If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 196: 【Running base】?

, the fastest update if the latest chapter of realistic gamification!

That's right.

Although the attributes and effects of [Quick Boots] look really fancy.

But for the current Chen Yilang.

Its biggest role is just a pair of running shoes.

After changing into [Quick Boots].

Chen Yilang put the old shoes under the tree, and then set foot on the plastic track to start his training.

"The last time I ran was..."

Chen Yilang thought about it as he ran, and found that he couldn't recall the exact time.

"...It was the last time."


It turns out that he has been a dead fat house for so long?

The most important thing is that he still doesn't know all about it!

"In that case, let's set a small goal again."

"Run two kilometers first."

Chen Yilang thought to himself.

Then I ran at a pace I felt more comfortable with.

After running for a while.

Chen Yilang found out.

I don't know if it's my own delusion.

When he was running, his footsteps were actually much lighter than ever before.

It feels like running like a light dragonfly...

At ease and swift as the wind.


"The foot feel of these [Quick Boots] is too touching..."

Chen Yilang couldn't help being silently surprised in his heart.

This is better than any brand of running shoes he's ever worn!

This is not called the feeling of stepping on shit, this is a nitrogen accelerator!

Chen Yilang ran faster and faster, and even gradually, he had the illusion of wind under his feet.

It was the first time he felt it.

Running is such a joyful thing.

The clear evening wind blew across his face.

Street lights and moonlight are intertwined.

And then crushed lightly by himself.

That feeling is so wonderful.

Running has only just begun.

Chen Yilang had already run a lap.

even this way.

He also surpassed many students who seemed to be well-rounded.

【Ding! 】

【caution! 】

[You have attracted a lot of [running base] attention! 】

[Running base: A male monster who is active in the [playground] environment, is extremely keen on running and brushing circles, and is very competitive! 】

[Intelligence: As a real man, there is only one way to defeat [Running Base], and that is to be a man faster than them! 】

I don't know if it's an illusion.

The sound of the system just fell.

Chen Yilang felt it, and there was a sudden coolness on his back.

【Ding! 】

[Your back received the [Gaze Attack] of [lv10 Running Base], and suffered a lot of damage! 】


【Ding! You are under [gaze attack]! 】

【Ding! 】

【Ding! 】

Chen Yilang's mouth twitched.

good guy.

He dared to love that when he was running, there was a group of big men behind him staring at him!

At this time.

A strong, muscular old man in a vest.

Accelerating like a gust of wind, it passed directly from Chen Yilang's side.

And it seems that he whistled unintentionally and smugly flew away...

【Ding! 】

[[lv10 big running base] used [straight line overtaking], causing a lot of mental damage to you! 】


"..." Chen Yilang's mouth twitched.

Is this the joy of [Running Base]?

It's really simple enough.

However, Brother Lang was disdainful in his heart.

How old is this?

Can you be a little more mature?

Chen Yilang thought so in his heart, but looking at the back of the guy who was walking away, his face suddenly twitched again.


Dare to surpass me?

I can't stand this kind of anger!

"Just to test the skills of [Quick Boots]!"

Chen Yilang smiled slightly.

Skill [Sprint], activate!

next moment.

In Chen Yilang's sight.

He saw under the soles of his feet.

There is an airflow effect telling the rotation!

at the same time.

He felt it even more.

As if there was a strong wind coming from nowhere, it strongly supported the soles of his feet, pushed his body, and ran forward at a high speed.

There is a kind of force, as if the **** of the runway has dropped a few degrees, and there is a force that has been pushing him to do work.


"So cool!"

"I can't stop!"

Chen Yilang growled excitedly.

Then at a higher speed.


Once again, from another track, he surpassed the [lv10 big running base] that he had just surpassed.

[Big running base]: ?

Looking from his side.

Chen Yilang, who flew over like a **** mouse, was dumbfounded.

Is this guy provoking himself?

[Big Running Base] was angry and expressed dissatisfaction on the spot.

So he rushed forward again and overtook Chen Yilang again.

But it didn't take long for him to be complacent again.

I heard a thud again.

He was overtaken by Chen Yilang again...

After the two of them cycled through the operation of you chasing me a few times at such a high speed.

Originally just a warm-up jog, it gradually developed into a 100-meter sprint...


This inexplicable fight.

It ends with the physical exhaustion of the [Great Run Base] exhausted.

He stopped with a murmur and looked at the back of Chen Yilang who was running into the distance, his mood was a bit complicated...

