If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 14: The fierce girl Xiong Yuwei?

Xiong Yuwei used voice to reply.

Chen Yilang clicked on the news and listened to it. The voice was really nice. The Mandarin was very standard, and the tone was like a wind chime.

No wonder they are all Xiong Yuwei with a sweet voice, it seems to be true.

Just this voice, it sounds like a sweet girl, right?

Chen Yilang put his hands in his pockets, whistled, and looked up at the sky bored.

Unexpectedly, Xiong Yuwei didn't make him wait for a long time, and came out of the room just a few minutes later.

From a distance, Chen Yilang saw a slender figure with a beautiful face.


Besides, Xiong Yuwei seems to have nothing to do with the word sweet sister.

I saw this girl pulling a pair of flip-flops, wearing short shorts and a camisole, with long, thick wavy hair, and a small earring hanging from her earlobe.

I have to admit that this dress is really beautiful and mature.

This makes Chen Yilang, wearing a white T-shirt and dark blue jeans, look extra like a stinky brother...

However, Xiong Yuwei is actually not allowed in school.

Especially at a critical juncture like the third year of high school, teachers and leaders certainly hope that students will spend more time and attention on learning.

"Sorry to keep you waiting!"

"Hahaha, it was too exciting just now. The last wave was pushed to the house. Guess what? Han Xin won by stealing the house!"

Xiong Yuwei was quite lively. After she opened the door to Chen Yilang, she chatted with the latter very casually.

This made Chen Yilang quite surprised.

I didn't expect Xiong Yuwei to look like she was not very close, but people are actually quite easy to get along with.

Just when Chen Yilang thought so.

A message box popped up on Xiong Yuwei's head.

[NPC: Xiong Yuwei]

[Details: A strange woman, don't be deceived by her good-looking appearance. One of her fists can make you unable to turn over in bed for half a month. 】

The corners of Chen Yilang's mouth wrinkled slightly, only then did he observe Xiong Yuwei's slender, but exceptionally toned arm muscles.

And when he walked into Xiong Yuwei's room, he finally understood all this.

Xiong Yuwei's room was a bit exaggerated.

In a huge bookcase, Chen Yilang can see all kinds of award certificates and trophies displayed in it.

There are swimming competitions, basketball competitions, marathon competitions, and even taekwondo competitions, sanda competitions, and kendo competitions…

"..." A drop of cold sweat gradually slid down Chen Yilang's forehead.


I thought she was a sweet girl, but she didn't expect to be a fierce girl.

It's just that Liu Shiya didn't explain these things clearly to him. Chen Yilang is now completely in a state of ignorance.

It was not until he chatted with Xiong Yuwei for a while that he knew that Xiong Yuwei was a sports student.

As for sports students, training usually takes a lot of time, so it is easy to delay the progress of the cultural class.

But Xiong Yuwei is really good.

Although she is a sports student, her grades in the culture class are still not bad, and she can also be squeezed into the top 100 of the grade in the second middle school.

If it weren't for the fact that the subject of mathematics dragged her back a little, she probably wouldn't be any worse than the old girl.

"Then let's start learning." Chen Yilang took out his textbook, "What other knowledge points do you still don't understand?"

"The part of the geometric sequence, as well as solid geometry and analytic geometry, especially parabolas and ellipses."

Xiong Yuwei said.

"Okay." Chen Yilang nodded.


What Xiong Yuwei said is not a particularly difficult knowledge point.

Liu Shiya is right, these are the contents that Chen Yilang can completely control at present.

Soon, Chen Yilang solved all the problems Xiong Yuwei had accumulated during this period.

But Chen Yilang knew that this was not the point.

After all, the real purpose of his coming here today was not really to make up lessons for Xiong Yuwei.

——He came to have an in-depth exchange with Xiong Yuwei.

So the current make-up course is at best a foreplay. After the atmosphere is a little less restrained and awkward, he has to start to get to the point.

"Student Xiong, are these awards all for you?" Chen Yilang looked around at the trophies and honorary certificates scattered all around, "It's too spectacular, too excellent."

"Damn, it's nothing." Xiong Yuwei waved her hand and said, "I'm a sports student, and I'm very salty. I'm not as good at studying as you, so I can only use some effort in this area."

Hearing this, Chen Yilang immediately felt ashamed...

Is this still called bad study?

Wasn't the previous self no different from the cannon fodder?

"You are really too modest." Chen Yilang laughed helplessly, "I don't like studying either, but my grades are much worse than yours. This is the real salted fish."

"But classmate Chen, you are very powerful now, you have done all the hard work!"

Xiong Yuwei smiled and said, "Also, I don't really like to practice sports."

"I didn't like reading very much when I was a child. My family had no choice but to send me to practice sports."

"As a result, I didn't expect that I did have a little talent in sports, and then I have persevered until now."

"It's very hard, isn't it?" Chen Yilang said softly.

"Yeah, I don't know how many times I've suffered large or small injuries. I even had a dozen stitches here."

Xiong Yuwei pointed to a scar on her calf.

Although it's not very long, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is very conspicuous on her fair skin.

"Haha, it's okay, this little injury, and it's not easy for me alone, everyone is working hard."

Xiong Yuwei said with a smile, "Just like you, classmate Chen, others only see how much progress you have made, but they don't know how much effort you put in behind the scenes."

Chen Yilang, who was deeply ashamed, could only keep a smile while comforting herself in her heart. Yes, she was right, you are really working hard to eat bread...

After the study that night, the two chatted a lot.

Chen Yilang and Xiong Yuwei unexpectedly got along a little bit, and he didn't know whether it was because they got along well or because Xiong Yuwei had a good personality.

All in all, his mission was completed without a hitch.

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations on completing the task: The troubles of good sisters. 】

[Get: ①Gold +999②Experience +1000③Lucky Mall Open Ticket. 】

The so-called [Mystery Mall Open Coupon], as the name suggests, is actually to open a shopping opportunity in a lucky mall.

Because this mall is still a pain in the ass, it doesn't sell goods 24 hours a day, it's all about the mood when it opens.

For example, since Chen Yilang bought the [Lucky Treasure Box] in the Lucky Mall last time and opened the [Memory Bread Making Diagram], it has only been opened once or twice.

So this reward is not bad.

However, there is nothing to dislike. After all, the difficulty of this task is really not very big, and it is just chatting and blowing water.

"Then let's see what's new in [Mystery Mall]." Chen Yilang thought to himself.


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