If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 199: 【Gun of Resistance】!

, the fastest update if the latest chapter of realistic gamification!

Half past six in the morning.

Nanxuan University.

On the square in front of the business school.

Students from all over the campus come from all directions.

It was quickly assembled here, and the line was lined up in an orderly manner.

Xu Kuan stood at a high point in front of the team, and glanced left and right at the group of naive big boys in front of him.

Inside the university.

Both freshmen and seniors.

These are the two groups that are most easily identifiable by appearance.

As for the reason... It's hard to describe the mystery of this, only those who understand it can understand it.

Xu Kuan, a junior, is also an old fritter.

In the second half of last year, he became the head of the student union of the college, which is something.

But Xu Kuan's ambition didn't stop there...

His ultimate goal is to be the head of the sports department of the Colonel Student Union in his junior year!

This is not a simple matter.

The student union of NTU is a place where monsters are everywhere, and people who can stay there.

Either the academic performance is particularly outstanding, or the other stylistic abilities are particularly strong.


Xu Kuan had neither.

As the head of the sports department of an academy, he has not even passed the pull-up physical test...

The reason why he was able to become the Minister of Sports so quickly, there is only one thing.

That is - he is a dog leg!

From the time of entering the freshman year, Xu Kuan tried all kinds of ways to get in touch with the school-level and college-level student union organizations to connect with each other.

A lot of things you do once or twice may not work.

But if you keep doing it in the long run, keep doing it.

Then it is very likely that one day, it will change from quantitative change to qualitative change...

Yes, that's right.

Xu Kuan did just that.

With his persistence and hard work, he was finally noticed by the bigwigs of the student union and successfully became a minister.

So Xu Kuan firmly believed.

As long as he is dog-legged, being the head of the student council of the colonel is just a matter of incident.

Especially this year's student morning run...

for him.

This is a rare performance opportunity!

"This is the best event organized by the student union in a long time!"

Xu Kuan was so excited that he couldn't help himself.


The morning running activity is not small, it is quite easy to show yourself in front of the student union and even the school leaders.

As long as he can lead the business school team.

And let the bosses of the school's student union see his leadership style and strength... Why can't he be in the position?


It is also a more important reason.

The only hard-pressed students who need to run are freshmen, and they have nothing to do with him...

The only thing he needs to do is to get up a little earlier, and it's not a big problem.

all in all.

This year's morning run.

to him.

It is an absolutely low-cost and high-return event!

Thinking of this, Xu Kuan couldn't help laughing.


Before he was halfway through laughing.

Xu Kuan found out.

Something seems a little out of place.

"How do you feel..."

"It doesn't seem like the number is right?"

Xu Kuan was a little stunned.

He scratched the back of his head, focused again, and observed the large group of college students below.

And then found that it was true.

It wasn't his illusion.

business school team.

There is indeed a significant loss of a lot of people.

"Little Li."

"Come and take a look at the attendance sheet."

Xu Kuan said to the boy beside him.

Xiao Li is one year younger than him and is an officer in the sports department. During this time, he is mainly responsible for the attendance and notification of morning runs.

Hearing Xu Kuan calling him, he immediately took the book and handed it over:

"Brother Kuan, I just wanted to report to you."

"This year is a little bit wicked."

"Four freshman classes of marketing majors didn't come to participate in the morning run."

"Isn't it?" Xu Kuan frowned, the expression on his face a bit complicated, "Show me."

Xu Kuan took the attendance sheet.

on this form.

The monitor of each major must sign his name on it, and attach the student number of the absent students in the class to the back.

The key is.

There is no way to fake this thing, because students will know the number of people in each class.

As long as you name it, you can find out whether there is any discrepancy between the data and the actual number of people present.

So basically, the average monitor would not dare to lie.

But today.

The monitor of these four classes in marketing is a bit powerful.

They didn't even sign their own names...

"Chen Yilang!"

"Deng Xing!"

"Wu Junliang!"

"Du Jian!"

Xu Kuan walked slowly to the front of the team and said aloud.

Every name he repeated.

But he still didn't hear the word "to" that he wanted to hear.

"What's the situation?" Xu Kuan pouted, looked at Xiao Li and said, "Have you done your notification work properly?"

"It's definitely in place, Minister." Xiao Li nodded solemnly, "And they came yesterday, how could they not know?"

"Are you sure?"

