If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 198: If you don't rest early, how can you have the strength to stay in bed tomorrow?

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The sixth teaching building.

in a small classroom.

Almost all the students in the municipal class 214 who have finished their last class today.

All stayed where they were and did not leave.

After the crowd gradually dissipated after class.

After Chen Yilang stepped onto the podium, he slowly glanced at everyone.

"Apart from Wu Fengzhen and Li Jiaxuan, are everyone here?" Chen Yilang asked.

"Well, it's all here," said the probability committee member who was in charge of the roll call.

"Okay, I see." Chen Yilang said.


The reason why the students of Municipal 214 stayed in the classroom.

It was because last night, Chen Yilang posted a message in the small class group for a meeting.

The so-called small class group is the class group without the class teacher, class assistant and other senior brothers and sisters.

A real pure class.

In general.

For serious class meetings, notices need to be sent in the large class group.

But this time, Chen Yilang was in the small group.

This also means that this class meeting was held privately by Chen Yilang...

That is to say, whether the students come or not is almost entirely based on their wishes.

If you don't want to come to the meeting, you can't say anything.

So before that.

Chen Yilang has already made preparations, and half of the people may not be present in this meeting.

Unexpectedly, there were actually quite a lot of people present.

There was indeed a little surprise.

Moreover, Wu Fengzhen and Li Jiaxuan did not come to the class meeting, which was actually expected by Chen Yilang.

Since he ran for class president until now.

[Valkyrie] Wu Fengzhen, it's not very cool to see him all the time.

Although he didn't say much on the surface.

But many times.

But when Chen Yilang carried out the class committee work in the class, Wu Fengzhen was the kind who was not very willing to cooperate.

The two people's views and concepts of the position of monitor are indeed too different. Chen Yilang has long since given up coexisting peacefully with her.

As for Li Jiaxuan's words, it was purely because the girl was not very gregarious.

Any activities organized in the class.

As long as you can not participate.

Then she basically pushes whenever she can, and this time is no exception.

Except for these two.

All the other students in the class were actually there!

Seeing this, Chen Yilang couldn't help but sigh, it turned out that he really underestimated his appeal in the class.


"I'm very grateful to all the students for taking time out of their busy schedules to participate in today's meeting."

"It's not a formal class meeting to be held tonight."

"So, when I saw everyone sitting here, I was really moved."

When Chen Yilang mentioned the audience here, the students cheered spontaneously.

"Brother Lang, I support you!"

"Don't say such things, squad leader, we are all family!"

"Chen Yilang is the best monitor!"


Chen Yilang raised his palm and pressed it down, signaling to calm down first.

"The things I'm going to tell you today may make you doubt whether my squad leader is competent enough or not, and whether my thoughts are correct enough."

"So if you have any objections, please feel free to raise them."

"I, Chen Yilang, humbly accept the criticism from all of you."


"Everyone must have heard about the most popular thing at NTU recently, right?"

"That's right, the student union, in the name of celebrating the school anniversary and enhancing students' physical fitness, carried out morning running activities throughout the school...and only our freshmen participated."

"Today is the first day of our morning run."

"I want to ask you guys a question."

Chen Yilang smiled slightly, glanced at everyone and said, "How do you guys feel?"

within the classroom.

Instant fryer.

"Gan! Don't ask, just ask!"

"Squad leader, can I swear? No way? Then I have nothing to say."

"I **** kicked those idiots in the student council's forehead with a spiral explosion with my **** backhand!"


The students of the municipal class 214 were clamoring, and the posture made people think they were going to fight.

"Fine, I see."

Chen Yilang smiled slightly and said:

"In this case."

"I want to ask you one more question."

"If one day, you will have such an opportunity."

"A chance to claim some legitimate liberties and rights for yourself, and to oppose something unreasonable and excessive."

"What will you choose?"

Chen Yilang asked.

"Of course it's his vote!" a man shouted from below.

"Show them some color!"

"Yes, let them know that we are not to be messed with!"

The most excited boy even clapped the table and stood up: "The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, the Boxer Movement, and the rise of the Qin Dynasty in the last years of the Qin Dynasty... Have you all forgotten?"

"The students will bully us, shouldn't we just swallow it up?"

"Yes, yes!"

"The student council is a der!"

"Fuck him!"

"Brother Lang! We knew you were going to talk about this! We're not cowards either. You need everyone to make a living, even if you just say something!"