He is a member of the Hot Running Club.

Say something.

He insisted on running at night for almost a year.

This is the first time he has seen such an unreasonable running style like Chen Yilang...

"Depend on!"

"This guy, it's perverted!"

[Big Running Base] After scolding silently in his heart, he ran to the edge of the playground and sat down.

【Ding! 】

[You used [Relentless Overtaking], causing a lot of mental damage to [lv10 Big Running Base]! 】

[You got: Gold +1076, Experience +756! 】



"mock up."

"Fight me."

Seeing that [Big Running Base] didn't catch up anymore, Chen Yilang smiled proudly.

At this time, the sound of the system sounded again.

【Ding! 】

【Notice! 】

[Active skill: The duration of sprinting is about to end. 】

under the soles of the feet.

The high-speed stirring cyclone gradually disappeared.

Chen Yilang's speed slowed down.

at this time.

He suddenly felt.

The muscles on both legs have become heavier than before!

"I actually... can't move?"

Chen Yilang was stunned.

Not just two legs.

At this moment.

his entire body.

All became as heavy as lead.

[Intelligence: The current toughness attribute is low, and the resistance to the [Stiff] state is weak. 】

[Information: You have entered a [stiff] state for a short time! 】


Chen Yilang was taken aback.

This is the reaction.

His current state is indeed very similar to the [Stiffness] in the game.

"It looks like that."

"This [Sprinting] skill should not be used continuously."

Chen Yilang thought to himself.

After several more attempts, he further understood the situation.

One is.

The negative effects and states produced by this [Stiffness] state seem to be somewhat related to the [Toughness] attribute.

The higher the toughness value, the higher his resistance to this [stiff] state, and the lower the degree and duration of [stiffness].

two is.

At present, the upper limit of the [Sprint] skill is ten seconds.

But Chen Yilang found that after the [Sprint] was turned on, he could choose to terminate it halfway.

And the longer you enter the [Sprint] state, the more serious the [Stiffness] will be after the skill ends.

all in all.

Chen Yilang finally came to the conclusion.

[Sprinting] Although it's cool, you can't drive blindly.

When it is open, it is very high, and when it freezes, it is a little dumbfounded.

Chen Yilang slowed down and returned to his normal jogging state.

Despite the accelerator-like [Quick Boots], in the final analysis, Chen Yilang is still a dead man with an extremely lack of exercise.

Although much better than before.

But compared with these [circle monsters] and [running bases], there is still a big gap.


Chen Yilang slowly adjusted his breathing and felt his heart rate gradually stabilize.

At this moment.

He suddenly felt that his footsteps became light and fast again.

"How is this going?"

Chen Yilang was a little puzzled again.

He didn't start [Sprint], why did it get faster again?

【Ding! 】

[Your title [Pursuit] passive effect has been activated]

[Title effect: After wearing this title, when you face the [monster] unit, your movement speed is increased by 20%, and your stamina consumption speed is decreased by 20%! 】

"I see."

Chen Yilang suddenly realized this.

This is the title he got when he hunted down the [Lightning Mouse] in Xinyang Square some time ago.

At that time, he put on the title, but he never remembered it.

That should be the case now.

There is a monster, right in front of him?

Chen Yilang looked up.

I saw a girl wearing running shoes, close-fitting sportswear, and short hair just reaching her shoulders, running on the same track as him.

And the logo on the top of her head is: [lv12 Wind Girl]

[Wind Girl: As the name suggests, this is a female monster that runs like the wind and is good at [marathon] and [cross-country running]. 】

[Intelligence: If you want to catch up with her, it is recommended to train your legs and waist first and then your lungs! 】

In addition to the logo of [Wind Girl], there is a logo symbolizing [Lord] next to her name.

Chen Yilang's eyes focused on it.

[Information: lv12 Feng Nu, the lord-level monster of the [Hot Running Club]. 】

[Information: The territory is [East Campus Stadium], and the active monsters are mostly [Running Base], [Swimming Ring Monster], [Self-discipline Maniac]...etc.]

[Please pay attention to defense and evasion. 】

Chen Yilang looked around.

I found a boy with a rounder figure who was running hard. His logo was the Swimming Ring Monster.

And another girl with a slender figure and a dignified and generous body who is doing leg pulling and stretching seriously outside the runway is the [Self-discipline Maniac].


Sure enough, God prefers self-disciplined people.

