If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 129: "Should I play?"


Lan Jiabin was stunned.

As a member of the External Relations Department, he has naturally heard of Brother Cong's title of "La God".

After all, he has been with Brother Cong for a short time, and this is the first time he sees Brother Cong so excited all of a sudden.

- So that guy is really that powerful?

Hearing Tan Cong's high evaluation, Lan Jiabin was a little unconvinced in his heart.

In Lan Jiabin's view,

In other respects, he can admit that his skills are inferior to others.

But if he compares his business acumen, it is absolutely impossible for him to admit defeat.

You know, he was originally born in a merchant family!

From childhood to adulthood, under the influence of his parents, he has dealt with businessmen a lot.

The most important thing is that he has [money ability]!

This is something that most people don't have!

Many times, even if there is no way in front of you, as long as you use the [Banknote Ability], you can usually force a way out.


Compared with his peers, he must have more understanding and experience about the gameplay of business and marketing.

So after hearing what Brother Cong said, Lan Jiabin also became curious, trying to figure out who this person was.

He got up and walked to the edge of the field, took a photo of one of the players marketing on the field, and scanned the QR code on the back of his jersey.


Lan Jiabin was dumbfounded.

—This QR code is a group chat penguin number.

And the group leader of this Penguin is Chen Yilang.

【Ding! 】

[You used [Unexpectedly], causing a lot of mental damage to [lv20 Giant Trench Maniac]! 】

[You got: Gold +1321, Experience +654! 】

[You got [The Origin of All Evil x20]]


Chen Yilang was stunned again.

What plane are you doing?

Why did he stab that guy Lan Jiabin again out of nowhere?

He didn't even see the figure of that guy...

But he didn't have time to care about that.

Because the game is about to start.

With the referee's whistle, players from both sides jumped the ball.

In the surrounding voices, the first duel officially started.

The ten people on the pitch started a fierce fight.

And Chen Yilang sat off the field as a substitute, sipping happy water slowly and swiping his mobile phone.

"Ding dong."

"Ding dong."

The Penguin kept sending requests to join the group chat.

This group chat is the "full shell" business group created by Chen Yilang himself.

And just before the game started,

The only people who stayed in this group chat were Chen Yilang, Wang Huayun, and less than ten students who were pulled in.

However, the ten students, which can only be counted on one's fingers, were all the guests that Wang Huayun had previously attracted by distributing leaflets bitterly.

And now, not long after the competition started, there were already more than ten students who took the initiative to apply to join the group.

There is also a big difference between actively joining and passively joining customer groups.

Almost none of the students who were pulled in by Wang Huayun before, one or two were all [diving monsters].

And those who took the initiative to join the group have already begun to ask Chen Yilang for the details of the business with great interest.

Brother Lang, who was so busy, didn't have time to pay attention to the situation on the court.

This attracted the attention of the girls in the atmosphere group who were sitting on the side.

"Why doesn't he play?"

The girls whispered in low voices.

They don't know basketball very well, and for Chen Yilang, they just remember the three-pointer he made at that time.

But now, I see Chen Yilang staying with their group of beautiful girls, as if he wants to sit on the cold bench directly through the hole...

The difference is just that big.

"What's so weird about that? He can't play football!"

Another boy on the bench heard the discussion of the girls, so he couldn't help but interject: "His three-point shot is obviously lucky, right? If he is really allowed to play, I guess he will do it wherever he goes. not understand."

"Is that so..." The girls in the atmosphere group nodded thoughtfully after listening to his words.

So, this new handsome guy is actually just a vase?

"what the hell."

"What a waste of expressions."

The girls were disappointed.

Looking at Chen Yilang again, I found that he was still swiping his phone intently, looking like an outsider, as if this game didn't matter to him at all...

"Hey, this is too salty."

"Although he looks really handsome, a boy who has no motivation is really not likeable."

"But if I were a rich woman, I might consider letting him fight for ten years less..."

But anyway.

Chen Yilang's favorability in their hearts has indeed dropped a lot.

At the same time, before you know it, the competition has become more and more intense.

At first, the girls in the atmosphere group kept shouting cheers,

But at the back, the sound became smaller and smaller.

-Because the score difference between the two teams is also getting bigger and bigger.

The game is divided into four sections,

But after each section,

Marketing professional teams will be pulled five or six points.

By the end of the third quarter, the financial management major was 15 points ahead.

In this situation, gradually, the atmosphere team is no longer in the mood to cheer.

On the contrary, the financial management major on the opposite side shouted louder and louder and more and more happy.

"Come on, financial management!"

"Financial management is invincible, financial management is awesome!"

"Rush rush!"

Even at the back, some sarcastic voices can be heard:

"Brothers in marketing, it seems like a little kidney deficiency!"

"Let's put some water in, we're all brothers from an academy, we still have to give some face."

"Look at you, I'll just say it, as long as Zhang Jinbo is prevented from death, what can they do? There's no way!"

"There's nothing to say, this wave just got off to a good start!"

On the financial management team, the atmosphere was high.

On the city side, it was the complete opposite, full of low pressure.

"I lost."

During the intermission, after walking off the court, everyone heard Zhang Jinbo's cold words.

The team members around looked at each other, and all closed their mouths sensibly without saying a word.

"Is it really impossible, Brother Bo?"

The girls in the lost atmosphere group couldn't help but ask Zhang Jinbo with a hint of anticipation.


Zhang Jinbo muttered, with a hint of resentment in his tone: "There have been two strong boys staring at me opposite, no matter how strong I am, there is nothing I can do!"

"I dragged two people here, but the four of you couldn't beat three of them, so what else can I say?"

As he talked, Zhang Jinbo didn't get angry, pointed at the other players and said loudly: "One or two are trash, and I won't be able to take you with me when I come!"

The teammates shrank their heads and dared not speak.

Although Zhang Jinbo scolded a bit harshly, he couldn't help it, but it was the truth.

But they have indeed tried their best, and if they still can't beat it, what can they do?

"The financial management has obviously released water, and there is still a lot of water, so he was beaten so badly by others?"

"No way, the market is still too stretched. If there is no Zhang Jinbo, the difference is estimated to be three digits?"

"You're too exaggerated... But there's one thing to say, it's really good!"

"It's gone, it's boring..."

The people watching around have gradually lost their interest in watching the game.

After all, this kind of crushing showdown has nothing to admire at all. Isn't it delicious to take this good time to sleep?

The discussion grew louder and louder, so clear that everyone in the city camp could vaguely hear it.

At this time, everyone unanimously chose silence...

【Ding! 】

【Danger! 】

[The environment appears [negative energy pressure], and the intensity is rising sharply! 】

[The target within the range will be continuously damaged! 】



Just when this depressing atmosphere gradually fell to the bottom.

A voice broke the dead silence in the team.

"So, can I play?"

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