If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 126: 【Wind Walk】!

Popular recommendation:

In the group chat of "Marketing World's No. 1 Universe Invincible".

In front of the screen at the other end,

Zhang Jinbo was stunned again when he saw the news sent by Chen Yilang.


why is he again...

Zhang Jinbo didn't see Chen Yilang unhappy... well, he just saw Chen Yilang unhappy.

Mainly because he always felt,

It seems that every time he's about to announce something, this guy always jumps out at this moment, timing it just right every time.

If this is not called targeting, what else can it be called?

Could it be... called love?

Zhang Jinbo had no choice but to say angrily, "Brother Chen Yilang, what's your problem?"

"It doesn't really matter, I just want to ask, what is the style of this jersey? Which business is it?" Chen Yilang asked.

"It was posted in the group before, you can read the record yourself." Zhang Jinbo said.

"I'm not late, I can't see the chat record here!" Chen Yilang said.

Zhang Jinbo was depressed, thinking that you can really do this, and you are so confident after being late...

Zhang Jinbo thought it was troublesome, and it was generally not a good thing to have a relationship with Chen Yilang, so he actually didn't want to pay attention to the latter.

But Chen Yilang has been unrelenting, so many people are watching, he can't do anything about it.

Helpless, Zhang Jinbo had to send out the picture of the jersey.

"Our team uniforms are the style of the City of Angels Lakers, and the main color is purple and gold."

"We contacted an old shop specializing in custom-made clothing in Dongmen Back Street. Now we have negotiated, and we will officially start work when we pay."

Zhang Jinbo said.

Chen Yilang quickly grasped the point: "It means that it is still too late to cancel or change the order now, right?"

"Yeah, I haven't started making clothes anyway... Wait a minute, that's not right, what do you want to do?" Zhang Jinbo was stunned, and reacted a little bit later.

"Since it is possible, then I would like to briefly share some of my thoughts with you."

Chen Yilang said, "I took a look at our jersey, and the style is really nice... But what I want to ask is, are you willing to sacrifice a little bit of the beauty of the clothes in exchange for some other commercial value?"

"How to change the law?" Someone in the group asked.

After all, everyone is from a business school, so they must be sensitive to related vocabulary.

Therefore, the word commercial value is naturally not too unfamiliar to everyone in the group.

"Put an ad."

Chen Yilang said directly:

"To tell you the truth, I have a project in my hands that has just started, and it's just the time to promote it."

"Although the popularity of the Freshman Cup basketball game is not very high, if it is placed in our college, there is still a certain amount of attention."

"So I want to ask everyone, can you give me a chance?"

"Of course, I won't let everyone help me with free advertising."

"I'll pay for all the costs of our uniforms."

When Chen Yilang first started to speak, everyone was not very interested in this matter.


I always feel that it looks very low...

But when Chen Yilang finally said that he paid for the team service, everyone immediately became excited again.

Hey, if you say this, I won't be sleepy anymore...

You know, the basketball uniforms they ordered this time cost fifty or sixty yuan for a set.

For college students, especially freshmen who have just entered the school, although this is not a huge amount of money, it is definitely not a small amount of money.

At least, it was enough for their two meals in school.

"I think it's OK."

"Bird Food, it would be better if you could pay for sneakers (dog head

"I don't care, let's see what Brother Bo has to say."


Regarding Chen Yilang's proposal,

Most of the group seemed to have no objection.

The reason is not difficult to understand.

Such a thing as low, a low, that is called low.

But if everyone is low together, it is called momentum.

So, as long as everyone has an ad on the back of their jersey, it doesn't matter.

If you want to be ugly and ugly, who is afraid of who!

And most people participate in this competition, in fact, they do not have a very serious attitude.

The so-called Freshman Cup actually focuses on friendship.

After all, the champion doesn't have any particularly rich real money rewards. Most people play the game, in fact, they come with the mentality of playing.

Therefore, everyone naturally has no major opinions on Chen Yilang's proposal.

Save more than 50 yuan! Doesn't it taste good?

Why bother with the money?


Zhang Jinbo doesn't seem to think so.

"I don't think so."

Zhang Jinbo said, adding a somewhat angry expression to the message:

"We're going to play, everyone!"

"It's so fancy, what do you want our opponents to think of us?"

"It doesn't matter if we win. If we lose, what will others think of us?"

"We will be humiliated and thrown at grandma's house, and then become the laughing stock of the whole academy!"

After Zhang Jinbo finished speaking, no one else dared to say a word.

After all, in everyone's heart, Zhang Jinbo is still recognized as the big brother.

If the eldest brother stood up and objected, it would not be so simple to decide on a matter.

But Chen Yilang replied calmly:

"First of all, I think it's all about vanity."

"We put up advertisements, one is not stealing, and the other is not robbing, upright and upright, what's the shame?"

"There are even ads on NBA jerseys, but when have you ever seen someone grab this thing and let it go?"

"Most normal viewers must focus on the game itself and the outstanding players. Who cares if there are advertisements placed on this thing?"

When Chen Yilang said this,

Zhang Jinbo was already silent.


He couldn't think of any reasonable arguments to refute Chen Yilang's views, and he didn't have any confidence to convince the other team members.

