If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 143: Only short skirts and girls can not live up to

Chen Yilang was stunned for a moment, and it took a while before he came to his senses.

- It's halftime for the game.

It is normal for the cheerleading team to appear at this time.

But when the big-ticket short-skirt girl in front of me appeared,

The hearts of the people were still a little shocked.

The freshman girls are really young and energetic!

The skirt that flies like a butterfly, the waist that is as soft as a water snake, the snow-white thighs that are thrilling and kicked up...

In this moment, he received a large number of eyes and admiration.

And in this patch of flowers,

most conspicuous,

Naturally, it was the girl standing at the front, the one in the center C, the girl with a high ponytail.

The tall and perfect figure, as well as the long legs like a monster, made her properly become the focus of the crowd.

Almost all the boys in the audience were awake at this moment.

Those who were chatting and farting, immediately quieted down.

Half of the game is open, and the spring water hangs up directly.

Just got up to go to wc to release the memory, but also forcibly tightened his butt, and then sat down again...

The impetuous boys have reached an amazing consensus at this moment, sitting in the auditorium, engrossed in admiring the wonderful legs...dance performance.

Then stared blankly.

Speaking of,

When they went to high school and big things, I am afraid they were not so serious.


Are you telling me superficial?

My tmd backhand is a slippery shovel, you're so **** right!

No way!

After all, who doesn't love a beautiful sister these days?

Especially when Xia Ling danced and smiled with crooked eyebrows and pear eddies on both sides of her cheeks.

The boys just think...

The little deer in my heart is about to have a concussion.

After a dance is over.

Xia Ling led the girls in white skirts and turned to the direction of the freshmen team.

They clenched their little pink fists and waved them vigorously towards the sky.

I have to say, it still looks cute.

"Freshmen team, come on!"

"Freshmen team, come on!"

The sweet and loud voices of the girls resounded throughout the gym.

[npc Xia Ling] activated [Pink Blessing]!

Pink Blessing: A [Healing Field] will be generated, all friendly targets within the field will receive the [Purification] effect, and various attribute values ​​will be greatly improved!

Allies x1 entered the [Healing Field]...

Allies x2 entered the [Healing Field]...

Allies x3...


Chen Yilang saw,

All the slumped players in the freshman team,

At this time, above the head, all kinds of negative states of weakness, depression, exhaustion and despair...

All at this moment, was purified clean.


It is a state of pure ignition!

"Captain, I think about it!"

One of the team members who had been paralyzed on the ground the last second bounced off the ground with a carp:

"Isn't it just twenty points behind?"

"McGrady can get thirteen points in thirty-five seconds, and now we have two quarters left!"

"That's right, Brother Lang, we still have a chance!" Zhang Weimeng growled in a loud voice, "Zhu Yongheng, is he a der? I'll crush him to death with this fat!"

"Rush rush!"

"Show them some color!"

"It's time to show real technology!"

The atmosphere of the freshman team instantly reversed.

"..." Chen Yilang was dumbfounded.

This cheer dance performed by Xia Ling,

It literally set the entire team on fire!

Chen Yilang slapped his thigh excitedly, and then suddenly realized that something wasn't quite right.

So the encouragement and belief that the leader of my team has given you is not enough for your pretty sister's little skirt and half of her thighs, right?

Can you think about it with your upper body a little bit?



At least in terms of momentum, they hardened.

"Xiong Yuwei." Chen Yilang said.

"Come." Xiong Yuwei responded immediately.

Chen Yilang opened the system panel and found the recruitment token that had never been used before.

Because I don't know what the specific effect is, Chen Yilang has never used it.

But right now,

He thought he could try it out.

That's right.

You have used [Recruiting Token]!

A team target has been selected: Xiong Yuwei.

The target's favorability is good, and a team invitation can be issued.

Please invite them!

"In the next quarter, you can get more of the ball." Chen Yilang said, "They have already made up their minds to defend me to the end, so it's definitely not possible to rely on me to attack alone."

"Okay." Xiong Yuwei nodded, "Listen to you."