Xu Kuan said solemnly, "It's good to say that one or two people didn't come, but now there are four whole classes of freshmen who are not in place!"

"This must be something wrong with the notification, otherwise how could the students from the four classes not come to participate in the morning run?"

"...Then I don't know either." Xiao Li had a bitter face, feeling that he was quite wronged.

"Then when you sent the notice, did these people reply?" Xu Kuan asked again.



"I'm sure." Xiao Li nodded, "I've also counted it. The monitor of each class replied that they received it. There were two who forgot to reply. I even called them a few times to remind them."

"That's really weird..."

Xu Kuan looked puzzled.

And a little irritable and anxious...

Seeing that the morning run is about to start, but you told me that the students in the four classes were not in place?

What a slap in the face!

If someone from the school's student council finds out, his dream of promotion would be ruined on the spot.

"Hurry up and call them, one is responsible for calling the other!"

Xu Kuan immediately arranged the task urgently.

He found out Chen Yilang's cell phone number and dialed it.

"Sorry, the number you dialed has been switched off, please try again later..."

"sorry! the subscriberyoudialedispoweredoff..."

Xu Kuan: "?"

How dare you turn it off! ?

Brother Kuan's violent temper came up at once.

Chen Yilang, right?

Remember, first draw a circle on this guy's name to mark it...

He then called Du Jian's number.




"Sorry, the number you dialed is on the phone..."

Du Jian: "???"

I am cool!

This is even more **** outrageous, just hang up?

You really don't look down on him Xu Kuan, do you?

If you don't show the dog tag, do you really think he is easy to bully?

Du Jian logged on to the campus forum and sent a message to Du Jian with the id with the title of "Minister of Sports Department of the Business School".

Xu Kuan: Hello, Du Jian, I am Xu Kuan, head of the Sports Department of the Business School. Your class has not yet attended the morning run today. Please inform all your classmates to be there before 6:30!

"Ha ha."

"Tigers don't show their power, you think I'm a sick cat!"

Xu Kuan sneered proudly.


Just three seconds later.

He saw underneath the message he sent.

The "delivered" sign changed to "read".

But Du Jian did not intend to return the message.

Xu Kuan: "???"


【Ding! 】

[You fired the [Spear of Resistance], which indirectly caused a lot of mental damage to [lv11 old dogleg]! 】

[You got: Gold +1487, Experience +875! 】

At this moment.

Lying on the bed in the dormitory.

Chen Yilang, who is half asleep and half awake.

In a daze, I heard the prompt sound in my mind.

He turned his ears to listen to the outside world.

This floor of the Dongliu dormitory is still quiet enough to hear needles falling.

It seems that the first step of the plan has been successful.

Chen Yilang closed his eyes with satisfaction, turned over, and fell asleep again...


the other side.

In front of the small square of the business school.

Xu Kuan's face.

It has become more and more ugly.


"It's all over."

"None of these four people can get through."

Xiao Li walked up to Xu Kuan and said a little cowardly.

He was well aware of the temper of their ministers.

At this time, Xu Kuan was like a powder keg, one point would explode, so he chose to be strategic.

"Help me write down their names." Xu Kuan's face was so gloomy that it was a little scary.

"Then today's morning run..."

"Go on as usual!" Xu Kuan had a murderous look in his eyes, "You don't need to worry about anything else for the time being, I'll take care of these guys..."


Half past six in the morning.

as usual.

All freshmen of Nanxuan University.

The morning run around the campus began again.

The screaming voices are still one after another...

But run and run.

The freshmen of the business school seem to have found something wrong.


"Did you find out?"

"I don't seem to have seen that Chen Yilang today?"

"It seems that Du Jian with super dark skin hasn't seen either..."


"A whole field of marketing professionals didn't come this morning!"

"Damn it, it seems so! I only found out when you said that!"

"My day? Why don't they use it?"

"Did they have other arrangements?"

"Hey, don't tell me, they won't be sleeping in the dormitory..."

"Don't, that's a bit too much."

"That's right! It's too abhorrent, isn't it? You're secretly doing such a morally depraved thing, why don't you call us?"


The freshmen of the business school were talking a lot.

this news.

Soon, while running, it quickly spread to the four weeks of the year.

After a morning jog.

Freshmen in almost the entire business school.

Everyone knows that the four classes of the great professional in marketing have not come to participate in the morning run.

And not long after the morning run.

