If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 142: [Pink Storm] is coming! …


Han Lesheng was a little confused.

Brother Lang?

Who is Brother Lang?

But I always feel that this name seems to be very familiar, as if I have heard it somewhere.

"...Chen Yilang?"

Han Lesheng suddenly pronounced the name.

That's right.

It's the younger brother who talked to him about advertising cooperation before.

Right now,

In the center of the basketball court, there is still his "masterpiece".

——The position of the middle circle has become a spray paint advertisement.

With the midline as the dividing line, the circle is divided into two parts.

On this side of the new team is Chen Yilang's "full shell".

And on this side of the old man...

But it is the promotion of a public account called "Healthy Life"!


Both products are very normal stuff,

but placed in the same ad slot,

It always seemed a little weird.

Order a happy takeaway?

Have a healthy life?

I always feel that there seems to be some contradiction between the two...

But Han Lesheng had no choice.

after all,

Lan Jiabin gave too much...

With the appearance of both teams,

The eyes of the audience also fell on the field of play one after another.

The advertisements in the middle circle have also begun to be noticed.

"Sexy babe? What's that?"

"Damn it, can you still come to the door? Stab, stimulate..."

"Is the takeaway delivered directly to the dormitory? It's a bit considerate, this service."


"Damn, just now that healthy life public account posted a tweet listing nine hazards of ordering takeout!"

"Grass, I was so scared that I immediately unloaded the American Brigade."

"I'll start giving up takeout tomorrow! I'll stud all the coupons tonight!"


The audience chatted.

at this time,

Chen Yilang, who was standing on the court, also noticed the advertisement in the middle circle.

He frowned slightly, and quickly sensed an aura that was not quite right.

Although I don't know who the poster is.

But this "healthy life" advertisement makes it clear that it is here to provoke trouble.

It's completely open to his full shell project!


The composition of the advertising interface in the middle circle is extraordinarily subtle.

It doesn't look like "newbie vs old bird".

Instead, it is more like "sexy and full VS healthy life".

There is a sense of who wins and who is justified.

"If that's the case, then you can't lose."

Chen Yilang said silently.

Soon, the host walked to the center of the arena.

In the huge gymnasium, there was a brief silence.

After the old-fashioned opening lines are over, the All-Star Game officially begins.

"Then now, it's time for us to talk harshly to each other!"

"With your applause and screams, we invite the captains of our old bird team and freshman team!"

In the gym, there was a moment of agitation again.

The members of the freshman team were stunned on the spot.

Cruel talk?

Anything like this?

Is it a high-end game, we newcomers have never played it...

But I saw the old student on the opposite side, and it seemed that he had long since seen it strange.

After all, the All-Star Game is like this every year, and the old fritters have long been used to it.

"Then let the little brothers on the opposite side come first."

[Flower Fairy] Zhu Yongheng came out of the old team and stood at the front.

Chen Yilang immediately responded with a smile: "Senior first."

he feels,

In the present situation,

There doesn't seem to be any advantage to speaking first.

Especially when they are still freshmen, they might be tricked by these old birds.

"I like such a good brother."

Zhu Yongheng smiled crookedly, and after taking the basketball, he played a cool and fancy dribble in front of Chen Yilang.

At the same time, he also made several provocative actions.

【Ding! 】

[[lv10 Flower Fairy] used [Gorgeous Blossom] and launched [Pollen Attack] on you! 】

【Please pay attention to dodge! 】



Zhu Yongheng exhaled the ball towards Chen Yilang's face and made a fake throw.

The original intention was to suddenly startle Chen Yilang,

But found that the latter seems to be completely unresponsive.

Chen Yilang put his hands in his pockets, and looked at him so quietly, his face expressionless.

【Ding! 】

[You successfully evaded the [Pollen Attack], causing a lot of mental damage to [lv10 Flower Fairy]! 】

【You got: [Pollen x10]】

"..." Zhu Yongheng.


Can you give me a little response?

You make me look like a clown, okay?

"The little brothers on the opposite side, don't be afraid."

After the dribbling performance, Zhu Yongheng raised his chin high, looked at Chen Yilang with his nostrils and said, "Brothers will be very light, as long as you beg for mercy!"


"Hand over the beautiful school girls!"