After all, Chen Yilang paid the money...

most of the time,

In the face of the real source of all evil, many languages ​​are actually extremely pale and powerless.

And at this time,

Chen Yilang added another sentence: Gu

"Also, you seem to have made an assumption just now, right?"

"You're saying, if we lose."

"Then why can't you change your mind and think about it..."

Chen Yilang smiled lightly:

"What if we can't lose?"

"..." Zhang Jinbo was dumbfounded.

Chen Yilang's words completely left him speechless.

Although he didn't understand at all, where did this guy get his self-confidence...

After being silent for a while, Zhang Jinbo said a little dejectedly: "What you said, you can't just rely on me to break through the academy, right?"

"Our academy is so big, and there are some great people in other classes, okay?"

"Who said it must depend on you?"

Chen Yilang was amused, and joked with a smile, "The game hasn't even started yet, why do you take yourself seriously, Brother Bo?"

As soon as this word comes out,

The chat area was suddenly bombed with a large number of replies.

"[Bull's head][Beer]!"

"6, this wave of persecution, I call it unsolvable persecution!"

"Brother Bo, can you bear this?"

"Fight! Fight! Fight!"


The group of friends were so excited at this meeting that their focus had already shifted from the game to 108,000 miles away.

"Don't fan the flames, I didn't say anything about myself." Chen Yilang smiled happily, "I want to say, which of the brothers in the invincible city team of the No. 1 universe in the world is not the strongest in combat. Brother Bo can't stand it, isn't there still us?"

When the conversation changed, the atmosphere in the group became more lively, and they all began to laugh at Chen Yilang as "Master Duan Shui".

This made Zhang Jinbo, who stayed in the corner depressed and didn't have a chance to say a word for a long time, couldn't hold back a little.

What's going on here?

Obviously he is the captain of the team!

Why is it that when he usually speaks in the group, few people respond to him, everyone is pretending to be dead, and when Chen Yilang speaks, they all start to cheat?

Could it be that your favorite captain, isn't it me?


【Ding! 】

[You used [Crossing Sword to Capture Love], causing a lot of mental damage to [lv9 Ball Controlling Genius]! 】

[You got: Gold +1025, Experience +667! 】

[You got the accessory: [Shadow of the Point Guard x1]! 】

===【Shadow of the Point Guard】===

Type: jewelry

Quality: Rare

Durability: 57/57

Details: The shadow of a top point guard. It is said that his speed is so fast that even his body will become an afterimage when he runs. He is recognized as a fast man in the basketball circle.

Effect: Active Skill [Wind Walk]

Wind Walk: After activating this skill, the target's agility attribute increases by 300% for 10 seconds.


Without any hesitation, Chen Yilang took off the [Sunshine Doll] on his body and put it on [Shadow of the Point Guard].

For Brother Lang, who is not very skilled at dribbling, the appearance of this accessory can be said to be just right.

The discussion in the group gradually calmed down.

Anyway, everything went smoothly.

At least, Chen Yilang successfully got the jersey advertising space.

Of course--

He admits that this wave has an element of gambling.

Because this happened a bit suddenly, he didn't have time to say hello to Wang Huayun.

Therefore, he has not had time to discuss this issue with Wang Huayun.

However, Chen Yilang has also made plans for the second step.

If he really can't pay the money, he will pay first.

Chen Yilang made a lot of money from [Mo Xiaoxi's shop] before, and it was more than enough for a wave of jerseys.

In an unofficial game like this, a team would only have seven or eight players, five starters, and a few substitutes.

For this amount of money, Brother Lang can still afford it.

the most important is,

The cost of a few hundred dollars to test the waters for their takeaway project is actually not a loss at all.

Not to mention ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ what they need most right now is this opportunity.

So after returning to the dormitory, Chen Yilang immediately told Wang Huayun his thoughts.

Unexpectedly, Wang Huayun seemed to be more excited than him.

This time,

Chen Yilang never saw the slightest weakness on his body, like a kidney deficiency, instead, there was a hard and firm breath from the inside out:

"It's awesome, apprentice!"

"We couldn't have imagined your operation!"

"How much money do you need, just tell us!"

"As for starting a business, it's normal to have an investment. Brother, I'm also a senior. Of course, this amount of money is still affordable!"

This enthusiasm made Chen Yilang a little difficult.

After refusing for a while, there was still no result, so he had to accept Wang Huayun's funds.

"Brother!" Wang Huayun became more excited the more he said, "Senior brother is happy today, fried chicken and beer tonight, I'll treat you!"

Chen Yilang: "Ah, it's not good..."

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Wang Huayun interrupted directly with a macho voice: "Don't be polite with me anymore, this wave of promotion of our project is your top priority! Waiting for your good news!"

【Ding! 】

[NPC Wang Huayun's favorability has been improved! 】

【Favorability: 20%】

"..." Chen Yilang was a little stunned.

totally unexpected,

Not only did he not lose this wave, he even made a small profit.

If so,

Then the progress of all this is completely under Chen Yilang's expectation and control.

Brother Lang lay on the armchair, lifted Erlang's legs leisurely, and took a sip of the Happy Water from the Fat House.

And now he-

Just quietly, waiting for the official arrival of the Freshman Cup.


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