If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 22: Go through [lv Five Ultimate Learning Gods]!

On top of Chen Jiahui's head.

A striking red exclamation mark was flashing rapidly.

"What's going on here?"

Chen Yilang was a little curious.

He knew that the common exclamation mark sign meant that a hidden mission was triggered.

But this is the first time he has seen this bright red exclamation mark flashing at high speed.

Sure enough.

The system prompt box popped up.

[Your [Breath of Involution] makes [lv5 Ultimate Academic God] feel a sense of crisis. 】

[[lv5 Ultimate Learning God] has entered a state of high [alert], and the mental attributes, intelligence attributes, and agility attributes have been improved...]

Chen Yilang subconsciously glanced at Chen Jiahui's desktop.

At this time, the evening self-study was almost over, and she was still miscalculating the questions on the problem set.

And this time.

She seemed to be very keenly aware of Chen Yilang's eyes, and then quickly moved the set of wrong questions away from Chen Yilang's eyes.

I don't know if it was intentional or the body's subconscious reaction.

But know.

Before that, let alone let Chen Yilang glance at his notebook, sometimes Chen Yilang would not mind if she borrowed her homework and copied it back.

After all, the top students in their grades wouldn't take the scumbags out of a thousand as one thing at all...

However, now times have changed.

Brother Xianyu Lang, Chen Yilang, suddenly emerged, rolling and crawling and dashing.

If I keep rushing like this, maybe one day Chen Yilang will roll in front of her...

So Chen Jiahui, who is aware of the sense of crisis, will naturally re-examine Chen Yilang and regard him as his competitor.

This is probably the reason why Chen Jiahui entered the [alert] state.

After doing this, Chen Yilang felt even bigger.

Originally, [lv5 Ultimate Learning God] was not very easy to kill, so it would be even more difficult to deal with.

Others are watching your every move every minute, and the chance of wanting to do something is almost zero.

"Hey, forget it."

"We don't rely on others, we rely on ourselves."

Chen Yilang also took out his newly-bought test paper of "Must Read Questions for the College Entrance Examination" and began to work on the questions.


Just after brushing for a while.

Chen Yilang began to feel a tasteless breath...

He almost vomited during this period of time for the topics of general science and mathematics.

It is true that the so-called college entrance examination wise and comprehensive mathematician wins the world.

When Chen Yilang scoured countless questions, digested tons of knowledge points, and greatly improved his scores in mathematics and science.

His ranking has already squeezed into the top 50.

And now...

He felt as if he had reached a bottleneck.

In the fields of mathematics and science, he seems to have reached his ceiling.

It's hard not to be able to stand up.

Only then did Chen Yilang remember his English grades.

His English grades are not very bad, but they are not top-notch either.

That is to say.

His current growth space is estimated to be stuck in English.

If my English grades were improved by another 30 to 40 points, would I still be unable to handle those perverted [Student Masters] and [Student Gods]?

Maybe it's even possible to directly overturn the [lv5 Ultimate Learning God]...

Chen Yilang's eyes moved, and the cells all over his body began to try again.

He immediately flipped through the college entrance examination vocabulary book and opened the first page.

Looking at the dense words above, Chen Yilang sighed again: "If only there were memory bread."

The previous 100 memorized bread designs have all been used up, and they are basically used for taking Liu Shiya's math notes, as well as science textbooks and Chinese and classical Chinese.

At that time, I was still too young, and I didn't expect to keep a little stock for English, who needed memorization the most.

As long as Chen Yilang can memorize all English words and grammar by heart, he will not be reduced to scratching his head awkwardly at the word abandon...

Take another look at the Chinese interpretation.

Abandon, give up.

Chen Yilang: Baring Tooth.jpg

very good.

The first English word told me to give up, this is really **** caring.

Soon, the evening self-study is coming to an end.

As usual, Molly praised the outstanding classmates of the three models this time, including Chen Yilang of course.

In the end, as usual, I did another wave of ideological work for everyone.


"The days when we can sit in this classroom are numbered."

"From today, we are only 30 days away from the college entrance examination."

"Since entering high school, we have survived for three years. Are you still afraid of this last month?"

When Molly was talking, Chen Yilang observed the [Scholarly Masters] and [Scholarly Scumbags] below, but they didn't seem to have any response.

Until Molly picked up the chalk and wrote the number 30 on the blackboard.

Chen Yilang saw that almost all of them were in a state of [anxiety] above their heads.

【Ding! 】

[Because of your good attitude, you have purified the debuff [anxiety] again, please keep working hard. 】

Chen Yilang scratched his face helplessly, not knowing whether the system was praising him or hurting him.


from this day.

Chen Yilang completely changed his strategy of turning over salted fish, and shifted the focus of study and problem-solving to the subject of English.

However, Chen Yilang soon discovered a big problem.

Although it is not difficult to learn something like English all at once, it is still not easy to keep going up to the level of excellence.

This stuff takes a long time to accumulate and cultivate. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Even though Chen Yilang memorized these complicated words and grammar rigidly, when he really read it in context, he couldn't do it at all.

"It's weird, I know the meaning of every word, but after I make up a sentence, I can't **** recognize it?"

Chen Xue Slag Yi Lang raised a question from the depths of his soul.

no way.

Even so, Chen Yilang could only grit his teeth and continue to learn.

As long as you don't die, you can learn from death.

Chen Yilang really couldn't believe it.

Everyone is a person with normal IQ. As long as they are not lazy, why should they lose to others?

So Chen Toutie started his English bad plan.

After school this afternoon.

After Chen Yilang memorized today's words and grammar, he came to the playground.

After doing a simple warm-up, he began to brush circles.

This is also what Chen Yilang insisted on during this period of time.

Chen Yilang has one advantage that he thinks is quite good, and that is - he can think well.

In his opinion, when your brain is exhausted and you can't learn anything at all, don't give up.

Taking advantage of this time to go out for a run, relax your mind and body, exercise your body, and improve your learning efficiency, isn't it fragrant?

After all, Chen Yilang is not a person who likes pressure.

Although now he has been regarded as an "introverted madman" by his classmates, he has finally lived the life he hates the most.

But in fact, in the depths of his soul, he is still just a little salted fish that hasn't turned over yet.

Just when Chen Yilang was comfortably brushing the circle—

"Student Chen!"

"Why are you here?"


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