If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 182: 【Territory Intruder】

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In order not to make a sound, Chen Yilang chose to use his mobile phone to communicate with Chen Jiahui.

Soon he knew.

The [tornado] girl sitting in front was named Gan Di, and she was also the president of the Deadwind Club.

According to Chen Jiahui.

Gan Di was born in a small town in a southern province.

The teaching resources in that place are very poor, and there are almost no good public schools.

But Gan Di just relied on her unyielding tenacity to get admitted to the best junior high school in the county, and then after the high school entrance examination, she was enrolled in the city's key points, and finally got the admission letter from Nanxuan University in the college entrance examination. .

The word "miracle" was written on every footprint she walked step by step.

Although she was only admitted to the Agricultural College with the lowest admission score at Nanxuan University because she was behind the starting line of others, it can be said to be quite inspirational.

And now, she is hitting the next goal, which is to get enough grades and comprehensive tests to transfer to majors in her freshman year.

Hearing this, it is not difficult for Chen Yilang to understand why Gan Di's logo is [tornado]...

She certainly didn't mean to roll it, but someone like her who worked hard naturally turned like a tornado without knowing it...

"But it's too tight."

"It's so uncomfortable to be rolled."

Chen Yilang thought silently.

He has previous experience and knows that the only way to defeat such a monster is to be more voluptuous than her.

Also known as: fighting monsters with poison.

But in the current situation.

It's really not that easy to win this [tornado].

Chen Yilang's eyes moved slightly, and he glanced at Chen Jiahui who was sitting beside him.

Chen Jiahui's blood volume did not drop.

As a former [Ultimate Learning God], her ability to adapt to [Involution Storm] is obviously higher than his.

Even her body also carried a [involutionary breath], which might even accidentally injure him sitting beside her.

This is so embarrassing...

What to do with this?

Chen Yilang scratched his head and looked around subconsciously.

Then I found that there were already several students around, casting suspicious eyes at him...

I'm afraid this person is not new, right?

why this?

It's sneaky, it's not serious learning at first glance, right?

【Ding! 】

【caution! 】

[You have caught the attention of [Liver Emperor], [Student Demon], [Relentless Question Brushing Machine], [Endorsement Ghost Talent]...! 】

【Please clear the hatred of monsters as soon as possible! 】


"..." Cold sweat began to break out on Chen Yilang's forehead.


I always felt that his white and tender little sheep had fallen into the wolf's den a little bit.

Chen Yilang just had an ominous feeling.

next moment.

He felt a sudden chill on his back.

【Ding! 】

[[Scribbling Machine], [Endorsement Ghost Talent], and [Cursive Maniac] used [Sharp Eyes] and performed [Back Attack] on you, resulting in a lot of [Critical Damage]! 】

【hp-222! 】

【hp-223! 】

【hp-214! 】


A large number of values ​​popped up on the data panel in an instant.

And Chen Yilang's blood bar, even more visible to the naked eye, quickly dropped by half!

it hurts...

After being a [player] for so long, this is the first time Chen Yilang has experienced such a high amount of instant damage.

"Oh shit."

"You have to think of a way."

Chen Yilang was a little overwhelmed.

This [Deadwind Club] territory is really not a place for people to stay!

If he didn't struggle again, he was afraid that he would die here on the spot today.

Chen Yilang fell into contemplation and began to think about countermeasures.

After thinking for a while.

Chen Yilang opened the system panel.

Logged in to own backpack.

Then an item was taken out of it.

【Call Token】.

It is also a thing that has been kept in dust for a long time and has never been taken out to play.

Chen Yilang clicked [Use].

【Ding! 】

[You have used consumables: Recruiting Tokens! 】

【Please select the target of use! 】


He suddenly moved closer to Chen Jiahui and said softly, "Xiaohui."

"...Huh? Why?"

Chen Jiahui's brows narrowed slightly, and she looked at Chen Yilang strangely.

Even instinctively feel that something is not right...

On weekdays, Chen Yilang would not talk to him like this.

After all, they've been sitting together for so long.

Even if they don't know the bottom line, at least they are very familiar with each other.

She seldom heard Chen Yilang call him that. He usually called him Chen Jiahui directly, and she was used to calling him his real name directly...

Or simply omit the name and just call it "hey", or "hello"...

Chen Yilang called her Xiaohui coldly, which really made her a little uncomfortable.

