If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 181: [lv 12 tornado]

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[Strange] company's promotional video.

Here, even if it comes to an end.

All the people, when they saw this, thought surprisingly the same.

The promotional video of this society is nothing like a promotional video!

from start to finish.

There is nothing explicit or implicit in it that introduces the character and culture of the community.

But it was at the end, the paragraph that emerged.

But it expresses the meaning of [weird] very well!

This technique can be said to be somewhat ingenious and just right.


"You have a ticket!"

"Don't say it, this [weird] is really weird and cute."

At the end of the film, the barrage started to brush up again.

at the same time.

In the comment area of ​​the live broadcast room, there was also a wave of discussions about the [Monster] community.

On the confession wall, there were also a large number of submissions such as "Confession [Monster] Club!"

On the Insomniac Forum, there is a similar scene.

[Strange], in the event of a club's promotional video, suddenly a new army emerged!

The entire Nanxuan University, all student groups who are concerned about campus club activities.

At this moment.

Almost everyone is discussing the [Monster] community.

The popularity and popularity have soared to the top on the official media all of a sudden.


The filming of each club's promotional film has ended.


That's it for the final voting session.

Every student in Nanxuan University, with no more or no less in hand, has a full vote.

And now, it's time for them to exercise their right to vote.

"Vote! Brothers and sisters, cast [Monster] to my death!"

"I voted, good brother, I'm going to open 200 trumpets, come over and vote!"

"Just for the beauty of the hostess and sister, I will vote too!"


Every student sitting in front of a computer or holding a mobile phone.

At this moment, all of them could no longer contain their excitement.


above the live data bar.

All can see clearly.

[Strange] The number of votes in the community is like mushrooms after a rain, and it is soaring rapidly.

Take the lead, far ahead!

Even before this.

The [Magic Hand] mobile game club, which was unanimously favored by almost everyone, was left far behind and took the second place.


After the voting period is over.

The votes of all the societies were also locked at this moment.

In the end, it was number one on the popularity list.

It is a society, [weird].

"Fuck you, Brother Lang is awesome!"

"I've finished watching it, and I have a few words to say, this is also a good shot!"

"Brother Lang, is [weird] still accepting people? I'm going too, I don't need to treat me!"

"I signed up too, Brother Lang! I don't even need to eat rice, I just do photosynthesis!"


Within the group chat of Beijiang No. 1 and No. 2 Middle School.

Alumni jumped out one after another and sent congratulatory messages to Chen Yilang.

The few people who had been saying that Chen Yilang couldn't do it before were silent at this time.

This result was indeed something they did not expect at all.

A new president who had no prior shooting experience and was still a freshman.

Really came up with such an amazing work.

The promotional videos of other clubs seem to be quite satisfactory. Although there are no major problems to be picked, they also do not have any highlights.

But [weird], that's what happened.

Sitting in front of the computer.

Chen Yilang who saw this final result.

Finally showed a satisfied smile.

[Strange] The banner of the club.

Starting today, it can be said to be a complete fight!

【Ding! 】

【Your reputation has been improved! 】

[Current reputation: 2600]

[Your power: The influence of [Monster] has been improved! 】

【Current influence: 100】

in front of the computer on the other end.

Looking at the final data and results, Jiang Yingning took a long breath.

She knew it.

Since then.

at Nanxuan University.

No one will ever say that [Monster] is a small broken society.

It's only small, but not broken at all!

Even a spark of fire can start a prairie fire when it gradually burns!

After the community promotion activities are over.

President Chen, Brother Lang's daily life seems to have become a lot busier.

Because from this day on.

[Strange], several new strong men have been added - [The King of Yin Cao Song] Zhang Junlun, and [Evil Eater Troll] Pang Wu.

[Salted Fish Elite] Li Zixian had to turn over under Chen Yilang's various coercion and inducements, and became a real puppy leg under the name of Brother Lang.

