If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 183: The duel between the kings...

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"Okay thank you!"

Chen Yilang politely bid farewell to his brother, and then opened the takeaway box.

Today's order is Mushroom Slippery Chicken with Roast Duck Rice, and a bowl of hot chestnut pork ribs soup.

The moment the box is opened, the aroma of the food is immediately overflowing.

After smelling the delicious food.

Chen Yilang felt that his whole body was getting better, he immediately opened the package of tableware, tore open the disposable chopsticks, and started to enjoy it.

【Ding! 】

[You used [Gourmet] to remove the negative state: Hunger! 】

"Hahahahaha..." This is the sound of Chen Yilang chewing food.

"Tontonton..." This was Chen Yilang's voice when he was drinking soup.

Although Chen Yilang has tried his best to keep his voice low when he eats.

But in the huge and empty small lecture hall.

Gan Di, who was sitting in front, could still hear clearly.

"..." Gan Di couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

It's so delicious.

All over her body, all kinds of physiological reactions have honestly appeared.

The stomach began to grumble and resist, and the saliva was increasing...

ok, so hungry...

[You used [Gourmet Poisoning], causing a lot of mental damage to [lv12 Tornado]! 】

[You increased the strength of the target's [Hunger] negative effect and interrupted the target's [High Speed ​​Sweep] skill! 】

[You got: Gold +1324, Experience +765! 】



Seeing this, Chen Yilang felt that he had found some breakthrough.

That makes sense!

Even if Gan Di's [lv12 tornado] has a liver of iron, how about it?

Does she still have an iron stomach?

No matter how awesome the King of Rolls is, he has to eat.

This wave of his operations can be said to have directly grasped Gan Di's weakness.

Although a bit of a dog...

The apology and compensation afterwards will be discussed next time.

Anyway, the most important thing now is to kill this [tornado] first!

As long as she steps out of this conference hall first, then Chen Yilang is the winner!

Chen Yilang was eating takeaway lunch slowly and studying, while paying attention to Gan Di's changes from time to time.

In the state of [starvation].

She has no way to continue to release the [Inner Rolling Storm].

And her health and stamina are constantly dropping.

The rate of decline appears to be accelerating.

Seeing this, Chen Yilang felt that there was a drama.

In this state, this [tornado] cannot last long.

win or lose...

It's just a matter of time.

Chen Yilang is still very confident about this.

as expected.

After a while.

When both health and stamina have begun to slump...

Gan Di finally couldn't sit still.

She took a deep breath, closed the book, and stood up from her seat.

The footsteps were a little erratic, and the rhythm was a little messy and walked out of the door of the lecture hall.



Chen Yilang breathed a sigh of relief, cleaned up the lunch box on the table, and took it to the trash can outside for disposal.

However, along the way, Chen Yilang was a little puzzled.

Logically speaking.

This [lv12 tornado] should be regarded as being expelled from the [territory] by him?

So why hasn't the [Damage] or [Kill] prompt appear in this system?

Chen Yilang was a little puzzled.

Until he returned to the small lecture hall and found that Gan Di had reappeared in his seat.


Chen Yilang was stunned.

Didn't this [tornado] just go away?

Why did it come back again...

He stepped forward gently, and while sitting back in his seat, glanced at Gan Di's table.

This was discovered.

Gan Di made himself a bucket of instant noodles.

It's still a large portion, the kind of super-sized volume!

"..." Chen Yilang was a little dumbfounded.

From this point of view.

After Gan Di walked out of the lecture hall just now, he did not go to the dining hall to eat.

She probably bought instant noodles from the vending machine outside the classroom, and then made hot water in the lecture hall...

As such.

As long as she is fast enough.

Then this whole process will only take less than five minutes, and no learning time is wasted at all!

Chen Yilang, who ordered takeout, did not seem to have any upper hand.

Even, he seems to be a little lost.

Because when he was choosing takeout just now, he had already chosen it for about ten minutes...

If you count the time to deal with takeaway lunch boxes and talk to the takeaway brother, etc...

