If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 144: 【The sweet spring of a girl...】

Nanxuan University, Gymnasium.

The scene of the All-Star basketball game.

With the advent of the fourth quarter of the decisive game, the atmosphere gradually heated up.

Not long after kick-off,

Everyone found out,

The actions of the old birds seem to be a little unusual.

Under the leadership of Zhu Yongheng,

They slowed their offense at the slowest pace and shifted the focus of their tactics entirely on defense.

And this intention is naturally obvious.

- procrastination.

Relying on their existing score difference,

After the game was over, they were the winners of the game.

But this behavior caused the audience to start talking again.

"Isn't it, sir? It's just an All-Star game, is it necessary to be so serious?"

"You don't understand this. Those old birds never thought that this year's freshmen would be so fierce. If they don't fight seriously, they will lose their pants!"

"I have something to say. They fight like this, and there is no appreciation at all."

Zhu Yongheng naturally understood this truth.

But more than that, he would rather lose to a bunch of nasty bastards...

That would be too embarrassing!

He's the former captain of the school team!

If this is spread out, will he lose face?

I am afraid that I will lose the right to choose a mate on the spot!


Even so.

Under the leadership of Chen Yilang, the offensive of the freshmen team is still unstoppable.

The difference between the two teams is still shrinking, albeit at a slower pace.

With almost half a minute left in the final quarter.

Xiong Yuwei made a three-pointer from the bottom line and chased the score to [63:65].

The cheers erupted again.

As the score difference between the two teams got closer and closer, the emotions of the audience were also getting higher and higher.

Two points!

Only the last two points left!

This number has given the freshmen support groups a complete sense of hope!

Amid the endless cheers, Zhu Yongheng gestured to the referee for a pause.

There is less than half a minute left in the game, which is crucial.

He had to come up with a countermeasure to hold on to the last twenty seconds.

He can't take care of so many things.

Zhu Yongheng now has only one thing in his mind.

That is winning!

"Damn, is Zhu Yongheng up?" Zhang Wei said fiercely, "Why do I feel that his expression is getting more and more wrong?"

"That's for sure." Chen Yilang said, "He doesn't want to lose... Is there any water?"

"Uh, I still have a little bit left..." Zhang Weimeng turned his head and flipped through his schoolbag.

"In the last twenty seconds, they will definitely defend." Xiong Yuwei came over and said to Chen Yilang, "The ball is in their hands, it is not easy to handle."

The restless audience calmed down for a while.

This wave of pause that Zhu Yongheng called has no intention of ending.

And this time.

The eyes of the audience suddenly lit up again.

On the pitch, they saw an unusually bright figure.

A tall and slender figure, a white skirt with a pleated skirt, and those long legs that are full of aura and walk with wind...

That's right.

It was the lead dancer of the cheerleading team of the freshman group who had just put on a performance and exploded the audience.

I saw her quietly leaning out half of her body from the waiting room, observing the situation on the field like a vigilant deer.

After confirming the situation,

She clinged to the edge of the arena, holding something in her arms, and trotted all the way to the side of the freshman group...


She thought she was not noticeable.

But in fact,

When a snow-white figure shuttled on the field of various dark players,

It is simply the brightest star in the night sky.

In the process of her trotting, the ponytail on her little head jumped, and the skirt also floated and fell like a butterfly.


Never crossed the brink of danger.

True anti-gravity skirt.

Under the watchful eyes of all,

I saw her trotting all the way and came to the center of the freshman group.


He quietly walked behind the boy named Chen Yilang, and patted the latter gently on the shoulder.

"What is she going to do?"

The melon-eating people who were silently and frantically observing in the dark became curious.

Especially the boys.

At this moment, they were eager to directly transform into giraffes and stick their heads directly into the freshmen team to see what happened.

Then they saw it.

Xia Ling took out a bottle of drink from her arms and handed it to Chen Yilang...


"what happened!?"

The boys were so shocked and angry that they almost jumped out of their seats.

It turned out that this school girl was going to deliver water to that stinky man named Chen Yilang!

Said that the beautiful school girls are all seniors?

Liar, big liar!

The beautiful school girls, obviously already have their hearts...

