If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 128: 【Pull God】

Monday, afternoon.


The sun sank slowly towards the west in the afternoon.


The sky was still bright, and the hot concrete floor was gradually cooling.


For the students of Nanxuan University,


This point is the most suitable time for exercise.


There are more and more people on the basketball court of Dongti.


Everyone knows that today is the start of the Freshman Cup. Students who are interested in basketball or handsome guys are already waiting here with great interest.


The atmosphere was very lively, and Tan Cong, who was sitting behind the audience, was also very bright.


The so-called spectator seats can also be understood as the big players watching the game.


Tan Cong, who is already a senior this year, is the current director of the Outreach Department of the Student Union of the Business School.


The so-called External Relations Department,


The most important task, of course, is to be in charge of contacting off-campus stores to secure sponsorships for the academy's activities.


Usually, most of the funding sources in the student union are the colleges, and the other is the outreach.


Sometimes, the funding provided by an excellent external liaison department even far exceeds the part of the college's funding.


And what does a great outreach department need?


Of course, that's an awesome minister.




This sentence is talking about Mr. Tan.


So far,


Students who stay in the Student Union of the Business School,


Basically, there are not many people who don't know Tan Cong.


Whenever Tan Cong is mentioned,


Everyone's first impression of him is almost the same.


——God of Ladan!


In the rivers and lakes of the business school student union, the story of this ruthless man has been circulating.


It is said that when Tan Cong first took office, he took the foreign liaison department of that session, and in just three days, he went to all the business districts near NTU.


that year,


The sponsorship fee drawn by the External Relations Department once reached the peak of history.


Even now, many businesses outside the school still contact Tan Cong from time to time.


It was also that year that Tan Cong's name completely rang in the student union of the business school.


after that,


Because Tan Cong is really good at pulling, he can be called the invincible hand in pulling all over the world, so he has the name "God of pulling orders".


Abbreviation - God Ra!


Of course.


No matter how awesome the boss is, he will grow old one day.


In the student union, most students become officers in their sophomore year, and then become ministers in their junior year.


And when it comes to senior year, if you don't run for a higher position, or quit.


The days that really give you the opportunity to shine are actually only a short year.


Just like the current Tan Cong.


As the God of Ra, he has come to the time to retire.


He just wanted a white, tender and energetic young man to take his place.


Tan Cong was lucky, he waited for that person.


"Minister, the billboards for the sponsors are all set up."


"At the entrance of the gymnasium, the largest and most easily noticed scoreboard was erected next to it."


"And then in every corner of the court, there are also subordinates who have arranged to distribute flyers."


"Do you have any further instructions, Minister?"


Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao will arrive.


The new student with extraordinary potential has come to him.


Tall and handsome appearance, dare to speak and act, outstanding social skills...


Tan Cong could hardly find any shortcomings in him.


Besides, he is better at taking the initiative.


While most of the freshmen were still waiting for the recruitment activities of the Student Union, he had already established relationships in various ways and joined the team of the Business School's Outreach Department in advance.


And this time for the Freshmen Cup, the three sponsors that the External Relations Department has drawn are all from this person.


It can be said that this freshman has beaten all his peers for ten streets!


Even many senior brothers and sisters older than him may not have reached his current abilities.


Tan Cong really believed in the way he saw people.


——This guy is definitely a proper external partner!


And it is entirely possible to surpass the former him and become the new God of Ra!


"You did a great job, Xiaobin."


Tan Cong nodded with satisfaction, "After this year's Freshman Cup, you will definitely receive a lot of sponsorship fees."


"When you show these achievements, the leaders of the academy will definitely be impressed by our External Relations Department and you."


"It's an award, Minister." Lan Jiabin smiled, "I'm just using the time everyone spends playing games to improve myself."


"If you work harder, based on your current abilities and achievements, you are very likely to become the youngest minister in the history of our External Relations Department." Tan Cong said.


"Minister, you mean, I have the hope of becoming a minister in my sophomore year?" Lan Jiabin lowered his voice and asked tentatively.


"You only became a minister in the second year of sophomore year? Someone has done this kind of thing a long time ago." Tan Cong smiled and looked at Lan Jiabin meaningfully, "Xiao Bin, you are still not confident enough..."


"I understand." Lan Jiabin gave Tan Cong a second look.


- Brother Cong means, let him be a minister in his freshman year!


If other people hear this, I'm afraid the first reaction will be that this is purely bragging.


Freshman minister?


Isn't this a joke!


A young boy who has just graduated and has not even figured out the situation in the school, why should he be a minister?


not to mention,


Even if you do, do you think someone will obey you?


If it were a normal day, Tan Cong would think the same.


But since meeting Lan Jiabin, Tan Cong's view has changed.


- This Binbin is really not inferior!


