If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 197: Brother, let's do the opposite!

, the fastest update if the latest chapter of realistic gamification!

on Monday.

Half past six in the morning.

Nan Xuan's thigh.

School of Business, School of Civil Engineering, School of Arts, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, School of Business Administration...

Large and small, nearly three are the open spaces in front of the academy.

Gathered freshmen from various majors.

The heads of the student unions of each college stood in front of the crowd, holding a document, and loudly said to the students standing under the stage:

"Now, it's up to me to announce a document from the sports department of the school's student union."

"Good morning, dear freshmen."

"The great ancient Greek philosopher Plato said that the three most precious and greatest things in life are 'health, beauty and wisdom'."

"If a person does not have a healthy body, there will be no beauty, there will be no carrier of wisdom, and there will be no life and vitality."

"And we often say that the body is a '1', and the grade is the '0' behind it."

"With this '1', there will be 100, 1000, otherwise, no amount of 0 will make sense..."

"At present, according to reliable survey reports, the physical fitness of college students in our country is very worrying..."

"To this end, we specially launched this national morning run..."

Hearing this, the classmates below complained one after another: "All the people are a ghost, obviously it's just us, the hard-working freshman..."

This paragraph of speech lasted nearly fifteen minutes.

But in the end.

In fact, one sentence can sum it all up:

Morning jogging is for your own good, in order to make you stronger, only the young and strong country can be strong, and the young girl can support the wall.

The students standing below remained calm, and even dozed off because they got up too early.

At this time in the past, they were still dreaming sweet dreams in the warm bed.


"Then now."

"The monitor of each class holds his own class flag, leads his own class, and starts the morning run in an orderly manner."

With the sound of the whistle, the troops began to move.

Follow the established route.

They need to run around the entire East Campus for about half a lap, almost two kilometers...

This distance can make more than half of the students present feel overwhelmed after listening to it.

Of course, except for Chen Yilang.

After this week of emergency training.

distance of two kilometers.

For him now, there is no difficulty at all.

So throughout the morning run.

Although he carried the class flag and ran at the forefront of the municipal class 214, he did not feel very tired.

The only uncomfortable place is.

After a strenuous run, he became profusely sweating.

If you have to go to the morning class in this state, it will be really uncomfortable.

While running in the morning.

Chen Yilang was also observing the situation around him.

Then, he found something that puzzled him a bit.

"Why haven't you met the student council?"

Chen Yilang asked the monitor of the next class.

[lv8 Iron Armored Monster] Du Jian from Class 213 of the municipal operation.

This guy is a bit reluctant to make progress.

Chen Yilang felt that he hadn't seen him much for a long time, but his level had not improved much.

The skin is still as dark as before...

"That's right, I found it too." Du Jian also said a little unhappily, "Those students with badges are just standing at various intersections and chatting, and they don't have to do anything."

Chen Yilang frowned and said nothing.


This group of people in the student union really knows how to play.

I also said before that I would accompany the freshmen for a morning run, but this is the result?

Say one thing on the surface, do another thing behind your back.

After half an hour.

The long morning run is finally over.

Plus the ten or so minutes of delay when I first started speaking.

It's almost half past seven now.

Take another look at the class schedule, the morning class at 8 o'clock.

It was obviously too late to go back to take a bath and have breakfast.

as expected.

This morning's class.

Stepping on the spot, being late for being late, fishing for fishing...

mess up.

Even the class teacher couldn't stand it anymore: "What's going on today, one by one."

All the students complained: "It's not because of our school's morning run!"

The teacher was stunned for a moment. He was about to speak a few words, but he seemed to have reacted to something, so he could only cough a few times and said, "Cough, not bad, young man, it's good to exercise a lot."

In short.

This whole morning class.

Most of the students are almost out of status.

Finally, after school, the three dog sons in the dormitory didn't even eat, so they clamored to form a team to go back to catch up first.

Chen Yilang took out his mobile phone and swiped the school's forum.


Same as he expected.

In the forum of insomniacs, the pot has already exploded.

Several pages of posts, all of which are complaints and dissatisfaction about this morning run.

