If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

: 19. Believe it or not, I called a van man over here?

Chen Yilang looked back.

Then he saw his "good brother".

The three [barbarians] stood in front of him with unfriendly expressions, staring straight at Chen Yilang.


It was the three guys Chen Yilang met in the dining hall some time ago.

At that time, the biggest barbarian [Barbarian] said a cruel word, but Chen Yilang didn't take it seriously, but he didn't expect that he would come to the door.

But it doesn't seem to be him who spoke.

It was another tall and tall boy. The muscles on his body bulged like a hill, and he almost burst the school uniform of Beijiang No. 1 Middle School on the spot.

"It's me, who are you?" Chen Yilang said calmly.

From the other side's point of view, Chen Yilang has no fear, as if he just met the neighbor's child by chance.

But in fact, Chen Yilang's heart was still a little flustered, but he knew that in this situation, the more flustered it was, the more useless it would be, and the other party would spy on his true strength.

Chen Yilang glanced at the top of this guy's head and found the words "lv4 bad leader" on his head.

[lv4 Bad leader: The leader of bad boys, with great aggressiveness and danger, high strength, good at using brute force and summoning monsters, it is recommended to stay away. 】

Oh shit.

Another tricky monster...

Although the level is not particularly high, it seems to be much stronger than the team of these [Barbarians].

Chen Yilang looked around.

The place where he is now is actually not far from the school gate, and there are still many high school students passing by.

Seeing this scene, they didn't even go home at all, they just stood there and started watching the fun mode.

There were even a group of younger sisters who didn't know the truth, and hid in the corner and took out their mobile phones, quietly taking pictures by the side.

Chen Yilang's mouth twitched, you **** call 110...

It is estimated that this group of onlookers who don't know the truth still don't quite understand the seriousness of the matter. Chen Yilang feels that 80% of them can't count on these guys.

"I heard that you are very draggy?"

[Bad leader] took a step forward and shoved Chen Yilang unceremoniously, "I heard that last time in the dining hall, in broad daylight, you directly scolded my brother bloody. head?"

"Yeah." Chen Yilang nodded, "Who told them to cut the line, I just taught them."

"How many brothers, who did he scold?"

The [Bad Leader] turned around and said to the three [Barbarians].

"Boss, he scolded the three of us!" A little [barbarian] couldn't help but jumped out and said.


The [Bad Leader] was stunned for a moment, and then slapped the little [Barbarian] on the head, yelling, "You can't scold one of three, you trash!"

[[lv1 barbarian] was hurt by teammates from [lv4 bad boss]! HP-16】

"..." Chen Yilang.

Wonderful, there is such an operation.

"I don't care how arrogant you are, as long as you dare to bully my little brother, you don't even want to eat good juice!"

[Bad leader] He stared at Chen Yilang viciously, and scolded: "Give you a chance, kneel down and give me a kowtow, and call me Dad again, and I'll let you go today."

"I'm afraid you're not a platinum member of Taobao.com, you grew up eating shit, right?" Chen Yilang said.

"Your mother is courting death!"

[Bad leader] was completely enraged.

The two huge pectoral muscles on his chest trembled with anger, and he threw his fists towards Chen Yilang.

Chen Yilang was startled, and subconsciously reached out to grab something from his side.

In this case, even if it is half a brick, it is possible to occupy the absolute initiative.

Unfortunately, there is no such thing.

Chen Yilang suspected that he was being targeted, let alone bricks, this path was so clean that there were not even a bunch of dogs flying.

But the [bad leader] had already threw a fierce punch towards his nostrils.

Damn, something is going to happen.

Chen Yilang's heart froze.


Just at this time.

A miraculous scene appeared.

Chen Yilang's outstretched arm seemed to have its own thoughts.

Like a conditioned reflex.

It changed direction like a snake, and at an excellent angle, it punched the inside of the elbow of the [bad leader] from the side.


[Bad leader] His face turned pale.

Not only was his face white, but his mind was also blank.

——It hurts too much.

Chen Yilang's punch was so tricky that his scalp was numb, and it hit his joints directly. Not only was the pain so painful that he doubted his life, it was so numb that he almost lost consciousness on the spot.

It's not over yet.

After a block close to the limit.

Chen Yilang's other arm also threw a straight punch at the same moment.


Directly on the bridge of the nose of the [bad leader].

A bright red nosebleed flew into the air in a beautiful parabola.

The picture was so beautiful that the three [Barbarians] didn't dare to look at it, and closed their eyes one after another.

"..." [Bad leader] was beaten to the ground and stared blankly at Chen Yilang.

"..." Chen Yilang lowered his head and stared blankly at the [bad leader].

The two were stunned for a while, as if they had eaten a wave of AOE's petrification spell.

Chen Yilang was frightened by the reaction of his own body, while the [bad leader] was simply stunned...

"What the hell?"

"Did I beat him just now?"

"When did I become so arrogant?"

Chen Yilang thought quickly. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

This is not in the river.

At that moment just now, it seemed that a force from the east had controlled his hands and feet, so he could perform such a smooth operation.

"Fuck you, it's a bit of a bummer." [Bad Boss] wiped his nose and nosebleed with his sleeve, glared at Chen Yilang, and said angrily:

"You forced me!"


Chen Yilang saw that this guy directly pulled out a brick-sized mobile phone from his trouser pocket. After pressing DiDi on it, he shouted at the other end:

"Hey! It's me! Hurry up, come and live! That's right, call me a **** van!"

Chen Yilang originally thought that this product was sent by a monkey to make a joke.

The result was unexpected.

It's just been less than ten minutes.

[Bad boss] Really called a van...

The van drifted to an emergency stop at the exit of the path, directly blocking Chen Yilang's back path.

Then came down a bunch of sneakers, leggings and yellow hair...

Chen Yilang took a look and saw that the labels on the heads of these guys were almost all [lv1 bad gangsters].

[Bad gangster: A small monster with low combat power and aggression, usually summoned by [Bad Boss] to appear. Note: You can almost scorn them with your nostrils when they appear alone. But when they show up in groups, it's better to stay away a bit. 】

After a while.

Chen Yilang was surrounded by this large group of [bad gangsters]...

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