If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 200: 【High Fire Bomb】!

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The business school's 2022 undergraduate group is not in a state of silence at this time.

But even so.

Within minutes of Xu Kuan's announcement.

No one answered the call, and no one dared to answer…

"It seems that Brother Kuan is really going to play hard this time."

Someone whispered in his heart while peeping at the screen.

To know.

Their undergraduate freshman group is a serious official group.

in this group.

Not only all the freshmen of the 2022 class of the business school, but also the teachers and leaders in the college.

Many things and content are actually not suitable to be moved to this.

Although in most cases, teachers and leaders are not very involved in student discussions.


Zhou Kuan chose to post an announcement in this group.

That means.

This time.

He's about to get serious.

"If you don't bring some real guns and live ammunition, you thought the students would be joking!"

Xu Kuan thought to himself, and couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth with a sneer.

At this moment.

the other side.

Dormitory 414, East Sixth Building.

Chen Yilang, who was sitting in front of the computer, suddenly heard the voice of the system in his mind.

【Ding! 】

[[lv11 Old Dog Legs] released [Angry Roll Call], causing a wide range of aoe damage! 】

[You were [called] in public by [lv11 Old Dog Legs] and suffered a lot of mental damage! 】


[You have entered the [high focus] state! 】

[This state has a 30% probability of transforming into [Social Death] state, please pay attention to dodge the monster's attack! 】

while the system beeps.

Chen Yilang also heard the penguin's beep.

Open it up and take a look.

Then he saw the news that he had been attacked by Xu Kuan.

He knows this person.

The current head of the sports department of the academy is quite famous in the academy because of his fast promotion rate and active people.

As for the morning run at the business school, he is currently solely responsible for it.

"It really came."

Seeing this, a faint smile appeared on Chen Yilang's face.

Zhou Kuan came to the door, which was what he expected.

Because this is also a part of his plan.

The only thing I didn't expect was that it came so quickly...

From this point of view, Zhou Kuan's current situation does not allow him to calm down any longer.

The impact and suppression from all directions and levels constantly pushed him to the critical point of endurance...

This is like an active volcano, you can ignore him, but one day it will blow up...

closely followed.

It was the bombardment of news from the class.

"Fuck, Brother Lang! We seem to be playing a bit too much!"

"Squad leader, help! I don't want to write a thousand-word review, hum hum qaq..."

"It's too ruthless. The students of the four classes wrote a review together. Who gave Xu Kuan the right?"

The students of the municipal class 214 were talking a lot.

Just at this time.

Chen Yilang saw an avatar that hadn't bubbled up for a long time.

It is Wu Fengzhen.

"I've said it a long time ago, this matter is a lot of nonsense in the first place, now it's alright, it's going to be a big mess, isn't it hard to clean up?"

Wu Feng really sneered, "Is it still? What is it? I really thought it was a child playing the house?"

After this series of news came out.

There were only a few people talking in an instant, and the group suddenly became cold...

【Ding! 】

[[lv10 Valkyrie] used the [Cannon of the Horse Queen], causing a lot of aoe damage in a large area! 】

[Target x23 was attacked by [Cannon of Horse Queen], [Fever] state] has been lifted, and entered [depressed] state…]

Chen Yilang frowned.

this woman again...

Her casual words.

The morale that he finally raised in the class was directly destroyed by more than half!

This is no small problem.

in the rolling river of history.

Many losers on the battlefield.

Not being defeated by the iron-hoofed army of the enemy, but by the internal disintegration of the team.

In front of swords and swords.

The most incapable of collapse is not the long embankment and the trenches.

but the military heart.

But fortunately, no problem.

in this situation.

Chen Yilang actually had the same expectation.

What to do next.

In his heart, he already had some numbers.

"Damn it!"

Du Jian was cursing in the small group.

"Isn't Xu Kuan crazy? Calling our name directly in the group is going to break the net with us?"

"I directly despise this coward." Deng Xing echoed, "In addition to hugging the thigh of the academy, what else would he do? Without the support of the academy, would he dare to be so presumptuous?"

Wu Junliang also said: "It's just..."

"How do you say it, Brother Lang?"

Du Jian said, "To be honest, I'm a little clueless now...but I still want to fight the fuck!"

"Me too." Deng Xing also said, "But the students in our third class are now asking me what to do."

"I listen to Brother Lang."

Wu Junliang said.

"Me too." Du Jian said, "Brother Lang, what do you think now?"

The three were surprisingly unanimous, and turned their attention to Chen Yilang again.

"What do I think?" Chen Yilang smiled lightly, "Of course it is, and then it's work."

after all.

What should come will always come.

Just do it.


After simply deploying the plan again with the three of them.

Chen Yilang quickly tapped a line of news and posted it:

"Dear teachers and classmates."

"Our actions have taken up a certain amount of public resources and caused trouble for everyone. I sincerely apologize to everyone here."

"But unfortunately."

"I'm afraid I won't be able to submit this 1,000-word review paper on time."

"Our timetable has been filled with a variety of courses this term."

"Every night after school at 6 o'clock, what awaits us is not too heavy but not easy after-school homework."

"For us, college is not as easy as our predecessors said."

"While we are withstood the academic pressure, we have to squeeze out the last bit of strength and try our best to adapt to the new life and new environment..."

"Being able to fall asleep before twelve o'clock at night is already a very happy and satisfying thing..."

"And the morning run at 6:30 in the morning squeezes our few rest time even more..."

"I still remember the first morning run."

"Senior Xu Kuan also gave us a small speech."

"You said that if a person does not have a healthy body, there will be no beauty, there will be no carrier of wisdom, and there will be no life and vitality..."

"But now."