"The student union of *** is like ***, I really want to give him *** directly."

"Grass, I was determined to have a good time in the new semester and study hard. I'm open to nmd!"

"Okay, let's not talk about it, brothers, I will faint for a while first, and now I have low blood pressure and hypoxia... By the way, if you don't see my reply in ten minutes, call me 120."

"I won't get up even if I kill him tomorrow! I don't care if I don't go to school!"


After just flipping through a few pages.

Chen Yilang heard the voice from the system.

【Ding! 】

【Please pay attention to dodge! 】

[[Negative energy frenzy] is coming! 】


An extremely dull and depressing aura gushed out in an instant across Pingming.

Chen Yilang was shocked, he immediately turned off the screen, and almost threw the phone out.

This cruelty...

It's really a little scary.

As you can imagine.

How destructive is this morning run?

After thinking for a while, Chen Yilang took out his mobile phone.

Under the attack of [Negative Energy Frenzy], he carefully browsed all the information on the post bar, forum and confession wall.

Finally confirmed.

This time, the morning run organized by the student union really caused public anger.

He heard Wu Jiaxin talk about NTU's past.

turn out to be.

Before their freshmen came.

NTU's student union.

From time to time, he often does some unbelievable pranks.

But no matter how bullshit.

At least not as outrageous as it is today.

It can be seen from this.

The whole school's morning run, which is anti-human, is indeed a bit lost.


Now that it has been confirmed, this is not a popular thing.

Then the next thing you need to do is to flip it over!

Chen Yilang subconsciously licked his dry lips.



Another smell of doing things.

But soon.

Chen Yilang fell into new thinking again.

That's right.

against him!

This goes without saying.

It's definitely going to be the other way around.

But the question now is, how to counter...

Chen Yilang felt that he would not be able to find a good starting point for a while.

Brother Lang fell into contemplation...

Just as he was thinking about his next move.

"Ding dong."

A new message popped up in the Penguin chat box.

Chen Yilang took out his phone and glanced at it.

I found myself pulled into a group chat again.

The group owner is actually the squad leader of the next city's Class 173, [Iron Armored Monster] Du Jian.

The other two group members were the squad leader [lv8 Hunter] Deng Xing from Class 211, and Wu Junliang from Class 212.

If these people are put together, you can feel that the squad leader of Class 2 is a bit low-key. In this world where monsters and NPCs are everywhere, there is not even a logo...


"It's all my own, so I won't speak secretly."

"I really can't stand the student union, let's **** him!"

Du Jian wrote a lot of angry expressions in the group chat, and he was aggressive.

[Intelligence: [lv8 Iron Armor] Rage value is rising rapidly, and there is a certain chance of entering [dementia] state. 】

[Dementia: In this state, the target's strength and agility attributes are greatly improved, and the intelligence attribute is greatly reduced. 】


"Brother Jian, what are your plans?" Wu Junliang asked.

"I don't have any plans. I just want to beat up the students in the student union first, especially the head of the sports department. What's the name... what is it?" Du Jian was at a loss for words for a while.

"Jiang Tianhua." Deng Xing said, "I have heard people say that this year's morning run was all proposed and tinkered with by him, and he is the culprit!"

"Jiang Tianhua, right? Yes, I remember." Du Jian said fiercely, "How do you say it, brothers? I even inquired about the office of the student union, and I will wait for you guys to copy together."

Chen Yilang: "...Are you serious?"

Du Jian: "...We are cultural people anyway, so it's impossible to fight! But let's scare him, give him some color, so that he will no longer have the guts to deal with this. anti-human activity."

Deng Xing: "Uh, brother, I think you should calm down first? I think you are a little impulsive. Just the four of us, go to the student union? Why?"

Du Jian: "Just... just because the four of us are class leaders!"

Chen Yilang: "..."

Deng Xing: "..."

Wu Junliang: "..."

The corners of everyone's mouth twitched, thinking about your posture, and those who didn't know it thought it was the four principals...

Deng Xing wiped his sweat: "...Brother, I have to say one thing, I think you may have overestimated the status of the squad leader."

