I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 385 The competition for ownership of Huaguo Mountain is fierce

"Huh? Wait?"

Uchiha Fugaku wanted to say something else, but Uchiha Yuu had already taken a step and disappeared in front of him.

Fugaku suddenly became furious: "How could this be possible? Why did the patriarch run away again?"

When Uchiha Shisui saw Uchiha Shisui being taken away, he was completely relieved and said with a cheerful smile: "Fugaku boy, why do you ask the clan leader? He doesn't care about anything."

Uchiha Fugaku said angrily: "No matter how I say the patriarch, I can't be so casual. I have piled up a lot of work that requires the patriarch to be responsible for, but he hasn't shown up for almost six months!"

Old man Xinyin waved his hand: "Okay, I know that the tasks you mentioned are all things that cannot be brought to the table. You can just handle it yourself. Why bother the patriarch."

Fugue frowned and complained: "Senior Xinyin, how can you say that? Those are matters that require the patriarch to be responsible for. The patriarch cannot be so irresponsible..."

Old man Xinyin interrupted Fugaku's complaint and sighed: "Oh, Fugaku, why don't you understand?"

"It's not that the clan leader is irresponsible, it's just that you don't understand the priorities."

"The clan leader's job you mentioned is just meeting other clan leaders and meeting the Hokage. When did the clan leader need to be responsible for such trivial matters?"

Uchiha Fugaku was stunned: "Is this a trivial matter?"

Old man Xinyin said disdainfully: "Of course it's a small matter, it's all insignificant!"

"When you were the clan leader, you did very well in these things, but are they useful? Isn't the Uchiha clan declining day by day? Is the situation in the village getting worse day by day? Is the atmosphere within the clan getting worse day by day? Anxious?"

Uchiha Fugaku lowered his head and admitted honestly: "Yes, I am a failed clan leader."

Old man Xinyin snorted: "You already know that you have failed. Why can you be so confident in arranging work for the new patriarch?"

"After Uchiha Yuu kicked you, he was indeed very lazy and basically didn't care about anything. But has the situation of the Uchiha clan not improved? Has the relationship with the village eased? Are the children in the clan working harder and more lively? Already?"

Uchiha Fugaku immediately replied: "Yes, the Uchiha clan has been revived."

All the goals he had hoped for were achieved, and even goals he had never imagined were achieved.

In just the past few years, the wealth and power of the Uchiha clan had doubled, and it had long exceeded the limits that he could have imagined.

But such a powerful Uchiha clan did not arouse the hostility of the Fourth Hokage Orochimaru, nor did it break out into conflicts with other ninja clans in the village.

On the contrary, today's Uchiha has a harmonious relationship with other ninjas, without any sharp conflicts between them. Especially the younger generation, they have developed deep team feelings in the fierce competition.

These children are no longer united as a family unit, and in fact make Konoha Village truly integrated.

And all of this is the joint effort of the clan leader, Uchiha Yu, and the fourth generation Hokage, Orochimaru.

Although Uchiha Yu showed up less and less, leaving all family affairs to the elders, and gradually concentrated them in the hands of the former clan leader Uchiha Fugaku.

Although the Fourth Hokage spent more time in the laboratory every month than last month, more and more of the Hokage's work was taken over by Namikaze Minato.

But no Uchiha covets the power of the clan leader, and no Konoha ninja questions the greatness and authority of the Fourth Hokage.

Uchiha Fugaku murmured: "So, it's my fault?"

Uchiha Nobuyin responded unceremoniously: "It's just that you are wrong. It's just that you take care of too many things. You think you have the power. Fugaku, you are too far away!"

"If you don't wake up in time, we old men and those kids will have to teach you another lesson."

"Don't think you're the only one with the Mangekyo Sharingan!"

Uchiha Fugaku was dumbfounded: "Huh?"

Uchiha Shinyin sneered: "Look, this is the result of being blinded by power. You don't even know that a new Mangekyō Sharingan ninja has appeared in the family."

"What the hell are you busy with?"

After Uchiha Fugaku digested the information, he asked in surprise: "Who awakened the Mangekyo Sharingan?"

"Is it Uchiha Shigenobu? Uchiha Kazuji, or Uchiha Tadamichi?"

Old man Xinyin shook his head speechlessly: "What do you want me to say about you? How did you guess, how could you perfectly avoid the correct answer?"