Chen Yilang withdrew his gaze and focused on the girl in front of him again.

Because the speed of the two is about the same, the distance between Chen Yilang and her has been kept within five or six meters.

Probably the location of the girl and the distance between her and Chen Yilang just met the conditions for triggering the passive title, so Chen Yilang had an acceleration effect.


"It seems to be quite comfortable to run like this..."

Brother Lang found Huadian.

After the rate of physical exertion decreased.

This step is indeed much easier than before.


Chen Yilang just followed behind her.

At the same time, it is not far or near, but it is just within the distance to trigger the passive effect of the title.

that's it.


Time passed slowly.

Darkness intensifies.

There are also fewer and fewer students on the playground and running track.

The tired students dispersed.

to the end.

There were almost only two people left, [lv12 Feng Nu] and Chen Yilang, still running on the playground.


Another ten minutes passed.

The speed of [lv12 Feng Nu] also slowly stopped.

Chen Yilang also followed her movements and stopped.

At this time, [Feng Nu] stood still, looked back at Chen Yilang and said, "Classmate, are you from the Hot Running Club?"

"Ah, no." Chen Yilang smiled and shook his head, "I'm from the [Ghost] Club."

[Feng Nu] frowned a little suspiciously.

She actually wanted to ask Chen Yilang if there was something wrong after running after her for so long...

In fact, when she first started running, she found that someone was following her.

And it's quite tight, she's fast and he's fast, she's slow and he's slow...

It's quite a bit of a play on the end of the line...

This made her feel a little flustered in her heart, afraid that she was being targeted by some strange dead pervert.

The result looked back.

Heh, what kind of pervert, he is actually a handsome boy who looks like he is still a junior.

However, she naturally did not completely let down her guard.

After all, there are dead perverts in this world who are handsome... It's not easy to make accurate judgments.

So she wondered if she was a member of [Hot Running Club].

After all, there are indeed many freshmen who join the [Hot Running Club] every year under the banner of liking running, but the real purpose is to secretly come up to her while running and talk to her...

Oh man.

She is a bit straightforward, and doesn't like these twitchy little brothers.

As a senior from a sports academy, she only has running and sports in her heart.

Unexpectedly, Chen Yilang is not a member of [Hot Running Club].

Seeing Chen Yilang say this, she didn't bother to ask any further, so she just gave up.

"You're pretty good." [Feng Nu] said calmly.

from the beginning till now.

The boy is estimated to have followed her for about six kilometers.

Although it has always been the pace of jogging, it is already a very good level for most college students who lack exercise.

"No, senior sister is more powerful." Chen Yilang smiled.

"Are you a freshman?"


"No wonder..." [Feng Nu] suddenly said, "I heard that you are going to run in the morning next week."


"I can only say, bless you."

[Fengnv] smiled meaningfully, "When I was a freshman, the student council also held this kind of activity... I'm so happy."

"...how happy are you?"

"I'm dying of joy."


Although he was already mentally prepared, the ominous premonition in Chen Yilang's heart increased a bit when he heard what [Feng Nu] said.

"Did you not object?" Chen Yilang asked.

"What's the use of objecting? We say it doesn't count."

[Fengnv] said, "This kind of morning run is basically done for the superior school leaders..."

"As long as the school leaders are satisfied, a lot of good things will come to the management of the student union..."

"The worst is only the freshmen in the freshman year, all of them are tool people."

Chen Yilang: "...Is there really no way?"

[Fengnv] shook his head: "No way... Unless you can have a few prominent figures in this year's freshman year, who can overwhelm the student union."

"But it's almost impossible."

"At least I stayed at NTU for three days, and I haven't seen it until now."

"This way..." Chen Yilang was thoughtful.

The two chatted for a while.

Chen Yilang learned that this [Wind Girl] was named Yan Xing, a junior in sports students.

This senior is a good runner and has participated in many marathons in the city during her school days.

It's getting late, and it's almost time for the door.

After saying goodbye to Yan Xing, Chen Yilang returned to the dormitory and rested early.

During the next week.

After dinner every night, after the self-study is over.

Chen Yilang insisted on going to the [territory] of [Fengnv] and ran on the East Stadium.

Most of the time, he could see Yan Xing's figure.

Her figure and running posture, placed on the entire track, are the most conspicuous ones.

When he met her, Chen Yilang followed behind her and used the passive swipe of [Chaser].

When I didn't meet by chance, I ran honestly by myself.


The day of the morning run has come.

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