"I'm your good roommate, right?" Chen Yilang looked into her eyes and asked very seriously.

"……Yes what's the matter."

"So, if I encounter difficulties, you will definitely help me, right?" Chen Yilang asked again.

"... uh, um."

Chen Jiahui nodded hesitantly.

I don't understand which one Chen Yilang is doing...

However, she was not disgusted with Chen Yilang.

Otherwise, she would not have told him that the small lecture hall could be used for self-study, and she would have Chen Yilang sit next to him.

She has always liked to study quietly, and an undisturbed environment is naturally better.

"okay, got it."

Chen Yilang grinned.

【Ding! 】

[[npc Chen Jiahui]'s favorability has reached a value! 】

[[npc Chen Jiahui] has received your team request! 】

[You have successfully established a team relationship with the target and obtained the fetter effect: Endeavour! 】

[Endeavour: Under this bond, the learning ability of the two will be shared, and the overall increase will be 20%! 】


Chen Yilang studied the effect of this [Bound] and seemed to understand its meaning.

For example, Chen Jiahui's learning ability is 2, and his learning ability is 1.

After both are shared, both will be 1.5.

If you add another 20%, that's 1.8 for both.

Although some of the powerhouses have been sacrificed, in general, the overall combat effectiveness of the team has been greatly improved...

"This mechanism does seem to be a bit shabby!"

Chen Yilang complained silently.

Forget it, it's fine.

Chen Xueba is so gentle and considerate, he will definitely not mind so much.

The moment when the bond effect of [Endeavor] is generated.

Chen Yilang felt that his body was suddenly full of high fighting spirit!

After assigning Chen Jiahui's learning ability, he felt that the topic of probability theory in front of him seemed to be no longer difficult at all.

Plus the buff that [Magic Pomodoro] put on him.

Chen Yilang's study concentration and efficiency have been greatly improved.

His eyes were suddenly bright like a torch, he was writing quickly, writing like a god... he rolled up!

【Ding! 】

[You have launched [Involution Frenzy] and are fighting against the [Involution Storm] in the environment! 】





The speed of the decrease in health value gradually recovered to within a safe range.

And Chen Jiahui on the other side.

Suddenly it was a different reaction.

Well written linear algebra problem.

Suddenly, it felt unfamiliar.

Originally, I should be able to memorize a problem after a little calculation or two, but now I have to think over it several times, and finally I can successfully digest it...

"What's wrong with me?"

"Is your brain a little tired after reading for too long?"

Chen Jiahui shook his head and glanced at Chen Yilang next to him, and found that this guy was learning happily...

That full of energy, as if wishing to eat the textbooks on the table directly.


Chen Jiahui felt inexplicably.

This scene seems to have a little bit of deja vu...?

Looks like before.

in late high school.

For a while, he and Chen Yilang were also in their current state.

Could it be that history repeats itself?

Chen Yilang, are you going to bring her another wave of surprises?

Thinking of this, Chen Jiahui felt a sense of urgency again.

On the other hand, she felt some relief in her heart.

It seems that Chen Yilang has really made great progress...

Studying with such a diligent person, she will definitely be able to grow faster.


The party Chen Yilang did not know.

Their former Chen Jiahui university bully.

At this moment, I have already regarded him as an example to learn from in my heart...

Now he is only thinking about making up all the courses he has missed.

He's only now starting to realize.

It's terrifying just thinking about it.

Not only the position of the president may not be guaranteed, but in the future scholarships and evaluations, I am afraid that he will not be related to him.


Gradually, both of them began to immerse themselves in the state of learning.

【Ding! 】

[The team of you and your teammate [npc Chen Jiahui] has produced a [fit in body craze]! 】

[[Fitness and body roll frenzy] is spreading rapidly and will affect targets in a wide range! 】


students around.

Gradually, I began to notice a strange aura.

I always feel that the air is getting a little anxious...


They were interrupted by a rustling sound of writing.

Follow the reputation again.

Then I saw Chen Yilang sitting not far away, and he was learning happily.

Not only did he enjoy learning, but the female companion sitting next to him was also very happy.

The two seem to be immersed in the two-person world, forming a natural barrier with the outside world.

The only thing that can break through this barrier is that incomparably turbulent aura...

The students around were a little dumbfounded.

Depend on!

These two people are too curly!

And these two people don't seem to really fish, they have never seen them take out their mobile phones...

But they were only half right.

