If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 16: You don't even spare your auntie...

Chen Yilang's voice was actually not very loud.

But in the current situation, his words attracted the attention of everyone around him.

The three [Barbarians] also seemed to be restrained by Chen Yilang, but they didn't come back to their senses for a while.

"Who are you?"

The biggest [lv3 barbarian] was upset, and scolded: "You haven't eaten, your whole family has never eaten!"

"Is that so? I'm sorry, I just saw you guys jumping in line here, as if you haven't eaten, so I'll be wrong."

Chen Yilang smiled lightly.

The three [barbarians] were stunned for a while, and were at a loss for words for a while.

From their point of view, isn't it just a big fart to jump in the queue, and there are people who actually come out to give them pointers?

"Hey, brother, I advise you to stay out of your business!"

[lv3 barbarian] scolded unceremoniously and said, "It's not your team, it's none of your business? No one else has spoken yet, so why are you yelling?"

[lv3 barbarians use [barbarian mouth cannon], causing a lot of damage to you! 】


Chen Yilang frowned slightly, only to feel that the scolding of [lv3 barbarian] was outrageously loud, causing his eardrums to tremble slightly.

But it's fine.

This damage is not a big problem.

After all, Chen Yilang is not afraid of such things.

If it is said that the one-on-one battle with [Ultimate Scholars] has to compete with physical fitness and intelligence, then there is almost no technical difficulty in fighting with [Barbarian].

"I just yelled at you what's wrong?"

Chen Yilang said without fear, and even raised his voice a bit:

"I haven't seen anyone else in the back row? It makes sense to jump in the queue. Nine years of compulsory education will teach you guys like you?"

"Do you know who can cut the queue?"

"Civil servants, soldiers, disabled people! Who are you?"

"I'm thinking that the first two have nothing to do with you. You also have hands and feet. Couldn't you be brain-dead?"

Chen Yilang's voice fell.

All the students around were laughing.

The classmates who didn't dare to speak loudly at first also supported Chen Yilang one after another:

"That's right, I think you guys are like idiots!"

"I'm still studying in high school. I suggest you go back to elementary school and take the Sipin class again!"

"I'm not leaving today, but I want to see if they dare to jump in the queue!"

"We..." Seeing that the momentum around him seemed to be out of control, it was getting bigger and bigger, a panicked look appeared on the face of [lv3 Barbarian], he faltered and was speechless.

【Ding! 】

[You used [Justice Cannon] to severely inflict [lv3 barbarians], [lv1 barbarians], [lv1] barbarians! 】

[Get Gold +698, EXP +98]


I didn't see it, these [Barbarians] are quite fat!

This wave of rich harvest made Chen Yilang very satisfied, and directly made Chen Yilang see the hope of buying [Translation Jelly].

"You, you, you...you wait for me!"

[lv3 Barbarian] He was so angry that his nose was almost crooked, but he couldn't speak because of his fault.

"I remember you!"

The savage elder brother uttered a cruel sentence, "Don't let me catch you and walk at night!"

After he finished speaking, he took the other two brothers and ran away in despair.

Oh, that's it?

Niuzi is small, talking in a dignified way...

Chen Yilang couldn't help but complained in his heart.

"Awesome, brother!"

Standing in the back, the classmates who just happened to be cut in line by the [Barbarians] couldn't help grabbing Chen Yilang's arm excitedly, and said excitedly: "I've already seen them upset, if I hadn't been cowardly, I would have embarrassed them too. Mom doesn't even know me!

"Thank you for the brother in front of me. I was so angry that I almost went back to the dormitory to cook instant noodles."

"Hey, do you know what class that brother is in? He's so handsome, I have a friend who wants his WeChat account."


Chen Yilang was a little overwhelmed by the chattering voices from all around him.

At the same time, the surrounding classmates also pulled him to the front of the team, saying that they wanted Chen Yilang to cook first.

Chen Yilang couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth: "I didn't expect that the person who finally jumped the queue was me..."

"Young man, great job!"

Aunt Dafan even recovered from the Parkinson's disease on the spot, and directly scooped a tablespoon of meat for Chen Yilang, "Eat more, eat more, we need a good boy like you in today's society!"

"Thank you auntie thank you auntie..." Chen Yilang quickly thanked.

[The reputation value has been improved! 】

[Current Reputation: 200]

[The favorability of the NPC canteen auntie has been improved! 】

Chen Yilang: "..."

I always feel weird.

all in all.

Chen Yilang actually felt a little uncomfortable eating this lunch at noon.

Generally speaking, he usually likes to sit quietly in the corner and eat alone.

But this time, he unexpectedly became the focus of everyone.

In less than 40 minutes of meal time, more than a dozen classmates came up to chat or say hello to him...

Chen Yilang felt a little uncomfortable. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Obviously he just wants to be a beautiful man who cooks quietly...

After finally finishing the lunch time at noon, after returning to the dormitory, Chen Yilang was ridiculed by his roommates again.

Beijiang City No. 1 Middle School is just a small place, basically, big things and gossip can be spread in minutes, not to mention the big things like Chen Yilang, who are directly rectified in public.

After teasing Chen Yilang for a few minutes, the topic's popularity gradually began to decline.

Someone suddenly thought of something, so he started a new topic: "Next week's college entrance examination physical test, do you all have it all?"

"I heard that this year's small reform, we have to run a thousand meters like college students, and it took four and a half minutes to pass!"

"Forget it, I heard that the physical test results are also added to the weight of the total score of the college entrance examination!"

"Damn it, wouldn't that be quite unfriendly to a dead fat house like us?"

There was chatter in the dormitory.

Although Chen Yilang had heard about the physical examination for the college entrance examination before, he didn't know much about the specific situation.

After listening to the sand sculpture sons in the dormitory for a night tonight, Chen Yilang also started to get a little nervous.

He is also a standard dead fat house, the kind who can walk but never run, and can lie down and never sit for three years in high school.

Letting him run for a thousand meters seems to be essentially no different from letting him die.

But if you fail the college entrance examination physical test, it will be a fatal blow to the total score of the college entrance examination.

Chen Yilang felt a little big.

But suddenly, a light flashed in my mind.

He remembered someone.

- Xiong Yuwei.


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