I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 386 The peaceful era under the threat of Konoha Village

The Uchiha clan of Konoha Village chose Mount Zhengong, the Yuki clan of Snow Village chose Mount Duigong, and the Jiugong Mountain in the Holy Land of Huaguo Mountain was left with only five undecided peaks.

After hearing the news, Mao You from Cat Castle became even more anxious.

It urged the ninja cats even more urgently, causing the kittens to moan incessantly.

Because the pain caused by persecution exceeds the enjoyment brought by delicious food, the ninja cats inevitably feel resentful and even want to escape.

The calico cat Yaeko was the first to take action. In order to avoid the oppression of the clan leader, she slipped to Uchiha Shisui according to the psychic contract.

With the help of his contractor, Yaezi managed to sneak into Huaguo Mountain.

The most outrageous thing is that she proudly showed off to the patriarch Mao You: "Master patriarch, I have entered the Huaguo Mountain, meow, and I have completed your mission, meow."

Mao You was so angry that he flew into a rage, but he was helpless with the calico cat.

This kitten is Miwa Masayo's biological sister, and the old woman's favorite little cutie. Nekoyu really doesn't dare to punish her harshly.

Moreover, Yaeko was either hiding in Konoha Village or staying in the Holy Land of Flower and Fruit Mountain. Nekoyu's hands were not that long and she could not reach these two places.

Following the calico cat's example, the kittens who had made contracts with the Uchiha clan's ninjas ran away one after another and hid in Konoha Village instead of returning to the Cat Castle.

The Ninja Cat training plan fell apart and completely failed.

At this point, Maoyou also realized his mistake. He was pushing too hard and was not doing enough. On the contrary, the ninja cats in the Cat Castle had no intention of practicing.

So under Uchiha Yu's suggestion, it changed its tune and gave up its high-pressure policy of coercion, switching to the temptation of delicious food.

Practicing in the Cat Castle will reward you with colorful squid, practicing with a serious attitude will reward fish balls, and making significant progress in cultivation will reward you with dried fish. Accumulating dried fish can be exchanged for octopus leg meat.

If there is an obvious breakthrough, the small underground fish will even be directly rewarded.

This was an incredible reward, and even Miwa Masayo found it very tempting.

As a result, the training atmosphere in Cat Castle became active again, and the speed of progress also accelerated significantly, and finally achieved results at the beginning of Konoha 51.

Tanita Cat is a civet cat and the younger sister of Miwa Masayo.

She is extremely sensitive to numbers and has been helping Granny Cat with her business, but she is very introverted and unwilling to meet outsiders.

No one thought that this shy little cat turned out to be a greedy cat, full of energy because he was tempted by delicious food.

She never communicates with people, and always practices quietly as a cat, but her progress is really unexpected.

What is unexpected is that she did not encounter the so-called foundation-building checkpoint, and just like Miwa Masayo, she walked through it without any hindrance.

But what is even more astonishing is that when the Gutian Cat successfully built its foundation, a second tail also grew from the root of its tail. The new tail condensed the natural energy of the wind spirit.

The originally ordinary tail of the Grain Cat has also undergone changes, condensing the natural energy of the fire spirit at the same time.

When the two tails swayed, the wind spirit and the fire spirit were naturally stimulated. The wind assisted the fire, and the fire took advantage of the wind. The two forces complemented each other, increasing half of the power out of thin air.

Gutian Cat's amazing achievements made Granny Cat and Cat You happy.

Miwa Masato personally went out to take her sister to Huaguo Mountain.

In the name of Tanita Cat, she also selected Ligong Mountain for the Cat Castle in the Flower and Fruit Mountain as the residence of the Ninja Cat Clan.

Gutian Cat is a kitten who likes Huaguo Mountain very much, but she likes Grandma Cat even more.

So she did not choose to settle in Huaguo Mountain. She still stayed at Cat Castle, sitting on Grandma Cat's knees, helping her to settle accounts and organize her books.

The third Neko Sennin appeared in the Cat Castle, which not only represented the arrival of the Cat Castle, but also the third two-tailed cat in the ninja world after the two-tailed Mata Brigade and the Ninja Cat Clan leader Neko Yu.

Miwa Masayo is not a two-tailed cat. When she started to grow a second tail from the foundation building, she showed the qualifications of the nine-tailed cat. This is the biggest difference between her nine-life cat fairy and other two-tailed cats.

With the successful foundation building of Gutian Cat, the momentum of Cat Castle has greatly increased, and its leadership position in the Warm-Blooded Immortal Alliance has become more stable.