"After starting the morning run, not only did we not feel more positive vitality, but we became more sluggish because of this..."

"May I ask Senior Xu Kuan, is this contrary to the original intention and concept of the morning run?"

"In that case, if the student council still insists on insisting on this activity, what is the meaning and what is the purpose?"


Hit the space bar.

Chen Yilang posted this long series of long articles directly to the undergraduate group.

Immediately after.

Into the silence again...


There is no one person.

Dare to come out and send a message at this time.

But Chen Yilang knew.

This move.

He was right again.

Because after a minute.

He heard the sound of the system from the depths of his mind,

【Ding! 】

[You used [High Incendiary Bomb], causing huge mental damage to targets in a wide range! 】

[[Target x395] was attacked by your [bombing] and entered the state of [psychic shock]! 】

[You got: Gold +5874, EXP +2236! 】

Chen Yilang glanced at the information of the undergraduate group.

displayed on it.

The current number, a total of 432 people.

The number of college teachers, counselors and student council members adds up to 24 people.

That is to say.

Remove this small part.

Among the 408 freshmen in the entire undergraduate group, 395 people's hearts are already shaking.

"I think what Chen Yilang said makes sense."

A freshman bubbling up in finance.

"As a student who has personally participated in the morning run, I feel I have a voice."

"The original intention of the morning run is good, but the method is not good, and it is even a bit extreme."

"I agree too!"

A freshman majoring in International Finance and Trade also spoke.

"Everyone can go to the playground at night to see, people who love sports, they can still keep jogging in the cold winter night."

"Exercise is a spontaneous thing, everyone is an adult, and if you understand, you will understand."

The freshman majoring in accounting said: "Yes, well said!"

The freshman in economics also stood up: "I agree too!"

The freshman of the investment school immediately echoed: "Raise your hand in favor!"

E-commerce's unwillingness to follow: "Me too!"

within a time.

Within the undergraduate group chat for the entire Class of 2022.

Get all kinds of messages with the words "agree", "approve", "right"....

Swipe directly!

At this moment.

Even the teachers of the student work group who were sitting in the dark observing the situation, were silent.

There was a little vibration in my heart...

Some young teachers have just joined for a few years, and this is the first time they have seen such a big movement and battle in the undergraduate group.


"Old, old."

"I don't understand what the young people are thinking now."

The teachers joked helplessly.

But of course.

At this moment.

The person who is the most restless in his heart is naturally Xu Kuan.

"..." Xu Kuan was a little confused now.

what happened?

Has the times changed?

Now the freshmen, have one or two become so hard?

Xu Kuanyao remembered the self-serving self in his freshman year. No matter who he met, he would call out senior brother and senior sister cowardly, and when he met the teacher, he would stand upright and say hello.

Look at these little brats now... No, where is this little brat? The little grandfather is almost the same!

How dare they...?

"You can't just admit it."

Xu Kuan gritted his teeth and thought to himself.

From the moment the four Chen Yilang were named in the undergraduate group.

He has no choice!

At this time, if you bow your head and admit your mistake.

Wouldn't that be equivalent to picking up a shoehorn and slapping his face wildly?

In the future, in the student union, in NTU, how can you still get along?

I'm afraid I don't have to ride a rocket overnight to change a planet to live...


Xu Kuan did not believe in this evil.

In any case, he is also an old fritter who has been in NTU for three years, and is a minister.

Are you still afraid that this group of freshmen will fail?

After thinking about it for a while, Xu Kuan thought about the reason and replied:


"I have no idea."

"Have you ever heard of such a sentence?"

"The formation of a good habit takes at least 21 days."

"But our morning run has only been held for two days!"

"Everything is difficult at the beginning, students!"

"Now all of you have only seen the bad things about the morning run, so you feel tortured, unbearable, and painful!"

"What you can't see."

"It's all the good things that have been harvested after having survived the most tormenting period and wind and rain!"

"When that time comes, you will naturally come back to thank our student union for everything we have done."

"I can tell you with a pat on the chest."

"21 days, just stick to it for 21 days!"

"Those of you who have developed good morning running habits will have plenty of physical strength and a tough body..."

Du Jian suddenly complained: "Yes, the corpse will indeed harden..."

[The news of the group member "Shiying 213 Du Jian" has been withdrawn. ]

"Morning runs may have some shortcomings, but what we need to do is to accept the challenge and face ourselves."

"This event will not be cancelled, at least not yet."

"Whether a thing is right or not, only time can give the test and the result."

"Our student union will accompany the freshmen to work together, work together, and earnestly organize this morning run..."

When seeing here.

It was like catching fireflies in the dark.

The corner of Chen Yilang's mouth rose slightly.

- He has been waiting for Xu Kuan's words for a long time.

"Then I want to ask Senior Xu Kuan again."

"What you mean by 'work hard with us' is to stand by and watch us run, and then shout 'Come on' when you're in a good mood, that's all?"

"If I remember correctly."

"The first purpose of the student union seems to be 'serving students', right?"

"If that's the case, why couldn't Senior Xu Kuan lead by example and lead our freshmen for a morning run?"

"A large part of the reason why we don't want to run in the morning is because we don't have a qualified leader!"

"As the head of the sports department of our business school, UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com Senior Xu Kuan is, in the eyes of our freshmen, a warm-hearted big brother who is amiable and charismatic."

"If Senior Xu Kuan can run with us in the morning, we will be very moved, and we will be more willing to spontaneously participate in the activities of the student union."

"I believe that every freshman classmate must think this way, right?"

The voice fell.

Xu Kuan, who was typing on the other end of the screen, suddenly froze.

After a brief second of silence.

"Brother Lang is right!!"

within the entire group chat.

Once again, the new students who were extremely excited were madly swiping the screen.

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