"It's Uchiha Kazuki and Uchiha Hiroto."

"Two?" Uchiha Fugaku was extremely surprised: "The Uchiha clan actually has four pairs of Mangekyō Sharingan. It's great, great!"

"The Uchiha clan has really resurrected, surpassing the most powerful era in history."

Old man Xinyin snorted coldly: "It's not your fault, why are you happy?"

The old man's words were strong, but his tone also revealed pride and pride.

The Uchiha family alone has four Kage-level ninjas. The patriarch is still the strongest in the ninja world. As the eldest member of the family, he is of course very proud and proud.

After being happy, Uchiha Fugaku couldn't help but question: "Strange, I remember that there have been no missions with heavy casualties recently. How could they wake up?"

Uchiha Nobuyin shook his head: "Fugaku, you really need to update the outdated information, and the Uchiha Stone Tablet is not trustworthy."

"They practiced according to the three basic methods of the clan leader, steadily improved their physical fitness and mental strength, and awakened the Mangekyou Sharingan naturally."

"We Uchiha no longer need to go through tragedy to awaken the Sharingan."

Uchiha Fugaku took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled: "This is really great."

"Long live the Patriarch...!"

"Hmph, long live the patriarch."

As we all know, the natural energy concentration in the ninja world is very low, so it is difficult to absorb natural energy and become a sage.

This is because ninjas have poor abilities to perceive and absorb natural energy. Even those who have become sages, such as Jiraiya, cannot enter sage mode alone in the ninja world.

This is the reason why Uchiha Yu's immortal way must first practice the three basic methods.

After basic training, a ninja's perception and absorption of natural energy can reach the lowest limit, and he can smoothly introduce energy into his body.

But before reaching the foundation building level, higher requirements are placed on the speed of absorption.

After subduing the heart monkey, Uchiha Shisui began to absorb the natural energy of the earth spirit, but the speed of absorption could not balance with the fire spirit accumulated for two years.

Without the balance of the earth spirit, the fire spirit was too strong. Therefore, Shisui could not control the natural energy of the fire spirit at all, and naturally he was unable to complete the breakthrough.

If left alone, it would take several days for Shisui to establish a balance between the two natural energies and complete the foundation.

After explaining to the old man Xinyin and Uchiha Fugaku, Uchiha Yu took Shisui to Aumi's home, and took his two younger brothers to Huaguo Mountain with him.

Uchiha Ayumi was in much bigger trouble than Shisui.

Unlike Shisui, Bu Shi draws Qi into his body and absorbs the thunder spirit. This is determined by his own talent.

Because he had absorbed the Thunder Spirit, which was more dangerous than the Fire Spirit at the beginning, the heart shape Ayumi first faced was the Ganpeng, which was more than a hundred times more dangerous than the Heart Monkey, and even ten times more dangerous than Uchiha Yuu's Ganpeng.

Uchiha Ayumi exhausted all his energy to barely suppress the heart shape, so that he had no energy left to absorb the natural energy of the fire spirit. Without the help of Uchiha Yuu, his breakthrough would inevitably fail.

Fortunately, they arrived at Huaguo Mountain.

The dense natural energy was poured directly into their dry meridians without deliberately absorbing it, quickly consolidating the results of foundation building.

Uchiha Shisui completed the foundation building process by himself, while Uchiha Ayumi completed it under the guidance of Uchiha Yu.

This also depleted the huge potential he had accumulated in the past. He was unable to take a step forward during the foundation building period and complete the first breakthrough in the foundation building period.

Uchiha Yu regretfully concluded: "It is right to lay a solid foundation, but excessive repetition is not advisable."

"Bu Shi, the natural energy of the thunder spirit you accumulated is so powerful that the first heart-shaped Ganpeng was too powerful and created an unbearable burden during the breakthrough."

"If the accumulation before foundation building can be reduced by half, you can complete the foundation building by yourself, thus surpassing Shisui today and entering the second stage of the foundation building period ahead of schedule."

Uchiha Ayumi sighed regretfully: "I understand, Brother Yu."

Uchiha Shisui said with emotion: "This is what Brother Yu said in the past, and it is really wise."

Uchiha Yu nodded and said to Ayumi: "In any case, you have successfully established the foundation and are on the same starting line as Shisui."

