If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 193: 【Red Packet Rain Curtain】

, the fastest update if the latest chapter of realistic gamification!

At this moment.

Chen Yilang has two hands that operate at high speed.

on the keyboard.

The afterimages danced for a while.

on the computer screen.

The Iceman and the Burning Man.

jumped at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, on the few logs above the swamp, a dazzling complex operation and exquisite cooperation were staged.

this place.

There is also a high demand for the cooperation of the two roles.

Whenever there is a character who dances early or late, skips one more or one less.

this off.

All had to die on the spot in this swamp.


Under the delicate operation of Chen Yilang.

Iceman and Fireman really did all the cooperation perfectly.

Then successfully crossed the swamp.

It landed firmly on the ground on the other side.

"..." Fang Shuwen was dumbfounded.

This this?

This guy, actually jumped over?

How can it be? !

To know.

before this.

He and his little cousin have tried countless times!

No matter how the two discussed tactics and cooperation, in the end, they still couldn't jump over the swamp and get through this level.

Fang Shuwen even suspected that the creator of the game had never played it himself, and was using his feet to design the levels.

to verify this guess.

He also searched for related strategies on the Internet just now, and found that many corresponding strategies wrote this when they wrote this level:

"When crossing the swamp, you can try to close your eyes and play. The chance of clearing the level is higher than when you open your eyes."

"It is recommended to directly download the invincible version of Ice and Fire for experience."

"The landlord can chat with me privately, I have the jump code here."


all in all.

The difficulty design of this swamp has broken the range that normal humans can accept.

It's a little nasty to say.

This design is a complete failure.

But just now, he saw with his own eyes that Chen Yilang operated two characters by himself and easily crossed this swamp?

It's **** outrageous!

"Okay, it's your turn."

After crossing the swamp, Chen Yilang asked Liu Shiya to sit down again.

And there is only one thing she needs to do next, and that is to press the fixed direction key to control the ice man to walk into the clearance door...

"Congratulations on passing the test!"

On the computer screen, several large characters popped up.

This made the cousin on the side unable to hold back in an instant.

"Big cousin, you lied!"

The little cousin was crying and looked at Fang Shuwen aggrievedly and said: "They have cleared the customs! This swamp is obviously not sad at all, you big liar!"

"..." Fang Shuwen's face twitched, feeling that he couldn't hold his face a little, so he could only say with a straight face, "You still blame me? Is it because you didn't execute well enough and didn't follow my instructions?"

"You are talking nonsense, you are a vegetable!" the little cousin shouted.

【Ding! 】

[[lv10 Great Furbolg]'s [worship] status for [lv12 Prodigy] has been terminated! 】

[[lv10 Big Bear Monster] used [Bear Roar], causing a lot of physical and mental damage to [lv12 Prodigy]! 】


"Che, I'm too lazy to care about you." Fang Shuwen got up, "I'm going to the toilet."

"Hey, don't wait, cousin." Chen Yilang said with a wicked smile, "You haven't eaten your computer yet."

"..." Fang Shuwen stiffened, pretended not to hear, and walked out.

【Ding! 】

[You used [Hardcore Feeding], causing a lot of mental damage to [lv12 Prodigy]! 】

[You got: Gold +1325, Experience +786! 】



[lv12 Prodigy] After leaving the battlefield in despair.

[Big Bear Monster] Little cousin was lying in front of the computer desk, looking at Chen Yilang eagerly and said, "You're too good, aren't you? Can you take me to fight?"

【Ding! 】

[[lv10 Great Furbolg] has entered a [worship state] for you! 】

[The target's loyalty to you has been greatly improved! 】


Seeing the appearance of his little cousin, Chen Yilang was amused and helpless.

Sure enough, even if it was a [Big Bear Monster], in the final analysis, it was just a little kid.

As long as the [Big Bear Monster] can feel that he is very powerful, then it is quite easy to control this little brat.

Chen Yilang thought for a while, then teased him with a wicked smile: "Do you mean to mess with your cousin?"

"Hmmmm!" The little cousin nodded at the speed of light.

"Then the big cousin asked you to play with him, will you still play with him?"

"Don't play!" The little cousin shook his head again at the speed of light.

"Hey, it's pretty good." Chen Yilang said cheerfully, "Okay, I'll take you to fight next time."

"Don't discriminate against your eldest cousin. He's just a good gamer, and he's a good person." Chen Yilang said, "Learn more from him and try to get into a good university in the future."

"I don't want it." The little cousin pursed his lips, "I just jumped from here today, and I don't play with the big cousin!"

When the words just came here.

Fang Shuwen just walked in from behind the door.

After hearing what the little cousin said, a gloomy white light suddenly flashed above the lenses of the glasses.

"That's right, little cousin."

"Big cousin, I haven't seen you for two years, so I brought you some small gifts."

