If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 170: The provocation of [Brother Party]


good guy!

Chen Yilang's eyes suddenly lit up.

Seems like something good happened.

Probably because the level of monsters that I'm in contact with is getting higher and higher, so even if it's just a small minion, there is a chance that some good drops will explode.

Chen Yilang looked at his panel.

[lv1 high-level nunchaku technique]

[Details: You have mastered the advanced skills of using the nunchaku. 】

This is rather surprising.

totally unexpected.

This kind of good thing can actually burst out of the bodies of a few dragon-style mobs.

[This skill can be upgraded, do you want to spend 1 gold coin to upgrade the skill level? 】

[Balance: 21532 gold coins]


Chen Yilang was taken aback for a moment, thinking he had seen something wrong.

1 gold coin?

What's the difference between this and a freebie?

Chen Yilang didn't think about it, so he chose yes.

【Ding! 】

[The skill has been upgraded to lv2! 】

[Would you like to spend 10 gold coins to continue to improve the skill level? 】

Chen Yilang paused, but he didn't expect that there would be a follow-up.

However, 10 gold coins are no different from 1 gold coin, and they are still free.

So Chen Yilang got another level up.

【Ding! The skill has been upgraded to lv3! 】

[Will you spend 100 gold coins to continue to upgrade the level? 】

At this point, Chen Yilang finally figured out how to play.


【Ding! 】

[Spend 100 gold coins, the skill has been upgraded to lv4! 】

【Ding! 】

[Spend 1000 gold coins, the skill has been upgraded to lv5! 】

[Will you spend 10,000 gold coins to upgrade this skill to lv6? 】


【After confirming this option, you can no longer use gold coins to upgrade your level. Do you want to confirm? 】


Chen Yilang was straightforward and decisive.

A nunchaku skill that doesn't seem very useful no matter how you look at it, it's not worth the 10,000 gold he spends on it.

More than 1,000 gold coins are not a loss for him, and there may even be a small profit.

But if it is said that 10,000 gold coins are directly dropped, it is purely stupid and more money.


【Ding! 】

【Congratulations! 】

[You finally got the skill: [lv5 high-level nunchaku technique]! 】

The moment you hear the system sound.

Chen Yilang's mind.

In an instant, all kinds of knowledge related to the use of nunchakus were stuffed into it.


Even my palms subconsciously started to itch a little.

Suddenly, I wish I had a nunchaku next to me that I could play with it when I picked it up...

If it really doesn't work, even a stick is fine!

It's good to use it for a few times and have fun...

After a few nunchaku boys left.

Chen Yilang's ears finally calmed down a little.

But the voice of the dispute just now has attracted the attention of a lot of people.

"Look at you, it's this club that occupies the best position, but no one has been drawn!"

"It's really miserable, hehe, but I really want to laugh."

"Would you like to make a bet? I bet this club, and no one can pull it today!"


The crowd dispersed while discussing.

Chen Yilang was helpless. After picking up his mobile phone and swiping a few times, he found that someone in the president group had @ him.

Zhang Ran: @陈一波, that new apprentice, you are so boring.

Zhang Ran: I sent someone over to communicate with you in a good voice. Is this your attitude?

Zhang Ran: Don't blame me for relying on the old and betraying the old, all of you new-born sons lack education!

Zhang Ran: Hurry up and evacuate the base camp of your broken club, you have nothing to do, we have to be busy recruiting new ones!

Chen Yilang glanced at Zhang Ran's name.

Three words are displayed on the top of his head: [Strong Stick Party]

[The strong club: a monster that is good at attacking with club weapons, with a hot temper like his name. When he holds a weapon in his hand, please stay away from his attack range, otherwise the consequences will be quite serious. 】

Obviously the president of the nunchaku club.

Most of the younger brothers went to him to make a small report just now, and then blew him up.

[Strong Stick Party] After Zhang Ran's words were sent out.

After the group chat, for nearly ten minutes, no one responded.

Everyone knows Zhang Ran's temperament, and they don't dare to pay attention to him when he is on top.

At the same time, they all silently began to sympathize with the new student in their hearts.

It didn't take long for the group to enter the group, and even the people were not familiar with each other, so Zhang Ran was angry in public.

