If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 20: Don't hit me!

"Oh shit."

"It's going to happen now."

Chen Yilang couldn't help thinking.

until this time.

The sound of the system's half-beat delay was long overdue.

【Ding! 】

[You used [Freedom] to cause damage to [Bad Boss]! 】

【Opponent: HP-23】

[The proficiency of the skill [lv3 Free Fight] has been improved. 】


At this moment, Chen Yilang came to a complete understanding as if he had been enlightened.

Then what the **** is the power from the east?

Isn't that the [Freedom Fighting] he stole from Xiong Yuwei!

It's just that after stealing this trick, Chen Yilang didn't practice anything, so he almost forgot about it.

It wasn't until the [Bad Boss] attacked him just now that the muscle memory that [Free Fight] left in his body was revealed.


"Damn it, so I know how to [Free Fight]!"

"Then I'm still afraid of him being a der?"

Think of this.

Chen Yilang's body became excited with hindsight.

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he raised his fists towards the [bad little gangster] in front of him, placing them on the left and right sides of his head in a starter pose.

At the same time, his legs jumped left and right involuntarily, and his body began to sway slightly.

"What is this idiot doing?"

There are not too many fights between the [bad little gangsters]. They have seen a lot of bells and whistles like Chen Yilang. Basically, how smart their actions are, and how embarrassing they are when they are called to the ground by the ground. .

"Beat him!"

[Bad leader] shouted at his younger brothers, "Beat his mother so much that he can't even recognize him!"

The [bad little bastards] coaxed into a crowd, and then charged towards Chen Yilang at the same time.

"That's it?"

Looking at this large group of [bad gangsters] who have no physical skills or skills to speak of, Chen Yilang couldn't help but smile.

As expected of an inoffensive little monster, there is no deterrent at all.

It doesn't matter if you don't have skills, Chen Yilang glanced at it, and this large group of guys were almost all skinny children, and there were even a few bad girls in them.

These so-called little gangsters are actually just kids who do not read and do nothing. Not only do they have no skills, but they don't have any physical advantages at all.

"In this case."

"Then brother, just try to be as light as possible."

Chen Yilang moved quickly.

The experience and skills of [Free Fighting] quickly merged with Chen Yilang's body at this moment.

[Copy Bracelet] just stores the ability in his body.

And at this moment.

Chen Yilang completed the file reading operation.

He stepped forward and made a small jump, punching the face of a [bad gangster] who rushed at the front.


The latter was directly knocked to the ground by Chen Yilang.

[You used [Straight Punch] to inflict heavy damage on [lv1 bad punk], get ①Experience +24 ②Gold +88]

"???" The [bad gangsters] were stunned at the same time.

Everyone has the same reaction in their hearts, that is, they seem to underestimate Chen Yilang.


Chen Yilang stretched out a forefinger toward the [bad gangsters], and then ticked gently in his direction:

"It's boring."

"Why don't you go up together."

[Bad bastards] You look at me, I look at you, all of them are angry right away.

Oh shit!

This stuff is pretty **** slutty!

Who can endure this?

The gangsters shouted louder, and swooped towards Chen Yilang again.

This murderous aura and battles are surging like a tidal wave!

[You used [Whip Fist] to deal a lot of damage to [lv1 bad gangster], gain ①experience value +24 ②gold coins +58]

[You used [Round Kick] to deal a ton of damage to [lv1 bad punk], get ①Experience +38 ②Gold +59]

[You used [Shoulder Fell] to inflict heavy damage on [lv1 bad punk]...]

[You used [Monkey Stealing Peach] to insult [lv1 bad punk]...]

The three [Barbarians] and [Bad Leaders] who were standing in the distance were all dumbfounded, their mouths wide open, and their chins almost didn't fall to the ground.

I saw that Chen Yilang, who was surrounded by a large group of younger brothers, didn't seem to be at all restrained by such a big scene.

He flexed his fists and kicks freely, knocking or kicking the younger brothers who came over one by one...

Of course, it's all the tricks that the [bad boss] can't understand at all.

[Bad leader] I meditated in my heart. Fortunately, I didn't have the head iron to fight Chen Yilang one-on-one but called someone. Otherwise, it is estimated that the person who was beaten and screamed was him...


"What are you doing in a daze?"

The [bad leader] was suddenly awakened by the voice in his ear.

He looked up suddenly.

Only then did he discover that his bunch of useless little brothers had already been beaten to the ground...

And now.

Chen Yilang's fist appeared in front of his eyes.


[Bad leader] It was dark in front of him, and he was also beaten up.

[You used [Rush Fist] to deal a lot of damage to [lv4 Bad Boss], get ①Gold +78 ②Experience +35]

"As expected, Big Brother's bounty is high."

Chen Yilang was overjoyed, and immediately stepped forward to greet him, directly adding a set of combo punches to the [bad leader].

[You used [Continuous Inch Fist] to deal a lot of damage to [Bad Boss]...]

[You used [elbow strike] to cause a lot of damage to [bad boss]...]

[You used [upper uppercut] to deal a lot of damage to [bad boss]...]

【Ding! 】

【Ding! 】

【Ding! 】

Accompanied by Chen Yilang's every fist-to-meat attack. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

The melodious prompt sound also sounded continuously with rhythm.

The ground of the small road was already covered with a large piece of golden falling objects, but Chen Yilang had no time to pick them up.

——Chen Yilang is already having fun.

By this time, the bounty has become less important.

Not being a human being, of course, the most important thing is to be happy.

It is almost a hundred meters away.

The passers-by and students watching the lively can basically hear all kinds of screams coming from the depths of the path.

"Brother, take it easy!"

"Brother, I was so wrong, stop fighting, woohoo!"

"Don't bro, it's okay to slap your face!"

Strange voices and strange dialogues.

No one knew what was going on inside.

Until the sturdy big man [bad leader] was like a mad dog, screaming and rushing out of it as if he was running for his life, and disappeared in the distance at the speed of light...


A large group of bad boys followed closely, rushing out of the intersection and fleeing in all directions.


"I'll never fight again, Mom!"

"Come on, don't look back!"

Moreover, they are basically the ones that have a lot of money on their bodies, and they are so embarrassed that they are like elementary school students bullied by a group of high school boys.

"...?" The melon eaters were dumbfounded.

But only the next moment.

Chen Yilang walked out with a calm and indifferent look like the wind...

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