Fang Shuwen said with a smile, and took out a stack of thick books from his schoolbag, "These are the exercise books I specially prepared for you, cousin, to help you win at the starting line while you are still young."

"Don't worry, I'll pass them on to your mother later, and when you go home in the future, you don't have to worry about no one supervising you."

Little cousin: "???"


The reminder that the little cousin suffered great mental damage kept ringing in his mind.

Him and his big cousin.

Two people who had been in love with each other all along, at this moment, began to frantically kill each other.

On the other hand, Chen Yilang and Liu Shiya were playing "The Man on Fire in the Forest" leisurely, enjoying themselves.

After passing the swamp level.

The difficulty of the subsequent levels dropped a lot, so the two of them never died.


as agreed before.

As long as they don't die, then Chen Yilang and Liu Shiya can play forever...


The scene in the room instantly had a two-level reversal.

Fang Shuwen and his little cousin, who had been occupying the computer all the time.

At this moment.

He could only carry two small stools and sit behind Chen Yilang and Liu Shiya.

Looking eagerly at the two playing games...


Fang Shuwen was very angry.

Obviously he was the first to go to grandma's house to take up the computer!

As a result, the two-level reversal now makes Chen Yilang feel comfortable...

However, despite being a little aggrieved in his heart, Fang Shuwen had nothing to do.

The previous rules were promised by himself, can't he always go back?

The little cousin can play tricks and cry a few times.

But as the biggest Greg among the four, it would be a little inappropriate...

not to mention.

He still owes a computer to eat...

After a while.

The sound of relatives announcing dinner was heard outside.

The four of them came out of the room and had a New Year's Eve dinner.

This year's New Year's Eve dinner is indeed as rich as my mother said.

After all, this year is almost the time when relatives get together the most.

Relatives and friends were happy and lively.

It seems that because of the last lesson, [Mother Bear] Yang Mei's words today are a little less than before.

In particular, the topic of Chen Yilang was no longer mentioned.

This made Chen Yilang and Liu Shiya feel particularly happy.

well known.

At the New Year's dinner table, the most perfect tacit understanding is.

Children don’t ask how they did in exams, adults don’t ask about salary, unmarried don’t ask if they’re in a relationship, married don’t ask when they will have a baby…

after all.

Live it!

It was already a difficult thing.

It's not easy for everyone, so stop hurting each other.

After the New Year's Eve dinner.

Relatives set up mahjong in the living room.

The sound of shuffling.

Laughter among adults.

And on TV, the singing and dancing sounds of the Spring Festival Gala.

It quickly filled up the whole night.

Chen Yilang and Liu Shiya, who never watched the Spring Festival Gala very much, chose to stay in the room and play games.

In the end, I didn't expect my cousin and younger cousin to not watch the Spring Festival Gala, so the four of them temporarily changed their minds and sat together to play chess.

"Hehe, cousin."

"Today's "Frozen in the Forest", I was careless."

"Playing games is really not my strong suit, but when it comes to playing chess, you don't necessarily win me."

Fang Shuwen said confidently.

"Really, cousin?" Chen Yilang smiled again, "Do you still eat the computer if you lose this time?"

"...Cough cough, stop talking!" Fang Shuwen blushed, "Then I'll be more practical, okay? If I win, then we'll be even. If we lose, I'll ask you to release it later. fireworks!"

"It's easy to talk." Liu Shiya was the first to agree when she heard it.

During the Chinese New Year last year, she was not in Beijiang City and did not stay with Chen Yilang.

There are no peers playing with her in her hometown, so naturally there is no fun of setting off fireworks.

But this year.

When Fang Shuwen suddenly mentioned this matter, Liu Shiya became interested.


Of course I still like romantic things.

"Okay, then I can too!"

Chen Yilang agreed with a smile.

The younger cousin nodded in agreement.

I'm still young, and I don't know much about your brothers and sisters.

Anyway, as long as someone takes me to play, it's fine, hehe.

So everyone immediately started the chess game.

"Hmph, you have already lost this game."

The game has not started yet.

Fang Shuwen put down a harsh sentence first.

This time.

His self-confidence did not come without foundation.

Most people think that flying flags is just a mindless game of luck.

Whoever throws the most points wins.

but it is not the truth.


The number of points tossed is indeed random.

But how to choose the moving pieces.

It is a very technical work.

This even involves some probabilistic problems.

If you study it carefully, there are still many mysteries and techniques...


Ordinary people don't understand these things.

But Fang Shuwen is different.

——He is a [prodigy]!

Especially since he is a mathematics major, in terms of probability and statistics, naturally, it is completely out of the question.

Under the premise that the number of points is random and the probability cannot be determined.

He can completely calculate the one with the highest probability of winning, even with ease!

In other words.

This game.

He was already firmly on the ground, holding on to it.

"Who starts first?" Fang Shuwen asked.

