If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 168: Stumbled into the [Monster Nest]?


"I've already sent your application to the janitor team for you."

"You can go back and wait for the notice. You can get the results in about three working days."


Inside the Society's Office.

Jiang Yingning said to Chen Yilang, who was sitting opposite.

At this moment, my heart is very emotional.

This familiar scene seems to have just happened last month...

After all, who would have thought.

In such a short period of time, Chen Yilang really got the award.

And it's still at the school level...

Jiang Yingning would have a hard time believing it if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes.

And this kind of thing actually happened to a freshman...

"This time, what are the chances of winning?" Chen Yilang asked.

"It's quite big." Jiang Yingning replied truthfully, "It's actually quite a confident thing to have an award for a school-level project."

"Okay." Chen Yilang nodded and said, "Excuse me."

"You are welcome."

Jiang Yingning said.

She didn't even notice it herself.

She looked at Chen Yilang with a little more admiration that she had never had before.

This apprentice really has something.

After walking out of the office of the Social Council, Chen Yilang walked slowly to the dormitory.

After the University Entrepreneurship Program is over.

The things on the side of Fengbei can be slowed down for the time being.

Chen Yilang's current focus is on the establishment of an association.

After weighing the pros and cons and thinking again.

Chen Yilang finally decided on the name of the club.


Yes, it is [weird].

When he heard [weird], Jiang Ningying was also surprised.

As for why it's called that.

Probably only Chen Yilang knew about it.

As a [player] who fights monsters every day.

Chen Yilang felt that this name was perfect for him.

But so far.

Chen Yilang is still not sure what the future development direction should be if the Hailang Club is really established.

Which area to specialize in and how to grow...

Thinking about thinking about it.

Three days have passed.

A sunny morning.

Chen Yilang received a message from Jiang Ningying.


"Your club application has been approved!"

"The strange club, the registration has been completed in the school work group."

Jiang Yingning said.

Chen Yilang immediately logged into the campus official website and took a look.

That's true.

in the list of clubs.

[Strange], has appeared at the bottom.

The date of establishment displayed on it is today's date.

【Ding! 】

【Congratulations! 】

[You have successfully formed a new force: [weird]]

【Current influence: 0】

[Please increase your influence as soon as possible. 】

[Influence: It is related to the popularity of [influence] and the prestige of members of [influence]. 】

【Ding! 】

[New stage goal: Income 10 members (0/10)]


Ten members?

That's it?

Seeing the mission at this stage, Chen Yilang couldn't help but laugh.

Who are you looking down on?

With a goal, it is too simple!

Let's not say anything else.

Just the three dog sons in the dormitory are already members of the reservists, right?

As long as he waved his hand and waved the battle flag, he still had to follow his father obediently?


Zhang Jian: "Brother Lang, I don't fully understand your club. I still want to go to the Magic Hand Club. I'll think about you when they don't want me anymore."

Feng Tian: "Ugly refused, a man's dream should be a skirt and a sea of ​​flowers, so I chose to go to a beauty agency.

Li Zixian: "Ha? Brother Lang, what are you talking about? I'm going to bed, next time I will definitely!"

Chen Yilang: "..."


So love disappears, right?

But it's fine.

Brother Lang has always been optimistic.

Although he was betrayed by these wolf-hearted sons, it was not a big problem.

Ten members, it is still a matter of sprinkling water.


"You have been invited to join the group chat: NTU President Communication Group."

Um? what is this?

Looking at this extraordinarily normal group chat name, Chen Yilang was still a little uncomfortable for a while.

The name is very clear and clear, and people know at a glance that this is the group of presidents in the school.

But after Chen Yilang opened the group chat and took a look, he was still stunned.

Good guy, this is not just a group of presidents, but a group of [monsters]!

At least when he glanced over.

There is a systematic logo on top of the name of almost every person who speaks.

[Commander Quan Shui]: "Yo, a newcomer is here, welcome and welcome!"

[Circle Dance Elf]: "Remember to make a note for newcomers!"

[Soul Musician]: "Which club's brother? Let me look familiar."

[Street Fighter]: "Welcome to Jiwu Club!"


Look at the pile of fancy names in front of you.

Chen Yilang always felt that he seemed to be involved in some strange and mysterious organization...

I can tell.

The president of NTU is not a simple guy.

Some people can see who they are at a glance.

For example, [Spring Commander] is obviously the Yangtze River Tour of the Magic Hand Club.

[Circle Dance Elf], it should be Lin Qiujing of the Ocean Wave Dance Association.

And some other words, if you just look at the name, it is really hard to guess.

Chen Yilang simply replied: "Hello, seniors, I am Chen Yilang of the 2021 class, and the president of the strange club."

[Ghost Shadow Old Thousand]: "What the hell? Class of 2021? Isn't that a freshman?"

