If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 195: 【Wave of Resistance】!

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"This effect is quite awesome."

"Mum doesn't have to worry about me missing the subway and the bus anymore."

Chen Yilang silently complained.

Just finished browsing the details of [Quick Boots]. He saw that there was an extra running shoe in the backpack.

This is a physical prop that appears in reality when used.

Chen Yilang clicked the big picture and observed this pair of running shoes through the 3D model.


This look is really indescribable...

In terms of technology, it integrates a lot of mainstream technologies on the market, including Adi's boost, nike's lunar, Mizuno's v4ic...

How useful these technologies are, Chen Yilang doesn't know much.

It's a dead house, so he usually doesn't pay much attention to the trendy shoes. Anyway, it sounds very fierce.

The props of the system are more or less unscientific.

The appearance refers to a series known as "Light of China" that Li Ning staged at Paris Fashion Week.

all in all.

This pair of [Quick Boots] looks like a pair of running shoes with a very strange style, but it is also very cool.





outside the window.

above the sky.

A new round of fireworks was lit again.

"Happy New Year and auspicious Year of the Tiger!"

"Good job, all the best!"

"Learning and progress, be willing to be high!"


From every household, the voices of congratulations were constantly heard.

In the sound of firecrackers, one year old is removed, and the spring breeze brings warmth to Tu Su.

During the Spring Festival this year, Chen Yilang felt that he had a good time.



The pleasant and short winter vacation time has just passed.

Chen Yilang didn't even react.

I found myself sitting on the way to the train station.

"I've washed the apples for you, remember to eat them when you wait for the car."

"The weather forecast says it's already less than ten degrees at NTU, so remember to put on thick clothes before leaving the station."

"When you go back to school, go to register first, don't just play games in the dormitory, and don't remember anything."


Along the way, Yang Si kept exhorting.

Chen Yilang listened attentively and responded with a smile from time to time.

Usually at this time, Chen Yilang would only feel that his mother was nagging again.

But after he hasn't been home for more than half a year, now he only feels that his mother's nagging voice is extraordinarily kind...

"It's here." Chen Junfeng said, "Don't chase after the waves every day. The child is already an adult, so we don't need to worry about it."

"Who said that, I'm still a baby." Chen Yilang was righteous.

The family talked and laughed, and the car arrived at the station unknowingly.

After saying goodbye to his parents, Chen Yilang got on the train and returned to Nanxuan University.

Today is the start of school.

on the school road.

Young students dragging their suitcases can be seen everywhere.

After Chen Yilang got on the school bus, he quickly returned to the dormitory.

As soon as he walked into the bedroom, he saw Feng Tian: "Damn, are you so early?"

Generally speaking.

According to the urine of these monsters in the 414 dormitory.

It is normal to step into the door of the dormitory before eleven thirty in the evening.

Chen Yilang, who had already returned to the dormitory in the morning, was already very early. He didn't expect Feng Tian to be faster than him.

"...I came back three days ago." Zhang Jian said.

"Why do you go back so early?"


"...What's wrong with you?"

Chen Yilang thought that there was something wrong with his ears, but when he glanced around, he found that Zhang Jian was really sitting in front of the table and reading a book.

"I don't want to **** it, who knows that the New Year will be a great luck, and I will directly pass three subjects, and this year has been very scary!"

Zhang Jian said with a sad face, "Aren't we going to make up the exam a week after school starts? We still have to take three exams, absolutely! If I don't come back and read the book in advance, I'll be gone."

Chen Yilang: "Ah...then come on, come on."

Although his mouth was comforting, Chen Yilang was not surprised in his heart.

[Keyboard Man] Since Zhang Jian went to college, apart from class time, he has almost been planted in front of the computer.

In such a state of study, if you want to not fail the course, you must have a smart and easy-to-use brain.

It's a pity that Zhang Jian doesn't have such a brain, and even after spending a semester in the canyon, he couldn't reach the rank of the strongest king...

"Yo, Brother Lang, Brother Jian!"

At this time, Feng Tian followed closely and walked into the bedroom, "Why are you two so early?"

After Chen Yilang explained to Feng Tian, ​​he asked back, "Why are you so early?"

"He's even more fierce, this shit, he came back a week ago!" Zhang Jian said.

Chen Yilang looked at Feng Tian: "...Are you also smitten by evil?"

"Middle fart!"

Feng Tiandao said boldly, "It's not because my goddess wants to come back early to do her subject... Of course, when she's lonely and helpless, go to the library and study with her!"