"..." Chen Yilang silently wiped the sweat from his forehead.

good guy.

No wonder he said why so many people came to this meeting today, it turns out that these little **** have long thought about it...

But that's fine too.

For this meeting tonight.

Chen Yilang also went to Wandu, searched for a lot of inspirational speeches, and even checked the idioms of the Chuan X organization...

This time, it's good, and it's all in one step, all omitted.

"Cough, everyone, be quiet."

"Then next, I will briefly explain to you our plan of action."

"First of all."

"Currently participating in this plan, that is, our allies, are only our four marketing classes."

"But don't worry, there will be more in the future."

Chen Yilang said, "And what everyone needs to do next is also very simple."

"That is……"

"From tomorrow, everyone will no longer need to participate in morning running activities."

Chen Yilang's voice just fell.

Inside the huge classroom.

Suddenly, it became silent and dead.

On Chen Yilang's forehead, cold sweat slowly slid down again.


This group of brats, shouldn't it be a crucial moment to cowardice?

Although as the squad leader, he is indeed one of the initiators.

But if these little brats don't dare to join, it's useless in the end, and the plan still can't be carried out.

Just when Chen Yilang was thinking about it a little nervously...

Inside the classroom.

Suddenly there was a burst of earth-shattering cheers!


"Go **** attendance, go **** morning run!"

"Brother Lang is awesome!"

"Yes, if you have the ability, let me drop out of school!"

"I won't run if Brother Lang doesn't run. Mom says yes when she sees it!"


within a small classroom.

Suddenly, it was drowned out by a wave of cheers!

【Ding! 】

[You used [Leader's Aura], causing a [Ignition] effect to the target within the range! 】

[You successfully [ignited] target x, and the target has entered a [frenzy] state! 】


Chen Yilang's face twitched slightly.

This battle.

It seems to be bigger than he imagined...


Everything was as he expected.

In everyone's heart, in fact, they have long wanted to do the opposite.

In that case.

Then, this part of the preparatory work that belongs to him is almost completed.

After a little talk to the students about the specific details, procedures and precautions of the battle.

Chen Yilang announced that the class meeting was over.

Every time, after the evening class meeting, the classmates who left the meeting looked tired and sick.

Results this time.

Guys after the meeting.

All of them look like they are alive and kicking.

Even in everyone's eyes, there is a group of sparkling things...

like flames!

"Let's go, hurry back to the dormitory!"

"Brothers, for the morning run tomorrow morning, let me see which ignorant person is going to participate!"

"Yes, you must have a good rest tonight, or you won't have the strength to stay in bed tomorrow!"

Everyone was noisily and dispersed one after another.

Chen Yilang breathed a sigh of relief, walked to the corridor outside the classroom, and moved his muscles.

"you are serious?"

A slightly cold voice sounded in Chen Yilang's ear.

Chen Yilang was still stretching, and he looked at the sound and found that it was Wu Fengzhen.

She folded her hands on her chest and looked directly into his eyes with a hint of coolness.

[lv10 Valkyrie]

I haven't seen it for a while, and this monster has also risen a few levels.

He had heard it from other girls.

After entering school, Wu Fengzhen has been working hard behind the scenes.

Both in terms of study and comprehensive testing.

And it is.

Because the final grades are released.

He had seen in the class ranking that Wu Fengzhen's name ranked second.

The first place is naturally Chen Yilang...

After all, during the review week, he followed Chen Jiahui and Gan Di in KFC every day.

But for Wu Fengzhen, who has no teammates and is fighting alone.

To be able to get the second place in the class is indeed a pretty good result.

And it is said that...

A large part of the reason why Wu Fengzhen studied and worked so hard was Chen Yilang.

Just started school.

Chen Yilang won her love in the class cadre campaign and took away the title of class leader she had been looking forward to.

This incident made her always brood about it.


After that, she has been working hard, vowing to run again in her sophomore year to win the squad leader back from Chen Yilang's hands.

Of course.

Chen Yilang didn't know these things at first.

In the same way, Wu Fengzhen didn't even know that Chen Yilang didn't plan to fight her...

After all, according to the rules of NTU, class cadres are basically rotated every year.


In Chen Yilang's heart, he did not intend to be the monitor all the time.

In college, the best time to be a monitor is when one is a freshman and the other is a senior.