And Huaguo Mountain, which accepted the Uchiha Sage, Snow Village Sage and Cat Castle Sage, has a power comparable to Miaomu Mountain and Shigu Forest.

Perhaps soon, Huaguo Mountain will be officially recognized as one of the three holy places, and it will be a multi-ethnic mixed holy place.

After two years, ninjas and ninja beast families from all over the world knew that Ryūchi Cave had been breached and occupied by the Leaf Village.

Although all the Snake Immortals of the Longdi Cave lineage have not been wiped out and they are currently hiding out and lingering, there is no doubt that Longdi Cave is no longer among the holy places.

The situation in the ninja world in Konoha 51 is relatively stable, but this is only the feeling of the ninjas in Konoha Village.

From the perspective of the ninjas in Cloud Hidden Village, Kirigakure Village and Sand Hidden Village, the situation in the ninja world is becoming more and more dangerous, and an earth-shaking war will break out at any time, completely destroying the ninja village they have inherited for 50 years.

Although Iwagakure Village is still there, and there are even more than a dozen different Iwagakure Villages, in the eyes of the ninjas from the three major ninja villages, the one who participated in the three great ninja wars is the same as Konoha Village, Kumogakure Village, and Sunagakure Village. The village of Iwagakure, where the village fight was extremely fierce, no longer exists.

In the largest Iwagakure village, even the Iwagakure ninjas believed that they and the Iwagakure ninjas led by successive Tsuchikages were no longer a family.

Although more than a dozen underground Iwagakure villages claim to be orthodox, and the fourth, fifth and even sixth Tsuchikage in the village are the direct heirs of the third Tsuchikage, everyone knows what they are about.

These Iwagakure ninjas of the old era have no hope. They just rely on their familiarity with the complex terrain of the Land of Earth to survive in the hundreds of thousands of mountains.

They don't even have the ability to supplement the new generation of ninjas. They will decline in a few years. Iwagakure Village, which is supported by Konoha Village, will be wiped out. There is no need for Konoha ninjas to take action.

Although the ninjas of the three major ninja villages were deeply desperate, they still had the energy to resist and persevere.

However, in small and medium-sized ninja villages such as Taki Ninja Village in Taki Country, Tanin Ninja Village in Kawa Country, Grass Ninja Village in Grass Country, and Star Ninja Village in Bear Country, from the leaders to the lower level ninjas, they have given up resistance.

These ninjas in the Ninja Village followed the trend, kicked away their own nobles, directly took control of the country's political power, and enjoyed the rich resources.

They have already thought about it. When Konoha Village is ready and reaches out to them, they will not hesitate to step down and directly choose to join.

Being able to form an existence like Iwagakure Village is also a very good result.

Among the large number of small and medium-sized ninja villages, the Rain Ninja Village in the Land of Rain is the most special. The Rain Hidden Ninjas did not feel despair, nor did they feel any crisis coming.

Their leader, Nagato-sama, once wiped out tens of thousands of ninja coalition forces in one blow.

The Amegakure ninjas have never been bullied by Uchiha Yu, and they cannot understand what true strength is, so in their hearts their leader is the strongest ninja.

With the protection of the strongest ninja in the ninja world, how could there be a crisis in Amegakure Village?

Nagato and Konan are even more confident than the Amegakure ninjas, because the Akatsuki organization is growing rapidly and has absorbed several more Kage-level ninjas.

These Kage-level ninjas include the Five-Tailed Jinchūriki of Iwagakure Village, the Seven New Generation Ninja Swordsmen of Kirigakure Village, Kisame Kisaki who wields the Great Sword Samegu, and the classmates of the Fourth Hokage of Konoha Village, who possess four kinds of blood. Following the boundary of Bei Liuhu.

In addition, Kakuzu, who was born in Taki Ninja Village, and Akasaka Scorpion, who was born in Sunagakure Village, all the core members of the Akatsuki organization are rebellious ninjas from various ninja villages.

Even the Jonin below the Kage-level ninjas are mostly rebellious ninjas from Iwagakure and Kirigakure villages.

Although these ninjas are all rebellious ninjas, Nagato, the leader of the Akatsuki organization, is so powerful that he can suppress these rebellious thorn-headed ninjas.

The environment in which the rebels relied on for survival has also undergone drastic changes.

Due to the strong rise of Konoha Village, the power of ninjas to directly control the country's power is so powerful that Konoha ninjas even drove the all-powerful gold exchange out of the Country of Fire.

