If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 11: Encounter [study bitch]

Chen Yilang actually has a little reputation in Beijiang No.1 Middle School.

After all, most people still have a little impression of being at the bottom of the ranking all year round.

There have been many exams, and they only saw Chen Yilang quickly fill in the multiple-choice questions on the answer sheet after the exam, and then lie down on the table and sleep soundly until the exam is over.

But this time things don't seem right...

Their brother Lang seems to have not only finished writing the exam papers, but actually handed in the papers ahead of time?

It just left the big spectrum.

"Brother Lang probably wrote a test paper on a whim today, right?"

"Then I found that I still couldn't understand the writing, and finally gave up the struggle and wrote it indiscriminately, and submitted it in advance."

"That's right, that's for sure."

The classmates in the classroom began to guess what Brother Lang was thinking.

But no matter what.

Seeing that Brother Lang was urged by the invigilator to leave the examination room, whistling and stomping to the dining hall, everyone was a little envious...

This time, the math test paper was so difficult that it couldn't be written well at all!


What the senior three dogs in Beijiang City didn't expect was that not only mathematics, but also English and general science were equally difficult this time.

After the two-day exam, everyone's faces were almost exhausted, and they returned to the classroom to re-set the table and slumped on their seats, chatting and farting in various ways.

"Damn it, I really want to know who wrote the test paper for the second model test? Is this a question that humans can write?" Someone complained.

"That's right. That's right."

Lin Jie looked melancholy and said with a frown:

"Especially math! I have no clue since the eighth multiple-choice question, let alone the big questions, it's all written by idiots! This time the test is absolutely blown up, let's see you next time in the eighth test room, brother them."

The examination room of Beijiang No. 1 Middle School is divided into grades.

The first examination room in the top 50.

The second examination room for the top 100.

The one hundred people outside usually don't say the name of the exam room, they just take the exam in class XX of grade XX.

The "eighth examination room" that Lin Jie said was obviously exaggerated.

"Hey, it's okay, my good brother, this year's math really exceeded the standard, and everyone did not do well in the test, just calm down a little bit."

"That's right, what are you afraid of, the big deal is to die, let's all die together!"

"Don't worry about it, I'll go to the cafeteria to have a late-night snack to celebrate later!"

The surrounding classmates came to comfort Lin Jie one after another.

Only Chen Yilang sat on the other side, silently observing all this, smiling without saying a word.

Ha ha.

You are still too young.

When others say that they are going to the eighth examination room, they may just say it. If you say that they are going to the eighth examination room, it is likely that they are really forming a group together...

But this is not difficult to understand.

After all, only Chen Yilang was able to see the two big characters [lv3 Xue Bie] above Lin Jie's head.

To be fair, the difficulty of killing this monster is probably no easier than [lv5 Ultimate Learning God].

Chen Yilang was still thinking about the countermeasures. Unexpectedly, Lin Jie noticed the former, who had been silent for a while, and said:

"Chen Yilang, I heard that you handed in the papers ahead of time this time. It seems that you did well this time, right?"

Lin Jie's words fell.

The students around were all excited.

"Really or not, Chen Yilang?"

"Damn it, Brother Lang, I think something is wrong with you recently. Have you been secretly studying with your brothers behind your back?"

"You're not being kind, you agreed to lie down together, but you roll better than anyone else!"

【Danger! [lv3 school bitch] activated the skill [hatred transfer], placing you in the center of the dangerous vortex...]

Chen Yilang was taken aback.

What's wrong with this?

Lao Tzu just wanted to think about life quietly, why was he suddenly pushed to the cusp of the storm?

The most outrageous thing is that he was actually framed as a school **** by a real [study bitch], which sounds outrageous...

[You were attacked by [public opinion], HP-78]

Chen Yilang felt a sudden pain in his head, and then looked at his own health, and he was directly cut off by nearly 30%...

It really hurts!

This is much stronger than the [Breath of Inner Volume] of [Ultimate Academic God]!

"Damn, underestimate this [study bitch]..."

Chen Yilang quickly thought about the means of fighting back in his heart.

Since this [School Bitch] likes disguise so much, let him show his true form!

"No, no, I'm a little bit luckier this time. I just reviewed several questions the night before the exam."

Chen Yilang smiled lightly and waved his hand: "But Lin Jie, how do I remember the last time you were the same, you seemed to say that you failed the math test, and when you got the final score, you seemed to be second in the single subject grade, right? ?"

"Ah? Last time, last time? I don't remember much." Lin Jie was startled, and he hesitated, "But, but I really failed the exam this time..."

"Hey, Lin Jie, why do I think Chen Yilang's words make sense?"

Someone reacted with hindsight, "It doesn't seem to be the same as last time, right? You seem to say that you are poor in the exam every time you take the exam, but I have the impression that you seem to have done well in the exam every time?"

"That's right, Lin Jie, at the end of the monthly exam, UU reading www.uukanshu.com you said you got the answer right, and half of the multiple-choice questions were wrong, but I remember that you scored 135 points on that exam!"

"Lin Jie, what kind of plane are you doing? Are you trying to impress our mentality, and then go directly to the first exam room to report in the next exam?"

The center of the conversation of the classmates around was back to Lin Jie once again.

"Oh, no, you, I..."

Lin Jie felt sweating profusely, and for a while he lost the ability to speak.

[You successfully dodged [lv3 school bitch]'s [hatred transfer]! 】

[[lv3 school bitch] suffered a [public opinion attack] and suffered a lot of damage! 】

[Get ①Gold +23 ②Experience +24]

Seeing that all the classmates surrounded Lin Jie, Chen Yilang left with satisfaction.

Humph, are you still trying to **** me?

There are no doors.

After that night, Lin Jie, whose little heart was hit hard by Chen Yilang on the spot, no longer dared to provoke Chen Yilang easily.

And after that, something new seems to have emerged.

A few days after the end of the second model test, we ushered in more exciting days.

——The list of achievements rankings came out.

For the senior high school dogs, this is also the most tense and exciting time.

In the evening self-study class, when Molly, the head teacher, projected the excel document of the ranking table on the screen.

All the students in Class 6 of Senior Three held their breaths and looked up at the same time.

Soon, after reading their rankings, the students all discovered something incredible.

The sound of gasping for breath came up and down in the classroom again...

——Chen Yilang entered the top five in the class.


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