Chen Yilang: "..."


These guys are still familiar with the formula.

[Salted Fish Elite] If Li Zixian is talking, then you don't need to ask.

It is estimated that it is impossible to see his figure until the day when he enters the limit.

Just cleaned up the sanitation of the dormitory.

After sitting down at the table.

Chen Yilang received a message from Gan Di in the group.

Gan Di: "Everyone, I have applied for the right to use the small lecture hall!"

Gan Di: "In the future, that place will be taken over by our club!"

After a while.

Chen Yilang also received an email notification from the Association of Social Welfare Associations, to the effect that the [Strange] Society has officially become the administrator of the small lecture hall this semester from now on.

【Ding! 】

[You have acquired a new territory: the third floor of the University Student Activity Center, the small lecture hall. 】

[The influence of the power has been improved! 】

[Current community influence: 250]



"The increase in the influence of this force is a little slow."

Chen Yilang thought to himself.

If there is really a chance, it must be a big wave...

"By the way, President." Gan Di said again, "The former members of the Headwind Club also hope to see your light and continue to study in the small lecture hall, so I want to ask your opinion."

"of course can."

Chen Yilang said cheerfully, "The study room was originally used for self-study, otherwise what would you do with it?"

He was very uncomfortable with the actions of the Student Union and Lu Ya Club before.

But fortunately, things have come to an end for now.

After being punished by the school.

Lu Qian's president of the Luya Society is not appropriate.

The Luya Society will either be dissolved in situ, or the whole team will be shuffled.

In short.

It's never going to go back to where it used to be in the school.

And if you pay attention carefully.

will find out.

In the school president group.

The [Ghost Shadow Lao Qian], who had been very active and talked a lot before, never saw him go too far.

Brother Qian, the real society is dead...

Eleven thirty in the evening.

As expected, Li Zixian finally returned to the dormitory at this time.

In the dormitory, it returned to its original state before the holiday.

Zhang Jian is still crazy about [Xiu Xian], but the content of [Xiu Xian] has changed from the previous canyons and islands to probability theory and line generation...

Painful realization.

The next day, Monday.

Nanxuan University has returned to the daily state of study and work.


After Chen Yilang returned to the dormitory after dinner, he heard Li Zixian shout:

"Brother Lang, why did you come back!"

"It's all wrong!"

"What's the matter? I was shocked." Chen Yilang said helplessly.

"I can't tell...you can see it at a glance on the forum." Li Zixian said.

"Yes, yes, Brother Lang, look quickly!" Zhang Jian and Feng Tian also agreed.

"What, what a god."

Chen Yilang turned on the computer suspiciously and logged in to the Insomniac Forum.

Then see.

There is another new hot post, which was upvoted.

The content of the post is: "Brothers, the student union is crazy! I heard that in order to welcome the school celebration, the whole school will have a morning run this semester, starting from next week!"

Morning run?

Chen Yilang's heart skipped a beat when he saw this word.

It is undeniable that this word, no matter how you look at it, is quite green, healthy and positive.

But that doesn't stop the fear it can bring to people...

The person who posted this post chose to remain anonymous.

This is not difficult to understand, after all, there are many students who play Tieba in the student union.

Chen Yilang continued to look down at the comment area.

Anonymous insomniac: "Fuck, brother? Is it really fake? Where did the news come from?"

The landlord: "Uh, I have a friend who works as a secretary in the sports department of the student union."

Anonymous insomniac: "What's the way to run?"

Landlord: "We gather in front of each college at 6:30 every morning, then run around the campus along the route set by the student union, and then disband at 7:00."

Anonymous insomniac: "Come on, half past six? Why don't you kill me to help everyone?"

Anonymous insomniac: "I have one to say, I don't think so."

Anonymous insomniac: "After the morning run, you must sweat all over, go back to take a shower, and then go to class at eight o'clock. Is this reasonable?"

Anonymous insomniac: "That's right. By the way, is the schoolwork group's brain in shit? Can such a nonsense proposal pass?"

Anonymous insomniac: "Kiss, do you suggest that the students in the student council run in the morning by themselves?"

Anonymous Insomniac: "Do all the students in the school have to run?"

Landlord: "No, according to reliable sources, except for the members of the student union who organized the morning run, only freshmen from all colleges need to participate in the morning run."

Anonymous Insomniac: "???"

Anonymous Insomniac: "???"