"You two are the strongest immortals under Miwa Masayo and I. You must continue to work hard in the future."

Shisui and Ayumi responded loudly: "Yes! Brother Yu!"

Uchiha Yuu waved his hand: "Let's go, Miwa Masashi has prepared delicious food and wine. We want to celebrate well."

On the beautiful mountain top, they tasted the aromatic wine, feasted on the fragrant barbecue, and the sweet, crisp and juicy fruits. The four of them talked about the topic of immortal cultivation and spent a happy afternoon. .

At night, Uchiha Yu casually built a cloister-style wooden pavilion, where he and his two younger brothers sat making tea and talking.

They talked about many things, but unlike at the afternoon banquet, the topic focused on the Flower and Fruit Mountain.

Under the transformation of Uchiha Yu, today's Huaguo Mountain is covered by large areas of dense forest, and nine real mountains have risen at the same time.

Uchiha Yuu raised the nine mountains in Huaguo Mountain, not to respond to the name Huaguo Mountain, but to strengthen the time-displacement barrier, and specially raised the pillars.

These mountains are distributed in a nine-square grid, just like the internal support frame of the spherical barrier, which can support pressure when encountering space-time oscillations.

No matter whether it is the waves of time and space from the outside or the shock wave erupting through the world gate, it will never destroy the time dislocation barrier again.

But since nine mountains have been raised, we can't just leave it alone.

Uchiha Yu and Miwa Masashi planned different uses for the nine mountains.

Zhonggong Mountain in the center is the highest mountain. The entire mountain seems to rise vertically from east to west, but the top is extremely flat.

The special shape of Zhonggong Mountain is because it is a huge tree stump with a diameter of 19 kilometers at the bottom and 17 kilometers at the top.

Nakamiya Mountain is regarded as their residence by Uchiha Yu and Miwa Masato, and it is also where the core function of Huaguo Mountain is the Space-Time Hall.

Kangong Mountain in the south is the shortest of the nine mountains, with the gentlest slopes, lush vegetation, and a sea of ​​grassland and flowers. It is regarded by the two as a place to welcome newcomers.

The remaining seven peaks also have their own characteristics, and Uchiha Yu plans to use them as the residence of the immortals in the future.

Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Ayumi asked excitedly: "Brother Yu, can we, the Uchiha clan, choose a mountain to live in?"

Uchiha Yu replied matter-of-factly: "Of course, you are the first batch of immortals to build the foundation. Of course you can pick any mountain."

The two brothers discussed for a while, then asked Uchiha Yuu for his opinion, and finally chose Mount Zhengong in the west because this mountain covers the largest area and can accommodate the largest number of people in the future.

Uchiha Yu agreed with their choice and took his two younger brothers to Mount Zhengong and built their own houses for the two of them.

He also built a courtyard for himself as his residence in the gathering place of Uchiha Sage.

When the three Uchiha sages distributed the mountains and built their own houses, Miwa Masayo, the kitten, returned to the cat castle.

Two new immortals appeared in the Uchiha clan, which made her deeply anxious. She decided to go back and urge her sisters and brothers to speed up their cultivation.

At least before she accompanied Uchiha Yuu there, a few immortals must appear, otherwise wouldn't this great flower and fruit mountain become the possession of the Uchiha clan?

She, Miwa Masashi, is the original shareholder of Huaguoshan, so Cat Castle should have the right to live in Huaguoshan!

"Meow! Miwa Masashi Sennin is right, meow!"

The master of the cat castle and the leader of the ninja cat clan, the two-tailed cat Nekoyu, sighed.

Hearing Masayo Miwa say that a new immortal has appeared in the Uchiha clan, its heart is filled with a sense of crisis. The Uchiha clan must not be allowed to monopolize the Holy Land of Flower and Fruit Mountain. There must be a place for the Ninja Cat clan there.

"Young ones! You can't slack off anymore, nya!"

"From today on, I will personally train you until a cat becomes a new immortal, meow!"

Hundreds of ninja cats that successfully absorbed natural energy trembled under the pressure of the clan leader and began their miserable training life in tears.

"As long as you can't practice to death, practice to death!"

“Only by enduring hardship can you become an immortal, meow!”

"If you dare to be lazy today, you will be whipped tonight!"

Cat Castle started a vigorous cultivation movement. At the same time, Mao You became furious and decided that he could not survive.