Teamed up with [Xiong Yuwei] successfully!

Fetters obtained: [Power of Unity]!

The power of unity: The goal of establishing a team relationship through [Call Token], the tacit understanding between each other will increase by 200!

Chen Yilang tried to use the summoning token on the giant Zhang Weimeng again, but found that it didn't work.

From this,

At present, this item in his hand can only be used to establish a team relationship between two targets.

But it's okay.

After all, Xiong Yuwei's strength is already very strong.

She is a sports student, and her technical level can be said to be far superior to most people on the field. The only disadvantage is that she is not as good as boys in terms of physique.

"Then wait a minute, I will mark Zhu Yongheng." Chen Yilang said.

"Okay!" The teammates nodded in unison.

On the faces of everyone, there is no longer any hesitation at this meeting.

It's like a **** who is advancing forward, waiting for the general to teach them to cross the river.


After the tactical discussion of the freshman team,

The third quarter is about to start.

before this,

The cheerleading team of the old students also came up and danced a hot dance.

Although the dance is actually quite good, but unfortunately, there is no harm without comparison.

According to the audience,

Compared to the freshmen team led by Xia Ling, the cheerleading team of the veteran group was still inferior.

First of all, their outfits are black, which is not as visually striking as the white short skirts.

Secondly, although the dance skills are also very solid, it did not hit the boy's heart like the new sister.

Of course.

The most important reason is.

The cheerleading team of the old bird group was directly blown away in terms of appearance and lost a crushing defeat...

When the boys watched the dance of the old bird group, what they kept thinking about in their minds was the figure of the leading dancer in the freshman cheerleading team just now.


The looks of the two are not at the same level at all!

It's like having a full meal of mountain and sea delicacies, and the mountain-top fish, which is my favorite food on weekdays, has become boring.

The referee's whistle sounded.

The two teams met again on the field.

The third quarter officially started.

After some confrontation,

The ball is in the hands of the old bird team, Zhu Yongheng.

"Yo, you, are you still not going to surrender?"

Seeing Chen Yilang coming up to guard against him, Zhu Yongheng said with a smile on his face:

"Brother, I haven't tried my best yet."

"I'm afraid that it will blow up on the spot for you. Your young mind can't bear it."

Intelligence: The best way to disrupt your opponent's rhythm is to provoke him.

The row of prompts that popped up in front of him made Chen Yilang calm down even more.

Detecting this thing is a very indescribable skill.

Although most of the time, it seems to be talking nonsense.

But at some point, it does bring reliable intelligence.

As if wearing noise-cancelling headphones, Chen Yilang's ears and brain began to filter Zhu Yongheng's trash talk.

You avoided the [Pollen Attack] of [lv10 Pollen Monster]!

you avoided...

you avoided...

talking, talking,

Zhu Yongheng slowly discovered,

This guy named Chen Yilang seems to have no intention of paying attention to him at all...

This made Zhu Yongheng a little depressed.

When he usually plays, he really likes to taunt.

Many people get upset when he talks, and then they will reveal all kinds of flaws, which are easily blown up by him.

But taunting really doesn't work if it doesn't bring negative emotions to the opponent.

"Do you seem to be dragging?"

"Don't think about it, you can't stop me!"

Zhu Yongheng made a quick breakthrough from Chen Yilang's left.

I have to admit, this man is really fast.

Before Chen Yilang could react, he was overtaken by Zhu Yongheng.

But Xiong Yuwei, who followed closely, immediately made up for it, directly blocking Zhu Yongheng's other way to death.

You and your teammate [Xiong Yuwei] completed a [perfect match]!

Your tacit understanding has improved!

"?" This made Chen Yilang a little surprised.

He didn't expect,

Xiong Yuwei actually guessed his idea.

This is probably the effect of the recruitment token?

Zhu Yongheng was also stunned for a moment. He didn't expect the opponent's reaction to be so timely.

When he didn't react at all.

The basketball in his hand was stolen by Chen Yilang.

After grabbing the basketball, Chen Yilang directly started the blast and turned back to attack.

