If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 21: Brother Lang, you are famous!

"Damn, isn't that Brother Lang?" Someone recognized the back of Chen Yilang's departure, "Damn, I didn't see it, Brother Lang fights so badly?"

At this moment.

The onlookers seemed to know what was going on.

Looking at the current situation, Brother Lang probably beat ten of them one by one, and he won the fight...

It sounds really outrageous, and it can only be explained that these bad guys are too unprofessional.

"Isn't it? You read that right? I heard that the strongest man is still the leader of our street. Many gangsters in the school recognize him as the big brother." Someone interjected.

"I don't know either, but it looks really similar! I'll post it tonight and ask..."


the other side.

Chen Yilang, who hasn't gone far, is comfortably taking stock of the results of the battle just now.

In the fight just now, he gained more than 3,000 gold coins!

This large wave of gold coins was scattered all over the ground. Chen Yilang used the pickup ability of the system, and it took several minutes to pick it up.

[Bad leader] As expected of a big monster, the blood bar is very thick, and the thief is resistant to beatings, and the beating is super cool.

Chen Yilang found that the more resistant the monster is, the more gold coins and experience points he can get.

The little monster that was directly beaten into ashes with one punch was not interesting.

Thinking of this, Chen Yilang suddenly became a little annoyed.

Oh shit!

That [bad boss] ran too fast!

Knowing this earlier, he went straight to catch up with Hai Bian, and at least he had to whip him a wave of corpses and scoop out the wool on his body before it counted...

"Forget it."

"Occasionally, I still have to be a person."

Chen Yilang comforted himself silently in his heart, and then walked home.


Along the way, he discovered something not quite right.

The [Prestige] value on the system panel seems to be slowly rising along the way.

When Chen Yilang returned home, he found that his reputation had risen to 500.

His title has also become [Understanding Beginner]

[Reminder: Now you are no longer the dull-headed little white you used to be, but an entry-level player who has separated from the novice village and low-level fun. 】


"This is how the same thing?"

Chen Yilang was a little puzzled.

Didn't he just walk all the way back, why did he suddenly gain so much reputation?

Chen Yilang didn't seem to have discovered the problem until he got home and sat down after he was full and ready to continue writing the questions.

"Brother Lang! Look at our school's post!"

"Good guy, Brother Lang, you are famous!"

"Brother Lang is awesome! Brother Lang!"

As soon as he touched his phone, he realized that his WeChat account had exploded.

Chen Yilang didn't bother to ask what was going on, so he simply turned on the computer, logged into the post bar, and searched for Beijiang No. 1 Middle School.

As a result, in the first post at the top, he saw a very popular post.

Title: Today I finally met Chen Yilang himself! Not only is he good at learning, but he is also awesome at fighting.

Click to take a look.

The number of replies below the post has exceeded 100 in just a few minutes...

Even if you glance at it casually, almost all of them are "Langge 666".

"???" Chen Yilang.

A little head.

It's no wonder that the [Prestige Point] has been increasing, and it went directly to the post bar. It's no wonder if it doesn't increase...

However, I always feel that the definition of reputation value is a bit outrageous. You can also increase your reputation by doing things. If you change the sword to a slanted player, won't there be an accident within minutes?

What a mess, these melon eaters?

What if any teacher or dean of the school also posts when he is bored?


At this time, a new notification came from WeChat.

Xiong Yuwei: I didn't see it, classmate Chen! (funny)

Chen Yilang: "..."

The calf is finished.

Now it's completely unclear.

It seems that it is better to act with caution in the future.

You must know that there is a fight outside the school, if it becomes a big one, it may still be punished.

Chen Yilang admitted that he was still very committed, but he didn't want to end up not even graduating.

"I don't care."

"Learning is the most important thing."

"Learning makes me happy."

Chen Yilang turned off the computer, threw the phone aside, and began to study.

Since this time, he has indeed found a state of learning.

Although I don't know why.

But when learning becomes a game, everything becomes interesting.

Chen Yilang had read a small popular science before, and the content of what he said was probably that the reason why games can make people happy is because the game has a strong ability to provide timely feedback.

When you replace a minion, you get money.

When you kill an opponent, you can also get a head reward, and even a system full-picture prompt.

It is full of a sense of gain and achievement.

However, study and work are not like that.

People put a lot of energy and time into these two, but it is difficult to see feedback and returns in the short term.

This is probably the reason why games make people feel more happy...

Although this happiness can last for a relatively short period of time.

So Chen Yilang felt that he was very lucky to be able to become a [player].

At least now, work and study have become a rather fun thing for him.

that's it.

The days when Chen Yilang became more and more obsessed with learning passed without knowing it.

The senior high school dogs in Beijiang City ushered in their third and last city-wide mock exam.

Beijiang No. 1 High School once again ran through its strong work efficiency, and announced the results and grade rankings two days after the exam~www.wuxiamtl.com~ In the evening self-study, the head teacher Molly typed the PPT of the ranking list as usual. on the projection screen.

Not as Chen Yilang expected.

This time, his grade ranking has improved a little.


Another ten places were improved.

This number may not be very large compared to the hundreds of people Chen Yilang has made progress in before.

But everyone knows it.

In a place like Beijiang No. 1 Middle School, where the scroll kings are everywhere, once the ranking is in the top 100, even if you want to move up one, it is almost impossible to move an inch.

Not to mention, this time Chen Yilang actually took several steps forward within the 50th.

This is simply an impossible thing to accomplish.

However, this time, Chen Yilang didn't have too many surprises in his heart.

Learning this stuff is actually a natural process.

When you have really digested and mastered all the knowledge points, as long as you perform normally in the exam, you will basically not be too bad.

This was something Chen Yilang didn't understand before, but now he slowly understands it.

But what is a little uncomfortable is that this time the three-model ranking did not seem to cause any mental damage to the [Scholar] and [Scholar] in the class...

Probably everyone is used to Chen Yilang's behavior, and their hearts are no longer disturbed.

Chen Yilang began to worry, if one day he really passed the first grade exam and they didn't respond, it would be too difficult.

Do I want a ranking?

What I want is your bounty!

Chen Yilang was a little depressed.

Right at this time.

He seemed to notice that a new state appeared on the top of Chen Jiahui's head...


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