If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 167: 【Dark Horse Raid】


The winners of the Outstanding Finalist Award are all announced.

under the guidance of the host.

The project leaders of the seven winners stepped onto the podium as representatives.

The little sister of the etiquette team stepped onto the podium and presented him with a certificate of award and a commemorative trophy.

There was warm applause from the audience.

Although only an excellent finalist award.

But Lan Jiabin standing on the podium.

At this time, the smile on his face was particularly radiant.

【Ding! 】

[Affected by [applause] and [stage] halo, [lv20 Giant Trench Maniac] has entered the state of [Social Bull]! 】

【Please be vigilant! 】

Chen Yilang still knows Lan Jiabin's urine very well.

What this guy enjoys the most is the spotlight and applause.

Judging from his current appearance, most of them are already on the top.

"It's okay, don't be discouraged."

After stepping down.

Lan Jiabin sat back near Chen Yilang.

Seeing that there was no expression on Chen Yilang's face, he looked at him with a smile and said:

"Isn't it just an entrepreneurial competition?"

"Why didn't you get the prize this year? There is still a chance next year!"


"We are still freshmen. Isn't it normal to go through the motions to participate in such a large-scale competition?"

Chen Yilang listened silently, just smiled and said nothing.


Not only Lan Jiabin.

the students present.

At this time, the thoughts in my heart were similar.

Although the **** full shell project is very popular, it is estimated that it will be cold.

after all.

Among the seven finalists, there is no Chen Yilang's name.

The other project teams who accompany them were also very sad.

But when they found out that the popular contestant, Sexy and Satisfying Beidu, lost the selection.

Inexplicably, I felt a lot better.


The host followed shortly after, announcing the winners of the Gold and Silver Awards.

As most people guessed.

The winners of the bronze and silver awards were both won by two projects backed by teachers.

The winner of the gold award is even more suspenseful.

When seeing here.

The audience below the stage couldn't help but start yawning.

It's like being in a movie theater.

When a movie already knows its ending, it inevitably starts to feel dull.

"The gold medal winner is—"

"'Gaoshu Gang', Li Yuhong!"

There was applause from the audience.

The audience wasn't so excited.

Reasonably, there are no surprises and no surprises.

It is widely expected that the high number gang will win the gold award, and basically everyone has no objection.

By the time the awards ceremony got here, it was basically over.

The students under the stage have already started to pack their things, ready to get up and leave, and go to the dining hall to cook.

At this time, the host saw this and said:

"Students, don't be impatient."

"This year's Entrepreneurship Competition is different from previous years."

"In addition to gold, silver and bronze and outstanding finalists."

"We've also created an unprecedented special award."

"Let's welcome the winner of the Rising Star Award, Sexy Fullbee, Chen Yilang!"

The attention of the students under the stage was quickly pulled back.

The expressions on everyone's faces were quite the same at this time, both confused and curious.

Rising Star Award?

what is this?

Before that, they had never heard of this thing.

"This Rising Star Award is a special award for the most popular and students' favorite entrepreneurial projects in this entrepreneurship competition."

"Although it is not included in the Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards, the Rising Star Award, like them, is a school-level award."


The host's voice fell.

A large group of students at the bottom immediately boiled.

This Rising Star Award is actually a school-level award! ?

To know.

No matter what year the startup competition is.

There are only three awards of gold, silver and bronze that can really be judged as colonel-level awards.

Other outstanding finalists are not counted.

The outstanding finalist award this thing, it just sounds good.

Its real name should be called "Excellent Cannon Fodder Accompanying Consolation Award".

There is no school-level stamp on their certificates.

The only effect is to take back the college to exchange two innovation credits.

Of course.

This is also the fundamental purpose of most students to participate in the entrepreneurship competition...

Mixed points, not shabby.

It's shabby if you don't get a diploma.

This Rising Star Award is a school-level award!

That's a force, but it's not on the same level as their group of guys who fish in troubled waters.

This is a real, valuable award that can be written into your resume!