Gan Di even learned ten minutes more than him!

"Suck it."

The sound of Gan Di eating noodles came from the front table.

And the [hunger] state above her head.

At this moment, it also disappeared.

The [Physical Value] and [Life Value] on the top of the head.

It's also starting to respond quickly!

【Ding! 】

[[lv12 Tornado] used [Item Supply] to purify the [Hunger] state! 】

[[lv12 Tornado] has entered the [Encouragement] state! 】

[[lv12 tornado] activated the skill again: high-speed sweeping! 】

[[Inner Rolling Storm] strikes again, please pay attention! 】


in the surrounding air.

Chen Yilang once again felt a familiar sense of depression.

Gan Di after solving the hunger.

Become more energetic.

It also seems to be because he was previously stimulated by Chen Yilang.

The [Inner Rolling Storm] that she created has become much more violent than before!





Seeing this gradually rising number, Chen Yilang only felt that it was a big head again.


This [tornado] is much more difficult to deal with than Chen Jiahui in the third year of high school...

If that's the case, it really doesn't work.

There is no choice but to hard steel.


"Come on then."

Chen Yilang made up his mind, took a deep breath, and entered the learning state again.


He came here today because he wanted to review the subjects to prepare for the exam.

Killing a monster is also convenient.

If so, roll it up!

that's it.

Chen Yilang and Gan Di.

It was as if roots had grown under him.

He was firmly stuck on the seat of the small lecture hall.

After lunch break.

One after another, more and more students came here.

At more than two o'clock, Chen Jiahui also returned.

Seeing that Chen Yilang was still burying his head in reading, the surprise on his face could not be concealed at all.

"Chen Yilang's change is really big..."

"Is he still the boy who was tired of learning and playful?"

Chen Jiahui sighed inwardly.

As the saying goes, the country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change.

She always thought in her heart.

After going to college, Chen Yilang, like many students, should start to indulge himself and waste his studies.

The result was unexpected.

The current Chen Yilang is even harder than her.

And she has been looking at Chen Yilang with the eyes of the past...

Thinking of this, Chen Jiahui felt a little ashamed, and two blushes floated on her face unconsciously.

【Ding! 】

[[npc Chen Jiahui]'s favorability has been improved! 】

[Current favorability: 38%]


However, Brother Lang didn't notice the system voice in his mind...

He is now.

Almost 100%, completely immersed in the world of learning and knowledge.

[You wrote a question about the eigenvalues ​​of a third-order matrix correctly, and you got 45 experience and 143 gold coins! 】

[You used Chef Sherby's inequality to calculate the correct answer to the p-value, gaining 46 experience and 154 gold coins! 】

[You found the probability density function of y=2x+7, gained 48 experience and 161 gold coins! 】


Chen Yilang's mind.

Constantly probing out such and such beeps.

Such a smooth and dripping cool feeling.

And let him find the happy time when he was in Arad Continent when he single-played the abyss-level dungeon.

In the past, my classmates always liked to joke that learning made me happy.

But now, for Chen Yilang, it's no joke.

This is real!


Happy and crazy brushing questions, and it continued until the evening.

The people in the lecture hall came and went, walked and walked, like the changing seasons, and changed several batches in a row.

Nobody knows.

The sunlight outside the classroom had already gradually dimmed.

Only the tip of the pen, which is constantly sliding at high speed, is still writing the determination of the boys on the white paper...


I don't know how many hours later.

The sound of the system rang again.

【Ding! 】

[The level of the skill [lv5 problem solving] has been improved! 】

[Current level: lv6 problem solving]

[Intelligence: Crossing the pass line is just a basic operation. Now you may be able to climb towards a higher mountain...]

Chen Yilang finally noticed the sound of the system.

Mainly because it mentions a key word, which is "passing"...

That is to say.

According to the information given by the system.

At his current level, he has successfully reached the pass line in these two subjects.

"real or fake?"

"I don't believe it, you poor old man..."