Mingde Building, in the office of the student union.

Minister of Sports Jiang Tianhua sat at the table.

Staring at the attendance sheet in his hand, his brows furrowed, and he fell into deep thought...

It's written on it.

is the attendance of freshmen in the business school.

displayed on it.

The four classes of a major in the college, with a total of about 100 students, all missed the morning run.

—A hundred students!

What is the concept of this Nima?

The number of absenteeism in the business school major has almost caught up with the sum of the absenteeism of all other colleges!

"Tell me, what's going on?"

Jiang Tianhua raised his eyelids and looked at the [lv11 old dog's leg] standing in front of him, his tone was a little unkind, "Your business school is really brave."

"...Brother Hua, today is really an accident."

[Old Dog Legs] Cold sweat broke out on Xu Kuan's forehead, and he had to squeeze a smile that was even uglier than crying, "I promise you, this will not happen tomorrow."

"You better be."

Jiang Tianhua changed his sitting position, stared at Xu Kuan with sharp eyes and said:

"As you know, this year is the centennial of NTU."

"If the morning run can be done, the school leaders will be very satisfied..."

"As soon as the leaders are satisfied, the student union of our school will live comfortably, and then I will be happy."

"If I'm happy, I'll definitely have your share..."

"What do you think, Junior Brother Xu Kuan?"

Xu Kuan hurriedly nodded and bowed: "Of course, of course, Brother Hua said it well, Brother Hua is right!"

Jiang Tianhua's suggestion was already quite obvious.

As long as this year's morning run goes well.

As the main planner and general manager of the event, Jiang Tianhua has great hope to run for the new student council president!

And he, Xu Kuan, can sit in Jiang Tianhua's seat!

Until that day... it will be the highlight moment of his [old dog's leg]!

"You just know." Jiang Tianhua took a sip of coffee and waved his hand, "Go, wait for your news."


"Don't worry, Brother Hua, I will definitely live up to your expectations!" Xu Kuan tried his best and nodded vigorously.

After walking out of the office of the school's student union.

Xu Kuan first breathed a sigh of relief, and then gritted his teeth a little annoyed.

Blame these damned guys...

If it weren't for these freshmen in marketing doing things here, how could there be so much trouble?

Honestly listen to the words of the predecessors, exercise well, and improve every day, isn't it fragrant?

Xu Kuan felt that he suddenly understood the mood of the head teacher who was so angry with them when he was young.

Disobedient children really hate it the most...

"Ding dong."

a new message.

Sent to Xu Kuan's penguin.

Xiao Li: "Brother Kuan, there seems to be something wrong on our school's forum... Come and have a look."

"whats the matter?"

Xu Kuan replied to the message subconsciously, but he actually already had some ominous premonitions in his heart.

Open the forum to see, sure enough.

An anonymous student, made a new post:

"I am a freshman."

"I heard something today."

"Students majoring in marketing at the business school don't seem to take part in the morning run?"

"So I would like to ask here, does the Student Union of the Business School have any privileges that we don't know about, and can not participate in the school-wide morning run?"


Read between the lines, although there is no offensive and insulting language.

But the meaning of doubt is very obvious.

The number of replies to the post is also increasing...

Xu Kuan subconsciously grabbed a bunch of hair and kept pinching it.

It is clear.

This incident has caused dissatisfaction among the freshmen of other colleges.

If they don't deal with it quickly, this pot will definitely fall on them in the end.

"We have to deal with these guys quickly."

Xu Kuan took a deep breath and calmed down his anger.

Then open Penguin and click into the undergraduate group chat of the 2022 class of the business school.

Then edited one.

The pop-up announcement message visible to all staff~www.wuxiamtl.com~ The list of absenteeism for today's morning run is as follows: All students in Marketing Class 1, all students in Marketing Class 2, all students in Marketing Class 3, and all students in Marketing Class 4 classmate! "

"All the above classmates, each one has a 1,000-word review book, and the monitor will collect it and hand it over to me tomorrow morning, and I won't wait until it expires!"

"In addition, the squad leaders of the above four classes, give me an explanation of the situation and reasons within today!"

"Today's absence from work is a very serious violation of discipline. Please take it seriously, otherwise it will be dealt with seriously!"


"@city213Du Jian."

"@ Municipal 212 Wu Junliang."

"@ Municipal 211 Deng Xing."

"Please reply!!!"

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