If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 169: 【Advanced Nunchaku Technique】

"Fuck you, Brother Lang!"

"What kind of monsters are these?"

"Compared with them, we are weak!"

The three shouted loudly.


Chen Yilang's mouth twitched slightly.

The three were right.

Their base camp is really weak.

The problem is that he never imagined that a recruiting conference could be involved in such a level...

The thing about a society is that things gather together.

Let's all lie down together and compete fairly. It's all up to the new volunteers to take the bait. Isn't it fragrant?

Too bad others don't think so.

Especially some relatively large clubs are very particular at first glance. The base camp is both atmospheric and stylish, and at first glance, it looks like a thief.

After about half an hour.

The surrounding communities are basically all set up.

On the previously empty Mingshu Square, all kinds of colorful flags were fluttering, and the voices were full of people. It was very lively.

At this time, the pointer gradually pointed to eight o'clock.

On normal weekends at NTU, it is usually at this point that students start to step out of the dormitory one after another.

I can tell.

These experienced old clubs all set the time just right, and they are extraordinarily sophisticated.

As for Chen Yilang and the others, they came here early and waited for most of the day. They were just a bunch of ignorant Tie Hanhan...

But it's good to come early.

For example.

Because of their early arrival, they now occupy a particularly good position.

They happened to be at the junction of the two school roads, and all the students who passed by here could see the base camp of their [Monster] Club at first sight.

Then he said suspiciously: "What kind of strange society is this? Why does it look so low?"

Then go away...

Occasionally once or twice, I don't feel anything.

At the beginning, Chen Yilang greeted passersby enthusiastically.

Later, more and more students choose to ignore and pass by.

Brother Lang gradually became numb.

"What the **** am I expecting?" Chen Yilang complained silently.

He slumped on the chair, watching the people coming and going outside, gradually losing his dreams...

"Brother Lang, what should I do?" Li Zixian scratched his head, feeling a little overwhelmed.

Both Feng Tian and Zhang Jian had already gone to their favorite club.

Only [Salt Fish Elite] Li Zixian, who had no idea about clubs and organizations, stayed beside Chen Yilang.

He really felt from the bottom of his heart that it would be fine to just sit here.

Playing with the mobile phone, touching the fish, and the sun can't shine under the umbrella, it can be said to be quite pleasant.

I just always felt that Brother Lang's base camp was a little scary.

It's cold, it's weird...

Look at other societies around you.

Every member of the commune is desperately handing out flyers and pulling people in, hoping to bring in the canteen auntie who just got off work to talk about life.

The atmosphere, absolutely, is comparable to the war in Iraq.

【Ding! 】

【Danger! 】

[[Breath of Inner Volume] is coming, please pay attention...]



I pay attention to shit.

Chen Yilang, who was accustomed to the existence of this thing, directly filtered out this notification in his brain.

"Start Plan B." Chen Yilang lay down on the chair and began to collapse.

Li Zixian: "Just ask if you don't understand, what is Plan B."

Chen Yilang said casually: "Buddhism recruits new methods."

The so-called "Buddhism recruits new methods".

That is, "waiting for new laws".

Also known as "the volunteers take the bait to recruit the new law".

That is to comply with the arrangement of fate, passively waiting for new students to come to the door, rather than taking the initiative to attack.

As the saying goes.

Searching for a city is worse than waiting for a fateful person.

What should come will always come, and what does not come will not come in a hurry.

One person and one fish, so neatly paralyzed in the [Monster] base camp.

Like two father and son who love each other very much.

It quickly attracted the attention of the students around him.

"What's going on with this society? Why are there not many living people?"

"It's really miserable. I just walked through the entire Mingshu Plaza, and I really haven't seen any clubs that are worse than this..."

"Which brother created this club? I'm going to order him a song "Liang Liang"..."

Not only the students passing by looked sideways.

Even the students of the school media association, who happened to be taking pictures around them, were attracted.

"Hello, classmates, this is the campus news, I am the host Xiaoxi."

"This morning, the annual club recruitment meeting was held again in the old place Mingshu Square. The atmosphere was very warm and enthusiastic."

"And a very interesting community that caught our attention."

"Its decoration is completely incompatible with the base camp of other clubs. After a whole morning, it seems that no student is willing to stop here..."

While the anchor Xiaoxi was talking, the photographer brother picked up the machine on his shoulders and recorded a frantic recording of Chen Yilang and Li Zixian.

Li Zixian: "…"

Chen Yilang: "…"

Hey, hey, that anchor, senior sister, this is a bit too much.

Is the dish my fault?

"What should I do, Brother Lang?" Li Zixian felt a little unable to hold back, so he asked Chen Yilang tentatively, "Is this too embarrassing?"

"Just pretend you didn't see it." Chen Yilang said lightly, "As long as you're not embarrassed, then the embarrassment will be others."


