If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 17: Chen Yilang's bad thoughts

Xiong Yuwei.

Whenever I mention this person.

The first reaction in Chen Yilang's mind was the large array of certificates and trophies displayed in her room.

"Can I touch your trophy?"

That's what Chen Yilang's inner reaction was at that time.

But he was not too familiar with Xiong Yuwei, so he was too embarrassed to speak.

But since this period of time, due to the fact that he has to make up lessons for Xiong Yuwei, Chen Yilang's relationship with the former is no longer unfamiliar, and even when he is free, he will open black together.

Of course, Chen Yilang usually pretends to be slippery, and inadvertently bans Han Xin...

That is to say.

Now, he seems to be able to try Xiong Yuwei first.

His [Copy Bracelet] is still useless!

If you directly copy Xiong Yuwei's long-distance running skills, wouldn't it be like playing at home when she takes the physical examination for the college entrance examination?

Chen Yilang was very satisfied with his idea.

This will be his first step towards making trouble. After all, the gameplay of [Copy Bracelet] sounds more exciting than [Memory Bread].

Soon, Saturday of the new week is here.

Chen Yilang, carrying a schoolbag and riding a small electric donkey, came to Xiong Yuwei's house again.

ding dong—

Chen Yilang pressed the doorbell.

"Student Chen, long time no see." Xiong Yuwei opened the door to Chen Yilang with a smile.

Today, her dress is completely different from before.

Today, she is wearing a tennis cap, sports skirt and white sneakers, with some fine sweat dripping from her white neck.

"Yeah, long time no see, are you exercising just now?" Chen Yilang said.

"Yes, it's rare that I don't have to practice this afternoon, so I'll play tennis for a while." Xiong Yuwei smiled, "Can you play? I'll call you next time."

"Okay, next time, ask me to pick up the ball." Chen Yilang joked.

"Hahaha, then I have to pay you double wages." Xiong Yuwei also joked.

While chatting with Xiong Yuwei, Chen Yilang was thinking about the next move in his heart.

After all, the operation requirements of this [Copy Bracelet] are really difficult, and they also need to shake hands with the target.

So what excuse should I use to get a hand with Xiong Yuwei?

Chen Yilang was puzzled.

"What is Teacher Chen going to teach me today?" Xiong Yuwei joked again, "I have already digested everything you said last week, why don't you teach me some exercises this week?"

"Also, you can indeed master it quite quickly." Chen Yilang said.

As usual, Teacher Chen started his make-up lessons again.

I have to admit that Xiong Yuwei is really smart.

Some knowledge points that Chen Yilang feels are quite complicated, she can always comprehend and apply them quickly.

Chen Yilang felt that Xiong Yuwei was probably a true scholar whose studies were delayed by sports.

The two completed tonight's homework in less than an hour.

After chatting for a while, Chen Yilang had an idea and suddenly said, "Hey, I feel like you are good at all kinds of balls, so aren't you good at basketball?"

"Actually, it's okay." Xiong Yuwei thought for a while and said, "Because I don't specialize in basketball, and I don't play very often, I guess I'm only at the level of the high school team now."

That's fine...

Chen Yilang sweated slightly on his forehead, but he still kept a polite smile on his face: "Then your hands are quite big?"

"It's alright." Xiong Yuwei shook her head and said, "It can only be said that compared with most girls, it is quite big, but compared with boys, it is actually very small."

Upon hearing this, Chen Yilang's eyes flashed imperceptibly: "Is that so? Let's have a try?"

Excellent opportunity!

And it's natural as if he's pulling a family, so it won't arouse suspicion from the other party at all.

And the fact is exactly what Chen Yilang expected.

Xiong Yuwei nodded in agreement almost without thinking, and then stretched out her hand the next moment.

The two people's hands were stuck together like this.

"Hey, your bracelet seems pretty good-looking, where did you buy it?" Xiong Yuwei's attention fell on Chen Yilang's wrist.

You asked a good question, but I won't tell you...

Chen Yilang's attention was actually not on Xiong Yuwei's touch.

Because the system's prompt sound soon rang in my ears.

【Ding! 】

[Successfully activated [Copy Bracelet], the ability of the target is being copied! 】

[Reminder: During the copying process, please keep physical contact with the target, otherwise the process will be terminated and the copying will fail. 】

[Copying progress: 1%]

【Remaining time: 119s】

"???" Chen Yilang.

It's day!

And something like a progress bar?

And it still takes two minutes?

How could it be possible to hold someone's hand for two minutes?

With Xiong Yuwei's strength, whether he can walk out through this door at that time is probably a problem...

Chen Yilang began to feel numb.

"How about it, is it much younger than you?" Xiong Yuwei said and took her hand back, "After all, you are a boy, and you are much taller than me."

"Indeed." Chen Yilang nodded absentmindedly.

But obviously, Xiong Yuwei didn't see through Chen Yilang's bad thoughts at all.

Chen Yilang's brain was thinking fast.

Just when his eyes just caught the line of the biceps on the other's arm, a new inspiration emerged from the bottom of his heart. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com


"I'm suddenly a little curious about the power of your sports girls."

"Can I try arm wrestling with you?"

Chen Yilang said.

"Wrist-wrestling?" Xiong Yuwei was stunned for a moment, feeling both curious and amused, "Laughing to death, how could you have such an idea?"

"Oh, I'm just curious." Chen Yilang said.

"Okay, okay, then I'll play with Teacher Chen." Xiong Yuwei smiled helplessly, "Then you have to let me have some, after all, I'm a girl."

"I know, I know." Chen Yilang smiled indifferently.

Although on the surface it seems completely calm.

But in fact, Chen Yilang's heart actually burst into a smile.

Isn't this his **** home?

Although Xiong Yuwei has a background in sports, it seems that she rarely involves high-intensity training in strength.

Besides, even if she is a sports student, she is a girl!

The two creatures, female and male, are born with a huge disparity in strength, and in many cases, there is no way to make up for it even with acquired training.

Not to mention, Xiong Yuwei's body is thin and slender, and it looks like she has no strength at all...

This game is stable.

Chen Yilang has completely grasped the game.

As long as he pretends that he can't break it, and then plays a little bit, it will be ok to last for two minutes.

The corners of Chen Yilang's mouth began to rise slightly uncontrollably...


After the two shook hands, Chen Yilang said in a deep voice.


Chen Yilang's hand was slapped heavily on the table.


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