If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 191: 【Hand speed burst watch】

, the fastest update if the latest chapter of realistic gamification!

Chen Yilang: "…"

Seems like we haven't seen each other for a year or two, right?

It's okay to be deleted as a friend...

At this time.


Chen Yilang suddenly heard a voice behind him.

Looking back, it happened to be cousin Fang Wen.

Tall, but thin, with a thin body that resembles a telephone pole.

Inch head, heavy glasses with black squares, a face scattered with several acne pits, a somewhat wrinkled plaid shirt, and white sneakers.

Cousin really hasn't changed at all...

Chen Yilang complained silently, and then smiled: "Cousin, long time no see."

"It's alright, it's only two years." Fang Wenwen moved his inverted eyebrows, then looked Chen Yilang up and down and said, "You still look as naive as before."

"...Haha, isn't it." Chen Yilang was ashamed, "By the way, cousin, I'll take the car with your parents later."

"Well, I see." Fang Wenshu nodded and said, "They will be there soon."

The two just stood by the side of the road, waiting silently.

Chen Yilang didn't speak, and Fang Wenshu didn't want to pay attention to him.

The atmosphere was so strangely awkward...


despite this.

But in fact, Chen Yilang has long been accustomed to this.

He and his cousin Fang Wenwen had never gotten along very well since childhood.

Many times Chen Yilang felt that the structure of their brain circuits must have used two completely different fabrics.

Fang Wenshu will never understand Chen Yilang's stalk, and Chen Yilang will never know what he is thinking...

For example, Fang Wenwen's operation of deleting friends made him completely stunned.

But Chen Yilang had nothing to do.

Because his cousin Fang Wen is indeed not an ordinary person.

—The logo on the top of his head has already explained everything.

[lv11 Prodigy].

This title, of course, did not come for no reason.

Chen Yilang still remembered.

At a very young age, relatives in the family began to call Fang Wenwen a "little prodigy".

Fang Wenwen showed extraordinary talent in abacus and mental arithmetic when he was in preschool. He began to study analytic geometry and derivatives in elementary school. He began to participate in major math Olympiad competitions in junior high school. In his second year of high school, he got a recommended spot in the Department of Mathematics at Peking University...

In the words of relatives.

Cousin's life growth trajectory is simply smooth sailing, skyrocketing, and a shuttle bus goes directly to the world of people.

And this year, my cousin is the third year, and Chen Yilang has not seen this [prodigy] for two years.

"Oh, cousin, I'm sorry."

"When I was cleaning up my friends some time ago, I accidentally deleted you with a tremor."

It seems that something has just been reacted, Fang Wenshu said suddenly.

Chen Yilang: "Uh, it's fine, I'll come back later."

Fang Wenwen said: "Okay, don't mind."

The two were silent for a while.

Fang Wenwen felt that the atmosphere was a bit wrong, so he added: "I didn't do it on purpose, cousin, I just didn't like your profile picture at the time."

"How old are you, and you still use a two-dimensional style avatar. No wonder Liu Zhiya often complains that you are a dead fat house... Uh, I didn't mean to target you, that's what I said."

Chen Yilang: "...It's okay."

After the two chatted awkwardly for a while, the aunt and the aunt came late.

"Langlang, document!"

The uncle in white-collar overalls walked over quickly with shiny leather shoes, and his round beer belly was shaking up and down as if it had come to life.

"Oh, I've been waiting for a long time, and Lang Lang has been gone for a long time!" Auntie also said enthusiastically, "I've grown taller, and I'm as tall as your cousin!"

She has a new wool curly hairstyle today, and she is in a particularly good mood.

"Mom, you're talking nonsense here again."

Fang Wenwen said with a serious face, "My current line of sight is at the same level as Chen Yilang's hairline, that is to say, according to the principles of the physical frame of reference and the structure of most human beings in biology, I should be about five or six centimeters taller than Chen Yilang now."

Chen Yilang: "...Yes."

"Hey, my son is indeed a top student."

Listening to Fang Shun talking about a lot of incomprehensible terms, my aunt felt professional and forceful.

"Let's go, my car is in the parking lot of the platform," said my uncle.

The four of them walked all the way.

"Hey, Lang Lang." As he walked, his aunt said, "Have you been in college for half a year? Have you found a girlfriend yet?"

Chen Yilang was taken aback: "Ah? Not yet..."

"You are too gossip. Lang Lang is only a freshman this year, and he just went to college. Why don't you care about your studies?" Uncle laughed.

"Oh, Lang Lang still uses me to care about studying?" Aunt said, "Yang Sidu told me that other people Lang Lang was admitted to Nanxuan University last year, or 985!"

"That's why Lang Lang is still very smart. In the past, when his grades were not good, he was a playboy. When he was in the third year of high school, he started to read books seriously. This is not normal." Uncle said.