This wave, lost my wife!

"Damn it!"

The boys were outraged.

I have never been so seriously injured in a war in Ilk!

Jealousy makes my genes mutate, jealousy makes me oxidatively decompose...

You used [Anti Defense Strike] and killed [lv5 Lemon Jing]!

You get: [Acid x10]

You used [Break Attack] to kill [lv7 Single Dog]!

You get: [Dog Hair x8]

You used [Anti-Defense Strike] and killed [lv8 Maternal Solo Master]!

You got [Fencing x4]

you used...

you get...

You get: gold +3546, experience +1064!

Seeing the pop-up full-screen kill prompt, Chen Yilang trembled in shock.

My day, what's the situation?

He didn't do anything, why did he stab this large group of monsters on the spot?

"Student Chen Yilang!"

He came back to his senses, turned around and found that Xia Ling was already standing in front of him.

"Hey, for you."

She handed the drink in her arms to Chen Yilang.


Chen Yilang took it unexpectedly, and when he looked down, it was actually a bottle of pulsation.

"You must like drinking this, right?" Xia Ling tilted her head, "Last military training, when you came to help me carry things, you also drank this."

"Ah..." Chen Yilang was slightly surprised, "Oh, right..."

Say so.

But in fact, Chen Yilang had long forgotten about it.

At that time, he asked Li Zixian to help him with the pulse, in fact, it was just to test the effect of the amplification technique.

As for liking it...that's really not a question.

Unexpectedly, Xia Ling still had an impression of this matter.

"Shh..." Xia Ling put her slender green fingers to her lips and whispered, "Don't tell anyone else... There aren't many water and drinks in the waiting room, so I can only give you one quietly. brought."

"I understand, I understand." Chen Yilang smiled wickedly, "Thank you."

"It's okay," Xia Ling said, then raised a small fist towards Chen Yilang, "It will be a tiebreaker later? You must win!"

"Of course." Chen Yilang said with a smile, "Just stay off the court and watch."

The two briefly chatted and laughed for a few more words, and Xia Ling trotted back against the wall.

The game was about to start again soon, and she couldn't stay long.

As for the boys in the audience, their eyes followed Xia Ling's graceful figure all the way, and gradually moved away...

It's annoying!

Their little brains were full of big doubts at this time.

Where did I lose! ?

Take another look at Chen Yilang.

Isn't this guy just a little more handsome than me, a little more accurate than me, a little bit more knowledgeable than me, a little bit better at learning than me... that's all?


Is it still a day to cry for someone else's love after all...

After Xia Ling walked away, Chen Yilang glanced at the drink in his hand again.

But only see.

The bottle's seemingly unremarkable pulsation also shows a highlight mark

Item: Blessed Holy Spring x1

Details: A bottle of sweet spring infused with a girl's expectation and inspiration~www.wuxiamtl.com~ After use, it will restore a maximum of 50 health points and enter the [potential stimulation] state for one minute.

Potential Stimulation: In this state, the target's physical fitness is increased by 50, and it is immune to all negative state effects.

in the settings of this game.

Props and equipment are not the same thing.

Props are physical objects that exist in real life.

The equipment is the virtual props placed in the grid.


Chen Yilang gently unscrewed the bottle cap and poured a large mouthful of the holy spring of blessing into his mouth.

"ton ton ton ton... Ha!"


Chen Yilang suddenly felt that his mood was extraordinarily happy.

It really deserves to be "a girl's spring", sweet but not greasy, and the taste is really extraordinary.

And when the liquid enters the throat, it gurgles down the esophagus and into the stomach.

Chen Yilang also began to notice.

His body seemed to have some unusual feeling.

As if a fresh and refined ability rose from the soles of his feet, spiraled upwards, and then shot straight to the sky.

And his whole body became a lot easier at this moment, and he was full of energy.

To describe it in one word, it is...

You have used [Blessed Fountain]!

You have entered a new state: Potential Unleashed!

at this time.

The referee blew the whistle to start the fourth quarter.

"Brothers, it's time to get up."

Chen Yilang stood up from the ground, patted the dust on his body casually, and grinned:

"it's time to……"

"It's our home court."

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