If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 12: Destroy the [Schoolmaster]!

For [Scholar Masters] and [School Gods].

The top five in the class may not be difficult.

Take Chen Jiahui, for example.

This time the second model, she still stands firmly at the top of the class.

But if you look at the grade ranking, she actually fell back ten places.

"This time the city's second model, the overall level of our class has slightly regressed."

Molly held up her black-rimmed glasses and said solemnly:

"In fact, I also noticed during this time that everyone is a little out of the learning state. Every night during self-study, there are people laughing and laughing. I really think I have a plan and don't pay any attention to this exam!"

"Take your fingers and count, how many days do we have until the college entrance examination?"

"It won't be long before the third and final city-wide mock test is coming."

"According to our previous teaching experience, under normal circumstances, if there is no accident, the final result of the college entrance examination is not much different from the score of the third mock test..."

"If you still deal with this attitude, when the college entrance examination day, you will still take the same old path as today..."

Molly got more serious the more she spoke.

The classmates didn't dare to say a word, and one or two of them began to slap their faces.

The atmosphere in the class gradually became heavier.

[Dangerous! [Breath of Criticism] is coming! 】

【Ding! You have successfully avoided the [Breath of Criticism] because your mentality is too good! 】


Chen Yilang was full of confusion.

When he looked at Chen Jiahui next to him again, he realized what had happened.

——In the status bar at the top of her head, there is a pattern of a split peach heart, which is marked as [Low].

Not only Chen Jiahui, but he also found that the other [Student Masters] and [Student Gods] in the classroom also had the same signs on their heads.

[Depression: A debuff that causes negative emotions, in this state, the target's mental attributes and intelligence attributes are reduced. 】

The intelligence attribute is easy to understand. As for the spiritual attribute, it can probably be understood as the spiritual defense ability.

Chen Yilang scratched his head.

This year's academic bullies don't seem to be very good, one or two seem to be very glassy...

That's it?

Does this break the defense?

For a salted fish like him who is used to lying down for a long time, Molly's words have no impact on him at all!

Especially Chen Jiahui, who was sitting next to her, [Breath of Criticism] seemed to hurt her quite seriously.

Her health bar has changed from healthy green to yellow under the influence of negative status, and her health is still slowly decreasing.

"However, during this period of time, I also saw some good things in the class."

Molly's tone changed, and her tone began to soften, "I'm here tonight, and I want to solemnly commend a classmate to everyone."

"He is Chen Yilang."

The voice fell.

The whole class seemed to have recovered from the depressing atmosphere and woke up like a dream.

Chen Yilang?

Did they hear it right?

They have been called and criticized by Molly from time to time during the three years of their high school, and even Brother Lang, who even gave up Molly in the end, was actually called and praised today?

It's like a tm science fiction story...

"Please take a look at the screen."

Molly said, and adjusted the PPT to the ranking interface of the previous exam.

"In the first mock exam, Chen Yilang was ranked 52nd in the class, second from last, and ranked 984th in the grade."

"And this time in the mock exam, Chen Yilang ranked 5th in the class and 49th in the grade..."


Chen Yilang was also stunned.

He actually reached the forty-ninth grade in the exam!

At that time, when he heard that the system had released this task to him, he once thought it was an impossible task.

Unexpectedly, his small goal will be achieved so quickly.

【Ding! 】

【Congratulations! 】

[Mission: Liu Shiya's temptation has been completed! 】

[Get: ①Gold +999②Experience +288③Assignable attribute points x1]

[Your level has been raised! 】

[Player: Chen Yilang]

[Level: lv4 (0/2000)]

【Reputation: 100】

[Title: Xiaobai who is just showing his edge. 】

[Get: ①Gold Coins +1111②Assignable Attribute Points x1]

After Molly paused for a while, she took a deep breath and continued:

"All of your classmates here must learn from classmate Chen Yilang!"

"Why can't you do what others can do?"

"I don't want to hear you say 'no' in the future. I hope that next time the city's three models, I can see more 'Chen Yilang' appear!"

[You activated the skill: [Super Breath of Involution]! 】

[You caused a huge mental attack on [lv2 Xueba] and successfully killed the target! get…】

[You caused a huge mental attack on [1v4 Xue Wang] and successfully killed the target! get…】

[You caused a huge mental attack on [lv5 Xue Shen] and successfully killed the target! get…】

this moment.

The entire [map] exploded immediately.

Countless glittering falling objects burst out from all corners of the classroom, and UU reading www.uukanshu.com scattered and floated in the air of the entire classroom.

The whole classroom is as bright as a torch.

These rays of light turned into countless meteors in the air, flying towards Chen Yilang as if attracted.

[Acquire Knowledge Points x234]

【Obtain the Soul of Hardship x23】

[Gain experience +453]

[Get Gold +1042]

"..." Chen Yilang was already dumbfounded.

He even doubted that he saw the sea of ​​stars just now.

Molly was still talking earnestly on the stage, while Chen Yilang was already confused.

After a while, he gradually regained his senses and understood what happened.

——He directly wiped out all the [Xueba] in the classroom at one time...


This is too sudden!

The corners of Chen Yilang's mouth began to twitch unconsciously.

Ma Dan, these guys are too inexperienced!

Now that's all right, he killed them all by himself, who else will he ask for [knowledge points] in the future!

Chen Yilang was so frightened that he hurriedly looked at his tablemate, and found that [lv5 Ultimate Learning God] was still firm, and inexplicably felt relieved...

Fortunately, this wave of [Super Involutionary Breath] just turned [lv5 Ultimate Learning God] into a big crippling, not to the point of death...

If he just died like this, then Chen Yilang would really not understand how to play this game.

According to his guess.

If you really want to kill [Ultimate Academic God], there may be only one way.

That is to beat her in a formal exam!

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