If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 194: 【Quick Boots】!

, the fastest update if the latest chapter of realistic gamification!

【Are you accepting this task? 】

"of course."

Chen Yilang quickly made a choice.

That's it?

you still need to ask?

What kind of mission has he not taken before, and he is afraid of a [red envelope bombing] in this mere area?

at the same time.

Chen Yilang subconsciously sniffed the air around him.

Then smell it.

from all directions.

A faint smell of sulfur dioxide.


It seems this time.

The system does not lie.

The place where he is now is indeed a world filled with gunpowder...

"But this is too exaggerated..."

"Will I still die if I don't grab the red envelope?"

Chen Yilang thought to himself.

[Red envelope bombing is about to come...]

【Please get ready...】

Just at this time, the fireworks are almost burning.

Chen Yilang and the three of them walked all the way home with two still burning fairy sticks.

Inside the living room.

The sound of mahjong and the chatter and laughter of relatives still continued.

And the gala on TV.

The countdown to the new year has come.

"Let us welcome the arrival of Huaxia in 2022 with hope for the new year and a brighter vision for the future!"








"Happy New Year!"


A new round of fireworks.

Once again above the clear night sky, blooming.

At this moment, the starlight has become eclipsed.

【Ding! 】

[The red envelope bombing has come! 】

【Please start your challenge...】


The moment you hear the sound.

In fact, Chen Yilang hadn't reacted for a while.

Immediately after.

He felt it.

My phone vibrated wildly and violently!

[Group chat primary school class 5 has red envelopes, go and try your luck! ]

[Group chat junior high school class 11 has red envelopes, go and try your luck! ]

[group chat……]


Lots of news about red packets.

Suddenly it popped out, occupying the interface of the penguin chat box on the screen of Chen Yilang's mobile phone!


Chen Yilang was a little confused.

This year's red envelope battle seems to be much bigger than he imagined!

Many old classmates who have not been in contact for a long time have actually emerged this year.

Not just the classmates.

Many other groups of relatives, friends, etc...

It's all a wave of red envelopes!

【Ding! 】

[You missed a red envelope, the red envelope has been received! 】

[You were bombed by [red envelope bomb] and suffered a lot of mental damage! 】



The feeling of missing the red envelope made Chen Yilang feel as if his heart was bleeding.

Just at this time.

The second wave of [bombing] is here again.

【Ding! 】

【You missed a red envelope...】

【Ding! 】

【You missed a red envelope...】

【Ding! 】

[You were bombed and suffered mental damage...]

[You were bombed and suffered mental damage...]


And Chen Yilang also found out.

his life value.

It is also rapidly decaying at a terrifying speed!


"It hurts!"

Only then did Chen Yilang discover the true way of playing this challenge mission.

——Every red envelope is a bomb!

As long as he fails to grab it in time, he will be bombarded mercilessly!


"But it's fine."

"This... it won't trouble me for the time being."

Chen Yilang smiled lightly, and immediately took out his phone.

Skill is activated.

【Ghost Hand】!

have to say.

This skill is really a coincidence.

With this speed, are you afraid that you won't be able to grab the red envelope?

Chen Yilang's fingers quickly tapped the screen, and gradually dragged out another afterimage...

【Ding! 】

[You successfully grabbed a red envelope and avoided the [red envelope bomb]! 】

[The proficiency of the skill [Ghost Hand] has been improved! 】

【Ding! 】

[You successfully grabbed a red envelope...]

[You avoided the [red envelope bomb]...]

[The level of the skill [Ghost Hand] has been improved! 】



As Chen Yilang's posture of grabbing red envelopes became more skilled, the level of [Ghost Hand] became higher and higher.

[Red Packet Bomb] The frequency of bombing Chen Yilang has also become lower and lower.

Later, Chen Yilang was no longer [bombed].

Because his hand speed has exceeded the speed at which all the red envelopes in the group chats are robbed...

"I'm going, are you still human?" Liu Shiya looked dumbfounded, "We have a relative group, a small group, and two classes in elementary and junior high schools... With so many red envelopes, you have already robbed them? How many? You are the king of luck!"

"Basic exercise, calm down."

Chen Yilang replied perfunctorily, and continued to grab the red envelope with inappropriate speed.


Otherwise, what can I do?

If you don't grab the red envelope, you will die. Do you think I will grab it or not?

at this time.

Chen Yilang's mind.

The system beep sounded again.

