If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 18: Just **** your name is Chen Yilang?


At this moment.

Xiong Yuwei's entire room.

There were question marks floating around from Chen Yilang's head.

What the hell?

Is this **** over?

It's too fast, right? It's just warming up, and the **** has not even started before the foreplay begins?

Chen Yilang looked at his hand that was directly pressed to death on the table, his expression gradually twisted into a black man.

【Ding! 】

[No physical contact detected, the process has been interrupted, and the replication failed. 】

[Please re-establish contact with the target. 】

The moment Xiong Yuwei let go of her hand again, the system prompt sounded in her mind.

"What are you doing?" Xiong Yuwei was completely stunned, "Did I run away?"

"...No, no." Chen Yilang shook his head, "I wasn't ready just now, do it again."


Chen Yilang's hand was slapped heavily on the table again...

Why the hell! ?

Chen Yilang's heart collapsed a little.

He thought it was just an accident just now, but now he has confirmed a fact.

He couldn't pretend that he couldn't break Xiong Yuwei, he seemed to really be unable to break it...

It's a sad story.

He really looked down on this woman completely.

"Come on." Chen Yilang took a deep breath, "One last time."

This time, Chen Yilang didn't dare to neglect anymore.

He really used his great strength to have a real man with Xiong Yuwei... I don't know if it was a duel between real men or real sisters.

The battle suddenly became fierce.

Both of them seemed to be doing their best, and even the table seemed to tremble slightly, looking like it was crumbling.

Chen Yilang thought to himself, this time he and Xiong Yuwei probably had a meeting.

Until his eyes inadvertently caught sight of Xiong Yuwei's face.

- She yawned.

"???" Chen Yilang.

Chen Yilang's mentality, which he managed to regain half of it in a second, collapsed again.

We are still fighting fiercely and heartily, how can you not be blushing or heart beating, even fighting haha?

You look down on me!

Chen Yilang's microcosm exploded.

He felt that every cell in his body was on fire, like countless torches glowing in the blood vessels.

He could even feel that the beast in his heart that had been sleeping for a long time finally woke up at this moment.

His arm was instantly filled with power, he shouted angrily in his heart, and then delivered a surging and violent lore blow to Xiong Yuwei!


Chen Yilang's hand was patted on the table.

"Actually, I'm just talking, you don't have to let me, Teacher Chen."

Xiong Yuwei said honestly, "Although I'm a girl, I'm a sports student. Actually, I'm not as weak as you think."

Then I really didn't expect...

"Haha." Chen Yilang showed an embarrassed but polite smile.

But fortunately, his task seems to have been completed.

In this wave of games just now, although Chen Yilang has been in a state of being completely crushed, he has indeed persevered for a long time.

The only sequelae is that Chen Yilang feels a little shadow in his heart, and his wrist and forearm are still a little numb...

【Ding! 】

[You successfully used the [Copy Bracelet] and obtained the skill [lv3 Free Fight] from the target [NPC Xiong Yuwei]! 】

Chen Yilang was dumbfounded again.

What the hell?

Can't this skill be chosen independently?

He clearly wanted to learn Xiong Yuwei's marathon skills, why did the system automatically choose free combat for him?

"What kind of thing is this doing, Brother System?"

Chen Yilang raised a question in his heart.

However, the system dad didn't care about him and even wanted to throw him a pineapple...


Since I can't find the answer, that's probably the only way to explain it.

This copy bracelet seems to only randomly copy a skill on the target, and cannot choose independently.

Thinking this way, Chen Yilang seemed to feel a lot better.

After all, I didn't copy any abilities like [Han Xin's Stealing Home] from Xiong Yuwei. It's already a fortune in luck...

It's just that this [free fight] doesn't seem to be of much help to Chen Yilang's college entrance examination so far...

Forget it, admit it.

It's better to go to the playground after school to do laps.

Chen Yilang gave up the struggle.

After leaving Xiong Yuwei's house, Chen Yilang dragged his half-crippled arm back home.

Along the way, Chen Yilang felt that he even twisted the handlebars of the little electric donkey unnaturally, which was especially bitter.

Days have returned to the intense and busy senior year review.

The days of the three models and the college entrance examination physical test are getting closer, which means that the real college entrance examination is not far from the three parties of the senior high school.

This afternoon.

After school, Chen Yilang didn't stay in the classroom frantically scrolling as usual, but put on his schoolbag and left the teaching building.

Anyway, [Breath of Inner Volume] hasn't been able to hurt the group of [Xueba] and [Xue Shen] for a long time. It is estimated that everyone has already adapted to that kind of volume and is completely used to it.

Instead, spend your time and energy elsewhere, seeking new bosses and money-making opportunities.

So Chen Yilang came to the playground like this, ready to start circling.

But there is one thing to say.

Chen Yilang has not done vigorous exercise for a long time since he entered the third year of high school.

In the past, after school, he would occasionally go to Internet cafes with his classmates to exercise his finger muscles and mouth muscles. Now he really has no time at all, and he is completely engrossed in the world of learning.

"Then let's start."

After giving himself a wave, Chen Yilang started to run.

Exactly as he imagined.

After a short run, his body with the blood of a fat house soon felt that he was overwhelmed and lacked strength...

My calf is heavy, my stomach cramps, and I'm a little out of breath...

One word.


After gritting his teeth and persevering for a lap, Chen Yilang was completely unable to run.

He had to hold on to a big tree on the edge of the playground, gasping for breath.

【Ding! 】

[You complete a jog lap, get ①Gold +100 ②Experience +20]


Chen Yilang was happy.

Good guy, what a surprise!

Unexpectedly, not only will there be rewards for writing questions, but there are also rewards for writing circles!

And to be honest, compared to writing questions, the rewards for brushing circles seem to be a lot more...

You can earn more than 100 gold coins by running a lap. You must know that the gold coins of [Translation Jelly] are only 9999. It feels like it will be realized soon.

Thinking of this, Chen Yilang suddenly felt very motivated.

It's a pity that today is really empty, there is really no way to continue running, so I have to rest for a while and fight another day.

Chen Yilang picked up his schoolbag again, walked out of the school gate, and prepared to go home for dinner.

On the way home, Chen Yilang realized that he felt so good after exercising.

It was as if every pore on his body was breathing freely, something he had never experienced with years of experience in a fat house.

Chen Yilang hummed a song and was walking along the road towards home.

At this moment, a rough and macho voice came from behind him:

"What the **** is your name Chen Yilang?"


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