As soon as Zhu Yongheng said this,

Inside the gym, there was another burst of laughter and clamor.

The atmosphere suddenly became dry again.

These words made many young and old girls in the audience blush a little.

Although they don't know Zhu Yonghen very well yet, this senior brother is tall and handsome, and his posture is handsome when he plays the ball. It really pokes a girl's heart!

However, some older senior sisters rolled their eyes silently.

They had heard about Zhu Yongheng's greasy before, but after witnessing it at the scene today, they realized that it was not unreasonable.

But no matter what,

Zhu Yongheng is indeed a good player in bombing the field.

As soon as he put down these words,

The old bird team was immediately excited and full of momentum.

And now,

open mouth,

It was re-rotated to the side of the freshman team.

Everyone who has gradually quieted down is looking at the captain of the freshman team curiously.

——The boy named Chen Yilang who was called "Brother Lang" by all kinds of people at the same time.

"Okay, this group of freshmen was stunned again."

"Hey, this Zhu Yongheng is too shameless, how can a freshman play with him?"

"Just get used to it. Do you think the freshmen of the All-Star Game were bullied? This can only be accepted, there is no way..."

The audience chattered.

The freshmen who had never experienced such a scene looked at each other in dismay at this time, not knowing what to do, so they could only look at Chen Yilang one after another.

Can only expect their captain to do something...

And this time.

Seems to be after thinking for a while.

Chen Yilang spoke up.

"I'm so sorry, the seniors opposite."

Chen Yilang took two steps forward.

He walked in front of Zhu Yongheng.

He smiled slightly, and there was no panic on his face:

"Your ideas are very good, but unfortunately you think too much."

"my suggestion is,"

"The thing you need to think about today may not be how to get a beautiful school girl."

"But you should think about it..."

"What are you going to do so that you don't lose all the beautiful and generous senior sisters?"

Chen Yilang finished speaking.

After half a second of silence.

More violent applause and cheers swept the entire stadium again!

"I'm going, this apprentice, love love!"

"I burst into tears, sure enough, younger brother Xianrou is the ideal in the world!"

"Sister loves you!"

"Mom loves you too!"


if we assume.

Zhu Yongheng was harvesting the crazy worship of innocent schoolgirls just now.

So now,

Chen Yilang is just teasing the pink girl hearts of the old school sisters.

Even while teasing the old school sister,

He also took care of his little sisters.


The shouts from all around, instantly suppressed the limelight of the old bird team.

When the freshmen saw this, they were all excited, and their morale was high.

You Langge, or you Langge!

Seeing this scene,

Zhu Yongheng's face was also darkened by the naked eye.

What a day!

This wave of Chen Yilang, he really did not expect.

After all, in his impression,

Every freshman year, almost never let go.

Whenever they need to speak publicly, they are basically either stammering or arrogant, and rarely can say anything very imposing.

But this guy named Chen Yilang,

Not only is he not afraid of his provocation at all,

Can you even say something even better than him?

"There's something, boy." Zhu Yongheng raised his brows, "It seems that I underestimated you."

"But I have to remind you."

"How beautiful are the harsh words before the game, how embarrassed you look when you lose!"

"Thank you, brother for reminding me." Chen Yilang said indifferently.


After the ruthless talk was over, the game officially started.

Chen Yilang sent [Giant] Zhang Weimeng to jump the ball and won the first ball.

Unfortunately, the fast break failed. After the old bird team's power forward grabbed the backcourt rebound, he organized a counterattack and scored the first goal.

Cheers came from the support team of the old bird team.

"Don't worry, we'll slow down the pace."

"We mainly play outside three-pointers and pass the ball to the captain when we find an opportunity."

Xiong Yuwei, who played the role of coach, conducted the on-site command.

The freshmen nodded.

They still believe in Brother Lang's three-point shooting technique, and naturally they don't mind being a pass tool.


As the game progresses,

Things got a little unhappy.

Unlike their opponents in the Freshman Cup, the Old Birds are obviously a group of experienced players.

So, of course they know how terrifying Chen Yilang's three-pointers are.

So, they separated two players out, focusing on marking Chen Yilang.

That's double the defense!

Plus the veterans are experienced, tactical and mobile.