A large question mark immediately flooded the entire comment area.

┇Single kê about┆: "I don't pretend, I have to scold my real name, the students will be stupid—"

Anonymous insomniac: "Look at the situation first, and even if I really want to run in the morning, what can they do if I die in bed?"

The landlord: "You think too much. If you really want to do it, the student union will definitely set up an attendance system. You don't have to come, unless you are not interested in the evaluation."

Anonymous insomniac: "Boiled! Is this too much!?"

Anonymous insomniac: "It's numb, is it too late to drop out of school now?"

Anonymous insomniac: "Hey, scolding is scolding, making troubles, what can we freshmen do? In the end, don't we have to obey orders obediently?"

Anonymous insomniac: "Upstairs, it hurts."


Chen Yilang held his cheeks, slid the mouse wheel, browsed the content of the post, and roughly figured out the situation.

It didn't take long.

In the 2021 undergraduate group of the college, a new notification document was released.

Chen Yilang opened the file and glanced at it: "About the deployment of 2021 freshmen to actively carry out morning running activities..."

What he said after that was exactly the same as what the old man on the post bar said.

The morning run is really coming.

And not long after the document was released, the group administrator banned the business school 2021 class group...

Probably they have already expected, what are the consequences of not doing this, maybe the entire undergraduate group will blow up...

"Help, Brother Lang, I'm going to get cold."

[Salted Fish Elite] Li Zixian collapsed on the bed in the shape of a big character, and instantly lost his dream.

Zhang Jian and Feng Tian also let out a long sigh of despair:

"It's over, it's over..."

"If you want me to die, just say it directly, why bother?"

And when these few [monsters] kept wailing.

Chen Yilang silently stood up and walked out of the bedroom.

Because a new voice has appeared in his mind.

【Ding! 】

[The new trial mission has been triggered! 】

[Mission: The tide of resistance! 】

[Details: The turbulent and hidden undercurrent, in places you didn't see, finally developed silently... It carries a huge force, like a dark cloud that is about to destroy the city, and gradually shrouded the sky above Nanxuan University... …]

[Conditions fulfilled: Destroy the illusion of the [School Student Union] forces and overthrow this unpopular morning run! 】

[Remarks: This will be a vigorous battle, and it is also an opportunity to raise the flag with your name on it within the scope of [Nanxuan University]! 】


Well, it's quite warm-blooded, and it's more popular than bloggers.

But in fact.

Even if he did not trigger this trial mission, his thoughts were the same.

This morning run planned by the student union of the school, how to listen and how to talk nonsense...

But once the school approves it.

Then the student union of the school has absolute direct management rights over the students.

"This year's student council is not very simple..."

Chen Yilang thought to himself.

The small lecture hall incident in a small area has already begun to take shape.

And now the school-wide morning run is even more tricky.

Chen Yilang knew very well that this [wave of resistance] was definitely not that simple.

Because the really oppressed groups are only freshmen!

This has nothing to do with other old students, half a dime...

At most, they will only scold the new students indignantly on forums and post bars, and then continue to eat and drink...

It would be nice not to gloat in secret.

The first-year boys... really can't afford to hurt.

"In that case."

"Then get ready."

Chen Yilang silently made plans.

Since it officially starts next week.

So take advantage of this week, and practice it first.

Ten minutes later, Chen Yilang came to the East Campus Stadium.

On the playground at night.

There are still many figures coming and going.

There are people who run at night, those who play football, and those who simply take a walk. There are even those who listen to English listening with a book of words on their back, and there are young couples sitting on the playground and talking about love...

Many people say that if you want to know what the night on campus is like, just go to the playground for a walk.

Basically, you can find every kind of population active on campus.

"Night running instead of morning running practice, isn't it too much?"

Chen Yilang walked slowly to the playground.

There were constantly students running at night passing by him, whistling the wind.

Some of them even wear running shoes and sportswear ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and professional heart rate monitors.

From the start of the run, the legs and arms swing are as standard as a textbook.

"It should be a student of the Hot Running Club, right?"

Chen Yilang guessed silently in his heart.

He didn't come into contact with many people in this society, but he had heard of some.

After all, running should be regarded as the most popular sport, and there are naturally many runners in the school.

"Hey, there are so many bosses..."

"I don't know if I can keep up with their speed."

Chen Yilang sighed helplessly, patted one of his abdominal muscles, and sighed slightly.

After a brief warm up.

Chen Yilang took out the [Quick Boots] from his backpack...

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