If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 192: 【Forest Ice and Fire Man】

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Happy days are always so short.

Since returning home.

Please after the three-point line-style intense final exam preparation life.

Chen Yilang, who was paralyzed at home, briefly recovered his original shape.

——Chen A Salted Fish Wave!

Be reasonable.

If it weren't for that little dream.

When it comes to salty, there is really no one who can compare to Chen Yilang, including [Salt Fish Elite] Li Zixian.

After all, he has to be a [salted fish troll].

The happy vacation time was short enough.

In addition, Chen Yilang slept until 12 o'clock every day, and the time was cut in half. This short winter vacation can be described as fleeting.


Before you know it, time flies.

In a blink of an eye.

Chen Yilang hasn't reacted yet.

It's New Year's Eve.

Chen Yilang stretched, and cautiously poked out one from the warm quilt to test the outside temperature.

Then, with a "whoosh", he shrank back at the speed of light.

good guy.

The quilt and the outside are two completely different worlds!

From the beginning of the winter vacation to the present, the temperature in Beijiang City has been dropping continuously, as if preparing for the Chinese New Year.

After all, "Nianwei" is indeed a part of it that is produced by cold.

Because of the cold, every household will stay in the house and blow the heating, or gather together in the village to burn charcoal fire... Only then will "warmth" be produced.

Without the cold, there is no warmth, and people will only sweat and curse the hot weather.

It's like if there is no darkness in the world, people will only feel that the light of neon blinds the eyes of dogs.


"It's time to get up and go to Grandma's house!"

"It's New Year's Eve dinner tonight, hurry up and get ready!"

The voices of Yang Si and Chen Junfeng came from downstairs.

"Got it~~~"

Chen Yilang was ruthless, and instantly lifted the quilt.

Against the bone-chilling air.

Bouncing like a convulsion, he put on his thick clothes.

【Ding! 】

[You successfully completed a [getting up] once in the state of [Ice and Snow]! 】

[You got: Gold +327, Experience +97! 】

[Your [cold resistance] has been improved! 】


Chen Yilang didn't listen to the system's prompt sound very seriously, but supported his sleepy body and finished washing and dressing like a walking corpse.

Then he brought some small gifts for relatives of the same generation, went downstairs and went out, and sat in Chen Junfeng's car.

"Son, how did you sleep last night?" Chen Junfeng said with a smile, "You can have New Year's Eve dinner soon after getting up. You are living like a fairy."

"Piggy's life is pretty much the same." Yang Si said, "Why do you look like you haven't woken up again? You stayed up late last night to play games?"

Chen Yilang: "...Just, just boil it for a while."

Yang Si looked at Chen Yilang in the rear-view mirror, and started to babble again, "When you see auntie, auntie and uncle, they should remember to say hello, do you know? Otherwise, when others see you like this, they will think you are a no-brainer. polite kid..."

"Mom, I'm eighteen."

"That's also a child. With me, you are also a child when you are eighty."


The family of three chatted happily, and unknowingly arrived at my grandmother's house.

As soon as he entered the door, he was greeted by greetings from various relatives.

Apart from my cousin Fang Shuwen who I haven't seen in two years, and my cousin Liu Shiya who is more familiar with him.

There are also the familiar [Bear Monster] little cousin, and [Mother Bear] aunt.

Then Chen Yilang discovered that the level of this little [Bearbeast] had actually increased.

The current little cousin is already the [lv10 Great Bear Monster].

out of curiosity.

Chen Yilang checked the details of his little cousin again.

[Big Bear Monster: The evolved Big Bear Monster is in the most rebellious infancy, his dependence on the bond with [Mother Bear] has dropped significantly, and he is more willing to succumb to the goal that can put him into a [worship] state. 】


I get it.

in short.

It is this evolved [Great Furbolg] that has become more capable of dealing with it than before.

The previous [Bear Monster] might have to rely on [Mother Bear] to support it, but the current [Big Bear Monster] doesn't need much.

But there are more ways to suppress the [Big Bear Monster], probably because he has grown up a little and has become a little bit more understanding, so he can talk a little bit of "reason" to it to an appropriate extent.

"Go and play with your cousin and cousin."

"I'll call you at dinner later."

After Yang Si explained Chen Yilang, he followed his relatives to the kitchen to get busy.

Chen Yilang entered the room and saw his little cousin, Fang Shuwen and Liu Shiya.