In freshman year, everyone is new here, you don't know me, and I don't know you either.

Therefore, when you become the monitor at this time, it is easiest to establish prestige in the class.

And when I was a senior when I was a monitor, I was a bit of a thief...

Under normal circumstances, the things in this academic year are the least in the four years of college.

Therefore, the senior monitor generally does not need to be as busy as other times, and can add the record of the supervisor position on his resume, which is very comfortable.

So in the second year of sophomore year, there is a high probability that Chen Yilang will not continue the campaign, and for Wu Fengzhen, there is no concept of "robbing"...

With Wu Feng's true temperament, if she knew Chen Yilang's true thoughts, she would probably be half dead.

"I regard you as an opponent, but you hang up and humiliate me?"

That's probably what it means.

"Huh? Why are you here?" Chen Yilang asked suspiciously, "Didn't you ask for leave for today's class meeting?"

"I asked for leave just because I didn't want to attend the meeting, but I didn't say I wouldn't come." Wu Fengzhen said, "I just want to see, where do you want to fix it."

"Then you have finished reading it now." Chen Yilang spread his hands and said helplessly, "What do you think? Really sister?"

"That's why I asked you, are you serious?" Wu Fengzhen said, "Using this method to resist the morning run... You can figure it out."

"Hehe." Chen Yilang smiled, "I don't know what Sister Zhen has in mind?"

"The high opinion is, you should die." Wu Fengzhen frowned and said, "If you do this, it will only cause our classmates to miss the morning run, and may even affect the comprehensive assessment and evaluation."


"So I advise you to stop, it's still too late." Wu Feng said rudely, "If I were the squad leader, I would never let this happen."

"There's no other way." Chen Yilang shrugged and said, "This arrow is on the string, and it has to be sent."

Wu Fengzhen: "You are floating."

Chen Yilang: "..."

"Then I have nothing to say." Wu Fengzhen turned around, "I wish you good luck... No, just do it yourself."

Wu Feng really went a long way.

Chen Yilang shook his head helplessly.

Is this the conflict between college classmates?

No wonder it is said that the university is like a small society.

However, Chen Yilang was too lazy to care about Wu Fengzhen.

The concepts of the two are too far apart, and no matter how much they communicate, it is nothing more than a chicken-and-duck talk.

After Chen Yilang looked at the time, he walked to the small square behind Liujiao.

At the same time, the monitor of the other three classes also arrived one after another.

"How are you guys!" Sun Jian was the most excited, "I've already done it here!"

"Me too." Wu Junliang tactically shook his bangs.

"I'm fine, too. It's a surprise. I didn't expect everyone's response to be so high." Deng Xing also agreed.


According to Chen Yilang's deployment.

The four of them held small class meetings in their respective classes, and conveyed the matter of resisting the morning run.

Originally, Chen Yilang thought that this level might be a bit difficult, and I am afraid that he would have to spend some time doing ideological work for his classmates.

What I didn't expect was that it went so smoothly...

Ten o'clock in the evening, before lights out and bedtime.

The boys' dormitory in East Sixth Building is extraordinarily lively.

This dormitory is all marketing students, and the freshmen are on the fifth and sixth floors.

Crowds of people coming and going, constantly shuttled, frantically ran through the dormitory, and closely exchanged feelings...

There was talk and laughter in every dormitory.


It is also a part of Chen Yilang's battle plan.

After the class meeting is over, it is natural to visit the friendly troops and enhance the cohesion of the team.

Channeling the dormitory is naturally the best way.

As for the girls, Chen Yilang explained to a few classmates in the class who could chat more easily.

this evening.

When many people don't know...

The four classes of marketing in the business school have secretly stood on the same front...

Like a little bit of fire, beating on the grassland under the night.


the next day.

early morning.

Nanxuan University.

During the period from 6:00 to 6:10.

Terrifying and desperate alarms ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ sounded one after another in the dorms of freshmen.

The freshmen numbly pressed their alarms off their phones.

Dragging his body as heavy as a dead pig, he got up from the warm bed.

Wash and dress like walking dead...

The sky outside the window was still a gloomy gray.

"When will these hard days come to an end..."

Someone lamented in their hearts.


Far in the east campus, in the male dormitory of East Sixth Building.

At this moment, it was silent and silent as death.

Except for the occasional sweet snoring, the silence of this moment is gently broken from time to time.


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