If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 13: In-depth communication with the school flower

Chen Yilang seems to have some ambitions recently.

——He wants to be first in the class once.

Ashamed to say.

The main reason why he gave birth to this idea was not to fall in love with learning completely, but to experience the thrill of killing monsters.

He wants to kill [lv5 Ultimate Learning God]!

Maybe this is the happiness of men...

After all, a man is a simple creature that can be happy for several days with a single five kills.


Chen Yilang began to eat more crazily... No, study.

Once again after several days of intense study.

Chen Yilang thinks.

In sum, my mathematics and theory seem to have reached a new height...

How would you describe that feeling?

It was like entering a whole new world.

And everything in here is something that I couldn't imagine and believe when I was a salted fish and a scumbag.

——The world of the strong!

Chen Yilang felt that he was about to lose control of his swelling.

until one night.

Chen Yi, who was preparing to continue his studies in the room, found a big problem.

——[Memory Bread Making Blueprint] has run out.

He now has a lot of [knowledge points] and bread toast, but he can't reproduce memory bread.

"Damn, why?"

Chen Yilang felt a little pain in the ass.

Although he has mastered both mathematics and science, he still has a language that he can barely fool, and an extremely difficult English.

These two subjects are a bit confusing...

Chen Yilang has a big head.

Speaking of which, it is really a little sad. He who lost [Memory Bread] is still the same elementary school scum he used to be.

"It's just that I didn't study hard before."

"Young and strong don't work hard, the boss turns into a koi!"

Chen Yilang couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

dong dong dong—

The door was knocked at this time.

Chen Yilang got up and opened the door, and then saw a familiar figure again.

His little cousin, Liu Shiya.

She was still dressed in youthful fashion, but this time she had a ball on her head.

"My darling, why is it you again?"

Chen Yilang joked with a look of disgust.

"You're pretending to be a big head, I've heard it all, you passed the top 50 in the grade test this time!"

Liu Shiya said straight to the point, "I've been nagging every day by my mother these days, and you've made me stunned. What's going on?"

"Then isn't this because my sister has organized her notes well?"

Chen Yilang giggled.

"Stop talking." Liu Shiya couldn't help but give Chen Yilang a blank look, "But in fact, I didn't come to you today because of this."

"Then?" Chen Yilang raised his eyebrows.

"Is such that."

Liu Shiya said, "You also know that Xiong Yuwei and I are good sisters. She has poor grades, especially in science, so recently I have been looking for someone to teach her."

"My words are definitely out of time, because I have Math Olympiad and piano lessons every week."

"It doesn't take much time, just an hour or two every Saturday night."

"I've been thinking about it, but I really can't find a suitable candidate. It's only you, brother."

【Ding! 】

[You have triggered a new hidden mission! 】

[Mission: The troubles of good sisters. 】

[NPC: Liu Shiya. 】

[Details: Your performance has been affirmed by Liu Shiya. She hopes that you can help her good sister Xiong Yuwei to solve the problems in science study. 】

[Progress: Go to see Xiong Yuwei and have an in-depth exchange with him (0/1)]

Chen Yilang: ???

Why does it always feel weird?

And your sister, why do you want to communicate in depth?

To tell the truth, he has no experience in this kind of thing at all. If he really communicates in depth, it will definitely be dry, and both of them will feel uncomfortable.

But now that the quest has been triggered, you can't just say no and don't do it, right?

"Hey, why are you in a daze, brother?"

Liu Shiya put her hands on her hips, as if she hated iron for not being steel, "Do you know how many boys who want to go have no chance? You still look reluctant? And others won't prostitute you for nothing, she You told me you'll be paid."

Chen Yilang came back to his senses, and had no choice but to smile: "No, no, I'm worried that I won't be able to do the job."

"Don't worry, with your current strength, there is no problem at all." Liu Shiya patted Chen Yilang's shoulder carelessly, "Brother, then this matter can be settled like that, my good sister can be It's over to you."

"Yes, yes." Chen Yilang could only make an OK gesture.

Since that's all I've talked about, I had to bite the bullet.

And on the other hand, Chen Yilang also wants to continue pushing the quest line to see what happens next.

After all, the degree of freedom in this game is really too high, and Chen Yilang can't find a point where he can continue to advance.

The following week, Chen Yilang had a tough time.

Without [Memory Bread], Chen Yilang can only continue to study by his own efforts.

But it's weird.

Chen Yilang, who usually lay flat on his back, has gradually regained some learning status during this period of time.

The [Xueba]'s introverted breath did not cause any substantial damage to him anymore. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

On the contrary, he is often the one who launches [Breath of Involution] from time to time, causing waves in the entire Class 6 of Senior Three...

It's not even just the sixth class in the third year of high school.

The news about Chen Yilang quickly spread throughout the entire grade.

Up to now.

Almost all the senior high school dogs in Beijiang No. 1 Middle School know that there is a perverted and inspirational brother named Chen Yilang, who has soared into the sky in just one month...

"I'm afraid this **** has been pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger!"

[Students] Looking at their exam papers full of red crosses, they couldn't help but begin to doubt their lives.

Even Chen Yilang didn't understand.

Why during this period of time, the reputation value in his data column has been slowly rising...

But no matter what.

Finally, he still waited until the weekend.

After Chen Yilang packed up, he came to Xiong Yuwei's house at the agreed time.

After arriving at the place, Chen Yilang realized that his home and Xiong Yuwei's home were not very far away, just across a large road and diagonally opposite.

However, the two are not the same.

Chen Yilang's home is an ordinary residential area, while Xiong Yuwei's home is a small western-style building built in the courtyard...

Chen Yilang took out his mobile phone and sent a WeChat message to Xiong Yuwei.

After agreeing to Liu Shiya's request at that time, he and Xiong Yuwei added WeChat friends, but they haven't spoken much until now.

Chen Yilang sent a message: "Hello Xiong Yuwei, I am at the gate of your house."

Xiong Yuwei quickly replied to the news: "Hahahaha I'm sorry, I still have a few minutes left, I've already pushed it to the high ground, wait for me!"

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