From the beginning to the end, Chen Yilang hardly got a few opportunities to attack.

Even if there is a real chance to throw a three-pointer,

Under strong defensive pressure,

The effect of [Hand of God] has also been weakened a lot, and the hit rate can be said to have dropped significantly.

A game is over,

Despite the freshmen's hard work,

It was also hit by the old bird team with a 14:25 point difference.

"Something's not quite right, Captain."

[Giant] Zhang Wei panted loudly and said:

"Our tactics don't seem to be working very well."

"The set that broke through our academy at the beginning seems to be a little useless in the All-Star Game."

"Indeed." Several other freshmen also echoed, "That group of seniors is really fierce, and they have eaten for a few more years, and their bodies are much stronger than us...especially that Zhu Yongheng!"

"Yes, in fact, the main force on the opposite side is only Zhu Yongheng."

Xiong Yuwei pointed out the problem sharply, "Our offensive level is actually comparable, but the opposite defensive end did a good job, and the gap between us was widened."

"So wait a minute, we also have to focus on guarding their main force Zhu Yongheng, and try to bring back the points difference."

The crowd nodded.

Soon, the second quarter of the game began.

According to the new tactics formulated, the new pair began to focus on Zhu Yongheng.

However, a new surprise appeared again.

——Zhu Yongheng's personal ability is really too strong.

No matter how you defend him, he can find gaps in the crowd and grab opportunities to score.

Chen Yilang had to start [detecting] him.

[Information: [lv10 Hua Xianzi], the former basketball team captain, has comprehensive and solid ball skills, as well as good and outstanding physical fitness,]

"No wonder it's so strong..." Chen Yilang thought to himself.

After all, the captain of the school team, even if he has withdrawn, the foundation is still there.


The second quarter of the game is over again.

The point difference continued to widen, and it had reached 26:43.

During the intermission,

The freshmen who came down from the field looked downcast.

"It's too difficult, I can't beat that guy at all." Someone complained, "This guy is too fierce, playing a ball is like a fight, a fierce group!"

"I can't stop him either." Zhang Weimeng was a little frustrated. "Although he is not as tall or strong as me, he is so fast that I can't keep up with him at all."

"I can't beat it, I can't beat it, it really can't be beaten." Another boy simply sat on the ground and sighed, "Jiang is still old and hot, and we are still too tender."


【Ding! 】

【Danger! 】

[The team is affected by [Desperate Blow], and [Morale] is greatly declining! 】

[Low [Morale] will generate a high-intensity [Negative Energy Storm], causing extremely high damage to targets within the range. 】


In Chen Yilang's eyes.

he can see,

The health, stamina, and emotion values ​​on each player's head are slowly declining.

Dark purple [negative energy] special effects gradually floated around them, thinking about the black seaweed growing in the air.


Everyone was hit hard.

Chen Yilang stood up silently and went to the bathroom to wash his face.

He needs to calm down a bit and think about the next countermeasures.

After returning, what awaited him was the anxious eyes of the team.

"How is it, brother? What's the plan..."

"Brother Lang, do we still have hope..."

"We have nothing to do, and now we can only listen to you..."

A tired and helpless voice lingered in Chen Yilang's ears.

He cast a glance at Xiong Yuwei, who was beside him, and in exchange he only shook his head with a wry smile.

As the only girl in the team, she really did her best.

Chen Yilang was silent for a while.

What else can be done?

He squatted in the toilet and calmed down for a long time, but he still couldn't think of any possibility of a comeback.

With a score difference of nearly 20, there is no hope of a comeback at all.


Chen Yilang sighed softly and was about to speak...

Ring Ring Ring!

A burst of crisp and pleasant music.


In the whole huge stadium ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ rang!

next moment,

In the eyes of everyone in the audience,

I saw a group of girls in white skirts wearing light pink T-shirts, walking on small white shoes, willow waists and slender legs,

Like a fiery pink storm,

With a blowing face, full of youthful breath,

From outside the side door of the gymnasium, I was directly involved in the center of the infield!

And among the large white-skirted girls.

Chen Yilang saw the one rushing ahead,

Also the most familiar figure.

Xia Ling.

"Ask if you don't understand."

"Is it a trainee who has practiced for three and a half years?"

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