If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 127: 【Man's Promise】!

Popular recommendation:

The jersey thing was quickly implemented.

First of all, it is the design of the jersey advertisement.

After getting the team's approval, Chen Yilang immediately contacted Wang Huayun to discuss it.

"Our project doesn't seem to have a name yet, Senior Brother?" Chen Yilang took the lead in raising a key question.

"Yes, because I never knew what to name it before."

Wang Huayun said helplessly: "But I have thought of several names before, such as 'Suda', 'Miaopai', 'Nanda Convenience'... and so on."

"...It's pretty down-to-earth."

"Yes, yes, but it feels very ordinary."

Be confident, let go of the feeling...

Chen Yilang's mouth twitched slightly, and after thinking for a few minutes, he had an idea: "Yes."

"What's it called?" Wang Huayun sat up a little excitedly.

"It's just called—"Chen Yilang smiled mysteriously," 'Full Bei'!"

"Full?" Wang Huayun was taken aback for a moment, and then he laughed again, "It's kind of interesting, very irritating!"

This homophonic stalk, play 666!

"As for the slogan, I have more irritating ideas..."

Chen Yilang looked around, lowered his voice in Wang Huayun's ear, and said the rest.


After listening to Chen Yilang's words, Wang Huayun almost broke his waist on the spot.

After discussing the name and slogan, the two began to work on other things.

For example, the LOGO of Fenbei, the design of the advertising layout, the color and style, etc...

Previously, Chen Yilang's experience in copywriting and editing accumulated while doing tasks for [NPC Mo Xiaoxi] began to play a role.

Soon, the two settled on the ball advertisement.

When the final result is achieved,

Both had relaxed and happy expressions on their faces.

One word - cool!

This kind of feeling that several like-minded people work together, put their energy and enthusiasm together, and achieve the same goal together, it is difficult for those who have not experienced it personally.

And this time,

Chen Yilang also saw the happy smile of a child on Wang Huayun's face.

【Ding! 】

[NPC Wang Huayun's favorability has been improved! 】

[Favorability: 33%]

【Favorability condition has been fulfilled! 】

[You have gained the trust of NPC Wang Huayun! 】


Chen Yilang smiled slightly.

He really didn't expect the condition to be reached so quickly.

And all along, Chen Yilang has not deliberately brushed the NPC's favorability.

Although this favorability mechanism is actually similar to the development game, Chen Yilang always felt that the way to really shorten the distance between people is actually a natural and sincere communication.

"Senior brother."

After laughing happily, the expression on Wang Huayun's face gradually became serious.

He looked at Chen Yilang and suddenly said:

"The thing you told me before, in fact, I haven't paid much attention to it."

"I didn't know you at that time, and I was worried that you were acting on a whim."

"This era is indeed a bit impetuous..."

"Many young people are like this. What they want to do is always full of enthusiasm at the beginning, and then they start to give up halfway at the end..."

"But now, I seem to see a little bit of hard work and enthusiasm in you."

"So I think, now, I can really think about it seriously."

After Wang Huayun paused for a while, he continued:

"Why don't you do this, Junior Brother."

"If this jersey promotion plan can really achieve certain results - I will hand over the full shell project and the full glue to you."

"At the same time, I will also change the name of the general manager on the project plan to your name."

"how do you feel?"

After speaking,

In Chen Yilang's sight,

He saw the top of Wang Huayun's head, and at the same moment, a flashing exclamation mark popped up.


【Ding! 】

[You have triggered a new side quest: The Promise of Men! 】

[Task name: The Promise of a Man]

[NPC: Wang Huayun]

[Details: At this moment, you used your perseverance, calmness, wisdom and courage to convince the man sitting in front of you. 】

[Reward 1: Full Shell Project Plan. 】

[Reward 2: A lot of gold coins and experience points. 】

[Reward 3: [Mystery Mall Open Key x1]]

【Are you accepting this task? 】


Chen Yilang smiled.

Whether to accept?

Why are you talking nonsense with me?

This is... a promise between men!

Chen Yilang's eyes brightened, and he said without hesitation, "I think it's OK!"

The two smiled at each other, stretched out their hands in unison, and held each other's wrists.

【Ding! 】

[You have accepted the mission: The Promise of a Man! 】


this evening.

The moon is bright and the stars are sparse, and the night wind is cool.

Chen Yilang and Wang Huayun, one fat and juicy little fresh pork, and the other weather-beaten old bacon, chatted for a long, long time in the dark...

Wang Huayun seemed to be a little emotional, and opened a few cans of beer while talking.

After a few mouthfuls of suffocation, Wang Huayun's face was slightly drunk, his eyes were blurred, and then he began to talk about the past...

Talking about the ignorance of his freshman year, the beginning of love in his sophomore year, the confusion in his junior year, and the renewed enthusiasm now...

Chen Yilang wanted to stop it for a while, but then he gave up after thinking about it.

It was a man's agreement just now, but now it's a man's choice...

Brother Lang couldn't bear to watch Wang Huayun pour himself a drink in loneliness, so he also drank a few glasses with him.

【Ding! 】

[Skill [Alcohol Resistance] has been improved! 】

[Alcohol resistance: lv1?lv2]


Chen Yilang savoured the bitter taste of beer, recalling the last time his [Alcohol Resistance] was improved, when he ate with Sister Bing.

Although I don't really like the taste of wine, I also know that this thing can't be greedy, after all, drinking too much can hurt my health...

But Chen Yilang felt that, as for alcohol, something is better than nothing.

A lot of things are like that, and you can refrain from doing it, but it doesn't hurt if you can.

That's it~www.wuxiamtl.com~ until late at night,

Chen Yilang took the drunk Wang Huayun and staggered back to the dormitory area.

"Senior brother!"

"Wait for your good news!"

After saying this, Wang Huayun was dragged into the bedroom by his roommates, and then fell onto the bed...

As for whether there will be any paid content such as strongmen locking men in the future, it is not something that Chen Yilang can guess.


Time passed without knowing it.

The day of the official start of the Freshman Cup has just arrived.

An hour before the start of the game,

Chen Yilang sat in front of the table in the dormitory and threw waste paper **** into the trash can boredly.

【Ding! 】

[The proficiency of the skill [Hand of God] has been improved! 】

[lv4 Hand of God: 576/600]


"It's almost level five."

Chen Yilang thought to himself.

Among his so many skills,

The Hand of God is probably the easiest skill to gain proficiency with.

As long as he wants to, he can throw all kinds of things all day, and keep raising the level of this skill.

Of course, as the subsequent level becomes higher, the difficulty of improving proficiency will naturally increase, but Chen Yilang has not encountered this bottleneck yet.

At this time, a new message popped up in the group chat.

"@All players, brothers, the game is about to start, hurry up and gather at the East Sports Basketball Court!"

Chen Yilang, who was already ready to go, got up calmly.

Facing the afternoon sun,

On the back of the jersey, the logo of Fenbei is sparkling.

Under the logo, there is a line of advertising slogans completed in beautiful block letters.

"Sexy and full, online door-to-door service!"

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