【Congratulations! 】

[You successfully avoided the first, second, and third rounds of [red envelope bombing]! 】

[You passed the challenge and successfully entered the reward link! 】

【The reward link is coming soon! 】

【Please get ready! 】


"Lucky red envelope?"

Looking at the system information that suddenly appeared in front of him, Chen Yilang took a small breath.

This thing... looks like a big guy.

Absolutely good stuff!

"Ding dong."

at this time.

The class group of the third grade (6) class also received news.

"Happy New Year!"

"Good luck in the Year of the Tiger, brothers!"

"Let's talk about Ji, civilize you, me and him!"


It just graduated not long ago.

The high school classes are already much colder than usual.

Sometimes no one speaks for ten days and a half months, which is quite normal.

Did not expect this year.

This group chat, which had been quiet for so long, actually became hot.

"Let's play Red Envelope Solitaire!"

"I'll take the lead for everyone first, and then the King of Luck will take over!"

[lv8 school bitch] Lin Jie said in the group.

I haven't seen Lin Jie for a while, but I didn't expect this [study bitch] to be upgraded.

It is estimated that it will not be long before this product has evolved.

"Okay! Come on!"

"Hey, then my luck, isn't it the king of luck?"

"Don't force it, just send it and it's over!"


One or two [Diving Monsters] who never show up on weekdays also activated the [Floating] skill at this time.

Lin Jie was quite straightforward, and as soon as he finished speaking, he sent out a red envelope.

Chen Yilang pressed his finger down immediately.

【Ding! 】

[You successfully grabbed a [red envelope] and perfectly avoided the [red envelope bomb]! 】

[The proficiency of the skill [Ghost Hand] has been improved! 】


After playing a round or two.

Someone found something wrong.

"What the fuck? Brother Lang, your hand speed... ah." Lin Jie repeatedly deducted six, "Why do you have you in every red envelope? Have you turned on technology? We don't like this kind of thing."

"Haha." Chen Yilang said with a smile, "Small meaning, small meaning."

ho, that's it?

Just now, I just grabbed ten groups of red envelopes by myself!

Playing Red Envelope Solitaire with you now is the same as playing house with children?

After playing a few more rounds of Red Packet Solitaire.

Suddenly someone exclaimed: "Fuck! Lao Ban is the king of luck!"

The moment the message pops up.

Chen Yilang immediately clicked on the red envelope to check the details.

This was discovered.

The lucky king is indeed the head teacher, Molly.

Molly: "Happy New Year to the boys in the third grade (6) class and have a successful academic career!"

A red envelope from Molly pops up from the chat box.

"Wow, what a big red envelope!"

"Thank you, Momo!"

"Old Mo mighty!"

"Old class, old class, yyds!"


Chen Yilang immediately closed the details of the red envelope notification, and quickly clicked to receive Molly's red envelope.

Then he found out.

There is no need to grab this red envelope at all.

Because the number of red packets set by Molly was forty-six in total.

——The third grade (6) class, including the seven students who left the original class because they chose to study liberal arts in the second year of high school, a total of 46 students.

That is to say.

Every student in the class can receive Molly's red envelope.

And at the same time.

Chen Yilang also found out.

This red envelope from Molly.

There is actually a [Highlight Mark].

When the details pop up.

Chen Yilang saw the prompt just now.

[Lucky Red Packet: Sincere Blessings from the Old Class]

Seeing this, Chen Yilang just came back to his senses.

The red envelope that Molly sent is the [reward link] mentioned in the challenge mission.

【Ding! 】

【Unfortunately! 】

[Your [Reward Link] challenge failed! Failed to get the reward, please try harder next time! 】


Hearing the prompt sound, Chen Yilang was a little confused.

What's going on here?

How did it fail?

He didn't even fully understand the gameplay of this part...

At this time, new news rolled out in the group of the third grade (6) class.



"Old class's red envelope, the lucky king turned out to be Lin Jie!"

Someone shouted jokingly.

Chen Yilang took another look immediately and found that it was true.

"I'm going, why is he!"

"Hey, why don't you give it to the monitor or the school committee, it's really not good, you can give it to me, hehehe!"

"That's right, kill this **** bitch!"

Immediately below, someone laughed and laughed.

Lin Jie made a few awkward expressions and said with a small smile, "Hee hee, I'm sorry brothers, I can't help it, maybe I'm the sweet little padded jacket in Teacher Mo's heart!"