Chen Yilang silently complained, then turned over the simulation paper and checked it one by one.

The final result is.

He has indeed comprehended the knowledge points that need to be tested for most of the questions, as well as the correct solutions.

as the system says.

Now that he wants to get a pass, there is no problem.

This is simply another miracle!

Before that, Chen Yilang had never reviewed these two subjects.

That is to say.

It took him only one day to reach the passing level, still two subjects.

Although there are indeed many such "gifted students" in the university park, they created a similar miracle in one night in a silent and unmanned night.

But after a whole day of study today.

Brother Lang felt that he had some new feelings.

- All night long, creating miracles.

This kind of thing, although it can make people old, recalling it is full of tears and blood boiling.

But many times, it's really not necessary...

Take it seriously when you usually study, and then review it carefully during the review week. If you want to pass the university exam, it is really not difficult at all.

Many subjects that seem to be very difficult can actually be solved with a little self-discipline.

Why exhaust yourself physically and mentally and gamble all your hopes on an extreme comeback?

Just like the current Chen Yilang.

There is still almost a whole week before the official exam, and the most basic passing conditions have been reached.


"Efficiency is really important!"

Chen Yilang made a conclusion.

Usually when he is studying, he always likes to wander and play with his mobile phone.

After the last day, I felt that I had learned, but not fully.

And now.

When he concentrates his firepower and concentrates on one thing.

The knowledge he mastered in one day was more than in the previous week.

Of course, this is also thanks to [Magic Pomodoro], Chen Jiahui's [Learning Ability Sharing], and Gan Di's [High Speed ​​Sweeping]...

The pressure from the outside world just activated his self-control.


After closing the book, Chen Yilang glanced at the time.

It was just half past six in the evening.

this point.

For most students who are addicted to learning, it is very friendly.

Because of this point, the school's canteen has not yet closed, and there are many leftovers. The most important thing is that there is no need to line up.

"It's time for dinner."

Chen Yilang touched his stomach, and predicted that he would be gurgling in ten minutes, and it was just right when he walked to the dining hall.

And I have been studying all day today, so it's time to relax.

He looked around subconsciously.

Chen Jiahui didn't know when she had left, and she didn't leave her schoolbag and books, so she probably won't be here tonight...

Chen Yilang: "?"

Good guy, the king of scrolls is actually me?

Look around again.

There are not many people left in the lecture hall.

Chen Yilang packed his schoolbag, got up and left the lecture hall.

Just a few steps out of the door, I only heard the sound of hurried footsteps coming from behind.

He looked back and found that Gan Di was chasing after him.

"Hello, classmate."

"My name is Gan Di, I'm in the 20th grade of Agricultural College."

"Excuse me?"

Gan Di asked in a sincere tone.

"Hello, senior, I'm Chen Yilang from the 21st grade of the business school."

The two shook hands very officially.

More than this.

In many ways, Chen Yilang seems to be able to feel that Gan Di is an extraordinarily rigorous and particular girl.

"Tonight, are you still studying by yourself?" Gan Di said, pushing his heavy glasses.

"Uh, it shouldn't be coming." Chen Yilang said.

"Huh?" Gan Di's expression was a little puzzled, "Aren't you coming? It's hard to get a seat for evening self-study recently. If you come, I'll reserve one for you."

"Ah...thank you, senpai."

Chen Yilang was a little flattered, he didn't expect Gan Di to treat him so well.

This doesn't make sense~www.wuxiamtl.com~ It can't be because of this **** handsome face, right?

"But I've been studying all day today, so I plan to take a break tonight and play games with my roommates, haha... It's a combination of work and rest."

Gan Di's eyes moved slightly, work and rest?

This word seems to have nothing to do with her for a long time.

All along, her life has only been labor, not leisure...

Having lost at the starting line, she could only fly first like a stupid bird.

"All right."

After thinking about it for a while, Gan Di explained his purpose:

"Um... apprentice."

"Actually, I want to ask you... Are you interested in joining our Deadwind Club?"


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