Even in the countries surrounding the Country of Fire, the existence of money exchanges is shaky, and capital operations and task issuance have suffered serious losses.

With the decline of the money exchange, the foundation for the survival of Lang Ninja and Rebel Ninja collapsed. With nowhere to go, the core members of the Akatsuki organization showed strong loyalty.

This made the Akatsuki organization grow rapidly, and Nagato became more and more confident in completing his plan for peace in the ninja world.

No matter what the Akatsuki organization thinks, as the Leaf Village becomes stronger and stronger, the situation in the ninja world is actually completely controlled by the Hokage.

Whether the ninja world is in chaos or not, the fourth Hokage, Orochimaru, and the ninja, Uchiha Yu, have the final say.

Therefore, when Orochimaru was addicted to various experiments, Uchiha Yuu did not appear for many years, and the Hokage's agent Namikaze Minato lacked authority, Konohagakure showed an unintentional expansion, and the ninja world was naturally a peaceful scene.

With Konoha Village prospering and other ninja villages either walking on thin ice or lying in wait for death, the ninja world has entered a period of relatively stable peace.

Uchiha Yu took the opportunity to launch a new round of time travel experiments and sent several Uchiha clan members to the past.

The arrival time of the Uchihas is getting longer and longer, and when they return, the [System] they carry with them records precious data.

Thanks to the efforts of these brave experimenters, Yu Uchiha has made great progress in time travel.

But the traveler he was looking forward to never came back. After Senju Hashirama opened a new parallel time and space in Konoha 10, he was able to last for a year without being pulled back by the power of time.

This is the most important discovery.

In the past, whether it was Naruto Uzumaki's passive time travel or Uchiha Yu's active body time travel and soul time travel, they all relied on the power of time of the dragon vein to achieve it.

Although the power of time of the dragon vein is huge, the amount that can be carried through time is very limited.

Most of it will be consumed when traveling through the long river of time, and it will be exhausted after a short time in parallel time and space or other time points.

Without the protection of the power of time of the dragon vein, the existence of the time traveler will be corrected by the long river of time and pushed back to the original point in time.

Uzumaki Naruto's unexplained passive time travel, he couldn't even keep his own memory.

After research, Uchiha Yuu mastered some of the characteristics of dragon veins, gained a clearer understanding of the laws of time, and developed the time seal.

With the time sealing technique, the time traveler's consumption in the river of time is reduced by 99%, and the loss in parallel time and space is also reduced by most.

Therefore, the time that travelers can stay has been greatly increased, from days to years.

But according to the rules of the long river of time, the time in parallel time and space will show mutual expansion effects. Even a few years will only be a few days from the perspective of the world gate.

In addition to the consumption of returning through the long river of time, even if it is the most time-consuming return trip in the future, the longest record is only four months of Zabuza Momochi.

Senju Hashirama has been away like this for more than a year. Under the effect of time dilation, he has stayed in parallel time and space for at least twenty years.

He must have done something special since he has not been ostracized for such a long time and has not even shown signs of returning.

The power of the dragon vein in his body was preserved for a long time, or the power of the dragon vein was supplemented in some way. Only then, after the new time and space were torn apart, could he withstand the correction of the long river of time year after year.

This is the knowledge Uchiha Yu needs most, and it is also the last problem he needs to solve.

He has now mastered the technology of thousands of years of time travel, and has gone through animal experiments and human experiments to ensure the safety of two people traveling through time.

The only thing he couldn't do was to allow the time traveler to stay in the past for a thousand years without being repulsed by the long river of time in advance.

Now let’s look at Senju Hashirama.

Uchiha Yu is now like a watchtower. He spends most of his time every day, staying outside the gate of the world, transforming into a time and space barrier, and observing the parallel time and space torn out by Senju Hashirama.

His heart was full of contradictions.

He hopes that the First Hokage can return soon so that he can obtain information as soon as possible and start research on the last difficult problem of time travel.

He also hopes that Senju Hashirama can come back later, so that he can obtain more reliable time and space residence technology, allowing him to stay for a long time after traveling through time.

The time traveler Hashirama is very nervous, and he has long forgotten about his time travel.

In the 10th year of Konoha, he joined hands with Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara to launch a war aimed at unifying the ninja world, once again causing huge waves in the ninja world.

Sunagakure Village, which had not yet consolidated and stabilized, suffered first.

Forced by the overwhelming virgin forest that spread from the Land of Fire, the Sunagakure ninjas who had not yet developed the puppet technique were weak and unable to fight against the Konoha ninjas.