Plus Chen Jiahui and Ruan Wenxuan.

Under his banner, there are already five generals.

[Stage goal progress: Increase the number of forces to 5/10 people. 】

The goal of 10 people is getting closer...

After the micro-movie show is over.

every day.

On Chen Yilang's social account, he can receive private messages from various strangers, expressing his desire to join [weird].

This made Chen Yilang's head even bigger.

His anxiety in the past was that no one came to join his club.

But what bothers him now is that there are too many people...

As a result, choosing the right manpower has become a new problem.

"never mind."

"take it easy."

Chen Yilang simply put the matter on hold for the time being.

Anyway, recruiting this thing, can't be in a hurry.

The fate between people is often so wonderful.

You can always wait for someone who should come.

Early morning on a weekend day.

After having breakfast in the dining hall, Chen Yilang, who just returned to the dormitory, saw a particularly miraculous scene.

Li Zixian actually sat in front of the computer, nibbling on a book seriously.

Chen Yilang glanced at it and found that it was actually a textbook of probability theory...

good guy.

This [Salted Fish Elite] is actually reading a book?

Chen Yilang wondered if there was something wrong with his eyes, and looked out the window again, the sun was indeed rising from the east today...

Seeing that Chen Yilang seemed to be looking at himself, Li Zixian asked:

"Brother Lang."

"Next week is the exam of probability theory and linear algebra, have you all reviewed?"

Chen Yilang groaned in his heart, he seemed to have forgotten about this...

Recently, I've been busy being the monitor and the president again, and I haven't cared about my studies at all.

It's good now, seeing that the exam is coming, he hasn't reviewed it at all.

Nanxuan's course progress is very fast. It's only the beginning of December, and the semester is only halfway through. The final exams for several courses have already started.

These two science courses that make people a little headache are one of them.

Chen Yilang took a look at the educational administration system.

Indeed, as Li Zixian said, there is only one week left.

For his own achievements and his status as the president, he really should read books.

Because according to the rules of the school, the president is not allowed to have failed subjects.

Once it appears, it is very likely that he will be deprived of the status of the president in the next school year.

No wonder even [Xianyu Elite] got up to read...

Another look at the penguin ring.

All the classmates have started to forward all kinds of news, and the screen is full of Conan and Yang Chaoyue...

Chen Yilang was so frightened that he quickly sent a message.

no way.

As the saying goes, the young and strong don't work hard, the boss turns into a koi...

"It's time to preview!"

After taking out his mobile phone and watching a few chicken soup videos, Chen Yilang went out with his schoolbag on his back.

With determination to study hard, Brother Lang walked all the way and came to the study room of the business school.

Thinking about it carefully, he did not come for a long time.

I haven't been here since the last time I prepared for the English placement test.

Chen Yilang slowly pushed open the door of the study room and stepped into...

Then he walked out without looking back.

At that moment, he saw that it was full of people, and the seats were full.

It is indeed the study room for the review week, and it is indeed unprecedented...

Chen Yilang looked at the other rooms, but they were all full.


I finally made up my mind to study hard, but this is the result?

God will kill me?

Chen Yilang was at a loss.

Back to the dormitory to study?

That is impossible.

Strictly speaking, the dormitory cannot be regarded as a place to study, and the efficiency will definitely be greatly reduced, even if there is [Magic Pomodoro] in hand, it is useless.

"You still have to ask a professional."

After Chen Yilang thought for a while, he called Chen Jiahui.

About ten seconds after the call was made, the latter answered.

Chen Jiahui: "Hello? What's the matter?"

"...I suddenly want to study, but I can't find a place. Do you know where else I can study by myself?"

"Well, you can come to the small lecture hall on the third floor of the university student activity base." Chen Jiahui said, "but the atmosphere here may not be suitable for you... Are you sure you want to come?"

"Ah? What's the atmosphere?" Chen Yilang wondered.

"That's it... This lecture hall is actually an activity room applied for by a club."