No matter who this is on, it is definitely a very shameful thing.

Chen Yilang looked at the news, lowered his head and thought for a while.

Then he stood up abruptly: "Take our sign and come with us."


Li Zixian looked puzzled.

But I saw that Chen Yilang directly got up and walked away, but helplessly, he could only stand up with the propaganda of the [weird] club, and followed Chen Yilang upstairs.

In front of the base camp of the Nunchaku Club.

"Hello, President Zhang Ran, I am very interested in nunchakus. I had the idea of ​​practicing this when I was in high school, but at that time, due to academic pressure, I never had the opportunity..."

"Now that I'm in college, I'm more free, so I just want to learn this and fulfill my former secondary school dream... But I'm a novice, so I ask, if I join the club, someone will teach us these things seriously. Newborn?"

A freshman with a tender face looked at Zhang Ran with some unease, and asked in a soft voice.

"That's natural!"

"Don't worry about this, Junior Brother, the backbone of our Shuangxie Association, all of them are experienced sticks, and they will definitely teach you well."

"If it really doesn't work, I'll teach you myself!"

"I have been playing sticks since elementary school. I dare to say that there is absolutely no nunchaku player with higher skills than me in the whole of NTU!"

Zhang Ran is sitting on the table, facing a group of new students, boldly pointing the country.

At this time, he caught a glimpse of two people walking towards him.

The boy walking in front looked indifferent, but his eyes didn't seem to be too messy, and it seemed to be filled with a faint killing intent...

And the boy in the back, carrying a poster, obediently followed behind the boy in front, with a proud expression of "I am a dog's leg".


I saw it under the direction of the boy in front.

The boys in the back placed their standing cards directly on the spot.

That is, the front and most central position of the nunchaku club base camp.

What are these two doing?

Zhang Ran was a little annoyed.

Playing cards directly in front of someone else's house, isn't that what's the matter?

He glanced at the contents of the stand again.

Only then did I find out that it was the propaganda poster of the [weird] club.

"Good guy, so it's you."

A burst of anger rose in Zhang Ran's stomach instantly.

That stupid freshman who doesn't **** in that kennel.

It doesn't matter if there is nothing in his stomach, he still doesn't know how to do things, and the steps are given to him, but he just can't go down.

This time it's good, this guy brought it to the door by himself?

Today's recruiting meeting is very important to Zhang Ran.

In NTU, the Shuangxie Association has always been regarded as a relatively unpopular niche society, so its development has always been relatively slow.

The small scale means that they cannot get funding from colleges and schools, nor can they get awards for outstanding community organizers.

NTU is a school that attaches great importance to the cultivation of students’ extracurricular cultural atmosphere. An excellent president may even have the opportunity to win school-level awards.

And Zhang Ran has always been a very ambitious person.

His goal this year is to increase the number of members of the Double Association to 100!

at the moment.

There are less than 20 people left to achieve this goal.

It is a pity that today, they lost in the position of the base camp.

They are stationed at the back, and the freshmen need to walk almost to the innermost part to see the sign of the Shuangxie Association.

So just now, he had his eye on the [Monster] society.

In a club that is cooler than herbal tea, from the beginning of recruiting new students to the present, few students have come up to inquire about the situation.

But this guy actually occupied the most golden position, which is simply a waste of money!

Zhang Ran was so greedy that saliva and tears flowed down...

So, there is a series of things that just happened.

"However, what does he want to do?"

Zhang Ran was a little puzzled.

But he still had to deal with the group of freshmen in front of him, so he couldn't get away.

But this person must be driven away, standing directly in front of his own door, blocking all the flow of people.

When Zhang Ran was about to call a cadre he could trust to find Chen Yilang's theory~www.wuxiamtl.com~, he saw the boy and walked straight towards him.


"I'm sorry, let's play with your stick."

Zhang Ran was stunned, but did not reply.

Then I saw Chen Yilang, who was familiar with him, and lightly took away the nunchaku he had placed on the table.

"Hey you……"

Zhang Ran was in a hurry, but he couldn't move.


He saw Chen Yilang.

In front of the base camp of the Double Association.

dance sticks...

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