I saw my little cousin sitting in front of the computer with Fang Shuwen, as if they were playing some game, while Liu Shiya was sitting by the side, bored watching the two boys play.

"Why did you come?" Seeing Chen Yilang walking in, Liu Shiya's eyes lit up.

"I overslept...what are you doing?" Chen Yilang asked casually.

"They are playing games." Liu Shiya said.

Chen Yilang glanced at it and found that his little cousin was playing "The Man on Fire in the Forest" with Fang Shuwen.

This is a very popular two-player cooperative game on the small game platform, and it is also a childhood memory of many people.

Seeing this, Chen Yilang's DNA moved.

Playing this nostalgic little game on New Year's Eve was quite atmospheric.

"You can play, right?" Liu Shiya said, "Come on, I'll play with you! I don't have any teammates, it's so boring..."

"Didn't I just say it? It'll be yours after you pass this mark!" Fang Shuwen said, "I'm going to take my cousin to fight again, and I'm going to take you to fight again. It's very hard, okay?"

"Ah, no need, no need, I'll just play with Chen Yilang." Liu Shiya said quickly.

"But there is only one computer at my grandmother's house." Fang Shuwen said again, "If you want to play, you can only wait for us to get through this first."

"Please, you have played this level for a long time!" Liu Shiya said, "When you finish this level, the New Year's Eve dinner will be cold!"

"Then what can be done? It's almost over, and the last few levels must be a little more difficult!"

Fang Shuwen said confidently, "And even if you let you play, you won't be able to clear the level."

"That's it!"

The younger cousin echoed loudly, "My mother told me that the older cousin is the smartest among us."

"Even the big cousin can't play the level, you two don't think about it!"

Chen Yilang glanced at his little cousin and smiled maliciously: "Boy, do you want to be spanked again?"

"!" The little cousin shuddered, and subconsciously shrank to Fang Shuwen's side, and stopped talking...

【Ding! 】

[You used [Terrorist Threat] to make [lv10 Great Furbolg] recall the fear once dominated by [Buttock Blast]! 】

[[lv10 Great Furbolg] suffered a lot of mental damage! 】

[You got: Gold +1231, Experience +765! 】


"You are such a big man, why are you bullying our little cousin?" Fang Shuwen said, "Can you be more mature like me?"


this moment.

【Big Bear Monster】My little cousin's eyes suddenly lit up like stars.

[[Big Bear Monster] has entered a new state: worship! 】

[In this state, [Big Bear Monster]'s loyalty to [Prodigy] has been improved! 】

"That's it!"

"You two, can you be as mature as the big cousin!" The little cousin nodded, "Not only are you mature, but you are also good at playing games, and you can bring me ashes!"

Chen Yilang: "..."

good guy.

So this is the so-called "worship" state of the younger cousin?

That's it?

"What should I do..." Liu Shiya said to Chen Yilang in a low voice, "I don't want to play with Fang Shuwen... He does play well, but he always likes pointing, and playing games with him means nothing. no."

After Chen Yilang thought about it for a while, he wrote to the other party:

"Why not."

"You are in a group with your little cousin, and I'm in a group with Liu Shiya."

"Let's play in two groups and change groups if we lose, how about that?"

Chen Yilang's proposal is indeed fairer.

If so.

Even if the level is not cleared, everyone can be guaranteed a chance to play.

Fang Shuwen thought about it, although he was not too happy about it, it was indeed fairer, and it was indeed a bit unreasonable to refuse, so he nodded and agreed.

Fang Wen and his little cousin once again challenged this level of "rare anti-humanity" in their mouths.

Chen Yilang stayed aside and observed it quietly.

Then he found out.

The so-called difficulty of this level is actually not the difficulty in "strategy", but the difficulty in "operation".

The idea of ​​​​breaking the level is actually very simple, the only place that makes people crazy.

It is a green poisonous swamp in front of the customs clearance door.

This swamp, whether it is an ice man or a fire man, once falls into it, it will die, that is, the customs clearance will fail.

And above this swamp, there are several wooden blocks that will spin wildly once someone steps on it.

If you want to pass.

Two players have to operate the ice man and the fire man, and at the same time use the ultra-difficult three or four jumps to cross the swamp.

As long as there is a slight operation error, the character will fall into it and lose the game directly.

According to Liu Shiya's words.

Fang Shuwen and his little cousin have been at this level for almost half an hour.