In helpless despair, the Sunagakure ninjas dispersed in one fell swoop and dispersed as family units.

Most of the Sunagakure ninjas chose to surrender, put on Konoha Village's forehead protectors, and transformed into Konoha ninjas.

A few Sunagakure ninjas chose to escape. They were all large-scale ninja clans. They dragged their families and their families across the desert, crossed the Bear Country and the Bird Country in the north, and entered the Earth Country.

In the end, they all joined Iwagakure Village and became Iwagakure ninjas, strengthening the power of the Earth Kingdom.

Not only did Konoha Village have the first Hokage Senju Hashirama, they also recovered Uchiha Madara, and even obtained the time traveler Hashirama out of thin air. The power of these three people together increased by more than three times, it was thirty Times!

Sunagakure Village suffered first, but Kumogakure Village and Iwagakure Village also suffered.

There were less than 20,000 ninjas in Konoha Village at this time. It was impossible to launch an army of ninjas to attack two big countries at the same time, but they dispatched two of the strongest ninjas.

Madara Uchiha went to the Land of Thunder. His Susanoo was so powerful that he danced the battlefield dance in Kumogakure Village for four hours. After enjoying himself, he left in style.

The Battlefield Dance King was ruthless in his methods and never scrupled to kill people. He beat the Kumogakure Village with corpses everywhere, and the once powerful Ninja Village completely turned into ruins.

The first Raikage Ai, sent.

The time traveler Hashirama went to the Land of Earth and planted large trees for this barren country.

Especially around Iwagakure Village, densely packed trees grew up overnight. These trees stood side by side and completely blocked hundreds of kilometers of roads.

Naturally, the Iwagakure ninjas couldn't tolerate it. They couldn't find the traveler Hashirama, so they desperately attacked the big tree created by Mudun, trying to destroy the forest.

The attacks of the Iwagakure ninja are mainly earth escape, and neither rocks nor rock bombs are enough to destroy the wood escape.

No matter how many rocks are uplifted or how many rock bombs are piled up, it will cause painless damage to the forest covering hundreds of kilometers.

On the contrary, the attack of the Iwagakure ninja triggered an automatic counterattack by the forest. It is unknown how many Iwagakure ninjas were pierced by activated branches and bled to death when they entered the forest and tried to set fire, or they were entangled in the roots and strangled.

The first generation Tsuchikage Ishikawa led the team into the forest and almost got trapped in the forest. He used the super light rock technique to fly high and escaped with his life.

This battle broke the spirit of the smoking-addicted ninjas. They were severely beaten by Madara Uchiha seven or eight years ago. Thousands of ninjas were blocked by one person at the gate of the village.

The first Tsuchikage could only be forced to accept the request to attend the Five Kage meeting in person before Uchiha Madara left with satisfaction.

After so many years, they don't know how many methods they have studied, trying to improve the power of Earth Release Ninjutsu, and trying to destroy Susanoo.

At present, two methods stand out, one is blood-stained limited explosion escape, and the other is blood-stained elimination dust escape, but they have not been successfully developed yet.

But what makes the Iwagakure ninja despair is, what if the development is successful?

This time the attacker from the Leaf Village was replaced by the First Hokage Senju Hashirama. The vigorously growing Wooden Forest was like a sponge, easily absorbing the attack of the Iwagakure ninja.

To put it bluntly, the scale of Wood Release Ninjutsu is too great. The damage caused by the Earth Release Ninjas with all their strength is not even as fast as the forest can recover automatically.

What a fart!

Even if Explosive Escape and Dust Escape are successfully developed and are hundreds of times more powerful than Earth Escape, the scale cannot be increased hundreds or thousands of times.

In theory, the most suitable person to attack wood escape is fire escape, but the strongest fire escape is the Konoha ninja.

After personal experience, the Iwagakure ninjas finally understood why the first Hokage was called Senju Hashirama and not Uchiha Madara, who was proficient in fire escape.

Without him, strength determines it.

The ninja world in Konoha in the past 10 years was not as good as it was later. The four major ninja villages were still immature, the underground forces had not yet formed, the gold exchange station had not been established, and the spread of news in the ninja world was very slow.

When Sunagakure Village was wiped out and the Kingdom of Wind fell into the hands of Konoha Village, and a few months after they re-selected Sunagakure Village again, Kirigakure Village, Kumogakure Village, and Iwagakure Village learned of such important information.

It's too late.

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