"Come first for my little cousin." Liu Shiya said, "Children first."

"I'm not a child, so I don't have to give priority!" The little cousin pursed his lips, "Sister is a girl, ladies first!"

After hearing this, everyone couldn't help laughing.

Chen Yilang was also happy.

It seems that this bear child will also grow up one day.

"Okay, I'll go first, I'll go first."

Liu Shiya was helpless and funny, so she had to throw the dice on the chessboard.

Four o'clock.

Takeoff failed.

It's Fang Shuwen's turn.

Five o'clock.

"Oh, just a little bit!" Fang Shuwen sighed helplessly.

But it's okay, no problem.

After all, that's how the game was played in the early stages.

As long as the game enters the middle stage, when everyone's pieces are raging on the board.

That's when he really started to show the probabilistic skills of [Prodigy]...

It was Chen Yilang's turn to roll the dice.

He reached out and grabbed it.

Gently rotated in the field of vision, observing the distribution of each point.

At the same time, use the pulp of your fingers to gently rub the six uneven surfaces.


It seems to have found some of the feel.

"Activate skills."

Chen Yilang said silently in his heart.

【Ding! 】

[The skill [Ghost Hand] has been activated! 】

【Your finger skills have improved by 300%! 】


Chen Yilang smiled slightly.

At the same time, he moved lightly between his fingers.

The dice spun a few times in the air, and then landed on the chessboard.

Immediately after.

It's been rolling over and over for a few weeks.

Finally stopped.

Six o'clock face up.

"Hey, cousin, your luck is pretty good." Fang Shuwen said with a look of surprise, "Oh, I didn't say it, I just found out that from the college entrance examination to the present, your **** luck really hasn't stopped at all. what."

"Hehe." Chen Yilang smiled nonchalantly, "There's no way, sometimes luck comes, and it can't be stopped."

Throw after six.

Chen Yilang successfully took off a plane.

At the same time, he also got another chance to throw.

So Chen Yilang.

Activated the skill again and threw the dice.

"It's six o'clock again?"

Looking at the points on it, everyone was stunned.

Watching Chen Yilang take off again...

Then throw again.

It's still six o'clock.

Six o'clock, six o'clock, six o'clock...

After Chen Yilang threw six six points in a row, he stopped just now.

"I'll go, are you too strong?" Liu Shiya was also dumbfounded.

"Little cousin, so... so strong!"

[Big Bear Monster] The little cousin's eyes looking at Chen Yilang became more sparkling.

"Basic, basic, all sit down." Chen Yilang said with a smile.

"..." Fang Shuwen fell into contemplation as he watched Chen Yilang's plane fluttering around the chessboard.




"A few boxes of fireworks."

"Some more match cannons and throwing cannons, kids like to play with... eh? Don't they sell them now?"

"Then another box of fairy sticks..."


Outside the gate.

In front of the commissary.

Fang Shuwen squatted in front of the fireworks stand and bargained with the shop owner.

on the head.

It is a big [depressed] sign.


Today, I happily received several big red envelopes, and I returned to the pre-liberation one night...

Chen Yilang took his little cousin and stood beside Liu Shiya.

Watching a few children sitting on the side of the road, playing "League of Kings" together, the sound of laughter was endless.

"Time flies so fast."

Liu Shiya sighed suddenly, "Brother, do you remember when we were young? We were similar to them... But at that time, we didn't have smartphones, so we could only squat in the open space downstairs and burn guns."

"At this time, you remembered to call me brother?"

Chen Yilang laughed and joked, "But I think the same as you."

"It really went by too fast."

"It seems that the owner of this store used to be an old grandpa, right?"

"Now I've become an uncle I haven't seen before."

Liu Shiya nodded and sighed:

"Well, according to my mother, that grandpa passed away last year... it was very sudden."

"People have always been very energetic before, and they can walk back and forth several times in the nearby block every day... People say that they are gone."

Chen Yilang didn't answer, and watched a few children suddenly shout excitedly, presumably the crystal on the opposite side exploded.

"Fireworks are coming!"

Fang Shuwen came over holding a bunch of fireworks.

The four brothers and sisters came to a nearby open space.

Fireworks are now strictly controlled in cities and can only be set off in some designated areas.

huh - huh!

Colorful fireworks bloomed countless flowers in the sky above Beijiang City.

In the surrounding buildings~www.wuxiamtl.com~, several families walked to the balcony and looked up at the beautiful scenery at this moment.

"It's almost zero."

Chen Yilang glanced at the phone screen.

At this time.

The sound of the system suddenly rang.


【Ding! 】

[A new challenge task has been triggered: Red Envelope Rain Curtain. 】

[Details: A violent red envelope bombardment from relatives and friends is about to descend on this smoke-filled world. 】

【To live or to die...】

[This is a question you should think about. 】

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