[Kama Itachi]: "Become the president as a freshman? Is it so strong?"

[Witch with a Thousand Faces]: "Really? Our most powerful president only became a freshman in the first semester of college, or because he was very good... Freshman president, this is the first time I've seen him."

The appearance of Chen Yilang.

The atmosphere in the entire group suddenly became hot.

It can be seen that everyone is very curious about his freshman status.

The new president, that's not easy.

After Chen Yilang politely replied a few words in the group, he stopped speaking.

On the one hand, I was a newcomer, and I was not particularly familiar with the bunch of monsters in the group, so I couldn't talk for a while.

On the other hand, Chen Yilang also intends to dive first, and silently observe the screen for a while.

after all.

The [monsters] in this group are not the same as the little monsters and monsters he saw on weekdays before.

The level of this group of monsters is almost all above level 13.

And Chen Yilang is only level 10 now.

Almost every [monster] steadily suppressed him by level three.

Each of these monsters is not easy to kill.

Then use [Detect] to observe them.

You will find that every monster is a monster of the [Lord] level!

But if you think about it carefully, Chen Yilang probably knows why.

After all, each of them is the president, and there is a [power] of their own under their name.

Therefore, it is not unreasonable to become a [Lord] level monster.

After Chen Yilang started diving.

The group of monsters chatted and chatted, and the topic changed unknowingly, and moved from Chen Yilang to other places.

[Street Fighter]: "The recruiting conference will be held in a few days. Do you guys have any ideas?"

[Commander Quan Shui]: "What else can you think? Just do it."

[Splashing Ink Immortal]: "Hey, Jiangyou boss, which year your Magic Hand Club is not the most popular, of course don't panic! It's like our Calligraphy and Painting Association, where dogs don't come."

[Circle Dance Elf]: "That's not it, Jiangyou doesn't have a backache while standing and talking, and he doesn't even think about how many students there are who like to play mobile games."

[Kama Itachi]: "You can pull it down, Sister Jing, the popularity of your Ocean Wave Dance Club is not much worse than that of the Magic Hand! Our riding club hasn't spoken yet..."

[Commander Quan Shui]: Damn, you just don't know. If the student union really wants to attack the club, the first one to die will be the group of us who play games every day and don't do our job properly...


After watching a group of monsters have been in the water for a long time.

Chen Yilang probably understood something.

three days later.

Nanxuan University's long-delayed recruiting conference is finally about to begin.

Previously, due to the rectification of some clubs, the Student Union did not issue a notice for a long time.

And Chen Yilang just caught up with this good time.

for a society.

The most suitable time to recruit new talents is the time when freshmen have just started school.

Taking advantage of this wave of limelight, these 10 members can just be received.

Chen Yilang immediately recovered.

He went to private chat with a few big guys in the group who seemed to be more talkative, and learned about the basic situation.

I flipped through the dry goods area on the Night Watch Forum a few times, and found a few old and old, but still very classic guide posts to read.

Soon, Chen Yilang roughly understood the preparation process for the freshman meeting.

Go to the front desk of the student activity base first and apply for an activity stall permit.

Then I went to a printing shop on campus, printed out a few stacks of leaflets and a poster, and attached the QR code of the channel that I applied for to join.

Then I borrowed a large umbrella from the nearest East Campus Gym, which can be used as a stall umbrella.

And then, please ask a few [Monsters] in the dormitory, and buy some snacks when you come back.

Finally, I played a wave of advertisements in the business group of Fullbei, and after a little pre-promotion, the preparation work was done.

This process is not particularly complicated, nor does it take much effort.

The only thing that can be considered troublesome is that the way back from carrying the umbrella is a little tired.

However, Chen Yilang is very clear that these are not really important.

The real highlight was the day of the recruiting conference.

Soon, three days passed without knowing it.

Saturday morning at seven.

Chen Yilang and the other three people in the dormitory were the first to come to the Mingshu Square in front of the student activity base.

They pitched their base camp in the best position and opened their parasols.

"Are we coming too early?" Zhang Jian asked suspiciously, "Why haven't we seen anyone?"

"I don't know either."

Chen Yilang shook his head.

He is new here, or is it the first time to participate in recruiting new recruits, can he understand a ghost?

But they didn't wait long.

Soon, one after another, more and more teams from the club came here, and they also began to station their base camp~www.wuxiamtl.com~balloons, ribbons, small flags...

The clapping clapping, the trumpet calling...

A member in a pullover suit holding a welcome sign...

The JK uniform with black silk, the senior sister who gently answers the doubts of the freshman...

The arrangement of these societies in front of them is more bells and whistles than the other.


The four of them stared blankly.

Look at themselves again.

An umbrella, two stacks of paper, three tables, and four men.

It's like seeing the difference in the world.


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