Wu Junliang: "+1"

Du Jian: "Even if the squad leader is useless, he is still a squad leader! At least it's better than a low-level student who doesn't have any jobs, right?"

Deng Xing: "You may have misunderstood the monitor, at best we are just a tougher bottom student..."

Du Jian: "Fuck! There's a lot of nonsense. To put it bluntly, you're just cowards, no seeds!"

Du Jian: "Look at me, who am I afraid of? I've been repeating grades for two years, and many things in the school have long since looked down. What are students? In the eyes of adults, they are just a group of children entertaining themselves. Just having fun playing at home..."

Du Jian: "By the way, we talked for a long time here, right? Why haven't we seen Chen Yilang speak?"

Wu Junliang: "Brother Lang, what do you think?"

Deng Xing: "Come out and persuade our brother Jian, he is about to be stunned..."

Chen Yilang said, "I think Brother Du is right."

Deng Xing: "?"

Wu Junliang: "?"

Du Jian excitedly patted the table: "Look, look! Look at both of you! What is tolerance, what is pattern! Back in the military training, I knew Brother Lang was not easy! Now I stand with Brother Lang again. On a front, we can only say that the acquaintances of gentlemen, it is too late to meet each other!"

The corner of Chen Yilang's mouth twitched, thinking that if you say that you don't know each other, you may still have some touches...

When he was standing in the military position, he and Du Jian had ridiculed each other a lot.

It's also interesting to say.

Just because of a nonsense morning run.

The squad leaders, who had been unhappy with each other for a long time, actually joined together for the first time.

However, Deng Xing and Wu Junliang still thought it was nonsense: "Brother Lan, your brain can't be watted, right?"

Du Jian's veins jumped: "What do you call tmd?"

Chen Yilang sent out a few emojis, signaling them to calm down a bit.

He answered this question, in fact, after his own thinking.

So he explained:

"First of all, I want to make a statement."

"As for this matter, resorting to violent means is definitely not a good way."

"But Brother Jian didn't say anything."

"Although our squad leader has a low status, he is not useless."


"As long as you dare."

"I can assure you—"

"Our squad leader can also set off a wave!"


【Ding! 】

[You launched [Incitement Fire], causing [Encouragement] effect to target x3! 】

[Target x3 has entered [inspirational state]! 】

at the same time.

Chen Yilang also saw the name of the three people, and a small beating flame icon popped up immediately!

Deng Xing: "It's quite interesting to hear what you said... But I want to hear about the specific plan."

Chen Yilang took a breath and typed out a sentence:


"Morning jogging is a rather unpopular thing."

"Most of our freshmen this year are already full of resentment and anger."

"These negative emotions will not be suppressed all the time."

"It's going to be like a volcano one day, and then it explodes, erupts..."

"So all they need is an opportunity to erupt!"

Du Jian: "...Brother, can you please tell me about it? It's too esoteric, I don't understand it."

Chen Yilang "...In short, it's a group of people who are eager to make trouble but don't dare to make trouble, waiting for someone to take the lead!"

Wu Junliang: "Brother Lang, what do you mean... let us be the leader?"

Chen Yilang nodded and said, "That's right."

Du Jian hurriedly asked, "Then how do we take it?"

Chen Yilang smiled indifferently and said, "Take the lead and don't participate in the morning run!"

"Fuck you, you're awesome!" Deng Xing was startled, "But wait, Brother Lang... Your plan, why do I sound a little more aggressive than Du Jian's?"

"But it's more feasible and less risky."

Chen Yilang said, "If you don't take part in the morning run~www.wuxiamtl.com~, you will be criticized at most, but you will definitely not remember it! Even if the plan fails, the loss will not be much."

"It's like when you were in high school."

"Have you ever seen anyone punished for not doing recess or not running? No?"

Wu Junliang: "It seems like the bird eats it."

Du Jian: "Fuck, that makes sense!"

Deng Xing: "666."

Chen Yilang lowered his voice and continued:

"And just so, the brothers are class leaders again!"

"In that case."

"Then the first shot of this resistance..."

"We can start it first."


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