Chen Yilang wanted to touch it, but he couldn't.

As long as the [Magic Pomodoro] opens.

Even if Tianwang Laozi came, he couldn't stop studying.

There is no retreat to speak of.

【Ding! 】

[Your team's [Fitted Body Rolling Storm] has caused a lot of damage to [monster] units in a large area! 】

[You got: Gold +5324, Experience +2131! 】

【You got the title: Territory Invader! 】

[Conditions for achievement: In the territory of other [faction], deal damage to a total of 10 or more targets belonging to the [faction]. 】

[Title effect: When you are in the territory of other [forces], all attributes will increase by 10%! 】


After simply passing the news of the system, Chen Yilang closed it directly and continued to study hard.

Learning this stuff is quite an amazing thing.

The first few minutes were always particularly difficult.

But once you enter the state, it is another world.

And now Chen Yilang.

It is in this beautiful world, roaming happily.


Gan Di is sitting in front of Chen Yilang.

Also starting to feel a little bit wrong.

I don't know if it was her delusion.

She always felt that behind her, there was a very deterrent aura that was creating pressure on her.

She calmly turned her head slightly and looked at the scene behind her.


She saw Chen Yilang.


Seems like a newcomer...

Gan Di said silently.

Generally, people who often come here for self-study, whether they are members of the headwind club or not, will have a little impression on Gan Di.

But this boy, she has never seen.

Therefore, Gan Di did not take it to heart, but continued to study.


Time passes without knowing it.

It was almost time for lunch.

The classmates in the small lecture hall packed up their things one after another and left here.

Of course.

In between, there were several students who escaped after being stimulated by Chen Yilang.

The intensity of the [Breath of Inner Convolution] is so strong that they are completely out of breath...

Respect first.

This kind of terrifying oppression, I am afraid that only their president can withstand it.


There were only a few people left in the small lecture hall.

Only Gan Di, Chen Yilang, and Chen Jiahui were located a little closer together.

There are a few scattered students scattered in every corner of the small lecture hall.

"This man, is he not leaving yet?" Gan Di thought to himself.

Learn Gandi, which has always been very hard.

At this moment, I felt a very urgent sense of crisis.

Knew it.

In this world, there are mountains outside the mountains, and there are people outside the people!

She always felt like she was working hard.

It turned out that she just felt it.

People who are really working hard never talk about their efforts, but just like this new boy, they are really working hard with practical actions!

"I won't give in."

"I will work harder than you."

"At least, I'll be the last one here to stay."

Gan Di made up his mind.

【Ding! 】

[[lv12 Tornado] activated the skill: [High-speed swept]! 】

[The intensity of the [involving storm] in the environment is greatly increasing! 】





The damage value has been increased again.

Aware of the strangeness, Chen Yilang put down his pen slightly.

At this time, the stomach just growled loudly.

a little hungry.

Take another look at Gan Di sitting in front of him.

She also entered the state of [starvation].

However, her hunger level is much lower, not as exaggerated as Chen Yilang.

Therefore, in her current posture, it seems that she has no intention of leaving at all.

This is going to die to the end...

"Aren't you going to eat?" Chen Jiahui asked.

Chen Yilang thought about it and said, "You go first, I'll read the book for a while."

Although a little surprised, Chen Jiahui agreed and left first.

After Chen Jiahui left.

The [Bond] also disappeared.

So from now on.

It was him and Gan Di, the real 1v1 battle.

Gan Di didn't want to leave, and Chen Yilang didn't want to lose either.

This big monster, he still really wants to fight.

"Sorry to bother you, Senior Sister Gan Di." Chen Yilang asked softly, "Excuse me, can I have something to eat here?"

Gan Di was taken aback.

It was the first time she heard such a request~www.wuxiamtl.com~ After looking back at Chen Yilang, she thought that this apprentice probably wanted some snacks or bread...

What else could he eat? Now the school has banned off-campus takeaways from entering the campus.

She thought about it and felt that there should be no problem, so she agreed: "Yes."

"Thank you, senpai."

Chen Yilang smiled, and after the Pomodoro time came, he took out his mobile phone and operated it.

After about twenty minutes.

A little brother in yellow clothes walked into the small lecture hall.

He walked up to Chen Yilang and said, "Hello, **** and full, your lunch!"

Hear this voice.

Gan Di, who was beside him, was shocked, and suddenly he couldn't hold back...

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