"No, no, it's better luck, my uncle and uncle have won the prize." Chen Yilang replied quickly with a smile.

The rainbow fart from relatives really lives up to its reputation...


Fang Wenwen, who was sitting on the side, pushed the heavy glasses frame, and said with a surprised expression, "Cousin, then your luck doesn't seem to be very good. Did you only get a 985?"

Everyone: "…"

The atmosphere in the car suddenly became a little weird.

Chen Yilang is also numb.

How should I take this...

【Ding! 】

[[lv11 Prodigy] used [Invisible Taunt], causing a lot of mental damage to you! 】

【hp-256! 】

"Documents, I don't like to talk like that." Uncle said, "Not everyone can go to Beijing University like you. Students who can go to 985 and 211 are not far behind."

"No, no, cousin is right."

Chen Yilang smiled helplessly, "After all, I don't have the strength of my cousin."

"I will learn more from my cousin in the future."

"Uh, cousin, don't learn from me." Fang Shuwen shook his head solemnly. My major is a little more difficult, and most people can't learn it. "

Chen Yilang: "...Indeed."

"Langlang." Aunt said again, "I went to college there for so long, did you find some good girls?"

Chen Yilang's forehead was sweating a little: "...No, aunt, I didn't even think about falling in love."

"That's all right!"

Auntie was delighted again, "I just happened to help your cousin to find something!"

"Your cousin is not too young. He will graduate in a year, and he has not shown any signs of studying for a few years."

Chen Yilang's smile gradually stiffened: "Uh, there really aren't many suitable girls in my university... Then I'll pay more attention in the future."


Fang Wenwen was a little irritable and said, "Don't keep talking about this kind of thing, okay? It's so old, and you're still urging marriage?"

"How many times have I told you, there are only two words in my heart now, study, study!"

"It's not that I can't find a good girl, it's that I don't want to fall in love at all."

"You don't even think about it. With my excellent conditions, do you still need to worry that I can't find a girlfriend?"


"Do you think Chen Yilang looks like he can talk about love?"

"He still can't find a girlfriend, and he still expects him to find me?"

【Ding! 】

[[lv11 Prodigy] used the second combo of [Relentless Taunt], causing huge mental damage to you! 】

【hp-243! 】

Chen Yilang: "…"

Forget it.

In order to ensure the safety of his life, Chen Yilang decided to shut up.

The four of them walked towards the parking lot.

Along the way, seeing that Chen Yilang had been silent, Fang Shuwen thought silently for a while.

When the uncle and aunt walk a little far away from the two.

Fang Shuwen leaned over again.

Lowering his voice, he said to Chen Yilang:

"Hey, cousin..."

"Are there really no good girls in your place?"

Chen Yilang: "...?"

Looking at Fang Shuwen's nervous, small eyes that seemed to be full of anticipation.

Chen Yilang understood what was going on...

His [prodigy] cousin, it's obvious that he's been feeling a little bit swayed recently.

But Fang Shuwen's confidence and pride from [Prodigy] told him.

He wouldn't admit that he couldn't find a girlfriend even if he was beaten to death...


Laozi is a top student at Beijing University, will he not find a girlfriend?

Kyoto University!

It truly belongs to the world of academic bullies and academic gods!

He has already reached the top of the mountain, and he can see all the mountains!

"Cousin, your expression seems to be very embarrassing?" Fang Shuwen frowned again.

Chen Yilang: "...It's a bit."

Fang Shuwen didn't care, but patted Chen Yilang on the shoulder and comforted him: "Oh, cousin, in fact, I also know that I am too good, so I want to find a girl in your school who can match me. It's not easy..."

"But you don't have to be so embarrassed."

"I'm not a very old-fashioned person either."

"When two people get along together, comfort is the most important thing, and other conditions are easy to say."

Chen Yilang: "It's not easy for you to get along with ease..."

Fang Shuwen: "What's so complicated about this? If it really doesn't work, it's good to look good... Hey, just like that."


Fang Shuwen suddenly stretched out his hand and pointed forward.

Chen Yilang looked up.

I found a girl with fluffy long hair, pulling a suitcase and walking out from an exit in front.

She was wearing a beige coat, leg-fitting washed jeans, and black knee-high boots.

Dressed up, mature and generous, full of femininity.

"Yes, yes, just as good-looking as she is!"

Fang Shuwen's eyes lit up like light bulbs.

Chen Yilang's mouth twitched, thinking that you're not a member of Taobao.com...

When I was silently complaining in my heart.

The girl's eyes just happened to be looking in the direction of the two people.


"Did you see that, cousin?"

"That girl has already attracted my attention."

The corners of Fang Shuwen's mouth twitched slightly, and under the splayed eyebrows, a pair of eyes shot a sharp light behind the thick lenses.

Chen Yilang: "...So what?"