So the two continued to paralyze...

【Ding! 】

[You launched the skill [Relentless Swing] and successfully resisted the attack of [Breath of Involution]! 】

[You have a [bond] with [lv10 Salted Fish Elite], and have acquired a new skill: [Lay Flat]! 】

【You are [lie down! ]]




Chen Yilang squinted his eyes, lying comfortably.

But of course.

Lying down on the spot does not mean that he has given up.

He is giving himself a buffer.

Take advantage of this time to imagine what to do next.

[Phase target] still has to be completed.

[Strange] This club, he has thought about running it well, and naturally he can't give up easily.

"Hello, classmate."

A voice interrupted Chen Yilang's thoughts.

He opened his eyes.

standing in front of.

It was a few boys in loose white suits that looked a bit like training clothes.

And they all held the same thing in their hands.


With this outfit, it looks like the members of the Nunchaku Association have not run away.

However, in NTU, the popularity of the double association is not too high, so Chen Yilang usually rarely hears news related to the double association.

So suddenly seeing several boys from the double association standing in front of him, Chen Yilang was still a little confused.

"I'm sorry, I didn't disturb your sleep, did you?" the leading boy said, "I feel like you... seem to be sleeping soundly."

"no, what happened."

Chen Yilang glanced at him.

[Information: A scar left on the forehead, with traces of stitches remaining on it, has been mercilessly hit by some hard objects. 】

[Information: A well-defined and muscular arm. 】

…feels like a ruthless person.

Chen Yilang guessed that this old man might have played a little bit of nunchaku, and then beat himself up when he went crazy.

And the logo on the top of this old man's head is [nunchuck little brother].

Good guy, this looks like a dragon-level mobs... but it also has a boss-like domineering temperament.

"Actually nothing."

"I just saw you put the base camp here, and then did nothing. After half a day, I didn't see a few freshmen coming."

"So I want to ask you guys, are you still going to recruit new ones?"

"If you don't recruit, can you give this position to our double association?"

"Your position is so good, it feels like a waste of time if you don't use it..."

"Why not."

"Our brothers invite you two to dinner."

"Today's position, let us sit in the double association for one day."

The old man with the nunchaku said with a smile, "Brother, what do you think?"

while talking.

The old man seemed to be swaying the nunchaku in his hand intentionally or unintentionally.

It always feels like it's implying something...

But Chen Yilang didn't even think about it: "No."

The complexion of [nunchuck boy] immediately changed:

"Senior, you're boring."

"I speak straight, don't blame me."

"If you want me to say, your behavior is to occupy the hut and not shit!"

"Don't you feel guilty for wasting such good campus resources?"

"Why should I feel guilty?" Chen Yilang took out the stamped license from his pocket and threw it lightly on the table.

"I can't occupy the kennel I bought with money? Do I have to be **** for 24 hours to be called not wasting resources?"

Chen Yilang looked directly at the [nunchaku younger brother], and said loudly:

"And I told you, am I not going to recruit new ones?"

"Now please touch your conscience and tell me, who is unreasonable?"

"I..." [Brother Nunchaku] was momentarily speechless.

The hand that was dangling the nunchaku suddenly became obedient.

The other little brothers who followed him didn't say a word, and only dared to sneak up and whisper to him: "Look, I'll say, the seniors are all from the old fritters, so they're not afraid of freshmen like us..."

However, the sound was still too loud, and it still faintly entered Chen Yilang's ears.

"By the way, I'm also a freshman, you're calling the wrong senior."

Chen Yilang lay back on the chair and closed his eyes, "If there is nothing else, you can go back."


Several [nunchuck brothers] were stunned.

I go?

This person is actually just like them, a freshman?

They are still working for people in other clubs, and this person has become the president?

Although this club is indeed cool enough, it is more than a star and a half better than their little brothers...

"What, is there any problem?" Chen Yilang glanced at these people.

"No more, no more, to disturb the senior... uh, classmate you."

A few [nunchuck brothers] walked away in despair.

A few of them were actually sent by the president, and their main task was to test Chen Yilang.

If Chen Yilang stayed a little longer.

Then try to trick him or drive him away, and then take up his wonderful place.

But after a brief confrontation and temptation, UU read www.uukanshu. com they came to a conclusion.

Chen Yilang is the guy they can't afford to provoke or frighten.

I have tried my best, but I can only give up.

【Ding! 】

[You used [Heartless Rejection], caused a lot of mental damage, and killed [Nunchun Brother x3]! 】

[You got: Gold +3021, Experience +1643! 】

[Dropped item: [Skill Book x1], blue high-quality! 】

【Is it picked up? 】

Chen Yilang of course chose yes and used it immediately.

【Ding! 】

[You have mastered a new skill: [Advanced Nunchaku Technique]! 】

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