And Tan Cong, who wanted to retire early, was naturally willing to help him.


Tan Cong knew very well,


It is definitely a wise thing to be friends with someone like Lan Jiabin, not to mention being his guide.


So after Lan Jiabin joined the Outreach, Tan Cong has always taken good care of him.


Even now, not long after school started, Lan Jiabin had already been appointed as an officer by default.


If there is no big accident,


At the latest in the first semester of college, he will be able to pull Lan Jiabin to the position where he is sitting now...


"The Freshman Cup basketball game is about to start!"


"Now announce the first game of the group stage!"


"Marketing majors against financial management majors!"



The referee's voice from the stadium suddenly pulled Tan Cong's attention back.


He looked up and found that both sides of the stadium were already crowded with crowds watching the excitement, as well as the atmosphere groups on both sides.


"How about these two teams?"


Tan Cong asked.


After all, he is already a senior, so he naturally has no understanding of the situation of the freshman.


"These two teams... I don't think there is much to see."


Lan Jiabin shrugged and said, "I'm pretty weak, I guess, I haven't heard much about it..."


"Our freshman year, recognized as the strongest team, is still our international trade major."


Speaking of which, Lan Jiabin couldn't help showing a smug look on his face.


"Eh, really?"


Sitting on the side, a girl in a jersey from the sports department heard this and said curiously:


"Why do I seem to have heard that marketing is not weak?"


"According to the boys in our class, there seems to be a boy named Zhang Jinbo in their team. He used to play guard in the high school varsity. He is quite strong?"


"Then you shouldn't have heard them say that only this person is strong in marketing."


Lan Jiabin shrugged and said, "You'll find out after you look at it later! Except for Zhang Jinbo, the rest of the people are a group of oil bottles and shrimp soldiers and crab generals!"


"Basketball is a five-player game. It's useless to rely on Zhang Jinbo alone! He's not strong enough to play one-on-five..."


Lan Jiabin just said this,


Then he heard a burst of cheering from the basketball.


"What's going on?" Tan Cong wondered.


Obviously the game hasn't started yet, why are you so excited now?


This atmosphere is not right!


Lan Jiabin and the girl were also stunned.


Everyone stuck their heads out and looked at the scene on the court.


——It turned out that one of the teams entered the field.


"Hey, isn't that the marketing team?"


The girl in the ball uniform asked curiously.


How can it be?


Lan Jiabin looked over with a puzzled face, and then found a familiar figure in the team.


—Chen Yilang!


"What the hell?" Lan Jiabin was dumbfounded, "This dead house can play basketball too?"


"No, Xiao Bin."


At this time, Tan Cong seemed to notice something strange, "Look at their uniforms, what's the situation?"


After Lan Jiabin did as he did, he was even more dumbfounded.




The marketing team put commercials on their jerseys.


But the product promoted by this advertisement is a bit strange. What is it called "Full Shell"?


As for the promotion, it's even more **** outrageous.


——Sexy and full, online door-to-door service?


What the **** is this tmd!


Lan Jiabin felt a pain in the ass.


No wonder everyone was booing, it turned out to be the reason for this jersey!


"Which professional team is this? This jersey is **** amazing!"


"Master is about to die of laughter, marketing is awesome!"


"Which ghost came up with the idea? It's 666!"


"So what the **** is that stuffed shellfish? I'll have to go over and find out later..."




After listening carefully to the discussions of the onlookers, Lan Jiabin found that all the focus was really on the jersey advertisements for marketing...


"..." He was immediately stunned.


The person who is more confused than Lan Jiabin is naturally Tan Cong.


——As a pulling god, what kind of pulling method has Tan Cong never seen before?


But he has never seen this method...


What kind of marketing method did this tmd come out of?


It's so dirty!


Not only dirty, but also with an indescribable coquettish energy...


"Which guy came up with the idea?"


Tan Cong was immediately impressed by the planner of this jersey advertisement.


Strong interest.


This guy's marketing method is not only open-minded, but also very simple and rude.


All I can say is, it's really stupid.


Niu Dao in this short moment, almost all the attention of everyone in the audience was firmly pinched by him in the palm of his hand!


In Tan Cong's heart, he vaguely smelled the breath of a big boss.


This guy is terrifying!


——His business acumen and marketing level are likely to be a lot higher than Lan Jiabin!


Who said this game was boring?


Interesting, very interesting.


Tan Cong's interest was completely teased.


He must find out who that guy is!


"Xiao Bin!"


Tan Cong's face turned cold, and UU reading www.uukanshu.com suddenly became serious.


He turned to look at Lan Jiabin and said in a deep voice:


"If I'm not mistaken,"


"The planner of this uniform promotion,"


"Definitely a great guy."


"You listen now."


"Within three minutes, I want all his information and materials!"



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