"The people who come here to read books really want to learn, and the environment is very good. Many people want to come here."

"So if you fish here, you will be driven away..."

Chen Yilang: "…"

Is my image in your heart a [fishing master]?

I'm worried.

"Okay, I really want to study hard." Chen Yilang said.

"Then you can just come directly." Chen Jiahui said, "I'll just say hello to the president."


Chen Yilang immediately came to the university student activity base.

This place is not very far from his dormitory.

Chen Yilang didn't know much about the activity base.

He only knew that the classrooms in this place were generally unavailable to ordinary students.

It can be understood as a VIP-level study room.

The moment I walked into the small lecture hall.

Chen Yilang was stunned by the solemn atmosphere in front of him.

At a glance.

In the hall, there is also a sea of ​​people.

Almost everyone is immersed in studying and writing hard!

A turbulent low pressure is also constantly spreading to the surrounding...

This group of people was so absorbed that they didn't even notice when Chen Yilang walked in.

Or maybe they just don't bother to pay attention...

And on the big screen on the podium in the lecture hall, there is a page of ppt.

"Headwind Club welcomes you."

"May we learn together and grow up against the wind."

This headwind.

It should be the club that Chen Jiahui mentioned.

It is estimated that it is also a relatively small society, and Chen Yilang has never heard of its name.

But being able to apply for the right to use the small lecture hall is quite impressive...

[You have entered the territory of the [Deadwind Club]: Small Lecture Hall! 】

[Active monster group: [Scroll King], [Liver Emperor], [Learning Demon]…]

【Please be vigilant! 】

It didn't take long for the system prompt to pop up.

Chen Yilang found himself and began to bleed again.

【Ding! 】

[[Inner Rolling Storm] is coming! 】

【Please pay attention to dodge! 】





Chen Yilang inhaled slightly.

The air was full of the smell of burning liver.

The degree of involution in this place is completely different from the study room he stayed in the academy before!

Here, it is comparable to the classroom in the late third year of high school!

No wonder Chen Jiahui said that the atmosphere here may not be suitable for him...

If it was in the past.

Every time he stayed here for an extra minute, Chen Yilang felt that he might go crazy.

However, these days are different.

Now Chen Yilang is not only not afraid.

His body even got excited without realizing it!

"I have arrived."

Chen Yilang sent a message to Chen Jiahui, and soon saw the latter stand up from his position and wave to him from a distance.

He stepped forward lightly, slowly breaking the stool in the lecture hall, and then controlled the muscles of his buttocks and sat up.


Didn't make any weird noises.


"When did you come?" Chen Yilang asked softly.

"Shh." Chen Jiahui made a mute gesture, and said softly, "Let's study quickly, if you don't study here, you will be despised."

Chen Yilang: "…"

Is it so exaggerated...

All right.

Anyway, I really want to come to prepare for the exam, so I will study it.

So Chen Yilang activated the effect of [Magic Pomodoro] and entered the learning state.

【Ding! 】

[You activated the [Breath of Involution] and started to fight against the [Involution Storm]! 】




The rate of decrease in health value begins to decrease.


Learn to learn.

He began to notice that something was not quite right.

Damn, it seems that I can't get over this group of people...

Although it offset part of the [Involution Storm].

But the feeling of suffocation still gripped his throat tightly...

The health value is still slowly decreasing.




"Shit... it seems a little bit unbearable. UU reading www.uukanshu.com"

Chen Yilang felt a little uncomfortable.

How is this going?

Logically speaking, this is not so...

Generally speaking, if you want to compare the volume, the average person can't really roll the [Magic Pomodoro] state. He is...

It would be a bit scary if you couldn't even win.

After Chen Yilang quietly observed for four weeks, he finally found the problem.

[Inner Rolling Storm] The biggest source of this power is a girl sitting in the same row in front of him.

And her logo says it all.

【lv12 Tornado】!

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