And she was on the side, watching the two constantly re-challenge the level, and then kept falling into the swamp, and then died...

This is why Liu Shiya has always been bored.

as expected.

After five minutes.

Fang Shuwen and his little cousin once again came to the green swamp in front of the gate.

"Wait a minute, click the jump button when I ask you to jump." Fang Shuwen urged, "Your reaction speed must be fast enough, at least within 0.2 seconds, otherwise this level will be really sad."

"Okay big cousin, I believe in you!" The little cousin said seriously.

The [Great Bear Monster], who was always making a fuss, was acting like a real younger brother in front of Fang Shuwen...it could even be said to be a son.

Then the two began to operate tacitly.


Under the decision and leadership of [Prodigy].

The two thumped and fell into the swamp.


"Hey!" Fang Shuwen sighed, "Cousin, you're still slow! This time, we're just a little bit closer to clearing the customs!"

"Understood cousin, I'll be faster next time." The little cousin nodded.

Because of the previously set rules of the game.

The two had to stand up and give way, let Chen Yilang and Liu Shiya sit down and take over the game.

"I want to play Iceman!" Liu Shiya said excitedly.

She stayed by the side and watched for a long time, and she had never been able to get started. At this time, she was already eager to try.

"As you like." Chen Yilang smiled lightly.

Anyway, Iceman and Fireman are similar.

He played this classic little game when he was a child, and naturally he knew the basic gameplay.

So after a while, I quickly became familiar with the operation.

"You dance too lame, cousin."

"You have to visually estimate the rate of his fall when he jumps, and have a certain idea of ​​the parabola."

"Otherwise you will have to die in that swamp later."

Fang Shuwen sat in the back and watched the operation of the two people, and couldn't help but comment with a seemingly professional eye.

"Big cousin, you're thinking too much!" The naughty little cousin couldn't help but interject: "They may not be able to play there yet, or they might die halfway!"

"It is indeed possible." Fang Shuwen squeezed his chin, and then continued, "And my cousin."

"The control of your directional joystick is still not stable, and its movement is delayed, about 0.1 second."

"This will greatly affect your reaction speed. With your current technology, I suggest that it is better not to be too fast when walking..."

【Ding! 】

[[lv12 Prodigy] used [ earnest teaching], causing a mental attack on you! 】

[You have entered a low-level [dizziness] state! 】


Exactly what the system says.

The current Chen Yilang.

Fang Shuwen's muttering lingered on both sides of his ears.

It's been buzzing like a mosquito...

It really made him dizzy.

The irritable Chen Yilang took out the [E-sports headset] equipment directly from the system backpack.

Ho, comfortable.

The world suddenly became a lot cleaner.

When Fang Shuwen was tired of talking, Chen Yilang and Liu Shiya also came to the swamp.

"How do I get through here?" Liu Shiya was worried, "This is too difficult, do you jump first or should I jump first?"

"Cousin, little cousin, just give up!"

The little cousin grimaced at the two of them, and said gloatingly, "It's too difficult here, you definitely won't be able to get through it! Just kill yourself, we can save a little time!"

Chen Yilang ignored his younger cousin, but said to Liu Shiya, "We can only dance together in this place, and the reaction speed must be fast."

"I... I don't think I can do it." Liu Shiya said timidly, "Why don't we try to die first?"

"Die once? No need."

Chen Yilang smiled lightly, "It's just a game, happiness is the most important thing."

"First pass the level, and then talk happily."

"Hey, cousin, your tone is not too small." Fang Shuwen who was standing behind simply folded his arms in front of his chest, and said disdainfully, "If you can really pass this test once, I will take this Computer ate."

"Okay, remember what you said!"

Chen Yilang was happy, and then said to Liu Shiya, "You give way first."

"Ah?" Liu Shiya was taken aback, "Me?"

"Yes." Chen Yilang smiled.

Although Liu Shiya was a little puzzled, she still obediently stepped aside.

I saw Chen Yilang put his hands on the keyboard.

Everyone was stunned for a moment~www.wuxiamtl.com~ was followed by surprise.

——He wants to play two roles by one person.

Left-handed Iceman, right-handed Fireman!


Chen Yilang smiled slightly.

【Ding! 】

[You have activated the skill: Ghost Hand! 】

【Your hand speed and **** skills have increased by 300%! 】


The sound fell.

Chen Yilang's two hands.

Then move and operate at high speed on the keyboard.


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