Dried fish, octopus legs, and colorful squid began to be supplied in unlimited quantities. The cats endured the painful training but could happily enjoy the food.

It's going crazy.

The big changes in Cat Castle were quickly discovered by Chengfeng Cliff and King Kong Mountain. There was no way to keep the big event involving hundreds of ninja cats secret.

The two ninja beast families soon learned the cause and effect, and started a crazy competition mode. They must have their own piece of land in the Holy Land of Huaguo Mountain.

Otherwise, you will miss the only opportunity in thousands of years.

The next time there is a vacancy in the Holy Land, these races will probably not exist anymore, so they have no choice but to work hard.

Suddenly, a strange phenomenon occurred in the ninja beast circle in the ninja world that was not in line with the lazy nature of the ninja beasts.

It was a scene of vitality and all things competing.

But no one thought that the second wave of immortals who entered the Holy Land of Huaguo Mountain would actually come from the Snow Clan.

After the two immortals of the Uchiha family selected the mountain peak, only half a month later, the two from Xuexiang completed the foundation building and entered Uchiha Yuu's sight through the line of cause and effect.

Uchiha Yu was quite shocked.

Because the causal weight is very different from that of the Snow Clan, it was not until Hao and Ye Cang completed the foundation building on their own that their names were noticed by Uchiha Yu.

With a surprised attitude, he went to Xuexiang to check the specific situation.

When he arrived in Xuexiang, he discovered that because Xuexiang was very close to Loulan Kingdom, the barrier covering Xuexiang and the Loulan Kingdom had unknowingly merged into one.

Therefore, part of the natural energy of the dragon veins was transmitted to Xuexiang, creating a relatively strong natural energy environment.

Thanks to the excellent environment, Ye Cang and Hao were able to quickly complete the foundation building, and at the same time passed the foundation building level and became the second batch of immortals.

However, the fact that the two of them were able to catch up from behind had a lot to do with their peaceful mentality.

Ye Cang experienced war, fighting and betrayal, and after struggling from death, he had a profound enlightenment. His view of life is plain and natural.

Hao is the new generation leader of the Snow Clan. When Ying, the former leader of the clan, led them to escape from Wuyin Village, they traveled thousands of kilometers.

Under the pursuit of the Kirigakure ANBU and the Fourth Mizukage Goju Yagura, the Snow Clan suffered heavy losses.

In order to protect the young tribesmen, the adults of the Snow tribe bravely stood up. They either fought to the death or served as bait to be killed.

When Uchiha Yu put on Zhu Rong's vest to rescue, all the adults of the Snow Clan had died, leaving only the patriarch Ying, who had been reincarnated in the dirt, and hundreds of children.

As a dead person, Ying could only protect these children to reach the hermitage. With the help of Uchiha Yuu, she established a barrier and an oasis, and then had to return to the Hall of Valor.

In order to protect the children, Ying asked Uchiha Yu to repeatedly use the art of reincarnation on him, which seriously consumed his soul, so much so that he still sleeps in the Hall of Valor.

Therefore, the children of the Snow Clan can only rely on themselves, using their young hands to cultivate land, plant food, fruits and vegetables, and build their homes bit by bit.

As the king of children, Hao shouldered the heavy responsibility of taking the lead, and under the pressure that even adults could not bear, he honed his amazing will and strength.

These two people have extremely tough hearts, calm and calm personalities, but can make firm decisions at critical moments. They are the most suitable Taoist types for cultivating immortals.

The most suitable temperament, outstanding qualifications, proven skills, and the best environment created the two immortals who came first.

Uchiha Yu even believes that in the future, the Snow Clan in Snow Country will surely give birth to more immortals and become a force that cannot be ignored in the Flower and Fruit Mountain.

After asking Hao and Ye Cang about their wishes, the two immortals happily joined the Holy Land of Huaguo Mountain after confirming that they could freely enter and exit Huaguo Mountain.

Following the precedent of Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Ayumi, Uchiha Yu entertained them at Mount Kannomiya and treated them to delicious food and wine.

Then the two of them chose Duigong Mountain on the east side as their residence.

Uchiha Yuu appreciated their choice very much, because Mount Duimiya is both a snow mountain and an active volcano, which is very suitable for the Snow Clan and Ye Cang to live together.

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