"So, at this time, I can go up and talk to me, but it's not necessary."

Fang Shuwen pushed his glasses tactically, "It's really hurtful to do this kind of thing in public... But of course, if she takes the initiative a little bit, I can seriously consider it..."

After the two gradually approached the girl.

Only then did Chen Yilang realize that something was amiss.

This girl seems... very familiar.

Chen Yilang didn't recognize it until their eyes met.

"Classmate Chen?" Xiong Yuwei greeted happily, "Why are you here?"

"Eh?" Chen Yilang was also a little surprised, "You too?"

I didn't expect it to be her.

Since the end of the NTU All-Star Game.

Chen Yilang has not seen Xiong Yuwei for a long time.

After all, she is quite busy. Not only is she a member of the Northern Hemisphere Basketball Association, but she seems to have recently joined the sports department of the school's student union.

But this outfit is really in line with Xiong Yuwei's usual style.

She has always taken a more mature route. Although she is at the same level as Chen Yilang, she looks as delicate as a senior.


Xiong Yuwei nodded and smiled, "I bought today's train ticket and just arrived in Beijiang."

"What happened to you during this time? I haven't seen you play with me!"

"I heard that you also created a club, and it's quite good-looking~"

Xiong Yuwei joked.

"Haha, it's not as exaggerated as you said." Chen Yilang said with a smile, "How is it? Major Xiong, do you want to join us?"

"Slightly, for the sake of your speech, I'll consider it!"

Xiong Yuwei stuck out her tongue, "Mainly, I'm quite busy here in the Northern Hemisphere Association~ But if there is any activity at ordinary times, you can also call me to play."

"Okay." Chen Yilang nodded.

"By the way, we are going to have a class reunion this holiday, will you come?" Xiong Yuwei said, "After half a year of university, everyone seems to have changed a lot...especially you!"

"What's wrong with me?"

"A lot of handsome, hee hee!" Xiong Yuwei laughed, "Who made your hairstyle? It's quite suitable for you!"

"What, it's just the hairstyle?"

"No, no, other places are also much more handsome... By the way, who is that boy?"

"My cousin."

"Huh, I just glanced at him just now, and I always felt that his eyes were a little... a little bit like that."

"Which what?"

"A bit wretched... You are not allowed to tell him!"

Chen Yilang and Xiong Yuwei became more engaged the more they talked.

Looking at the two people who were talking intimately and even a little bit.

Fang Shuwen, who was silently walking a few meters behind him, was a little messy in the wind for a while.

How... how could this be?

The object of that girl's eye contact just now was obviously herself!

Who would have thought that she and Chen Yilang knew each other and seemed to have a good relationship?

Recalling the scene just now, Fang Shuwen felt a little embarrassed.

"Look at other people's waves, how good girls are!" Auntie immediately said, "What else do you have to say now? Do you want to talk back to me?"

"..." Fang Shuwen wanted to cry without tears.

【Ding! 】

[You have caused a lot of mental damage to [lv11 Prodigy]! 】

[You got: Gold +1435, Experience +886! 】

[You have obtained rare materials: [Memory Chip x1]]

Chen Yilang: ?

good guy.

Memory chips, that's okay.

After chatting all the way, Chen Yilang and Xiong Yuwei separated in front of the intersection.

After getting into the car with my cousin's family of three, we headed home.

Along the way,

Fang Shuwen, uncharacteristically, suddenly became quite silent...

This made Chen Yilang a little uncomfortable all of a sudden.

But this is a good thing, after all, chatting with my cousin is too brainy, and he doesn't want to hurt this god.

After a simple meal at his aunt's house, Chen Yilang and Yang Si returned home together.

The first thing I did when I got home was to go out for a walk with my parents.

The family hadn't seen each other for half a year, and when they got together again, they suddenly had endless topics to talk about.

It was not until ten o'clock in the evening that Chen Yilang returned home with his parents.

Took a hot shower.

Lying comfortably on the familiar and long-lost big bed at home, Chen Yilang felt particularly comfortable.

The phone just rang, I picked it up and saw that it was news from Banqun, everyone was solitary, and everyone who arrived home wanted it.

It turns out that this is the feeling of coming home for the first time after college... It's not bad.


All of a sudden the few dog sons in the dormitory are missing, and UU reading www.uukanshu.com is really not used to it.

"Let's fiddle with the system first."

Chen Yilang remembered the [Skill Book] he had obtained before, but he still hadn't had time to use it.

So he immediately opened his backpack and found the big book with a rare purple level.

【Ding! 】

[You used [Skill Book] and mastered a new skill: Ghost Hand! 】

[Ghost Hand: Active skill, within 1 minute after using this skill, your hand speed will increase by 300%! 】


"Hand speed?"

Chen Yilang was taken aback.

Against the inventory in your own cloud network disk.

Brother Lang suddenly fell into deep thought...

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