Although it does not belong to the three categories of gold, silver and bronze.

But it is also a completely equal existence!

The students who won the finalist award were silently sympathizing with Chen Yilang, the person in charge of the Fullbei project.

It wasn't until this moment that I realized that the clown was actually me...

Brother Lang of others, didn't like their little finalist award at all, right?

Most of the students present were greatly shocked at this moment in their hearts.

【Ding! 】

[You used [Dark Horse Raid], causing a lot of mental damage to [lv10 Greedy Cat]! 】

[You used [Dark Horse Raid], causing a lot of damage to [lv20 Crazy Trench Troll]! 】

[You used [Dark Horse Raid]...]

[You got +1323 gold coins, +876 experience! 】

【Your reputation has been improved! 】

[Current reputation value: 2400]

"Win, win!"

"Brother, we won!"

Wang Huayun next to him excitedly grabbed Chen Yilang's hand and shook it frantically.

Before Chen Yilang could react, he was dragged to the podium by him.

Then the etiquette and sisters came up and stuffed the trophy and certificate into his arms, and then the various cameras and lenses in front of him were a click.

The school award...just got it?

Chen Yilang will still be unbelievable for a while.

Although he was originally greedy for the gold award...

However, for a freshman, it is not practical to win the gold award.

Therefore, he felt that this new star award was actually acceptable.

Anyway, this is also a real school-level award, the kind that can be played for a long time...

"Congratulations to our Shellfish Project for winning the Rising Star Award!"

"round of applause!"

There was a burst of warm applause from the audience.

"Ha! Xiao Ying, you didn't guess it right this time!" The girlfriends said happily, "Sure enough, I knew that Feng Bei would not let us down!"

"I really can't help you." Sakura smiled helplessly.

However, the words came back.

It is indeed well-deserved for the Fullbei project to win this Rising Star Award.

after all.

At present, in NTU, projects that can really be widely circulated among students and are normally operated and carried out.

Indeed, there is only one such as the belly.

Therefore, this wave cannot actually be said to be a counterattack by a dark horse.

can only say.

The competition system of this year's Entrepreneurship Competition is just a little more humanized.

Jiang Yingning was still surprised.

As for Lan Jiabin, he was completely stunned.

Depend on!

How could this be?

Killed a dark horse award halfway?

This script is a bit too out of the way, right?

Lan Jiabin also thought.

The contest this month.

He finally suppressed Chen Yilang's limelight in the entrepreneurship competition.

But I didn't expect that at the last moment, he was overturned by the Jedi?

Lan Jiabin is a little uncomfortable...


"You guys are really great."

When walking off stage.

Lan Rui, who was sitting in the front row, gave Chen Yilang a thumbs up.

In this entrepreneurship competition, she attended the awards ceremony as a representative of the business school.

Chen Yilang rushed out as a dark horse at the last moment, which was something she didn't expect at all.

"It's not thanks to the teacher's care." Chen Yilang said with a smile.

After returning to the seat and sitting down.

Chen Yilang saw Lan Jiabin's face dark and silent.

He had to pretend to sigh and say:


"It's a pity that I only won one Rising Star Award."

"I still have to learn more from the big guys in the future, and strive to be close to the top three next time."

【boom! 】

[You used [Power of Versailles] to deal a lot of mental crit damage to [lv10 Crazy Trench Troll]! 】

[You got: Gold +1435, Experience +878! 】

[You got: [The source of all evil x10]]

"I'm going to the toilet."

"free to talk."

Lan Jiabin stood up silently.

Chen Yilang: "The toilet is over there..."

"..." Lan Jiabin turned around, UU read www. uukanshu. com has gone in a different direction.

The state of [She Niu] was once again terminated by Chen Yilang on the spot.

Completely lost its arrogant shape...


Chen Yilang breathed a sigh of relief.

from today.

His resume is no longer simply a "squad leader".

He, Chen Yilang, is also a person who has won school-level awards.

So what needs to be done next.

That is, he submitted his application for the establishment of a society to the school work group.

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