one without work? If you are so busy, go buy a few boxes of mineral water for everyone!"

"No leisure, no leisure..."

Everyone slapped haha ​​and scattered as birds and beasts.


The referee apprentice adjusted the screen.

in the video frame.

The moment Chen Yilang and Jiang Tianhua crossed the line.

The expressions, without exception, seemed quite desperate and hideous.

You can directly take a picture and use it as an emoji, and you can add the text "Are you afraid of loving me".

And finally.

on the screen at a certain moment.

It is Chen Yilang's shoulder.

The first to touch the finish line.

see this.

Jiang Tianhua's face instantly turned black.

Han Lin's expression also changed slightly.

"I didn't expect it..."

The result of this match was indeed quite unexpected to her.

This little-known freshman actually became this year's dark horse, directly overtaking Jiang Tianhua and winning the championship.

After seeing the desired result, Han Lin was too embarrassed to stay in the sports department for a long time, so she turned and left.

"Minister, if you look at it this way, the first to cross the line is..." the referee said.

"Okay, okay, I know, you don't have to say it."

Jiang Tianhua patted him on the shoulder, and suddenly said with a smile, "Classmate, thank you for your hard work."

"Uh, good senior..."

The referee is also a member of the school's sports department. In terms of qualifications, he is still Jiang Tianhua's junior.

Hearing what Jiang Tianhua said, he tightened his body and seemed to understand what their minister meant, so he said obediently immediately.

"When will the final ranking be announced?"

Jiang Tianhua lowered his voice.

"It was originally scheduled to be Monday night, but this year there are a lot of things in our department, so it may not be announced until Tuesday..." The referee junior also whispered.


Jiang Tianhua still smiled and said, "Before the final results are announced..."

"Send the statistics of the game to me for review."

"...Okay." The referee apprentice nodded stunned.

"You worked hard today."

Jiang Tianhua patted his shoulder again, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and said softly, "You know..."

The younger brother's expression changed slightly, and then he nodded vigorously immediately.

Seeing this, Jiang Tianhua just got up and left with satisfaction.



"Who won?"

After Jiang Tianhua left.

The group of curious babies who were driven away just now put their heads together and asked the referee junior curiously.


After hesitating for a while, the junior referee named Ah Liang said calmly and calmly:

"Do you still need to ask?"

"Of course it's our minister!"





"ton ton ton ton..."


in the shade.

Chen Yilang was gasping for breath while gulps down the mineral water.

Feel the body in the state of "stiffness" gradually recovering...

His [Sprinting] just now really went a little too far, almost to the limit of his current physical condition.

If it weren't for these dog sons carrying him all the way.

Based on his own words, he would definitely not be able to get through.

But having said that.

Chen Yilang's heart was still filled with resentment.

Obviously, it was just a little bit short before he could throw himself into his sister's arms...

"Brother Lang."

"By the way, who won?"

"You and Jiang Tianhua, who crossed the line first?"

Li Zixian asked curiously.

"I want to ask this too." Zhang Jian and Feng Tian echoed, "How can you tell this?"

"I don't know either." Chen Yilang shook his head and said, "Wait for the referee to announce the result."

He really didn't care who touched the line between him and Jiang Tianhua first.

At the last moment, his mind was full of running.

I just think about how to run as fast as I can to get into Xia Ling's embrace, so that I can accept the healing and purifying effects of [Warm Hug]...

Just at this time.

"Ding" sound.

Chen Yilang received new news.

She took out her mobile phone and opened Penguin to see that it was Han Lin.

Han Lin: "Junior, congratulations!"

Chen Yilang was stunned for a moment. He seemed to understand what was going on, but he was not sure, so he asked again, "What's going on?"

Han Lin: "You ran first!"

Chen Yilang: "...Me?"

Han Lin: "Yeah! You won the first place in the 1,500-meter event in this year's school sports meeting!"

Chen Yilang was stunned: "...Really? Are you sure?"

Han Lin: "It's true, I saw it with my own eyes when the referee slowed down the replay."

Chen Yilang: "Fuck..."

The three hurriedly said, "Brother Lang, what's going on?"

"I won." Chen Yilang took a deep breath and said, "I beat Jiang Tianhua."


The three shouted more excitedly than Chen Yilang:

"Awesome, Brother Lang!"

"This wave is really about to congratulate, I directly send a congratulatory message on behalf of the new students!"

"That guy Jiang Tianhua, this is probably going to explode, right? I really want to see his slumped expression on the spot, it's funny just thinking about it, hahaha!"

"I don't know anything else, but I know anyway, we don't have to run in the morning!"


The three surrounded Chen Yilang, excited and authentic.

There was a faint smile on the corner of Chen Yilang's mouth, but his brows involuntarily furrowed slightly.

This thing... is it really that simple to solve?

Kind of incredible...

"Forget it."

Chen Yilang shook his head, too lazy to think so much.

Let's go and relax tonight.


"Go to the top of the mountain!"

Chen Yilang said with a smile, "I treat you!"



The three-day school sports meeting came to an end.

late at night.

Mingde Building.

Inside the empty student union office.

Jiang Tianhua was sitting next to Ah Liang.

Turning on a dim orange lamp, he leaned in front of the workbench.

Rolling the wheel of the mouse, carefully flipping through the documents on the computer screen.

recorded on it.

It is the scoring data of the finals of each sport in this year's school games, as well as the list of winners.


He found the data sheet that recorded the 1500m final this afternoon.

The data shown above is.

The first place is Chen Yilang, the second place is Jiang Tianhua, UU reading www. The third place on uukanshu.com is Han Lin.

And the gap between him and Chen Yilang is only 1 millisecond!

It is no wonder that through the naked eye, it is completely impossible to distinguish the order of the two.

"No one has read this document except you, right?" Jiang Tianhua asked.

"No more, Minister." Ah Liang said, "Don't worry, Minister, I understand."

"Not bad."

"You did very well…"

Jiang Tianhua's tight brows suddenly stretched out.

He looked at Ah Liang and smiled intriguingly:

"Originally, my position was reserved for you, a senior named Xu Kuan."


"It's yours now."

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