"Almost got it, Brother Jie."

"Brother Jie, your red envelope is so big, I want Kangkang."


Chen Yilang, who has been secretly peeping at the screen, seems to have discovered some strange blind spot at this time.

Could it be that if you meet the customs clearance conditions of the [Reward Link], is it the lucky king to get Lao Mo's [Lucky Big Red Packet]?

Chen Yilang was suddenly a little excited, but quickly wilted again.

What if it was?

The red envelopes have been sent, and the robbing has also been robbed...Wait.

Will not.

There seems to be a chance!

Chen Yilang's aura suddenly flashed.

He quickly opened the backpack and equipped the [Time Watch] on him!

When Molly sent out the red envelope just now, he didn't react, causing a delay of three or four seconds.

And the hesitation after that made him waste another four or five seconds.

The end result is.

This wave is down.

Time has elapsed for about ten seconds.

Fortunately, Chen Yilang's response was timely.

"Activate skills."


Chen Yilang thought.

【Ding! 】

[Consumed [colorless energy crystal block]]

[Skill [Retrace] has been successfully activated! 】

within this moment.

Time was reversed five seconds later.

And five seconds ago.

It happened to be when someone shouted, "This guy Lin Jie is actually the king of luck".

That is to say.

Chen Yilang was still a little late.


Chen Yilang did not hesitate and chose to activate the skill again.

【Ding! 】

[You have consumed [Colorless Energy Crystal x20] and activated the skill [Backtracking] again! 】


Chen Yilang felt a pain in his flesh.

The first time I used [Retrace], I only needed ten [Colorless Energy Crystals], but the second time it was doubled!

In this way, it is estimated that 40 will be consumed for the third time.

In the same way, it is impossible to save a lot of colorless ideas and go back to the past directly at one time.

[Retracing again] After completion.

The point in time when Chen Yilang returned.

It happened to be the moment Molly gave out the red envelope.


Chen Yilang activated his [Ghost Hand] and quickly clicked the red envelope.

This time.

The amount he grabbed was a bit more than before.

The lucky king is no longer Lin Jie, but has become another student.

【Ding! 】

【Unfortunately! 】

[Your [Reward Link] challenge failed! Failed to get the reward, please try harder next time! 】


as expected.

This time, he still failed to pass the [Reward Link].

If so.

That's basically a complete certainty.

Through the [reward link] method, it is right to get the king of luck.








Chen Yilang resorted to his infinite retraction technique.

Fortunately, before that, he had saved a lot of [colorless energy crystals].

It should be barely enough for him to get the King of Luck tonight.

Although Chen Yilang is not very clear about the mechanism of this red envelope.

But he found out.

Every time he grabs a red envelope, his order is different.

And the final result was different.


after the last attempt.

Chen Yilang got his wish and got the "King of Luck"!


"I wipe, the red envelope that Lao Mo sent, the lucky king is Brother Lang!"

"It's too much, Brother Lang, we have the college entrance examination papers, and now we have to take us even to grab a red envelope!"

"Remember your revenge!"


Chen Yilang just wrote a congratulatory message to Lao Mo and his classmates, and after sending a few cute emojis, he dived again.

He has no empty water group now, and he is still studying the gameplay of this reward link.


【Ding! 】

【Congratulations! 】

[You successfully completed the challenge of [Reward Link]! 】

【You got the title: King of Luck】

[King of Luck: Rare title, get passive effect [Lucky], in the lottery or lottery, the probability of getting the desired result increases by 10%]

[You got a reward: Mystery item lottery ticket x1]


"It's alright."

Chen Yilang was quite satisfied with the rewards for this link.

After all, he hadn't opened the mysterious mall for a while.

And this is a lottery ticket, you don't need to spend money!

Old class, yyds!

"Let me be able to make a big baby from Kangkang..."

Chen Yilang opened his backpack and immediately used the lottery ticket.

【Ding! 】

[Lucky items are being drawn~www.wuxiamtl.com~Please be patient...]

【Ding! 】

【Congratulations! 】

[You have obtained props: Quick Boots! 】

——[Quick Boots]——

Type: props


Passive effect: Agility attribute +1.

Active effect: sprint, cooldown 90s, consumes [colorless energy crystal block x20].

Sprint: After it is turned on, it will purify all the deceleration effects on itself, increase the movement speed by 30% for 10 seconds, and reduce the deceleration effects received during acceleration by 50%!


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