If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 171: Coach, I want to learn this!


Zhang Ran was a little dumbfounded.

This guy can actually play nunchucks?

And from his professional eyes, he seems to be playing pretty well...

This technical level has already crushed many backbones in the community.


There is also a little bit of a feeling of being 55 to 50 away from him.

But what is he trying to make a fuss about by playing sticks here?

Isn't this just about picking things up?

"Hey, senior, is that person also a member of your club?"

A newcomer noticed the scene behind him and couldn't help but ask curiously, "Wow, he played so well, can I be like him in the future?"

"This..." Zhang Ran was at a loss for words and didn't know how to answer, "That person is actually... hey, hey, don't leave first!"

Zhang Ran's words were just halfway through.

Half of the students who were originally surrounded by the Nunchaku Association base camp were scattered in an instant.

They are a little interested in nunchucks themselves.

Chen Yilang's live performance naturally attracted their attention directly.

"Wow, this guy is playing really well!"

"Damn it, this flower stick show is as good as any performance I've seen on TV before!"

"Senior, I want to learn this!"

"Which club is this? Find out now!"

"[Strange]? It's really weird, weird."


The people who watched Chen Yilang play the stick all around were applauding.

I don't know who took the lead in applauding first, and then the applause and applause created an uproar in Mingshu Square.

And Chen Yilang, who was standing in the crowd and playing sticks.

He always had that flat and confident smile on his face.

However, I was actually panicking...

【Ding! 】

[Skill [lv5 Advanced Nunchaku] has been activated! 】

[You activated this skill and entered the [Focus] state! 】


Although he has a skill in his hand.

But Chen Yilang was playing stick for the first time after all, so it was inevitable that he was a little nervous.

But after getting started, I found out that the effect is much better than I imagined.

His hand seemed to have his own soul, and the moment he held the stick, he began to operate like a tiger, and even Chen Yilang himself was dumbfounded.

"Come, come, students, scan the QR code of our [Monster] club and chat in the group."

"This is our president, Brother Lang. He's a great stick player. Students who want to learn this, hurry up."

While Chen Yilang was playing with the stick, Li Zixian didn't idle, and quickly stepped forward to chat with the passing students.




Excited students gathered around one after another, and there was a continuous sound of scanning the code to join the group.

They have long since forgotten that the Shuang Association is the largest nunchaku club in NTU.

Such a thing as a name is not worth mentioning at all before Chen Yilang's real performance.

Seeing that more than half of the freshmen in the base camp had run away, Zhang Ran became anxious.

"Hey, classmates, don't worry, we also have nunchaku performances here!"

He subconsciously wanted to grab the nunchaku, but he felt empty.

Zhang Ran just remembered that his stick was taken away by Chen Yilang just now...

He couldn't care less, stood up from the base camp angrily, pushed aside the crowd outside, and stood in front of Chen Yilang.

"Are you seriously ill?" Zhang Ran looked at Chen Yilang angrily and said, "Tell me, what do you want to do?"

"you ask me?"

Chen Yilang was overjoyed, and said with a hilarious smile, "Didn't you ask me to give up my seat?"

"Then am I out now?"

"I think this position is also very good, what do you think?"

Zhang Ran: "..."

It's justified and completely irrefutable.


【Ding! 】

[You used [Relentless Play], causing huge mental damage to [lv12 Rogue Party]! 】

[You got: Gold +1546, Experience +787! 】

[You got: [stick fragment x10]]


"Dude, can you step aside a little, you are blocking me."

"That's right, that's right, you stand behind a little bit, we can't see it."

"Do you want to join the group? Let me go over if you don't join the group. I'm going to scan the code."

A few freshmen behind him poked Zhang Ran's back and said with some dissatisfaction.

Zhang Ran: "...Sorry."

that's it.

in the crowded waves.

Zhang Ran kept being pushed out of the crowd.

In front of the base camp of the Shuangxie Association.

People take tea to cool off.

"Hey, President, what's going on outside?"

A backbone of the double association came up and asked suspiciously.

"...don't ask me, I don't know anything."

Zhang Ran said weakly.

Chen Yilang's performance lasted nearly ten minutes.

After it's over.

It took almost an hour to communicate with the new students who gathered around.

It wasn't until about the third day of the sun that the heat gradually dissipated.

But even so.

After leaving [Monster], few of the students chose to return to the base camp of the Shuangxie Association.

Chen Yilang glanced at his group.


After this performance, more than 60 people joined the group chat.

Then next.

As long as there are finally 10 registered employees and become regular employees, it will be regarded as the completion of his first phase of the task.

At this moment.

Taking advantage of the time when there are still few people, Zhang Ran walked up, crying and looking at Chen Yilang and said:

"Dude, I beg you."

"I was wrong, so don't mess with me, okay?"

"I pulled three people all morning."

"Since you came here, no one cares about me."

"Okay." Chen Yilang was expressionless, "But if I'm not here, where do you want me to go?"

Zhang Ran immediately understood: "Don't worry, I won't hit your base camp again."

"Then you scolded me in the group just now..."

"I'll apologize immediately!" Zhang Ran quickly took out his mobile phone from his pocket, typed out a series of words, and posted it on the president's group.

[Zhang Ran: "I publicly offended Junior Brother Chen Yilang this morning. It was my fault. I hereby express my apology. I also ask Junior Brother Chen Yilang to be magnanimous and forgive my rude behavior!"]

[Chen Yilang: Hmm. ]

Seeing this understated "um" word, Zhang Ran felt a little pain in the ass.

He completely understood.

This junior named Chen Yilang is really not easy to mess with.

This time, he did pinch the wrong soft persimmon.


【Ding! 】

[Your use of [Uh-words] has attracted the attention of [Dive Monster x21] and [Screen Peeping Monster x24]. 】

【Your reputation has been improved! 】

[Current reputation: 2500]


Although the presidents in the group chat did not speak up.

But everyone basically knew what just happened.

In my heart, I silently admired this freshman president.

He was obviously just a freshman, but he was able to subdue Zhang Ran's violent temper, which was really admirable.

"Your nunchaku~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Thank you."

Chen Yilang handed back the nunchaku that he had just passed from Zhang Ran.

"No, no, I'll give this to you!" Zhang Ran waved his hands again and again and smiled shyly, "Even if it's my... apology?"

"Then I'm welcome."

Chen Yilang simply put away the nunchaku.

Don't be in vain.

If next time, if you really want to teach the members to play nunchaku, it will really come in handy.

Then he saw it.

The nunchaku in his hand.

[Highlight Marker] appears.


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