Xiong Yuwei also rushed to the front at the same moment.

After the two made several passes, Chen Yilang quickly found the gap and threw a three-pointer.

You and your teammate [Xiong Yuwei] issued a [perfect match] triple combo! Compatibility has improved!

You successfully activated the skill [lv7 Hand of God]!

this moment.

familiar image,

On the field, it reappeared.

After letting go of Chen Yilang's palm,

The basketball flew out in a smooth parabola.

fell into the basket.

The freshmen in the audience burst into cheers.

The players around were dumbfounded.

just now,

The cooperation between Xiong Yuwei and Chen Yilang is simply perfect.

It was as if Xiong Yuwei had become a shadow of Chen Yilang.

She can always play a wave of wonderful cooperation just right when he needs help the most.

And Chen Yilang's three-pointer,

It can be regarded as a complete blow to the morale of the freshman team.


Chen Yilang also began to regain a little rhythm.



"Can you have a laugh?"

Looking at Chen Yilang, who was standing in front of him, as if his face was paralyzed.

Zhu Yongheng actually felt that his finger that was holding the ball trembled a little...

Damn it!

Anyway, give some reaction, good brother!

You make me panic like this, okay?

You used [Stable as an Old Dog], causing a lot of damage to [lv10 Flower Fairy]!

You get: Gold +1224, Experience +786!

You used [Unpredictable] to deal a divine blow to [lv10 Flower Fairy]! [lv10 Flower Fairy] has entered a state of [nervous]!

Chen Yilang, who had no waves on his face,

In my heart, I couldn't help showing the smile of a black boxer.

Because he slowly started to find out.

This guy, Zhu Yongheng, although the surface looks very dragged.

But in fact...it seems to be pretty good.

"I warn you." Zhu Yongheng licked his lips and showed a fierce look again, "Don't force me to be serious..."

"You are going to break through from the left." Chen Yilang said suddenly.

"?" Zhu Yongheng froze suddenly.


The third quarter of the game is also over.

When the referee blows the whistle,

The difference between the freshman team and the senior team,

Already narrowed down to [45:53]

The atmosphere of the game,

It is also getting higher and higher.

And Zhu Yongheng's mood,

But it's getting more and more depressing...

This whole game,

He was guarded strictly by Chen Yilang and Xiong Yuwei, unable to move.

However, this is actually fine.

After all, Zhu Yongheng had been in the school team, so it wasn't too difficult for him to play two games.

But the most fatal thing is.

This man named Chen Yilang actually discovered his weakness!

that moment.

Zhu Yongheng, who has always called himself the Great Demon King of Confusion, couldn't hold back at all.

"His right leg is injured."

During the intermission, Chen Yilang answered the doubts of his teammates~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Because in the whole quarter just now,

He actually really pinched Zhu Yongheng.

Information: A foot that has not yet fully healed, with a smell similar to the sea breeze.

——This is the key information he later detected from Zhu Yongheng.

that time.

His gaze stayed on Zhu Yongheng's right foot.


This guy has a problem with his right foot.

With this information,

Chen Yilang carefully observed Zhu Yongheng's playing habits.

Then he found out.

Probably because the right foot is inconvenient to exert force, the route of this guy's breakthrough is indeed the left side.


Indeed, it is a very fatal weakness!

As long as Chen Yilang keeps an eye on his left wing, he will never be fooled by Zhu Yongheng's fake actions.


In the third quarter, the whole game is over.

Zhu Yongheng was unable to take advantage of Chen Yilang.

on the contrary,

Chen Yilang, who has been cooperating perfectly with Xiong Yuwei,

However, he took the freshman team abruptly and brought back the original big score difference.

Now, the audience's emotions have become more and more excited.

after all.

No matter what arena,

The drama of the Jedi comeback is always the most exciting.


Zhu Yongheng fell into contemplation.

If it goes on like this...

This All-Star Game feels like it's going to roll over.

"Something has to be done."

Zhu Yongheng silently made a small calculation in his heart.

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